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Posts posted by Khalsa_Girl_1

  1. I arise in the morning torn between helping the world and enjoying the world. This makes it difficult to plan the day.

    This is a famous quote. Could someone let me know the stance in Sikhism. Are we supposed to spend every breath thinking about others, which ofcourse means you yourself do not earn as much, ltherefore you live in poverty, cannot afford nice clothes, food for own family etc. Is there a balance or does Sikhism say give it all up.

    To answer your question.. You are to spend every breath possible thinking about the Lord, which will automatically have you think about helping others with every breath.

    You don't need money to help people. Volunteering for other things is enough.


  2. You will have to look after your wife and children as they will be your responsibility.

    Sorry but...he's a Sikh. In Sikhi, a woman does not need to be looked after. She is independent, and should look after herself as much as a man looks after himself.

    So now I have to find a girl, get married, get her pregnant and then figure out how to teach Sikhi whilst the child is still in the womb.

    That was uncalled for, and seemed very sexist. Sikhi teaches equality. The money etc may be tools, but humans are NOT.

    You marry a soul-mate..not a random person to have kids with.

    Please reword your sentence so it does not sound like it is coming from a sull-aa.


    Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh

    I find myself in a difficult situation, I hope sangat will help me to clear the confusion. I am an unmarried amritdhari, presently in england and am in late twenties. Lately I have noticed Guru ji has got me into seva - be that in langar hall or doing path seva at Gurdwara. I find immense anand anad satisfaction in serving Guruji. When I am not at Gurdwara, i find Guruji makes me do sehaj path of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. Now the problem - people at the Gurdwara Sahib have started saying that i am 'overdoing' it, that I should resort my priorities and come to Gurdwara Sahib when I have 'free' time. I dont know what to say to them. For me anytime I am away from Guruji is free time, I feel so bored and empty when Gurbani rass is not in/around me. I ignored the comments at first, but the bibijis have been nagging me for quite some time now. What do I do? I cant cut down on the time I spend in the lap of my Guruji!

    Second issue is the peer pressure to get married. My mom keeps nagging me all the time to look for girls and stuff. How can I do that? I see sister in every girl I see/meet, and the question of having any other feeling for them does not even arise. The only solution to this is to let elders decide for me but since my mom is back in india, and I dont have any immediate family here in uk, I find it rather difficult. A couple of people have hinted me about this at Gurdwara Sahib, but when they see that I am not 'sansari', that I dont have my own house, I work when I start running short of money to sruvive, that I dont find any interest in gossip or money etc, they go quiet. But isnt it unfair? How much money does one need anyway? and for what? earning to put food on the table is something i do, i have a roof on my head, and i have a few shirts and trousers to cover my body + ive got basic 'necessities'. I dont see any point in making any extra effort, because frankly I dont need any more money. If I get married, I will surely start working a bit more so that a family can be supported, but what's the deal with having big houses, big cars, big this and big that? I used to think amritdhari singhs would be different, but my personal experience with them is sadly just the opposite. Like a couple days back, I went to the Gurdwara Sahib for path, and an amritdhari singh said to me 'aaho, 2 hours hor la layi paath te, fer Akal Purakh tere kamm bana denge'. I was like , huh? I pray and hope I get the Creator, not his creations! But that surprised me because he does a lot of path himself, and being much older than me, I thought he would guide me towards the right path. Anyway, I understand Grahist Jivan is important but I was hoping I could find someone who could walk shoulder to shoulder with me on the path to meeting Waheguru Ji. But from my personal experience it seems to me its just not going to happen. What do I say to my mom tho? Its so frustrating!

    Thank you for reading.

    ONE- It is GREAT that you are that attached to GurBaani and Guru ji. So there is nothing to worry about.

    TWO- You don't gotta believe you should have only, like 2 shirts man!! God doesn't want Sikhs to live in worse conditions than we can! Just don't take things for granted.

    THREE- You don't have to get married. It's NOT a sin to be without a soul mate forever. You just need to do more Bhagtee, is all. (Which I believe you will have no problem with :) )

  3. A true warrior believes in non-violence.







    :@ <_< :umm: :o :) :lol: :D :6

    You're correct.. :)HOWEVER..!!

