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Everything posted by Sherdil

  1. No hard feelings either, I just get tired of people blaming America for everything. People in the Middle-East are rioting like that Innocence of Muslims film is the most popular movie in America, when the truth is that only about 10 people saw it before it was pulled. People need to stop painting Americans with one giant paintbrush. It would be like calling all Europeans fiscally irresponsible, just cuz Greece is chronically bankrupt. We don't all think alike, and we aren't all blind nationalists. People have such a warped view of Americans. I really don't care if some white supremacists don't accept me. I'm an American, and I'm not going anywhere. They can go back to their trailer-parks and beat their inbred children for all I care. I used the U.K. as an example, to show how the U.S. gets unfairly blamed for everything, even when other nations are just as much at fault. So yes, the U.S. isn't without fault, but let's not get carried away. Haha, so yeah...what were we talking about again? Oh right...insulting our Guru Sahiban....(gingerly steps aside).
  2. Yikes! Small Pox blankets?? If anybody gave the Natives small-pox it was European colonizers. Not Americans. It started with Columbus, who was an Italian working for Spain. If you don't to listen to me, then here you go: http://www.nativeweb.org/pages/legal/amherst/lord_jeff.html 100,000,000 Natives killed over how many hundreds of years ago? By the way I'm quoting your figure. You want people living today to answer for what people did over 500 years ago? Then the Brits have a lot of apologizing to do, seeing how they got filthy rich off of the exploitation of people around the world. We are still trying to clean up the mess they left behind. Sheesh, assume too much don't you? In schools, we were taught that manifest destiny was a bad thing. Just like how the Europeans used the excuse of the White Man's Burden to civilize the "savages" of the world. I'm not trying to be a gorah, but atleast I can see a foot in front of my nose. You sound like kaaleh who criticize their own for getting an education and acting proper, saying that the white-man will never accept them. Get real. I didn't watch the movie cuz I don't have an hour to waste. Just writing out this reply is taking valuable time out of my day. I have things to do. I don't watch cartoons on Sunday morning. War is hell. This isn't colonial times, where the armies line up across from each other and take turns reloading and firing. Today's enemies dress like civilians, and hide amongst them. You don't know who is an enemy and who isn't. It messes up your head. You stop acting nice and start shooting at the first sign that something may be wrong. Better be safe than sorry, cuz you are in survival mode. You feel like everyone who is not in a US uniform hates you and is trying to get you, so you develop a mentality like screw them all. You haven't been in war either so stop quoting some guy you know and acting like you're an expert. Your last bit is confusing as hell. I didn't attack anyone. Calm down.
  3. Ain't no blind loyalty buddy. We know our country isn't perfect, but neither is yours. Bush and his boys lied to us about Iraq. We know that now, and that is why Bush will go down as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history. If we intervene in the world, then people call us meddlers. If we sit back, then people say we don't care. We lose either way. It ain't wrong to protect our self-interests. Every other country does the same thing. America is still the strongest country in the world. I'm not boasting, but it's the truth. As top dog, we have to play a leadership role. Before us, it was the British, then before them was the Romans. All equally hated by less fortunate peoples I'm sure. @Singh559: How is the U.S. military racist? Cuz they nicknamed the operation Geronimo? It's just cuz they thought the name sounded cool. Lol. That doesn't mean they hate Native Americans man. Yeah, fighting terrorism since 1492. America wasn't a country till the late 1700's. So the natives were fighting Brits, Spanish, and French. I didn't watch the whole clip. It's an hour long. I watched the rules of engagement part. Innocent people get killed in war. I not being insensitive, but that's the fact. Especially now, when the insurgents are using women and children as suicide bombers. They dress up like civilians and hide behind them, cuz they know we will be less hesitant about firing back if innocents are around. That's why it's so hard to tell civilian from militant. The same thing happened in Vietnam. If you guys think Americans are just trigger-happy rednecks that enjoy shooting people, then you guys are the ones that are brainwashed. Most soldiers enlist to pay-off student loans, or receive training for future civilian careers. You guys are watching too many movies.
  4. Why do people think that America is an evil empire bent on world domination? The only resource America goes to war over is oil. That's in it's best interest. Why should we let some dictator drive up the oil prices and cripple our economy? You can't solely blame the U.S. for the death of innocents. You are forgetting what these insurgents and dictators do to their own people. Who will argue that people were better-off when Gadafi, Sadam, and Mubarak were in charge? Speaking of Mubarak, and the other dictators dispelled in the Arab spring, didn't the US support the people in their movements? Even though, we knew they would end up electing Islamic fundamentalists. We sang koombayah with them, and now they are attacking our embassies and killing our ambassador. We tried isolationism. When Hitler was devouring Europe, we sat on the sidelines because we didn't want any part of any other country's mess. Isolationism doesn't work. The problem quickly grew out of hand, and we were forced to act against a monster we had allowed to get too big. It's better to nip problems in the bud. Who saved the world from communism? Who is the first, sometimes the only country, to lend aide when there is a natural disaster? Yet people still hate us? Haters just gonna hate.
