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Medallion Stallion

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Posts posted by Medallion Stallion

  1. ramgarhiye/tarkhan - starch pug .... konn hun roj pug banne time hai nahi paise kammane

    veyopari/khatri - choti pug .... konn hun 7 meter pug te paise kharche jai 2 meterch kam sarda paise bachao

    jamindar/jatt - vattan walli pug .... kon hun saaf pug banna di mehnat karre iddan he labet lao ....

    you people are a bit thick doesnt matter what style of turban u wear as long as you are wearing one, thats what our gurus wanted!!!!!!!!!!!.......only people who dont wear a daastar start labeling people who do wear one.....................

  2. Confused/depressed singh, you are the most confused, judgemental ive actally heard of.

    What type of community you live around, what type of women your around god knows but they certainly aint nice.

    realistically, i think that i will have to become clean shaven in order to get married because a large majority of sikh women in the United Kingdom only want clean shaven men and i dont think a gursikh women will want to marry into my family becuase my mum and dad are religious but i am....so thats the reason i think this way......
    realistlicly, yes you are very depressed and are stereotyping too much and you THINK you KNOW everyone and knows the inside outs of women when form what i seeing you wont even know th ebasics of what women actually are. A large majority of apniya are moniya, thats nothing to do with being amridhari! Most amridhari women actually want a turbaned and bearded guy. I myself know of many moniya who liked turbaned guys

    , infact if you had any account on SS or something ide sednd you photos of moniya who maried bearded and turbaned guy, although non are amridhari it proofs your stereotypical thinking wrong

    and you mean your parents are not amrithari?

    thaz crazy, i perosnal y dont know of any singhniya who say 2my mother and father in law must be amrithari"

    Reality is over half of the couples have parents who are not amridhari!

    ............amritdhari women also in the end give and start cutting their hair and marry cleanshaven guy becuase of family pressure.....
    this comment of yours absolutly fueled me. How dear you make such an absurd comment. Once again i dont know what stupid world your from where your women arent even taught about their roots and faith. I dont know of any amridhari woman who gave in, cut her hair and married a clean shaven and i guarantee you i probably know more women than you do. To even think you could say something like that is absurd. What do you take women for? weak? guess what......get a reality check, psychologicaly women are more likely to be stronger headed than man. Men only "act" hard but women are stronger in the head. If a woman made the decision of being amridhari, its most likely she will stick by it. Yes there are women who give in but thats a veryyyyyy small minority so you realy need to shut up and think befor eyou speak
    when i go around to my cousins house (they are amritdhari) they are always saying "that guy is good looking" (bollywood) and when they see a turbanned they dont say anything.........

    and your telling me you dont find any actresses attractive? your being stupid. In reality i am ONLY attracted to turbaned and bearded guys, that doesnt mean i wouldnt think a mona to not be attractive. In reality you dont actually get hardly any Good looking sardaars in films because they have better things to do!

    geeza i dont wanna go on more than i already have cuz you realy have made me angry with stuff you come out with. STOP STEREOTYPING, go see a counceler, build your self esteem, go do sangat of Gursikhs because you OBVIOUSLY dont get any of that. Trust me when you do, you wont be talking this crap much longer....once again dont put all sikh women on the same bangwagon or i will start spreading the word that all sikh men are drunkardsss

    Could you send me the pictures, simply because I dont believe you.

  3. theres loads of reasons why............heres a small list frm the top of my head

    monees might prefer turbaned guys to monay

    monees may feel that by marryin a turbaned guys, it will bring them closer to sikhi

    they may find turbaned guys atractive

    monees may feel that, most monay guys drink an smoke, where as most monees dnt, so they would rather marry a turbaned guy.

    jus cuz a monee cuts her hair, doesnt mean she does all the other bujar kurehits even though nt amrithdaree

    im not sayin its okay for amrithdarre guys to marry monees

    jus sayin y i think monees prefer turbaned guys


    Okay, cool, youve answered my question.................but from my experience ALOT of monee women only want clean shaven guys.....................im not generalising this is from MY experience from what ive seen in London.............then again i could be wrong i suppose women dont go around telling everyone what type of guy they want to marry.....usually they do that on websites like this......

