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Everything posted by jkvlondon

  1. have had excellent examples my Dadi ji loved my Mum immensely, my Nani ji had six and treated them all well and kept to her gursikh principles and my own Mum had two which she treated better than her own (bedtea in bed during morning sickness , late mornings etc) then when the two made moves to split she said fine and kept her own peace , still helps them
  2. but given unreasonable, possibly abusive, violent treatment cannot be swept aside like this ... Don't saure also have a sikhia to treat their nau as well as their daughter and to look after her needs emotional, spiritual and physical since she has lost her familiar life and place? plenty of bhala ji , bhulli ji and bhana mannana have made many bibian suffer more than they should when a simple conversation and the guy developing a bit of spine would have shortcircuit the whole hidden abuse . Not saying that following sikhia isn't my first way but there is a limit to allow people deliberately misusing you .
  3. can't have it both ways When her husband comes back after day’s work, an ideal mother does not sound him about the ill treatment meted out to her by her in-laws in his absence because this ultimately demoralizes him. then says later : An ideal mother takes a strong stand and fights boldly against the social and family excesses and tyranny. A Kaur takes no nonsense from anyone trying to assault her physically, mentally or emotionally and if she truly respects her husband as a partner she will approach him for advice and help prior to instigating unilateral defence, since he may be able to defuse the situation by laying down the law with the troublesome people.
  4. not in the legal field as they take making partner seriously and that was his chosen route to politics through the legislative arm. He came to politics later than other career politicians
  5. Thanks Veer ji https://barusahib.org/general/350-year-old-saroop-of-adh-granth-kept-by-the-british-museum/ obviously a very lukewarm effort was made back in the day but honestly I would prefer to keep all the Granths in full satkar on British soil so diaspora can look after this responsibility. Thge Indians are not to be trusted . I think they also are housing Dasam Granths from those times too . Have shared to sikh PA and Satkar Committee uk too
  6. Dear Sangat , I've started a petition after getting a FB link to pictures of saroop beadbhi here in London at British Museum , I can't stand it any longer ; Please sign and share widely https://secure.avaaz.org/en/petition/British_Museum_London_end_150_years_of_Disrepect_to_The_Guru_of_the_Sikhs_Guru_Granth_Sahib_ji/?cxNDFhb BTW I do NOT want the saroop to go back to India otherwise it will also be disappeared like other purataan granths
  7. This is the mentality that makes us a joke in the eyes of other kaums .... when did we become low minded like this , that we would ignore Guru Pita ji's advice to NEVER speak such words to destroy another's good work or character in front of society especially a Brother or sister i.e. nindiya , I guess swimming in the same cesspool as others of low characters has finally affected our judgement. Please drop the B'tchy falsities and support a brother in a key position which could help our kaum's political aspirations and profile
  8. maybe if the stupid s)d stop drinking he would have more fragile Y sperm living to generate a possible male , it's not her fault he's the one determining the sex of the child , I reckon this one scientific fact should be drummed into punjabis' heads it would go a long way to redress the blame game and get the men to look after their health better. vasey what the hell is she agreeing to generate more kids when he won't look after the ones he's already got ?
  9. honestly there are many things girls are expected to do - shoulder such hardships and protect their parents from the gory details to avoid making them suffer - very common in domestic abuse cases parents are unaware of how bad it is until the girl is hospitalised or dead. I personally saw a MIL dropping her DIL in the maternity ward when I was having the twins with the following words 'jeh kudi hoee sanu phone nah karree' My Dad used to give me massively hard time and be harsh ... my Mum confronted him as to why ..his logic 'pata nahin kehije family naal viah karoge , main ehnu toughen up kar reha hu taanke eh cope kar sakke ' Mum explained that it is important to give me good memories and self-confidence as it goes a long way to balance out . I knew my Dad loved me beyond ...but he was never given a method to show his softer side . The younger gen are a bit better in doing this and I've seen a lot of superproud Dads with their daughters but I get the feeling that if that girl fails in some way the father's ego will get a direct blow. My folks were unusual as they wanted me to be a girl (firstborn) and my mum was cussed out by the punjaban they were renting a room from because of it.
