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Everything posted by TandooriSingh

  1. Hahahahaha This is the best Islamic propaganda I've read in a long time . Cheers PakistaniPunjabi01 for the laugh. Can we assume this is how you REALLY feel? A senior American Military Official wrote this did he? Can you link us to the ORIGINAL source please and prove it? Not a forum called 'www.defence.pk'... I mean really... it DOES SEEM a little fishy, like it might all be made up! It reads like one of those pamphlets more radical Muslims give out to people who don't want them, and just as poorly written too. As for these Muslim countries spoken of... Are these the same Muslim countries that are always protesting and rioting against their Islamic leaders constantly? Are these the same Muslim countries that are miles behind the rest of the world in terms of wealth, health and technology? Are these the same Muslim countries that are consistently ranked as the unhappiest countries in the world? Are these the same Muslim countries that don't have nuclear weapons, aside from Pakistan of course which has lost every war it's been in? Are these the same Muslim countries where minorities are badly treated or outright forced out/destroyed? Are these the same Muslim countries that are committing genocides as we speak? Are these the same Muslim countries where women are badly treated (90% of Pakistani women face domestic abuse) to say the least? Are these the same Muslims who risk death to leave Islam in there millions every year? Especially in Africa? Are these the same countless Muslim women that sleep around at university, and then have all the hymen restoration operations FREE on the NHS? Or get it done privately? So there is less chance of them getting murdered by their families? Not to mention... the same Muslim boys and girls that have to put up with barbaric rubbish like circumcision... Eurggh... I dunno dude... I don't see much to be envious about. I'd say the only reason Saudi Arabia and Dubai haven't cracked under the pressure yet, is simply just because they can dig money STRAIGHT OUT OF THE GROUND in the form of oil. When that's gone... what would happen? I fear the worst my friend. Anyway who buys the oil? THE WEST! The same Western world that many Muslims despise and plot against is the one where they get all their money. Honestly PakistaniPunjabi01, what are we MEANT to think here other than this is a very poorly veiled attempt to influence us? What some Muslims don't seem to understand is, it doesn't matter HOW big Islam is. If it grew through dishonest, violent and hateful means then that forever damns it to be looked down upon. The WORST nightmare for Muslim who want to spread Islam is people ACTUALLY BOTHERING TO READ THE KORAN and making their minds up This is a key factor when it comes to Indian religions and Sikhism in particular, they spread because people actually WANTED them and in turn their lives improved greatly. Al-Takiya (lying to further Islam because the Koran says you can) must really be tiring to do all day. I commend you on that but... If I were you PakistaniPunjabi01, I'd probably consider doing something else with your time than wasting it here. Taking up knitting and starting a business selling colourful Hijabs maybe. Islam is spreading so you'll make millions! Also... You liked your OWN post? Amazing
  2. Oh we're playing the quoting game? "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia (rabies) in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property - either as a child, a wife, or a concubine - must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Thousands become the brave and loyal soldiers of the faith: all know how to die but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome." - Sir Winston Churchill And I think we can both agree Churchill will forever be considered a FAR more important and much less annoying Prime Minister than David Cameron in the eyes of nearly everyone . Er... Anyway I thought you were American? How do know what it's like to live in British towns and cities? Or are you simply ASSUMING that problems are just being made up? Videos on Youtube all being staged? Are all the tons of arrests linked to grooming false? Why would people make up these problems? Tommy Robinson IS the EDL, you can't simply ignore everything he says. Debates don't work that way Racists exist everywhere, in every community and organisation and at least Tommy is honest enough to accept that the EDL has its share. That said, I haven't seen any EDL members (not that there is a membership system anyway) kill or rape any Muslims? Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm afraid you're simply wrong, people of ALL races and faiths, men and women are siding with the EDL now, it's not just white working class male chavs. The EDL have recently swollen in size after the Woolwich incident and will continue to do so, more and more floodgates are opening. Not to mention, there are 'Defence Leagues' popping up in almost every Western country, and they're all networking together. WHAT is the goal of the EDL? It's pretty plain to see, and I've never even been to a single rally... Sharia isn't welcome in Britain. Any of it. Muslims just have to live without it. That means... No Halal. No Burqa (or any face covering for that matter including balaclava's). No Sharia Law courts. No building more Mosques than necessary in an area. It also means that the police and government need to tackle serious issues and crimes regardless Muslims WITHOUT any of the cover-ups, fear of being called a racist, and just general lack of action and letting Muslims off for the same crimes anyone else would go to jail for. THIS is the kind of thing that is and has been happening in this country for too long and it's led to countless victims. Muslims make up almost 5% of the country in actual fact, not 2-3%. That percentage feels huge when you have whole sections of towns and cities that inhabited almost entirely by Muslims, but this in itself wouldn't be a problem if Muslims integrated better