    You're forgetting the most important thing... WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS..It is righteous to raise the sword ..ONLY WHENNN....Taking acceptable/appropriate steps to help someone, and in the right mind.. FOR JUSTICE ONLY

    :D :lol: :) :rolleyes: :o

  4. Sorry, my point is again misunderstood. Hindus in North India and Hindus in South India behave very differently.

    In South India, there are still societies and families that are matrilineal, which means, that inheritance passes on to the eldest female and a man marries into a female household. Did you ever hear of that.

    'Sexism' as you put it came to these parts North Indian brahmins who came via Gujarat and Andhra before and during muslim created chaos bought the patrilineal culture which slowly replaced the matrilineal one. And this is just one example.

    So I stick to my stand that a lot of changes did indeed come about after external assaults on North Indian hinduism, which then became restrictive and sexist as you like to put it. To see the original hinduism one still has to visit South India or places in the North East like Assam etc.

    I'm sorry too..that you misunderstood my points.

    & I still stick to my stand as well.

    You are still mentioning different regions etc where Hindus behave differently.

    I am not talking about different areas of the country/world where Hindus behave differently.

    I am talking about the religion itself.

    You're asking me if I have heard of the eldest female getting inheritance. Then you mention how in some cases, a man marries into a woman's house.

    Again.. I am not talking about CULTURE. I am talking about Hinduism, the RELIGION. There is a big difference.

    Please do your research before posting things.

    'Muslims came to India and changed the Hindu culture', I agree.

    HOWEVER.. It does not change the fact that Hinduism oppresses women THROUGH THE ACTUAL RELIGION.

    You are, in fact, incorrect about needing to visit South India or places in the North East to "see the original Hinduism" because you are pointing me in a direction that will show me the differences between some CULTURAL Hindu communities.

    However.. That is NOT where I am getting at.

    Again... I am strictly relating the sexism to the religion, not different cultures/cultural areas which change the cultural values/beliefs of a group.

    The scripts stay the same. The teachings stay the same. The Gods stay the same. The RELIGIOUS beliefs stay the same. The religion stays the same.

    Culture ≠ Religion

    I am not trying to be offensive. I'm just stating facts.

    & the fact is that.. In Hinduism, the ACTUAL religion (through scripts, teachings, the several Gods they pray to) they are taught what I had mentioned in my previous post.

    Please do not get confused with culture and religion..as they are very different in most parts of the world.

  5. ...White people and Christianity have been converting forcefully as well. What do you think all these groups like WorldVision, etc do? What do you think is going on in India? They take the most vulnerable parts of society, the poor and the hungry and dangle food and shelter infront of their faces while placing the condition that they can only receive it if they accept Jesus as their savior. Additionally, look at what White people and Christianity did to all the places it even touched, it exterminated raped and pillaged Indigenous Lands and it's people - but somehow that is forgotten and overlooked.

    Very true.

    In Canada, (and other places as well, I'm sure) there were many incidents where children would go on class field trips, and their innocence was against them.

    Here is an example of the many (repeated) methods white Christians used to convert non-Christians: While students were on a bus for school field trips, the Christians would prepare the following scenario: While the kids were in the vehicle used for transporting them to their destination, an adult would mess with the wires etc so that the bus would not start properly. When the driver (who know, of course) would turn the key, it wouldn't start (part of the evil plan).. So he would pick a random child and ask her/him to pray to her/his God. (even though they believe in one God...w.t.f?) So the child would chant/say what she/he was taught to. The driver and teachers would pretend to try his/their best to start up the vehicle, but OF COURSE it wouldn't start. Then, the driver/teachers would ask the other non-Christians to do the same, leading with the same results.

    THENNNN!!!..WHILE SOMEONE WOULD FIX UP THE WIRES etc.. They would ask the Christian children to pray to Jesus and told them to ask Jesus for help. OF COURSE the vehicle would start then.

