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Everything posted by Singh97

  1. Singh97

    Losing Faith

    You can either let the desire for attention/greed consume you or not. The things they do isn't because they have money, it's because they want attention. There're countless people who are even amrit dhari and are rich (living morally correct lives even according to sikhi). They don't let greed consume them. The choice is clear, either be able to handle it or fall into greed. Someone following a true Sikh lifestyle (staying away from greed in their mind) wouldn't fall into that. Look at Narinder Singh Kapany, the Singh who worked on fiber optics. He's famous, he's rich, but he controls his greed by living the way the Guru's said to.
  2. Singh97

    Losing Faith

    They were rewarded the ability because of past lives but they chose to misuse what they've been gifted. There're countless people (singers, actors) who have the same gifts but do positive things. The media just sheds light on the people who misuse what they have because it helps them gain attention as a media source. Never think just because someone's rich and famous they're bad people. The people who're rich that seek attention are the ones who tend to go bad, for example Miley Cyrus was rich before but she wanted more attention so she started doing idiotic things. On the other hand there're actors like the ones from Harry Potter who have the mind control to not do idiotic things when they have money. I could give you a huge list of people who are rich, live amazing lives and are some of the best morally correct people you'll meet.It all depends on how someone chooses to use the gifts God's given them. Moving on to poor people, you can't guarantee what you said. Media plays a role in this too, they shed the most light on the people who look at God for help and work hard and earn a honest living. That's a story which makes people feel warm at heart and it's something people want to hear. At the same time there're poor people who beg and steal instead of living honestly, just look at what's happening to people on the streets in India; there're thefts, fights etc everyday amongst them.
  3. Singh97