and actually welcomed people. Might I also add that at least 85% of all street grooming cases involve Muslims. Sharia Law courts are NOT recognised by the British legal system, and are only ALLOWED to exist under arbitration rules to oversee small matters. Most importantly they are NOT allowed to go against British Law. Obviously the problem is they go against it ALL the time, conducting marriages that aren't official recognised, handling divorces, wellfare of children and more. Sharia Law in accordance with Sura 4:11 and Sura 2:282 ensures that a woman is only worth half of a man. This has led to Sharia Law courts discrimating against women, and offering dangerous advice such as going back to an abusive husband. This is all documented and PROVEN. As for double standards... Ideally we would have no other system of law in the country EXCEPT for British Law, but at the very least Jewish 'Beth Din' courts don't go against British Law, if they did we would have heard about it by now. Jews understand that the law of the land is absolute. NO OTHER RELIGION goes against British Laws, that is the point. There IS clearly an Islamification of Britain going on, but that time is over now. Muslims are free to live in Britain, but they have to follow the same rules as everyone else and they don't have a choice. I love how you just try to downplay and pass the blame on everything. Please continue it's really quite entertaining .
  3. I've seen megatons of interviews and debates that Tommy Robinson has taken part in, and he's turned into a really brilliant speaker in such a short time, and most importantly ALWAYS keeps his cool despite getting constantly shouted down. The ignorant media can demonize him and call him violent all they want, at the end of the day he's a regular guy, a 5 foot 6 family man who owns/owned a hairdressers and speaks the truth. He OWNED the BBC Nihal debate, well... not really a debate it was just randomers (who have never read the Koran) calling in and calling him racist without any actual evidence and him sweeping them away. What struck me is not simply the FACT that he is telling the truth, but I'm constantly reminded of Shere Punjab and what they were trying to achieve back in the 80's and 90's. They formed to protect the Sikh community, and the EDL formed to do the same for England. Members of the Sikh community (Shere Punjab in particular) HAVE acted and did great sewa, but those that tried were always shouted down and never supported, at worst they were betrayed, at best they were probably told they were causing trouble and should go away. We could never get the huge numbers we needed. Where is Guramit Singh who used to be a big player in the EDL? The fools in our community tried to get him EXCOMMUNICATED (as if we have a Sikh Pope...) And for what? He understood how much Sikhs had suffered in the past and he wanted to make sure it didn't happen again. How is that bad? Worse than raping a child? I wouldn't be surprised if he gave up. Do you see any Muslims trying to excommunicate these child rapists? I don't. Funny that. It's plain to see it's white children in this country that have been the main (countless) victims of grooming. The tough legacy of Shere Punjab may have protected Sikhs more than they could have hoped for, and STILL we have people are dumb enough to tarnish their actions and say we didn't need them. Sikhs WOULD have sorted out our problems by now, if it weren't for the fact that we can't help being lazy and pointing fingers at each other. Instead of actually tackling the problem at hand. Problems need to be tackled with education AND STEEL WHEN NEEDED. We should know this from our Guru's teachings better than anyone. Sikhs (and other non-Muslims) NEED to support the EDL, we don't need to be BESTEST FRIENDZ FOREVERZ but all the anti-EDL rubbish like 'Turban Campaign' has to be stopped. What are the Turban Campaign doing to protect us? Nothing. Would they have been willing to do whatever it took to get actual justice like the Sikh boys in Leicester did? I don't think so. The Sikh community has far too many weak hippies with no backbone trying to represent us, and they are holding us back. There are over a BILLION Muslims out there in the world and they can look after themselves just fine. Sikh should STOP being blind and allowing them to hide behind us and that HORRIBLE term 'ASIAN' from now on. All it does is end up with us suffering by being falsely demonized us (Gurdwara Wisconsin shooting) OR getting stabbed in the back time and again by Muslims who'll pass the blame. Enough is enough. We need to separate ourselves and start doing SIKHISM some favours for once. Once the EDL is well known to have lots of brown faces on its side, it can no longer be called racist (which it never was anyway). The movement will continue to grow. When enough pressure is put on the government to write up IN LAW that Britain will FOREVER be a 'SHARIA FREE ZONE' then a few of our problems will be over. The EDL is here and doing ALL THE WORK for us, why stand in the way? Does anyone here ACTUALLY LIKE going into a restaurant or shop and not knowing if you're eating Halal meat? Even though it's forbidden in Sikhism? The Guru's knew ALL ritual slaughter regardless of religion is barbaric and that hasn't changed. Go watch a Halal slaughter video on Youtube and then tell me it should be allowed to exist in this modern age. Sharia Law is a whole political ideology of course, Halal meat and Burqa's are just a small part of it. There is also the Jizya Tax on non-Muslims, barbaric punishments handed out willy nilly, terrible treatment of women etc. ANYONE who's read even the tiniest bit of history or the Koran should know it brings great suffering to everyone, including Muslims themselves. Finally... The EDL are not going to 'TURN ON US'. What does that even mean? Are they (including the Sikhs in the group) going to protest outside our houses about the smell of the tarka when someone is making dahl? Once Britain is sorted out, we can move on. If there ARE new problems, then we'll sort them out too.