  4. i guess gursikh women only want tuban/bearded guys and non gursikh women only want cleanshaven guys.

    wholy crap how many times do we need to have the same posts for ppl to get it through their skull

    I am a monee and i want to marry a turban AND bearded guy!!!!

    Why would a monee (someone who cuts her hair) want to marry a turban/bearded guy?

    NOT trying to be offensive im just curious. grin.gif

  5. I have noticed in a lot of Sikh families that males wear turbans while the females cut their hair, do their eyebrows, shave their legs etc.... but yet, Sikhs don't mind seeing their women doing such thing. How come it isn't an issue when a female cuts her hair, but it isn't okay for a Sikh male to do the same?

    LOL.gifLOL.gif this is tooooo funnyyyyyyyyy bro.our problem is that we dont want to belive that khalsa is the truth and when a nation is slave ,they dont make their mind they let other people make it for them. sikh are the slaves of the hindu nation.our wmen and mans want to look like the bamaniyaa in boolywood film regaurd less of any reasons. bamaniyaa are us . if someone don't want to be sikh by cuting their kesh its their personal choice ,but what iam saying is that the Sikh girls are under soo much pressure by the hindu media.they are unable to see any other way.all i have to say to my sikh sister the khalsa is ture and all happiness can be only gain in feet of guru grant sahib je maharaj not in the street or night clubs.

    PUNJABI girls are under pressure and SIKH womens faith is unshakeable!

  6. I would like to know when did you know you were ready to take amrit because well i keep uncut hair/beard, dont drink smoke etc but i still feel im not ready to take the final step yet (Im 23 by the way).............so for the people who have taken amrit or are about to how did you know you were/are ready?

    I decided that I was ready to take amrit in May of 2005. i don't know if i can explain it exactly, it was just a feeling...some people do things because they have to, and some do them because they want to. At that time I realized that I wanted to bow to my Guru, submit myself to my Guru not because everyone else was doing it, but because I truly wanted to.

    But even so, I waited a whole year just to make sure I was ready and not just in a temporary state of chardi kala. :) I spent that year practicing, and took amrit in April 2006.

    Do an ardas. Ask your Guru whether you're ready, and I guarantee you, He'll give you an answer. When you're ready, you'll know it, i guess.

    Thanks for the advice.

  7. I think that some Singhs need to stop being sensitive little girls.....if someone makes an offensive joke to you either cuss them back or smack em up.............nobody ever dared to make a joke like that to me cos they know what will happen....its expected that jokes like this will come up on the Internet because its the INTERNET they're hiding behind their computers.....most of them haven't got the testicular fortitude to go up to a Keshdhari Singh (and Singhni) and say such crap.

  8. That the thing.......i realy do try...............and listen and sometimes i think mahaj jee does guide me and he has always been there for me but it ME, I ALWAYS MESS THINGS UP.

    I have never ever spoke to anyone about this cos it is so shameful and i feel totally disgusted with myself. i decided to take this step cos im hope it will shock me in realising how im even worse than a manmukh, there isnt a name to describe what i am.

    howefer im worried about the younger members who read this forum as this is realy bad, but maraj laways says in his bani that you should go to the company of the saad sangant, and maybe there i will find the peace that i yearn for.

    am i ok to continue...........? but please dont judge me on what i am about to say so i know how messed it i realy am, i only have one sister shes 11 year younger than me so i have never been able to talk about what happend to me......to anyone

    what happened to you, is it serious?

  9. why cant Hindus get it through their heads that we are NOT PART of their religion...........i mean are they that naive.............was this <banned word filter activated> born stupid or did it takes years to build up to that level of supidity!

  10. ANYBODY can be a sikh regardless of who they are or where they come come aslong as they are dedicated to sikhism and are good. i once went into a so called caste gurdwara in london and all the people were quite shocked i was there as mainly cut hair sikhs go there, any way a bunch of tough guys came upto me and said "what are you doing here" trying to intimidate me and make me leave.....i then just pointed to the picture of my father Guru Gobind Singh Ji and said "Im here because of him" shamed faced they sat down.

  11. i can read punjabi but very slowly and i think it is holding me back in my sikhi......as more i become sikh i will need support from my guru because im realisng that in order to keep a beard you do need discipline.....esp when in tv ads by remington keep telling you that beards are unattractive!....i find it hard to find the time to learn becuse im at law school and if anyone is currently doing the LPC will know that it is a full time job.

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