  5. Western countries have the mafia. In Punjab, we have baabeh. Politicians suck up to them because Baabeh can guarantee them votes. If Ram Rahim tells his sheep that Badal is the best candidate, then all the sheep will say "Baaaaahhhh".
  6. It's kinda like when you annoy someone to get a reaction out of them. If the person doesn't react, then you get bored and leave them alone. So when Muslims go crazy and say "Don't insult our prophet, or else you will die!", what do you think people are gonna do? They're gonna go ahead and insult their prophet, just to rub it in their faces. So, if someone were to insult our Guru Sahiban like this, we should object PEACEFULLY. Attacking embassies and killing a man who had nothing to do with the production of the film, does nothing to bolster your "Religion of Peace" assertion.
  7. There's no doubt we are martial Mehtab Singh ji. The majority of South Asians who fought and died against British imperialism were Sikhs. The Sikh contingent is one of the most highly decorated contingents in the Indian army. We are over-represented in the Indian military. Not bad for a community that only makes up 2 percent of India's population.
  8. Auzer bro, you're in denial man. Pak lost all the wars against India. End of story. You just sound like a sore loser.
  9. Nah bro, most Pakistanis are mixed. You very rarely find a pure Jatt, Rajput, Gujjar, or anything like that. Rajputs gave their daughters to Mughals, and Mughals kept a lot of Hindu girls in their harems. Not to mention, Mughals, Persians and Afghans raped a bunch of Hindus as they invaded Punjab. You guys are their offspring. No offense, but this is the truth. For example, the name Khan isn't indigenous to Punjab. Islam was spread in South Asia by the Mughals. They weren't Sufis and they spread it by forced conversions. Like in the case of the Kashmiri Pandits as I mentioned before.
  10. O yeah, and also you said that Islam was spread in Asia by sufis. Then when you are proven wrong, you backtrack and say that the invaders weren't you guys! You keep dancing around buddy! What kinda learned person are you?
  11. Cuz pakis are the descendants of the Muslim invaders of the subcontinent.
  12. Check out this drama that shows Jews making Matza balls out of Christian childrens' blood. This show was a big hit during Ramadan. Hahahaha!! Brain-washing at it's finest.
  13. She still seems pretty dumb and emotional to me. She's always yelling and fighting with people. Nah bro...hahaha. In the scene she told her husband that she found a match for their child. The Husband said, "Who will marry our child, when their father is a Jatt and their mother is a Sikhni". He called her a Sikhni like its a bad thing, and she reacted like it's an insult. Then she goes on to say that God won't forgive her parents for being Sikhs. Ouch! Stop twisting things around man...you're just sugar-coating this propaganda.
  14. Lol...you don't even know what baby boomers are. They are the children of American soldiers returning from WW2. What does this have to do with what we are discussing? The Pakistanis that told me they have 7 and 12 brothers and sisters were in my class. I didn't say Sufis aren't Muslims, but a lot of Muslims consider Sufis to be a heretic group. Their numbers are dwindling because they are being persecuted. Don't you read the news bro? Restraining means to hold back. I didn't say restraining. I said you guys are straining global resources. Straining means to thin-out, so there is less of it available. You are living in the middle ages if you think population doesn't put a strain on global resouces. Every species has a carrying capicity, which is the max capability of an environment to sustain that species. The earth, as an environment has a finite number of natural resources (like oil, timber, space to grow food), therefore it has a set number of people it can sustain. Money isn't a resource buddy. Do you even know what it takes to industrialize? It takes natural resources. That's more people needing food, water and electricity. There will be less space to grow that food. Also, more pollution and garbage produced by a higher population. What do you mean OUR resources? This is the 21st century. We live in a global economy. If we run out of oil because Ahmed and Shazia used it all up for their 12 kids, then that will affect the entire world. It's not just people in Pakistan. Those guys with 7 and 12 brothers and sisters are living in America. I know it's the same story in Canada and the UK, and every other country with a sizeable Muslim population. It's completely irresponsible and you guys just do it to pad your numbers.
  15. I didn't say Muslims are sex offenders, I said Pakistanis. According to statistics, the majority of sex offenders in the UK are from a Pakistani background. Now your saying Mirpuris are the sex offenders. Before you said you don't know why people hate on Mirpuris. It's sad that your trying to deflect criticism, instead of honing up.
  16. If Sufis are so respected, then why are their mosques bombed in Pakistan? I had a Paki guy tell me that Sufis are mystics and thus not a part of mainstream Islam. You guys have like 7 children! I knew a Paki guy who had 12 brothers and sisters. Do you know that it isn't healthy for a woman to have more than 3 kids? It leads to pelvic floor injuries and urinary incontinence. Not to mention that you guys are putting a major strain on global resources. Having that many kids is just irresponsible. There is no need for it.
  17. Lol man...so she wasn't compromising her self-respect when she ran away from home and abandoned her family? This is such propaganda... The only way you can clear this up is by telling us what happens, because this first episode looks pretty bad.
