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Everything posted by curioustoknow

  1. do me a favor and look up the song half breed by cher..she talks about the plight of the native American in todays society Thus its what I mean by letting go of your ego, for some reason you draw pleasure from saying the words sikh lover to me to make me feel uncomfortable and for you to boost your ego.even after I have made it so clear that we have not been intimate for months now and have and still are repenting for our actions. Do you get a little smile on your face when you say that? Does it give you a warm tingly feeling deep in your heart to know that someone us suffering from your choice of word and thought? Think it over, I'm over your insults because I'm realizing you are doing it for no other reason than pleasure...haha let's all have a big laugh...with you...or at your relentless poking fun? You can only pike a wolf so many times before it gets up and walks away. Don't worry I ain't gonna bite you, I'm too civilized for that kind of unacceptable behavior which you find so proper
  2. do wolves attack humans? Well humans are not a food source for wolves so unless they are rabid or threatened, no they don't. A wolf would MUCH rather run away than attack...wolves are VERY shy
  3. haha funny actually names are given based on the spirit animal you are born with, basically your previous life...it carries over to your human life and you keep some of the traits of that life. My spirit animal is the wolf, even though I was born under a Jaguar star, I am in tune more with the wolves. Even growing up on the farm, we always had wolves and always felt like part of the pack. I slept with them at night and ran with them during the day.
  4. when I tan I get super dee duper dark...but I have been covering my body fully for about 4 years now and just haven't gotten any sun...this may sound silly to yall...but its true...I'm not fully white like a white person, but I do have some small percentage of Danish...thats from my great grandmother's husband, the one who married her at 12. but he was mainly Cherokee too... but thats my mom's side, my dad's side is Creek Nation, I really don't know much about them, but I know it's very similar to Cherokee... Yes the five nations are based in Oklahoma, but thats not where we are from, thats just where we were "put", Creek came from the Pennsylvania area
  5. howdy! I know where stillwater is! My parents live in the reservation just about an hour west of siloam springs I really couldn't tell you, sorry, Like I said, I wasn't allowed to learn about it as a kid, I just learned what I could from the older generations
  6. who are you to judge me? Yes my kids are on a no fly list...you wanna know why? Because my ex husband is a violent man from Morocco and has threatened to take them to morocco and never let me see them again...he told this to a judge now...continue judging me please...go right ahead judge me, if you think you are good enough in life to do so...then please go right ahead And as far as me being afraid I might go to hell, I have stated many many many times that I am a Muslim right? And in Islam to read other holy books, even the prior books brought down by God (because of the corruption of God's words) holds a serious punishment, if I am wrong about my curiosity into Sikhism, I am already facing punishment...so please continue judging me... And yes, the world HATES white people, maybe you don't know this because you are not white...I don't know, but please understand I have been the butt of many jokes, I have been told that I am killing people in Palestine and syria and Afghanistan and iraq...me...just because I am white and American...I have been accused of Atheism by people who don't even know me because I am white. I have been accused of incest because I am American...if you don't know DON"T SPEAK!!! you have no idea the racsim I face on a daily basis! I'm called Cracker, whitey, snowball, richey b**** (and I am like the poorest person I know) On top of that I am called a drunk (I do NOT drink) because it is a stereotype that all native americans are drunks, a gambler (because it is said that all naitve americans gamble),dirty, Pocahontas, Injun, Indian (not that there's anything wrong with it, but I'm not from India...) so please, if you don't have anything encouraging to say to me, please don't say anything...why do I want to read that I am a troll EVERY post?
  7. so does it or does it not matter if it continuously falling off?
  8. oh and what exactly needs to be covered? just hair? all hair? the concept of the hair?
  9. okay I have seen women wearing turbans, women wearing scarves differently, sheer coverings and solid ones. I've seen coverings that fall off regularly and coverings that stay on....what is the ruling on this?
  10. Thank you...thank you...thank you! And the story was cute And I say that as a good thing, I could just picture it in my mind.