  10. Ram was a real person , we need to see how khalsa is expected to act and is respected higher than these demi-gods. Guru pita ji has given us examples of how not to be so we don't make the same mistakes
  11. since there are more than 300 versions of the story the one by Valmiki is considered original and least coloured in judgemental attitude ...Ravan was an Asura some say that is why he wasn't suitable because of this but Raja Janak was a bhagti person invited both him and the Princes of Ayodya Ram and Laxman along with other kings and princes who were eligible . the condition of the svyambar was to lift and string the bow of Shiva , Raja Janak's most prized posession , partly this was also to match the correct person to his adopted daughter Sita who had lifted the Shiva danush as a child. Ravan would have been a shoe-in as he was the most devoted bhakht of Shiva ji having done bheta of his head ten times (which some say were awarded back to him by Shiva ji, thus depicted as having ten heads). He would have easily been able to pick up the bow as he had thaparda of Shiva . Ram being Vishnu incarnate could do the same , and actually lifted the bow on pretext of examining the stringing and strummed the string breaking the bow, so no further attempts could be made. Raja Janak was satisfied .
  12. err don't know where you get that idea , most women are the first to be anti-women and give a girl a hard time ... gursikhs don't give or ask for dowries, don't shell out for party sharty with dancers and sharab, and accept bhana honestly if a singh is strong in his rehit and bani , he will empower the daughters immensely as he will recognise her value
  13. nah just using him to generate publicity for her protest against anti-islamphobhia anti-racist motion 106 of course she didn't target any of the other white politicians that passed the motion... cynical racist move on her part to use his look to get column inches then tries to throw shade at his mention of past experience of profiling ...
  14. he's very relaxed and comfy in his sikh saroop , I think he's a good role model for the youth , in terms of possibilities and being tough despite bullying (he's been talking openly about his youth) , being proud of gurroop and non-apologetic I remeber his impromptu lesson:
  15. Raam was the sole cause of his problems , he tricked Ravan at the syvambar and thus won Sita's hand by cheating not contest. His brother Laxman cut off the nose of Ravan's sister for daring to ask him to marry her. Ravan did not take revenge for that assault .
  16. exactly sounds so childish , you gave me food when I was away from my seat so I'm not going to eat it ... BA staff get paid 11-13k a year and have near to zero work-life balance ...they are humans so make mistakes surely being a gursikh she can have some humdardi or even daya instead of acting like a self-entitled twit . There are loads of sarablohi Gursikhs who have NOTHING on international flights and they can cope fine, she needs to get perspective and stop dragging down gurroop to satisfy her bruised ego
  17. how do you see the increased taliban influence in the touchy area of education of females as they are not known to be tolerant of doctors, teachers for females?
  18. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/09/21/opinion/pakistan-sex-family-planning.html?mcubz=0&mcubz=0 with incompetence like this is it any wonder...
  19. seriously needs to learn to drop text speak and stop with the bad grammar then ... much ado about nothing
  20. was looking for the article where pakistani women were being interviewed the real bearers of this crazy mentalities burden...they were being told that they could only visit docs for antenatal care and to stop generating kids was judged to be immoral. Some have snuck implants because their husbands are absent fathers in economic terms using that quote that 'Allah will provide ' whilst ignoring their kids' needs and failure to thrive. Chances of fertility dropping to that level is very slim as it is at 2.8 now and education is being controlled and pruned to suit the continued progeny generation agenda . I feel sorry for them , trapped in a powerless situation . the urban scene is not the majority effect but a smaller trend.
  21. the secret ? they do not allow wives to have contra ceptive control of children so they are constantly pregnant with zero to feed the kids , imagine generating five, six , seven kids with no medical care, education fees no food or safe housing for them - pure insanity that's how pakistan has DOUBLED it population between 1989 and now. Over here in the west multiple wives are in exsistence with their individual broods but the marriages are religious only, not legal so they claim as single mums and everything is covered easily with no responsibility of the father. the projected population for Pakistan in 2030 is 250million , given the lack of infrastructure : crop security, water security we could be looking at the birthplace of the food and water wars , guess what you think India is going to protect the border along our state???
  22. honestly she could have got up and got water or ask another staff member , a little too much protesting after the fact . I've travelled with BA and never had a problem but given the world's craziness lately it's possible she could have had an on purpose situation. BA policy on special diet meals is they are handed out before the main tranche so I really do not know what is up , unless she didn't bother confirming on check-in. I hear she got water and then food but delayed but she didn't eat it ... God knows what was the problem unless she didn't specify Indian veg
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