    Sooooooo.. (again..even though Christians say they believe in one God.. :S ) The driver+teachers would turn to the kids and tell them that "their" God was not powerful at all, and would even say their God(s) did not exist!! They would tell the kids that Jesus is the only savior..yes, using that word OF COURSE.

    My cousin volunteered with World Vision, and she quit the day after reaching India cuz World Vision was converting children to Christians using various methods.


    they destroy everything they come into contact with

    I completely agree.

    Muslims try their VERY BEST to convert people. I try my hardest to avoid conversations with them cuz there has only been ONE Muslim friend of mine who did not try to convert me.

    Muslims try to convert people by saying things like..

    "You were born a Muslim, anyway." (as mentioned earlier)

    "Islam will be the last remaining religion on Earth."

    "Islam does not support sexism, but proves that there are/distinguishes between male and female."

    and the most feared:

    "Judgment day.." (dun dun dunnn...) 'ooo. I'm so scared now..judgment day' (ppl should get a life..)

    One of the most notable statements by Muslims who try to convert people is the following:

    "The Bible, the Torah, and the Talmud had to be perfected, so God sent Mohamed to teach people what God really 'wants' and to write a 'perfect' holy book." (just letting people know...Mohamed didn't even write the Quraan.. His youngest wife (who he wanted to/and DID marry when she was SIX years old wrote the Quraan.)



    Highlight to reveal links: http://www.answering-christianity.org/convert_christians.htm http://wings.buffalo.edu/sa/muslim/library/jesus-say/ch13.html http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Agora/4229/women.html

    IMHO, that is just what they say.. Since when have the Muslim women ACTUALLY been given rights? They have to COVER THEMSELVES for flips sake...!!

    Why do they convert??? Cuz Christianity oppresses women even MORE than Islam!!


    Take a look at the so-called "proper" reasons for Mohamed's marriage with a 6 year old, please highlight the following to reveal link: http://www.answering-islam.org/Authors/Wood/pedophile.htm

    ^^^Disgusting, and inexcusable!!!

    "..."You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk and someone said (to me), ‘This is your wife.’ When I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said: ‘If this is from Allah, it will be done.' " [7]

    "After having this dream about Aisha, Muhammad proceeded to ask her father Abu Bakr for her hand in marriage. Abu Bakr understandably objected at first, but Muhammad was able to persuade him to agree. Aisha was later taken to Muhammad’s house:

    The Prophet (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) asked Abu Bakr for Aisha’s hand in marriage. Abu Bakr said: "But I am your brother." The Prophet (may the blessing and peace of Allah be upon him) said: "You are my brother in Allah’s religion and His Book, but she (Aisha) is lawful for me to marry." "[8]

    He said it was "LAWFUL" and God's wish for him to marry a SIX year old girl!!

    What kind of a GOD (I know there's only One, but work with me here..) would send a so-called "spiritual" msg to a person, asking him to behave like a pedophile?!

    Muslims argue, saying "That was because it was acceptable then."

    God is TIMELESS.. God is PERFECT.. God is the ALL-KNOWING.. God NEVER EVER EVER EVER wants/wantED a person to be a pedo..

    That's just unacceptable and disgusting, and deceiving a young girl.

    I hope I didn't offend anyone.

    I was stating facts, and I hope people can understand that Islam isn't the answer.

    I am not trying to make people hate Islam or Muslims.

    Just understand that Sikhism has everything positive and perfect to offer, which is not offered by any other religion in the world.

  6. Why are you giving such senseless examples?

    sikhi and white

    sikh and black

    I am actually offended by the above statement.

    People should think more than just twice before discussing this touchy subject.


    i beg to differ. many spiritual beliefs, traditions and ways of worship are based on tribes, cultures and nations; this includes hindus, ancient greeks, ancient romans, pagans, aztecs and other american indians, aboriginals, african tribes and so on and soforth.

    So this makes the statement race has nothing to do with religion to not be true. Although people who worship as part of their culture do not seem to have made separate religions of them, this does happen eventually in the more zealous of fanatical circles.