  4. Punjab is one of the very richest, safest, least hungry (is there such a thing as a starving Punjabi?) states in India with what is widely acknowledged to be the best infrastructure in the country, and it's where most of the Sikhs in the world live which is no coincidence . The quality of life for those in Punjab (even with it's many crippling problems, like lack of electricity and drugs flowing in from Muslim countries) is worlds apart from the poorer states of India that the Indian government can't even feed (despite having enough food overall, India's corruption ensures the poor don't get it). When you're comparing how successful India and Pakistan are, India's GDP is 10 times higher. When it comes to business, it's obviously better in India. So really... the welfare of Indian Sikhs can't even be compared to that of Pakistan, we DOMINATE Indian Punjab. Of course we'd have it FAR better if Punjab was more independant, either as as a sovereign country (as it was under the Sikh Empire) or even just with greater devolved governing powers like Scotland has. Why do Sikhs stay in Pakistan? A number of reasons. They can't ACTUALLY leave? It's not exactly easy to legally up and leave for India. Are they supposed to smuggle themselves across? Women and children in tow? Maintaining and defending Gurdwara's and other holy places? Elderly relatives and family? Jobs and businesses? Language barrier? They don't speak exactly the same as an Indian Punjabi Sikh even if their ancestors were from Punjab. Fear of getting killed if they make a fuss and try? Are they even allowed to PROTEST in Pakistan? 30,000+ Sikhs? Where on earth did you pull that number from? The major estimates of the anti-Sikh riots are around 8000, and these atrocities took place almost entirely in Delhi and Haryana where Sikhs were a minority. Hardly anyone would be dumb enough to take part in riots in Punjab even if the government DID organise them, they'd get whupped . The WHOLE reason the storming of the Golden Temple took place in such a messy way (with worshippers inside) was because the Indian government wanted Bhindranwale dead before he gained more followers, and before Sikhs across the Punjab (many who would have guns) had the chance to rush to Amritsar and overwhelm the Indian army stationed there. It was an act of pure desperation. So the Indian government AT LEAST respects us enough to fear us. There is NO India without Punjab and its contributions to world history. There wouldn't even be Hinduism since the Rigveda was written in Punjab. The government knows that, that's why Sikhs and Punjab in general gets treated like a battered wife. Anyway, how many innocent Sikhs have suffered because of Muslims? It's countless mate. Not exactly lacking in bad blood there. Finally. WHAT exactly is it about Pakistan that makes it worth staying there? Tell me what exactly is Pakistan doing right? Minorities are treated horribly in Pakistan, that includes EVERY minority even Muslims who just happen to not be Sunni (such as Shia, Ahmadiyya etc). The government does nothing about this. 90% of women in Pakistan suffer domestic violence, what is the Pakistani government doing about that? Sikhs are barely ACKNOWLEDGED in Pakistan, so what chance do they have of the government caring for their welfare? Only in 2013, THIS YEAR has a Sikh (Ramesh Singh Arora) finally been elected into the Provincial Assembly in Pakistan. What is his MAIN concern? Yup, minority rights. Simply giving a piece of land a new fancy label won't change the living conditions of the people there, as I said before it'll probably make it worse and make them a target. The kuffars are getting special treatment? Can't allow that! Guru Gobind in his 52 Hukams mandated Sikhs to be forever independant, and clearly we are failing to do that. However India is a far more palatable 'master' than Pakistan will ever be. Although Sikhs worldwide aim for no 'master' at all. You need to face it. Pakistan simply can't offer Sikhs a single thing. Speaking myself as someone whose ancestral village (since partition) is NOW in Pakistani Punjab. Sikhs shouldn't waste their time in Pakistan. IT'S TIME TO REGROUP AND UNITE BRAHS!
