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About Khalsa_Girl_1

  • Birthday October 23

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    criminology, sociology, Gatka, sports, & of course Sikhi

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  1. You wear underpants underneath your Kishairaa. It's just that simple And Matheen, she doesn't have to register just for that lol. You just don't necessarily have to reply
  2. Punish all the other ones while you're at it. I will repeat what I mean... How many ppl are you going to punish? Will you get ashutosh? Will you get all the fake babas who take advantage of female sevadaars? Will you try and shut down all the other sites hosting such disrespectful thoughts/opinions? If that's your goal, please start doing it, instead of having posts here. And if you were payin attention to my earlier post(s), I CLEARLY mentioned how I didn't know of his blogs or his online comments on any such matter. Get off my back, and start shutting down the sites that host such things. Asking me unnecessary things and accusing me of stuff isn't going to do anything.
  3. We never fed our dogs meat. Feed her/him rotees. They love it
  4. It was more confusing than upsetting..mehBottom line... I don't see why ppl cannot get along. What are ppl gonna do? Clean all the sites... More are gonna pop up Just practice what you believe, and stay away from those who you think are a bad influence. Who says you have to read blogs etc that you know will upset you? Meh...
  5. Someone has translated it for me. And perhaps, you should not say such things if you do not know what you are talking about. 'Pyaar' my foot ahahahaNo.. I have never come across this "nindak", as you have put it I believe Sikhs these days spend too much time bashing each other. There are not supposed to be any sects/clans in Sikhi, and that is what I was trying to convey.
  6. Ok, I understand why some people dislike what he is posting, but saying his voice is like a child' voice..and that he seems to be a retard when looking at him??? What does that have to do with anything? Please keep those irrelevant concerns to yourself.And btw.... He don't even look retarded. To all of those who are thinking of taking his blog down, think about all the other blogs/posts/individuals to take down. That's a lot of cleaning to do...lol Thonno bada pyaar aa reha ess Guru nindak te phenjeo, ki gall? :rolleyes: I'm sorry, I can't understand Punjabi very well. Please post that in English jee
  7. BECOME A VEGAN!! Even a few months of the vegan diet will help a lot It's like healthy detox
  8. Ok, I understand why some people dislike what he is posting, but saying his voice is like a child' voice..and that he seems to be a retard when looking at him??? What does that have to do with anything? Please keep those irrelevant concerns to yourself.And btw.... He don't even look retarded. To all of those who are thinking of taking his blog down, think about all the other blogs/posts/individuals to take down. That's a lot of cleaning to do...lol
  9. I agree with Jag_Singh 100%. The statements in the first post really stereotype girls/women...in a negative manner. The reason why women are so hyped up is most likely because of society. The attention is focused on the bride. In almost all cultures, the bride is the 'star of the show'. Out of all the people attending the ceremony, she is the one who stands out, therefore she's under a lot of pressure. If society didn't show how 'normal' it is for the bride to pretty up, then all of this wouldn't even be up for discussion. Evidently, cultural notions are to blame. It's very upsetting that a girl/woman would even suggest/hint such things, as were introduced in the first post. Men and women are both very excited about marriages. If the bride-to-be is more excited about a marriage than the groom-to-be is, there's something very very wrong...
  10. Ok sorry, lol Usually when you take Amrit, Panj Pyaarey ask you if you name has been given according to Sikh tradition . If no then the Panj Pyaarey take a Hukum and a new name is given. Lol.. I didn't think I'd have to actually explain one of the reasons for my question(s), but I guess some people really thought I was ready to give some next "Sarah Kaur" or "Justin Singh" name....aint the case folks Her first name is completely made up, but she uses "Kaur" as her last name..not our actual 'surname'. And the facts you just stated are exactly why I'm so interested in asking about it. My father is friends with a few Panj Piyarey, and we are very close family friends. My sister, brother, mother and father, all took Amrit a while back, and he knew what name had been given to my sister since her birth. He still calls her by that name, of course, and none of the Panj Piyarey suggested it be changed. I know that when people take Amrit, the Panj Piyarey usually give them a name related to Sikhi, but is that a cultural tradition?.. Or is it mandatory after taking Amrit? Thanks again. Her name is: Ipan Kaur Short "i", and the word "pun"
  11. Thank you for the information I appreciate it. But like I mentioned in the last reply, I'm talking about names that do not have any meaning(s), nor relations to anything in particular. I mentioned how I'm not referring to names from a different religion or culture. Here is the main reason why I am asking all of this: My sister's name does not have a meaning. It does not have a any ties to any religion/culture etc. It is a made-up name. Completely made up. This is what I am asking. ***I am not asking about "Jennifer Kaur" or "Jefferey Singh".*** Thank you.
  12. How about: A Gutkaa with English translations A top with a Khandaa on it (or anything relating to Sikhi) A Monsters Inc DVD (or a diff movie) An Immortal Productions CD Candy or other goods Stuffed animals Umm... How old are the ..hmm..competitors?
  13. Thanks to everyone who looked into this. I really appreciate it.
  14. Sorry. I apologize for my late replies :| So the reason parents name their children with names relating to Gurbaanee, is to feel that they belong in the community...? That's interesting... Sorry to tell you, but you are mistaken. I don't know why someone would waste time asking a question, if their purpose was to prevent someone from saying anything at all... I don't know the answers to this question. I've been looking for answers, but like you pointed out, there's nothing in Gurbaanee that I've found relating to this. Actually, I DID expect to find a Tuk from Gurbaanee related to my question, because I've almost always found the answers to my questions from Gurbaanee.I really don't understand why you think I was unnecessarily asking for help :S ...quite irrelevant. I don't know how this ties to the rest of my/your post. I'm talking about Gurbaanee, but thanks anyway... I'm only 21. Very far from marriage, let alone naming someone.And clearly, you've asked a question that I was expecting from someone who didn't take my post seriously. As I mentioned in my first post, I would like to gain more knowledge. I still knew that at least one person was going to ask such a question, because evidently..some people still cannot resist asking unnecessary questions. Is there something wrong with me trying to educate myself more about Gurbaanee? I don't come into contact with a lot of Sikhs/Punjabis, so if you'd like to actually answer my question, please do. And as for naming someone Obama Singh...? You can come up with whatever you'd like, but I'm not even thinking of naming someone..let alone the fact that you think I'd name someone with a name tied to a different religion. C'mon man.. I made it all pretty clear in my first post, and this is exactly why I had done so in the first place. Thank you for the reply I'm guessing that having the first letter be from the Hukamnaamaa, but picking a name without a meaning is still alright according to Sikhi...?
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