    You're right about many spiritual beliefs, traditions and ways of worship being based on tribes, cultures and such.. and that tribes, and nations such as Romans, Aztecs etc contribute to the creation and the ways of a certain religion.

    HOWEVER..We shouldn't relate TODAY'S societies and their effects on religions to those from/in the PAST.

    We're not living in ancient times right now, so race does should NOT be a factor AT ALL when it comes to religion. Not today, anyway.

    My statement is true.

    Cultural values may affect religious values, but race does not affect religious values. Race has NOTHING to do with religion.

    We live in a time where we interact with people of MANY different cultures, religions, beliefs, nationalities, and races.

    Many individuals are married to someone that is NOT of the same race, but DOES follow the same religion. I can’t seem to understand why you would believe religion (Sikhi) does/should not accept/allow a couple to marry just because they are of a different race.

    Our Guru Jis never rejected any race. You do not choose the colour of your skin, but you DO choose the religion you wish to follow/reject.

    Please do not state your personal reasoning without looking into the facts.


    And I don't know how much knowledge each person has of Adi Guru Granth Sahib who takes part iin anand kartaj act.So can't really judge these days, well I don't think so anyway.

    It even used to be quite a normal thing for sikh and hindu marriage 100 years ago. In hostory, nihang singhs used to go marry women in the area they were, perhaps conquering lol.

    Approximately 20 years ago, in cities AND villages, most of the people were not aware of the proper way to get married (Anand Kaaraj) at a Gurudwara. Most people did not do the Parkaarmaas! They would sit through the entire ‘Anand Kaaraj’.

    Even today, that still happens…. Not to mention the fact that the lower castes are usually not allowed to even marry in a Gurudwara…even if they ARE amrit-dhari!!

  7. In Hinduism, a woman is never to be left as an independent individual.

    She is to be accompanied by her father. If not father, brother (age does not matter). If not brother, uncle. If not uncle, husband. If not husband, male cousin...etc

    Not really true .. in North India the reality was that the presence of foreign invaders and elements meant that the culture always veered around to being protective of women and keeping them sheltered out of unclean eyes.

    however in South India, you can see more or less how women were/are left to their own devices and left to do their own thing.

    I wasn't relating it to the different parts of india/the world when it comes to this topic.

    I'm, strictly, relating the sexism (within the Hindu community) with the religion, Hinduism.

    Their religion teaches them what I had listed in my previous post.

  8. are gurdwaras allowed to let certain marriages take place?

    sikh and hindu

    sikh and hindu punjabi

    sikhi and white

    sikh and black

    sikh and muslim

    sikh and jew

    sikh and whatever?

    when i recieved a wedding card regarding a sikh and hindu (south indian) wedding, i went to the concerned gurughar and asked them why they are allowing this.

    i also told them what i knew about the maryada of a sikh marrying a sikh

    they replied saying its all about the "love" and respect...

    so if a muslim marrys a sikh and shows love and respect why do they object?

    i am personally against the idea of a sikh marying a non sikh but i want to advise them and show them something to stop these kinds of marriages happening..

    plz reply asap as many marriages have been booked in this season..

    vjkk vjkf

    Race is not the question. Religion, beliefs, values and morals are the questions..

    As long as those are clear, and accepted and respected, race is not the issue.

    There is no difference between a black man, brown man, white man, asian man etc..


  9. so what do u all think, weddings should be paid for 50/50 to be fair?

    Yes...since SIKHI TEACHES EQUALITY!! :lol:

    yes culture is unfair, but sikhism is the most just and fair religion in the world, period.

    Correction, culture is not always unfair, there are a lot of nice things in our culture as well and unfortunately we are losing a lot of them today. As with everything in the world, there are positives and negatives.

    What are these nice things within the Punjabi culture, that the Sikh religion does not necessarily teach/promote etc?

  10. wow alot of hypocrited on this forum..

    alot of people go on like no you shouldnt wear a kara if your not fully a proper sikh, yet your the same ones who go on about muslims taking away apparant 'sikh' girls..

    question i pose to you is, if your not a 'practising' sikh and you cant be classed as a sikh if you only wear a kara, why do you lot consider these girls 'sikhs' when associating them with getting influenced by muslims boys??