  5. A direct attack? By that you mean reading 6 different well respected translations of it and telling you exactly what it says? Have you read it? Just type in 'Noble Koran' on Google, read it for yourself. It's actually quite an impressive site. I gave you the Sura numbers too, really you should be thanking me! No, Sikhism teaches you to RESPECT other faiths right to exist and to not discriminate. The journey to become one with God can only be achieved through doing good deeds in ones life, and Sikhs obviously believe that OUR WAY is the best possible way. And considering how close the values of Sikhism are to modern day GOOD values... I think we can safely say the whole world agrees? You should be willing to learn about Sikhism AND Islam, after all knowledge is power. Although... if you want to ignore the truth that is actually in front of you... Why don't you make your own translation of the Koran and see if anyone cares?
  6. I don't even know why Sikhs still bother to LIVE in Pakistan. Pakistan can't even protect Shia Muslims from constant bombings and murders, or Muslim Pakistani politicians from assassinations. They can't even provide their people with electricity or food (not like India is much better...) How exactly can they ever be expected to protect Sikhs and these holy sites? Declaring them holy sites just makes them a target. Kidnappings and forced conversions, rapes, beheadings, Taliban trying to force anyone who isn't Muslim to pay the Jizya tax in the areas they control. Gurdwara's being stolen from Sikhs by criminal gangs or the government itself. This is the reality of their lives. I mean sure it's home, but how much worse can it get before YOU NEED TO FREAKING MOVE HOUSE? Frankly I think Sikhs just need to cut our losses in Pakistan for now. Go to Punjab where we are the majority, use our skills to fix its many problems and make it the best it can possibly be. The same goes for Afghan Sikhs.
  7. I can't really say I've been following this situation with Gurpreet. But I appreciate energetic and childish HONESTY far more than a pack of lies. Sikhism doesn't appreciate lies. Hahahaha Islam respects women... Sura 2:282: The word of a woman is worth half that of a man. Sura 4:11: A women are worth half of a man in terms of inheritance they should get. Sura 4:3: You can have 4 wives and unlimited concubines/slaves ‘that your right hand possess’. Sura 4:24: Forbidden from sex with a married Muslim women, but you can have sex with female captives and slaves. Sura 4:34: Men are the masters of women as they are stronger. You can strike an arrogant wife into submission if they aren’t obedient. Sura 2:222: A woman’s period is filthy, and a man should keep away from his wife until her period is over and she has cleaned herself. Sura 2:223: Your wives are basically just a field for sowing seeds. Sura 4:15: If your woman commits adultery, she needs 4 reliable male witnesses to prove her innocence. Or she should be locked away in a house until death. Sura 4:16: The men/women who committed adultery with your women can be punished, but if they repent they should be let off with no consequences. Sura 24:31: Women should lower their gaze and be modest, cover themselves completely in veils, and only reveal themselves to the few people who are deemed acceptable. ..... This is all from the Koran. Have you ever ACTUALLY READ it? I have. Trust me this is only a snippet of the woman hate. The tenets of Sikhism could not possibly be MORE different. Go look up Guru Gobind's 52 Hukams, where true equality for women actually exists. If you want to lie, go do it on a Muslim forum. Or in a city centre while you hand out leaflets trying to covert dumb people. Don't lie on a Sikh Forum, we're against that rubbish here . ---------------- As for the actual topic in question. I'm more worried that a Muslim refused to serve a paying customer just because he was Sikh. We call that DISCRIMINATION over here... If a Sikh wants to cut their hair, they should be ALLOWED to cut their hair. Why should someone feel like they need to grow their hair when they aren't ready for it? I'd much rather have a mona being as successful and helpful as they possibly can in life, than a turbaned Sikh who just keeps his hair long BECAUSE MUMMY JI LIKES IT. A turbaned Sikh who drinks, smokes and doesn't truly love Sikhism is WORTHLESS, bringing shame to those Sikhs who do.
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