  11. I like his voice... Very calming.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6Zcj9AoCec
  12. I was born in Texas, and my family lives on the Cherokee Nation Reservation near Tulsa Oklahoma...Unfortunately, I cannot be with them Thanks guys I appreciate the positivity
  13. Now please be patient with me as I have asked before I want allowed to know my culture growing up as my family was converted to christianity in the early 1900a during the great depression. My great grandmother: the things I remember most about my great grandmother was her positivity, her eagerness to play with us kids, and joy in life. When my great grandmother was 12 years old, her family, which not much is known about them abandoned her. She came home from school to find an empty house. This was not uncommon during the depression as families were starving and dying. A 40 year old man took her in and married her at the age of 12 I never had the pleasure of meeting this man, but my mother had told me stories of him and before anyone judges what he did, she tells me that he was the kindest, sincerest, wonderful man she ever met. My lineage comes from highly spiritually adept people called shamans/healers. The media portrays us as magic dealers, consulting with demons, and stuff like that. And some of it has to do with consulting spirits, but not all spirits are bad. And I say spirits very lightly because what they are are other beings that inhabit a different dimension. These beings have the capability to perform extra ordinary feats because they are able to travel between worlds. My mom would not allow my great grandmother to teach us these things, however she would teach us in indirect ways. She always played with us with stuffed animals and would explain how each animal had a purpose and an inner being that must be respected. When an animal its killed the whole animal must be used to respect the creation. And after the animal dies,a prayer must be said over it to bless the reincarnated soul. My great aunt picked up where she left off after she died, which had a huge impact on me. She died at age 82 and not just a few hours before that had been playing basketball with the boys. Now in cherokee belief, a shaman may our may not be passed through blood. Most times it is though. The next spiritually adept one in the family was her daughter, my great aunt. My great aunt lived way out in the country in a cedar house. She always had owls living in her house,I remember that clearly. I lived going to visit her. I would catch these little lizards and bring them to her to show her, she would let them go inside the house, because living amongst animals or living creatures in general is part of life and each living soul had a purpose to fulfill. The lizards ate the bugs in the house. And the owls were the lizards now the next adept person was me. like I was saying before, it may or may not be genetics that creates a shaman, but the positioning of the stars and planets. Everything from the smallest atom to the universe itself affects each other. Even so far away the stars can and do affect the growth of life. My time of birth happened to fall under the changing season on a specific day when the jaguar star shone down...what this means is that anyone born under this star, and genetics help too, will most likely have energetic abilities. The ability to affect and manipulate a persons energy, or aura. She only taught me healing rituals, not destructive, and I'm not so sure I want to know those. The belief in God differs from tribe to tribe, but there is a definite belief in creators. Yes, plural, creators of human beings, now the question arises as to if they created humans or just manipulated their genes, which its more leaned to...but also stories are told of them not only manipulating humans, but animals as well. There its said of a certain lake in Oklahoma, lake eucha (pronounced uchi) that one of these creatures still reside, I used to live near it, never saw it, but its supposed to be HUMONGOUS snake like creature...some people even call it the "Oklahoma octopus" Totems, are used to commemorate the dead, not to worship.the reason totems are many times made in the form of animals is because each human existence Carries the spirit of an animal through the reincarnation process. When you were born, how you act, and what you look likee are all determining factors in knowing your previous existence. Cherokee children, in the true lifestyle are not named until they reach the age when personality forms, around 7 to 10 years old. Okay its getting late and I got to work early, if yall have questions feel free to ask,I don't know everything, but I can try to explain as much as I know