    I'm not directing this comment at 20legend..but....

    People need to stop calling these girls 'stupid' 'dumb' 'not sikh' 'despicable' etc....

  11. anyone else care to comment??

    In my opinion, we are taught to see others as sisters/brothers and mothers/fathers in order to eliminate lust, and to help build/maintain a sense of trust and a willingness to respect others.

    Only a couple that is (to be) married should ignore the 'sis/bro/mom/dad' thingy when the individuals think about each other...BUT that's cuz they're MARRIED.. Their relationship is completely different compared to others.

    When people reach the time in life when they should consider marriage, they are (expected to be) more mature, and that's when they should be told to keep away from kaam.

    Telling people to view the opposite gender as a sis/bro helps prevent unacceptable/immoral behaviours/actions.

    Think of it this way......

    Innocence in childhood days...people teach children to respect others by telling them that everyone else is a sis/bro which helps the children respect others the way they would respect their sis/bro..

    Adolescence...people keep the children grounded and away from kaam by reminding them that everyone else is a sis/bro would help prevent/eliminate immoral/disrespectful/kaamee actions..

    Near marriage time...people try to remind the adults that the person they are to marry is the sis/bro/daughter/son of someone (just like their family is) to prevent possible kaamee thoughts/intentions, when the focus should be on the possible soul mate, not the body etc..

    It's not only applying to individuals of the opposite gender!!!

    If everyone ACTUALLY saw people as sisters, brothers, mothers and fathers..there would be a lot less crime rates, domestic violence, and, of course, sexism..(along with all the other psycho activities out there) cuz people do not wish to harm their family members.

    It's not just about teaching people to respect the opposite genders as they would treat their sister/brother...it's more of a 'Respect others like they are your own.' ...or... 'Treat them the way you would treat your family.' way of thinking. This allows people to love and respect even strangers, which creates a better environment for everyone.

    (Just my views.. Please don't bash me..)


  12. Thanks everyone for your replies. I understand how our actions, decisions are a complex interation of molecules, visual cues, experiences. Therefore you could view life as a mathematical model where what we do, how we think, react etc is already preordained. Therefore free will is an illusion. God as you said is an energy. But does this energy have a consiousness or it simply a reaction and we are the result of it?

    The latter.

    This energy does not have a conscientiousness..but instead provides conscientiousness, which then, of course, leads to actions.

  13. Mod Note: Khalsa Girl, your response was deemed to be innapropriate and offensive and therfore has been edited. If the picture offends you so much, instead of jumping to conclusions, please get in touch with Gurmustak Singh through his website and ask for clarification on what this picture represents......When you have that response feel free to share that back with the sangat.........consider this a pre warning :)

    No offense.. I'm not trying to act 'smart'..but I honestly think that my post was not inappropriate or offensive.

    Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    ..and how can you give me a pre-warning with a smile..? lol ..I almost thought it was a prank

  14. Compared to most religions, Hinduism actually accepts sexism a lot.

    I'd say Hinduism and Islam degrade women the most.

    In Hinduism, a woman is never to be left as an independent individual.

    She is to be accompanied by her father. If not father, brother (age does not matter). If not brother, uncle. If not uncle, husband. If not husband, male cousin...etc

    Although "TIMES" have changed..changing many activities/morals etc..this is still a part of their RELIGION.

    It is NOT their culture, but in their religion to accept these types of attitudes towards women.

  15. Anyhooo Amarjit Penji thanks for your post.....I have tried to find info about the 'first' Rehatnama compilation. Do you think you have any info on who compiled it and what was written in that one. Thanks

    The best place for you to go to in order to gain such knowledge is a santhiyaa class. I suggest you start reading Gurbaanee first though.

    Jap Ji Sahib first..then go to Santhiyaa classes.

    To be quite frank... Online forums and even websites (plus many books) are not the greatest for providing someone with the knowledge you wish to obtain.