  18. Auzer ji, Islam was spread by the sword from its very inception. Muhammad led a conquest of Mecca didn't he? When he took it over, he destroyed all of the idols in the Kaaba and turned it into a mosque. This is a repeating theme. Look how many temples, churches and mandirs where destroyed and mosques built upon them. Or atleast converted into mosques. You yourself have stated in a previous post (I hope you don't go back and edit it now) that had it not been for Muslim empires fighting each other, Islam would have taken over Europe. Islam was introduced into Asia by invading Arab armies. Then brought into the subcontinent by Persian, Turkish, and Mughal armies. We Sikhs know the story of how Kashmiri Pundits came to Guru Tegh Bahadur, to ask for his help in saving them from forced mass conversions by the Mughal emperor. What of the jaziya enacted on non-Muslims? Surely, this caused the poorest people to adopt Islam because they couldn't afford to pay the tax. What of the hadiths that instruct how to rape captured non-Muslim women, so that you don't get them pregnant and thus decrease their value in the slave market? What of the offspring of Hindu mothers who were raped by Muslims (I guess they didn't follow the Hadith). These offspring were raised to be Muslim fighters and then sent to the front-lines to die for Islam. There is a lot more twisted stuff bro. You know the mountains in Afghanistan called Hindu Kush right? You know what Hindu Kush means? It means "Kills The Hindu" in Persian.
  19. Auzer ji, I don't think Sikhs have any problem with Pak government. Animosity is there from partition and from Mughal rule. Also, because of how some Pakistanis behave abroad. Also, the Muslim demand for Pakistan ripped apart Punjab and led to the deaths of so many people. In regards to how some Pakistanis behave abroad: Why don't you guys deal with the troublemakers in your community? In the UK, the majority of sex offenders are Pakistanis and the majority of the victims are non-Muslims. I'm not over-generalizing.There are statistics to back this up. Rather than dealing with the problem, I find that Pakistanis get mad when others call them out on it. They fall back on accusations of islamophobia. Your thoughts?
  20. It's obvious that you have respect for Sikhs, and for that I am appreciative. I have some Muslim friends, and I know they are not all as bad as the rest. Brother, do you understand Punjabi? Didn't you catch what this Bilqees Kaur character said at 17:26? "How dare you call me a Sikhni! I have become a Muslim; a much better Muslim than you! I only go to Gurdwara to honor my parent's memory. But in the end, God won't forgive them for being Sikhs." You don't see how that is insulting to Sikhism? There was another scene, where she is talking to her brother in her sweet shop. She brags about how they are now following separate faiths, and how happy she is that her kids are being raised as Muslims. No Pakistanis will care about the religious aspect of it? How is that possible, when this Bilqees Kaur's conversion to Islam is the overlying plot? She never let's us forget it. She just keeps going on and on about how happy she is to be a Muslim. Don't you see how this is doing bezti to Sikhi? It leads one to ask, what's so bad about being a Sikh? You're judging this drama from a Muslim perspective, that's why you think it's fine and dandy. Try looking at it from our perspective. Perspective is important, and frankly I don't see many Muslims bothering about anyone's perspective but their own. I'm not limiting this observation to this Bilqees Kaur drama. There was an issue about the "Ground Zero Mosque" a while back. Muslims were baffled as to why people had a problem with a Mosque being built a short walk from the rubble of the World Trade Center. Out of all the prime real estate in Manhattan, why did Muslims have to pick that spot? Cultural sensitivity works both ways. Maybe a lack of perspective stems from a Muslim upbringing, which teaches that Islam is know-all and end-all. Therefore, it doesn't matter what other religions teach, or what other people think.
  21. Well, I think the greatest offense is the level of disrespect Muslims have for other faiths. This Balqees Kaur character never misses an opportunity to put down Sikhi and praise Islam. You would never see the same in an Indian-Punjabi drama. Sikhs are always respectful towards other faiths. The fact that this drama is so popular among Pakistanis is a bit disturbing. It shows that this mindset is widespread in the community. How would you feel if there was a Punjabi drama that portrayed a Muslim girl who kept going on and on about leaving Islam? What if she kept saying how Islam teaches hate and intolerance, while Sikhi teaches love and respect? Don't tell me you guys wouldn't get worked up. Just look at how you all are reacting towards Citizen Khan. Some of you need to get off your high-horse and quit acting like you are better than others just because you are a Muslim. You're religion isn't even all that. There are more than enough faults in it.
  22. A drama about a Sikh girl who runs away with a Muslim boy. She has a few children and finds herself re-living the troubles of youth, but this time from a mother's perspective. A whole lotta fake beards and turbans along with the overlying plot make it cringe-worthy. Is pakistani media mimicking real-life, or is it condoning a controversial practice? It's sending the message that it is acceptable to get naive non-muslim girls to run away from home and leave their families. Apparently, this makes for a family-friendly drama. 17:26 says it all
  23. Too many shooting in the past couple of months alone. It makes one wonder if it's merely coincidence. It seems the shooter this time is another ex-military man. Worth considering
  24. Alas! What could have been... An example of a good speaker, from 0:42
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