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Posts posted by jkvlondon

  1. 3 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

    This pattern just keeps repeating itself. Some fight for Sikhi as kharkus, even more join the Panjab police and murder and rape the movement into the ground.

    Can you trust such people? 

    I come from such people and have seen the saintly and the animalistic within families  so could never say one way or the other as a general rule , you have to judge by case to case.


  2. 2 minutes ago, GurjantGnostic said:

    One has to set aside their cast and lineage to become a Gursikh, and adopt the lineage of Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaja. The family of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. 

    Outside of household compatibility convenience, and screening for incest there is no need for undue focus or stress upon cast. 

    The first person to tell me that Jutts were problematic in the Paanth and had a problem with kurehits was a very good friend of mine, very knowledgeable about Sikhi even in his Mona state...and a Jutt. 


    we have sakhian from the  time of Guru Sahiban where Jatts of the Brar /Sidhu clan fought for Him but then demanded golak for that , not all but a majority that branch of the clan was accursed by their karams and became the source of panth dushts and dokhis , the others who served Guru ji with Nishkam mann were blessed by their karams and became the ancestors of Sant ji and his like. Jatts have always had a reputation for being volatile (can read that to be emotionally driven, idealistic  OR chanchal mat/fickle , aggressive, egotistic) it's just two sides of same coin.

  3. 59 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

    That's feminised and demoralised Punjabi society and the morals of a backwards third-world environment. I don't live in a chowk. Many of us here don't. The feeling of brotherhood between Men has been driven out of us by a world that fears the consequences if we banded together. Those times are in the early stages of returning. Women will never have that. You have what we allow you, or, in the case of modern society, who you've replaced us with, i.e. the State.

    We are talking about films spanning nearly eighty years and the blokes chatting well this has been going on since I was a child and

    They were in the elder category then so atleast a history spanning to prepartition. If women dudn't have each others backs society would fail to continue, stop with fantasy that only men have cohesiveness

  4. 5 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

    I notice that stoicism was normal in Panjabis of the generation before me. What I've noticed is that there is absolutely no stoicism in the foreign raised apnay. They are cry babies. 

    I'm one of those foreign  born and raised but thankfully the sikh stoicism was driven into my heart by folks and our history else I doubt I would have lasted as long as I have in the face of open hostility .

  5. 5 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

    Men could beat the 5hit out of each other and a few weeks or months later would develop a respect or even a budding friendship with the other guy. 

    Women struggle to forget a dirty look another woman threw her way, and 25 years later she's still holding the grudge and the memory of it. 

    You aren't like us, not at all.

    prlease .... men gossip and B mor e than women about each other , just go any village chowk , gardens etc  , you have never seen punjabi movies(and real life) where not just one male but his whole line maintain a vairi for some long forgotten slight over multiple genrations. I've seen the so called friends from enemies its a myth.

  6. 19 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

    These pro-Brahmin bits undermine the entire premise of the thing. You can't pick and choose what bits to follow and what bits to ignore. It's not the Quran, lol.

    If you're looking at it purely from an academic perspective as a quasi-piece of literature, then fair play, but if it's something to be adhered to with sincerity, then no chance.

    There's also the possibility it IS accurate, which would suggest the Sikh teachings and thoughts of Guru Gobind Singh differ from the ethos and spirit of egaliterianism of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, and accordingly we've been sold an inaccurate approximation of the Sikh faith. That opens up an entirely different can of worms.

    errr honestly if you know the Sakhi of the brahmins and Hill rajas refusing Amrit because of having to share bata with non brahmins and Guru ji's words on the matter , you would know that Guru ji would never broker a special status for former anythings because - KUL NASH, VARAAN NASH, DHARAM NASH

  7. 19 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

    I assume you've read the rehatnama? It seems to have an uncomfortable heavy bias in favour of Brahmin culture and those who originate from Brahmin backgrounds.

    It's one thing for village nobodies to self-aggrandise themselves and their particular castes and backgrounds for secular advancement and perks, but for an author to emerge and claim his work is a divinely inspired order when it repeatedly contradicts the fundamental values of the religion he supposedly belongs to is taking the pi55.

    Chaupa Singh's origins was surprise surprise  brahmin ...and he was often corrected by Guru ji for his bias , my guess is he took advantadge of his position of hazoori sikh  to 'add' later his own thoughts about brahmins sikhs to the rehitnama.

  8. 18 minutes ago, MisterrSingh said:

    I'll never forget a quote from the first Rocky film. It's when Rocky is working for the loan shark down at the docks. His boxing career is heading for the skids, and he's generally bumming around, wasting his life. The loan shark's right hand man is a weasely little big mouth who always makes sly little digs at Rocky being a bit dim and unintelligent. After hearing one of these comments, Rocky loses his temper and tries to grab a piece of the weasel, but the loan shark says, "Take it easy, Rock. That's just the way he is. Some men just hate. They don't need a reason, they just do." Guys are like that at times. You just don't like the look of someone or the energy they're giving off. It's a Man Thing. Always trying to tie it to grievance culture is what women do. Take it on the chin, and move on. Why we gotta be b1tches about it? ?

    it's a human thing because women do it too

  9. 16 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

    It's hard to understand this. I know some canadians and yankee Sikhs applaud this, but me personally, I'd be in their face saying: "No! I'm not a muslim, I'm SIKH!"

