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Posts posted by Ranjeet01

  1. Thing is the Taliban consider themselves as the true muslims and the school teachers and children as fake muslims, therefore by distinguishing them mushikreen or whatever term they use and feel that they are justified and consider those children and teachers as legitimate targets. They see themselves following Islam to the letter.

  2. These people are not Muslims. They use their sscriptures out of context to justify their actions. Let's be honest I don't see the other world powers doing much.. Its like above mentioned no one wants to deal with isis /Syria. Its crazy how history repeats isn't it. The fake Muslims did such things in the times of our gurus. But at that time tth panth was unified. And took action. What can we so now? Nothin. That's why fixing our own issues getting together and recreating Ankh in our Khalsa is so important.

  3. Crusades and catholics did a lot of terrible things too, but we must not deflect attention from this current topic.

    Guruji talked about Islam from the point of view of the muslim connecting with creator which is what we all should be doing.

    However, Islam is seen as a whole life system and more than just the Quran, it is the hadiths and a political ideology with Sharia law.

  4. I disagree. The qazi that was reluctant to issue fatwa because of his conscience knowing it was the wrong thing not because it was the islamically correct thing to do.

    For 1400 years, innocents have been murdered in the name of Islam, instigated by Quran literate clerics. Our definition of an innocent is different from the Islamic definition of an innocent.

  5. Moderates will not do anything and that is because they know that the Taliban is islamically correct in what they are doing.

    Confronting the issue would mean them having to confront Islam itself and that is not what they want to do.

    Moderates will not do anything and that is because they know that the Taliban is islamically correct in what they are doing.

    Confronting the issue would mean them having to confront Islam itself and that is not what they want to do.

    Moderates will not do anything and that is because they know that the Taliban is islamically correct in what they are doing.

    Confronting the issue would mean them having to confront Islam itself and that is not what they want to do.

    Moderates will not do anything and that is because they know that the Taliban is islamically correct in what they are doing.

    Confronting the issue would mean them having to confront Islam itself and that is not what they want to do.

  6. There is an Indian restaurant called Gandhiji's near Lafayette, there is only much croissant and choc au pain one can eat.

    We popped in there and it was packed with French people and the Manager/owner came up to us showed us to our tables and then mentioned that the head chef was from Jallandhar.

    Paris is a dump and the Parisians are quite rude.

  7. Coming to the main point, there is a difference between the Pakistani Punjabi and the Mirpuri. If you are a Pakistani from Lahore and you are Sikh from Amritsar you will probably have more in common with each other than the Lahori has with the Mirpuri.

    The main difference you will find is Pakistani Punjabis are plains people and the Mirpuris are hilly people.

    For all the uncouthness of the Mirpuri, they probably got the biggest battering from the Pathans when they crossed the Attock river.

  8. Problem with Vancouver is that there aren't very many job opportunities and the only viable industry they have is BC bud (marijuana). It is also extremely overpriced compared to the rest of Canada.

    Interesting that many states of the U.S. have or are in the process of legalizing marijuana, this will have an impact on the drug industry in BC.

  9. He does not really retain any balance, if Sikhs do not bother with his program, there is no longer any "bait" and then we do not get these stupid topics.

    I remember this US Sikh guy (cannot recall his name) who was on his show regarding 1984, it was amazing how understanding all of a sudden he became. People know how great the dharma is, that is why keep trying to knock it down.

    Sikhs are the backbone of the wider "Asian" community and we pioneered for the rest to follow. Without the Sikhs, BBC Asian Network can be shown for what it really is Bollywoodised/coconut/Gujerati/dhimmified Islampheliac station.

    It is time for us to pioneer again.

  10. We are assimilated in one way or another but there is a difference between our assimilation and their assimilation. They are only anti-traditional because their white masters are. They have no real understanding of why those traditions are there in the first place, a lot of them make sense. The minute their white masters change their tact they will change too.

    For example, 20 years ago these types would have sneered at yoga, but because it is now fashionable to do yoga, particularly amongst the white middle class, I bet these types know love yoga.

    Another example: they would probably say having a beard is archaic, however if anyone has observed a lot of white males are growing beards, particularly the hipsters. I wonder what our girls who don't like beards suddenly do a 180 when the white mainstream media find beards attractive and desirable.

  11. most of them by a couple of people talking back and forth it's OK there'll be people who gain from it being said out loud ... not point being squeamish and ill-informed . Sikhi is a practical thing not a superstition filled thing. We do actions that help us reach higher and further faster not cower to popular opinion just to stop rocking others boats of complacency. Any way Waheguru sabh uppar mehr karen te Gurmat Buddhi bakshini

  12. I personally think that Sikhs should abstain from BBC Asian Network, we need to find better social media such as podcasts where we can discuss Sikh subjects. The BBC always tries to portray Sikhs in a negative light and will amplify issues where there are none and then the gullible idiots from our community will agree with them.

    You cannot win an argument in the format these shows are presented because they have all the cards stacked in their favour.

    The sooner the BBC Asian network disappears from the network the better.

  13. Amazing how a coconut BBC "Asian" presenter can cause so much confusion. The BBC is using subversion tactics by one of it's brown babu/sepoy types.

    He is an over-opinionated and under-informed buffoon. Even when he is informed he chooses to ignore and tries to confirm his own biases.

    The sooner the BBC gets put out of business the better, my TV licence money should be put to better use.

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