  16. Read/recite/understand Sri Jaap Sahib. You will find all your answers.


    No disrespect to Singh above..but

    I would suggest reading Jap Ji Sahib first. To understand and feel Jaap Sahib, you should understand Jap Ji Sahib.

  17. har simaran keeou sagal akaaraa ||

    For the remembrance of the Lord, He created the whole creation

    aapan keeaa naanakaa aapae hee fir jaap ||1||

    Through His Creation, O Nanak, He meditates on Himself

    Why were we created for meditation...

    To merge back with/into God...

    God is not a place, person, animal, thing, sound etc.. God is shapeless, colourless, without gender, timeless..etc.

    Do you doubt this existence?

  18. For those who don't know...


    Drinking will help your.. liver get clogged up.

    Drinking will help your.. heart not function well enough.

    Drinking will help your.. CENTRAL nervous system mess up. (brain +SPINAL cord)

    Drinking will help your.. brain not get the correct msgs at the correct times.

    Drinking will help your.. blood vessels clog up and, basically, swell up really nicely.

    Drinking will help you.. (when consuming a lot) not know you're feeling, and mix your emotions.

    Now wouldn't it make sense that our Guru jis would, with open arms, allow alcohol into the daily lives of Sikhs?

    REMINDER: I'm talking about our Guru jis who knew everything...and corrected scientists and astronomers.. doctors and other philosophers...

    It WOULD make sense for Guru jis to have made at least ONE mistake right..

    Cuz clearly.. Drinking alcohol really helps you. :lol:


    In Punjab, liquor is cheap. It's all a part of the INDIAN GOV'T's PLAN TO DESTROY SIKH FAMILIES AND BREAK PPL AWAY FROM SIKHI..

    I don't need to explain how the plan's working..

    If you still don't understand.. Get a life...

    Everyone knows that. One of my friends wasn't allowed to go out with me to the movies cuz her mom saw that I was a Sikh... I was like "umm...okay?"

    Turns out that she thinks ALL SIKHS are heavy drinkers...and that's why her daughter wasn't allowed to hang out with me.. Okay... Perfect. That's all I needed..for ppl see me as a drunk.

    Oh and... Anyone take note of the JATT SONGS?? They are about drinking.. drinking.... drinking...... drinking, and more drinking.

    Many people, Specially The Youth questions Whether Consuming Alcohol In sikhi is allowed or not ? Not only that but also many non-sikhs think that Sikhs are allowed to drink which is upsetting..But anyhoo here's a little video, exactly showing that alcohol is forbidden in Sikhi, Please Check it out !

    ...... Where on Earth do ppl get the IDEA of even QUESTIONING whether alcohol in Sikhi is allowed or not..

    **Please note slight sarcasm in my post**

    No idea, but yah it would be nice if u came down to my area (Birmingham), then i'm sure you'll see that the state of many sikhs is messsed up and many of them yes question and i perosnally think it is good, as from questionning they learn, this is not just the case with many sikhs but also with non-sikhs, we tend to question other religions (maybe u do or dont), well i do just to gain information about their religion aswell aswell as my sikhi too so that i have enough gyan to be able to answer others when they question me on my beliefs and be able to pass on the code of coduct that our gurus have set us.

    The reasons for my sarcasm in my previous post was to show how ppl question Sikhi when it comes to consuming ALCOHOL..

    It's OBVIOUSLY not a good thing to get into.. EVERYONE knows that, but they still question it. That was one of my reasons for the sarcasm.

    Day by day..more and more teachings in Sikhism are being proven as 'correct/proper ways of life'.

    The people who "doubt" something like alcohol being as a forbidden/unacceptable thing in the Sikhi way of life obviously are the ones who wish to drink it.

    I've been to Birmingham 3 times now, and I can say that I'm glad I don't live there.

  19. Oh great, this will be mean that Europeans and Sikhs living in UK are going to move to Canada in the future.

    By the way, video mention how Canada's population increased by 1.6 million during 2001-2006 and how 1.2 million were immigrants. What is wrong with that? Majority of those immigrants are from China and India (Mostly Punjabis). Sadly, Punjabis are more threat to Canada than Muslims since they got a lot more power (both on streets and in Canadian parliament) than any other minority (non-white Canadian) group.