  14. Okay so I wrote a whole long post but it got deleted so in summary 1. Do as your Guru told you to do, let go of ego. If it boosts your ego to insult me or to judge me based on my shortcomings, which I am truly repentant for and will probably be judged for by God, then hurray for you, but I am just encouraging you glisten to your own spiritual leader 2. I do not have a sikh"lover" it has been months since I decided to change, so really get a life and look at your own fails before judging someone else. 3. Do research on Guru Nanaak...I have brought up things that are supposed to be widely known by the sikh community about Guru Nanaak that you guys insist on me referencing...if you don't even know three history of your own Guru, don't throw insults this way, look into your own faults and maybe see before you speak that you don't know everything either. 4. As far as reading the sikh holy books,I want to but I'm scared to. If I'm wrong in my curiosity about sikhism,I could go to hell, don't insist on me reading them and push them on me,I will read them when I am ready to. 5. I am not preaching Islam our I would find a way to quote the quran or prophet Muhammad PBUH in every post and maybe you are thinking if someone else who is doing this, but I am not. 6. I came here because I was tired of the racism of muslims...do you know that even muslims call me kafr ONLY because I live in America? Forget that it is my native nation, but I really cannot even leave America without abandoning my children because the courts have ordered that they cannot leave America, I'm not going to get into detail about this, its personal. 7. I'm not accepted by Americans because I an native, I'm not accepted by muslims because I am American,I am not accepted by most of the world because I am white, and I'm nor accepted by white because I an Muslim...I thought the one place I could go to some kind of understanding would be the sikhs because they are so misunderstood themselves. 8. I'm not 100% sure about Islam because of how muslims act but the one thing I am sure of is God and that I want to submit to his will. 9. I'm sorry for posting my pic, but I got so many saying they didn't believe my nationality that I just wanted everyone to kinda have an idea...yes I should've been wearing my scarf, but you couldn't see what I looked like then...I'm sorry if it offended you, I'm not here to offend anyone 10. And I saved this for last because it is the most important to me...I am beginning to Getty a better knowledge of sikhism even with all the insults. Thank you for those who have tolerance and are trying to help me understand further, it means a lot to me. One last thing...what"behavior" are you talking about that wouldn't be accepted if I was a man? And how am I using my status as a female to"get by" with this unacceptable "behavior"?
  15. Thank you, I just wish it to be known that I am really trying to humble myself and I'm really out of my element here...my sikh friends read the posts you guys have posted towards me and they say that sikhs should never talk to anyone, especially women that way, all I'm asking foris a little but if respect andsome information...if it is too much to ask for then I will leave, I cannot continue to be disrespected as I an really just trying to learn and find truth...especially when I am trying so hard to respect you guys
  16. I know I'm sorry for getting upset but you gotta realize I feel like a gazelle in a tiger's den dodging bites and scratches everytime I dare post
  17. Well I should hope not because I should hope that your faith is pretty strong to make such accusations and feel comfortable about it...why not ask me nicely to change my picture instead of insulting me? I'm starting to think that skihs are just as rude and inconsiderate as everyone else...as many times as I have been insulted on this forum...how hard is it to have some tact?
  18. Okay so a little ease up off the serious stuff.... As a Native American, the foods we eat are a LOT different than Punjabi food... We eat lots of corn and potatoes and ...yes...meat...and greens and breads and so on...but, as you may or may not be able to imagine, our food does not have NEARLY as many spices as Punjabi food So before about 6 months ago, I never even had Punjabi food before....well now, in the last month I have eaten it everyday! I miss my tasteless potatoes I miss my neutral corn My yummy cornbread But I don't have a kitchen right now, so my friends cook for me and invite me to their house to eat. I am soooooooo appreciative! But i have found lately that I cannot eat the food anymore! No matter how hungry I get, as soon as I put the food in my mouth, I want to spit it out! And its not because it tastes bad, but I just think my body can't handle it anymore. I have a feeling that the guy who does most of the cooking is starting to feel disrespected because I put VERY little on my plate and I can't even finish that! He doesn't speak great English, and I don't speak any Punjabi and very little Arabic, so I cannot express to him that the food is good, I just can't handle it. and no one else will translate it for me, they just say don't worry about it, but I see the contempt on his face when I throw away the food on my plate....I'm sorry! Any tips you guys might have for me on digesting the food? Oh and many times I have woken up in the morning after eating the food, puking my guts out....its not fun!
  19. Because I know what the turban means to a sikh, I truly respect it and think it is so distinguished! Even under my scarf I have adopted the turban...I know sounds so silly :-) but, it keeps my scarf on nicely and keeps my hair wrapped up so I'm not constantly fixing it... But truly, on a sikh male....two thumbs up!
  20. One more quick thing...maybe you don't know him and in reality he yes a sikh at heart but hire family us Hindu and maybe he is young and doesn't know how to convey this to his family? And maybe before accusations and plans are put into motion to ruin a beautiful arrangement you should know these things in their absolute and entirety
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