    Losing Faith

    The way you described it, it seems like you're thinking of Waheguru as someone sitting in the clouds who'll come down and slap you with a stick if you commit a crime. It's a lot deeper and complicated than that. Go study and understand the meanings of baani, do simran and ardas daily. As you learn more, all your questions will be answered. WJKK WJKF
  4. You're making a terrible mistake. I'm the same age as you bro, and the amount Sikhi has helped me is unbelievable. The reasons that you're providing are very illogical. Everyone needs a uniform to distinguish who they are. Especially a group like us who needs to be recognizable and ready to help anyone at any time. All the great prophets and spiritual beings who walked this planet all wore long hair/beards with pride and didn't conform to how society ran. Start reading baani, listen to raag kirtan and do simran. You'll see how much value there is. This is the age where you're learning about/facing the world and it's time to start focusing on spirituality. It'll help you a lot. Bhul Chuk Maaf. WJKK WJKF
  5. WJKK WJKF The best thing to do is not think when the alarm goes off. Once you think about getting up your mind will do anything to convince you to go back to sleep. Don't let it control you. Make a habit of standing up right away without thinking anything when you hear it. Go straight to the bathroom and turn the shower on and take a shower/do kes ishnaan etc. When I do that, I personally don't feel tired even when I'm running on very little sleep. I'm only 16 (not amrit dhari yet), so you're obviously much older than me and I don't know if it's easier or harder to wake up early as an adult. But either way, after you finish your path before you sleep, remind yourself that you have to wake up tomorrow and do nitnem to get the raas from reading baani and be ready for the day. It's all about controlling your mind and making it realize you don't need as much sleep as it craves. You can survive off 6 hours (probably even less) without a problem. Take naps when you can and keep doing ardas. Good luck. WJKK WJKF
  6. WJKK WJKF I recently learned that when reading gurbani every letter/symbol must be pronounced exactly the way it's written (no exceptions). But why do people say that the onkar/sihari on the last letter of each word shouldn't be pronounced? http://www.gursevak.com/readsggs .. In this audio file everything is pronounced, so is this correct? WJKK WJKF
  7. WJKK WJKF I understand the simple internet translations, but if someone could bring them to a deeper level that would be great. I mainly just need the first one for now, so if that's all you can do, that's fine. Thank you so much in advance WJKK WJKF
  8. It's winter and there's snow on the ground for a lot of people right now lol
  9. That's true, I'm from Canada lol, and the last statement is also true. Do you know any side effects that most people have had?
  10. WJKK WJKF I'm on 70 mg of prescribed accutane right now. I'm 16, and I meet the weight requirements to be on this dose. I'm on day three and my acne's only gotten worse. Did anyone else experience this? And how did your experience go? I'm on it for 7 months and I want to know what side effects I'll go through. WJKK WJKF
  11. After kids at school saw this picture the racism I was facing decreased a lot. People started to act like turbans were a normal part of society (unlike before when they thought it was an abnormal thing). We need to have more Singhs in the media like this. Life gets a lot easier for younger Sikhs in high school when goray see people like the GAP Singh.
  12. WJKK WJKF I live in a mainly white city and am the only Sikh at my school. One day I had a Hindu supply teacher which was crazy because all of my teachers up till now have been white. I started talking to her and she told me this story about how someone back in India in her pind had a family fight about 30 years ago and in anger someone used kala jadoo to burn a young Singh's hair and burn down his family's house. Is she making this up or is this possible? It sounds crazy. If this was possible, wouldn't that mean almost anyone could learn kala jadoo and start committing crimes? WJKK WJKF
  13. Dhumalla's are the best style though... no arguing with that... it looks good, stays on no matter what, perfect for a life threatening situation and it feels good.
  14. It's not just the language, but the story line also taking place in a western setting like Canada or America because the problems an American/Canadian Sikh faces is different than what someone in India would face.
  15. And goray would definitely be able to watch, understand and learn from them
  16. WJKK WJKF So we all know that Hollywood and Bollywood profit off of movies so much because people love watching their movies. There're good movies out there that bring positive messages to the youth. At the same time though, so much bs is produced (especially by bollywood) that does absolutely no good to the minds of people. Recently, "empty inside" was a punjabi movie that was released and it was an amazing movie with a very positive message. I live in Canada and the movie was played at the Gurdwara. When they started playing it, about 3/4 of the kids left when they realized the movie was in Punjabi and based in India. In 2011, when breakaway was released it sold so many tickets in theatres and everything was sold out everywhere. And the main audience was Sikh youth. The same thing happened when Ocean of Pearls was released, crazy amounts of tickets were sold. The only difference between them is the fact that breakaway and Ocean of Pearls were both in English and took place in a western setting. I'm 16 years old and I can guarantee that if more Sikh movies are released that are in English, they will get larger viewing audiences and they'll benefit people way more than all the other garbage they're exposed to by hollywood and bollywood. What're your opinions on this? Would it or would it not be a good idea for more Sikhi based movies in English to be made? WJKK WJKF
  17. I'm starting to already get lectures about how my marks better be the best in the class like last year
  18. WJKK WJKF I was in the exact same situation as you when I quit meat when I was 9 years old. My family ate meat and looked down at me, but don't worry there's nothing wrong with your decision. 1) A vashnu is a hindu sect that doesn't eat meat. They're calling you this to make fun of you because a lot of punjabi's like making fun of Hindu's. But don't give in, these are just uneducated jokes. 2) I was short and fat when I was 9. After giving up meat I lost weight and my height grew a crazy amount. I'm 16 and 5'10, I might be able to hit 6 feet. (This is crazy good for me because my parents are both short and being tall doesn't run in my family). Just keep eating a good amount of butter, milk, bourn vita, and anything else healthy that has protein like daal and you'll be fine. (People will tell you that you need meat protein to grow, but that's not true. Punjabi sabji's, daal, and milk are extremely good). If you can workout that's also good, it'll help a lot. 3) And yes, eggs are meat. From my understanding they're unborn chicken fetus's. I learned this not too long ago and I'm quitting eating eggs. I live in Canada and it's tough staying away from a lot of pastries. But eventually your desire to eat things like these dies out. You're on the right path, don't let anyone convince you that meat is good. Meat has it's pros but the negative effects of meat on the body outweigh the positive. When you're an adult and have good health, you'll be so happy you gave up meat.
  19. Thing is whenever I try to talk about sikhi with them, they usually don't take my views, but I will try it.
  20. The good thing is that the report card comes home at the end of the month but the bad thing is that the marks have been submitted. Any suggestions to calm them down while they're yelling?
  21. I don't really care about this report card much tbh. I had a bad two months and I slipped. The marks are good enough and I know in a month or two I'll be back in the 90's like before. The problem is I don't like my parents yelling at me, I need shanti lol. Once they see it they're going to be yelling at me for at least a week. The main thing is that because all of my marks were 90's before, they're going to be mad seeing 76's and 78's. I think I still have two marks a bit above 90, but 4 are in the 70-80 range. Sikhi comes first for me and I have to do path and kirtan daily and I don't want to constantly be thinking about my parents yelling because I need a stress free mind while doing kirtan and path.
  22. I'll tell them about how busy I was, but I'm also going to tell them that I won't be as busy now so everything'll be easier. Thanks.
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