    This doesn't stem from any wanting or being indifferent to seeing sullay/sulliyan getting attacked for nothing. More like I insist you recognise who I am mf, instead of applying your lazy categorisation on me. 

    it also eliminates a nation of people bigger than the Jewish people to nothing , we are the ones being hated on because of our look, our culture, our way of life not talibanis and al quaida  those guys are in far away lands else cleanshaven sleepers who do all the haram things . 

  10. 4 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:


    Oh give me a break


    I can just imagine it now: some hick sees a Singh and feels like saying something foul. Then he thinks to himself, "Wait a second, that turban might not be a taliban turban ... it shows a bit less forehead and covers the ears ... also, it's not black or white, it's saffron ... maybe he's Sikh! No, actually, I read on sikhsangat.com the other day that the official Sikh colors were blue and basanti yellow, not saffron, so he's probably not Sikh ... hmmm ...."


    Basically the only people who notice the subtle differences between different turban styles are ... wait for it ... people who actually wear turbans themselves

    yes we all look so alike :

    Sihks wearing blue turbans and cloaks march toward a festival. PUNJAB, INDIA, MARCH 2, 2018: Hola Mohalla Festival - Sihks wearing blue turbans and cloaks march stock photos

    Sikh Gentlemen Celebrating Vaisakhi

    Group of Sikh Musicians in the Punjab, India

    Group of young indian man sikh

    Taliban members with guns stand under a sign saying welcome to Kabul



  11. 3 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:


    Do you honestly think that Americans can even tell the differences between the different styles? Or care about the differences?

    What a joke.


    Most "Sikhs" these days can't even tell the difference between different pagh styles.

    you may be surprised but in UK the regular people can tell the difference now , just need to propagate our image , rescreen previously made shows etc . Of course Aholes will not care but that would be true anywhere

  12. 25 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

    It wasn't bollywood that promoted this stereotype. Our own lot were full on complicit with it. That's where you keep showing some mental shyte. You're (like me) old enough to remember the 80s/90s. Hordes of our lot defined themselves by that balle balle peasant shyte. Look at Candian juts, they still do!

    Plus the stereotype of angreezis of Sikhs was the opposite to what you are saying. Loyal, docile, teetotal fudhus, who'd take 'amrit' based around giving loyalty to some morbidly obese english maharani.   

    Panjabi blokes swear big time. That's fact. It's not like I made this rule up myself. But please don't insult my intelligence and try and deny my (and many others) experience  of decades of mixing/working with my own people. I can deal with reality. Try it yourself. 

    you actually read any of the angrezi accounts of Ranjit singh's darbar and sikh after that ? they actively promote the ideas that Panjabis were debauched  illiterate uncultured and needing of modernising , literacy and numeracy was at 85% more than England at the time, Lahore was the centre of the arts, publishing houses and literature, arsenal was supplied by state of the art amoury facilities built in Punjab.  They tried hard to REWRITE us as docile sheeplike people but their lawmaking gives the truth they were scared of sikhs : their past, their possible strategic thinking , that why they had kill on sight order against Akalis , why they burnt all Kaide and learning materials , why they made it illegal for us to carry or store arms , why they prevented recruitment from certain areas of punjab for army .

    The current admin are the same as their predecessors feeding falsities about us like how we are the worst people for female foeticide not even close  that's gujrat and uttar pradesh, the amount of alcohol and drug consumption etc etc . Bollywood are the mouthpiece of the admin just as hollywood is for USA admin.

    The reason why canadians act that way is they are that they are  mostly freshies arriving after 1984  and they all have the disease of bhed chaal.

    So what they swear , big deal, does it negate what I said about it making them serve the characterisation that others put upon us ?

  13. 55 minutes ago, dallysingh101 said:

    Yeah, those demons are a real good role models. They might not swear like that, but they'll insidiously destroy whole races and cultures for their personal gains. Goray p**choday. 

    Like I said, don't shoot the messenger. Look closer to home. 

    You're quick to jump on the jut identity when it suits you, and then come out with this when it doesn't. Give it a break. Your family not rinse and benefit from colonialism? I bet you they did like proper peasants. 

    my mum's nanke were freedomfighters mentality my Dada ji was made an orphan and pauper by partition, so no

  14. 6 minutes ago, Redoptics said:

    So now if you are born in a certain situation,  its ok to swear and such, ok.

    no I am saying that they became habituated to it but they could/can turn it up or down according to needs so can Paul . It's fine if he wants to label us all as sweary neanderthals , I've personally been approached by gorey and sworn at using my own language because of his antics and its not cool in the same way bollywood promoted balle balle culture has labelled all sikhs as Pheads . I don't want to be turned into a charicature designed b angrez and GOI and told I am not a sikh because sikhs drinkbooze, eat chicken tikka  and swear like navvies.

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