    In Canada (a democratic country)...

    Population ≠ Threat

    "Threat" ≠ Power

  20. (8)Guess who's back? Back again. I am back. Tell a friend.

    I am back. I am back. I am back. I am back. I am back. I am back. I am back.......

    I've created a version, of the song and it's not........(8)


    Anyway........... I'm baaaaaaccck..

    Okay.. Gotta sleep. 1:17am :umm:

    (8)I'll be back. Back again. I'll be back. Tell a friend....

    I'll be back. I'll be back. I'll be back.......................(8)

  21. yeah i apologize for that joke, was inappropriate!

    ''What's the point of moving to a country if you're gonna follow the same Fd up rules in your previous country?'' i agree.

    what I personally dont understand is that, muslim women DO get treated like rubbish but apni kuria convert to islam knowing this! and they still wish to become muslims so that kind of makes me think why on earth would you do that.

    BUT, its up to them what they want to do, we cannot say no you cant become muslim and leave sikhi, as if they were sikh in the 1st place they wouldn't go and run off to another religion which dont get me wrong by what caveman is about to say but islam is quite backward...

    Cool, cool.

    who really cares how many muslims there are? whether it be 50 million or 5 billion, its got nothing to do with you and your sikhi. so stop getting paranoid about it.

    Different ppl get paranoid for different reasons. If you're not paranoid about it, then you're lucky, I guess.


    It's more..the fact that ppl are getting paranoid about the spread of islam..through... other means..

    I'll give you money. Become a Muslim = Ppl converting.

    I'll give you all riches. Become a Muslim = Ppl converting.

    I'll tear up your house. Become a Muslim = Ppl converting.

    I'll take your girls away. Becomes Muslims = Ppl converting.

    Pay a fine if you're not a Muslim = The less fortunate converting.

    "Islam will be the last religion on Earth!" = God knows what = Converting

  22. For those who don't know...


    Drinking will help your.. liver get clogged up.

    Drinking will help your.. heart not function well enough.

    Drinking will help your.. CENTRAL nervous system mess up. (brain +SPINAL cord)

    Drinking will help your.. brain not get the correct msgs at the correct times.

    Drinking will help your.. blood vessels clog up and, basically, swell up really nicely.

    Drinking will help you.. (when consuming a lot) not know you're feeling, and mix your emotions.

    Now wouldn't it make sense that our Guru jis would, with open arms, allow alcohol into the daily lives of Sikhs?

    REMINDER: I'm talking about our Guru jis who knew everything...and corrected scientists and astronomers.. doctors and other philosophers...

    It WOULD make sense for Guru jis to have made at least ONE mistake right..

    Cuz clearly.. Drinking alcohol really helps you. :lol:


    In Punjab, liquor is cheap. It's all a part of the INDIAN GOV'T's PLAN TO DESTROY SIKH FAMILIES AND BREAK PPL AWAY FROM SIKHI..

    I don't need to explain how the plan's working..

    If you still don't understand.. Get a life...

    Everyone knows that. One of my friends wasn't allowed to go out with me to the movies cuz her mom saw that I was a Sikh... I was like "umm...okay?"

    Turns out that she thinks ALL SIKHS are heavy drinkers...and that's why her daughter wasn't allowed to hang out with me.. Okay... Perfect. That's all I needed..for ppl see me as a drunk.

    Oh and... Anyone take note of the JATT SONGS?? They are about drinking.. drinking.... drinking...... drinking, and more drinking.

    Many people, Specially The Youth questions Whether Consuming Alcohol In sikhi is allowed or not ? Not only that but also many non-sikhs think that Sikhs are allowed to drink which is upsetting..But anyhoo here's a little video, exactly showing that alcohol is forbidden in Sikhi, Please Check it out !

    ...... Where on Earth do ppl get the IDEA of even QUESTIONING whether alcohol in Sikhi is allowed or not..

    **Please note slight sarcasm in my post**

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