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Everything posted by superkaur

  1. yeah seems weird he seems to have had racism problems with two different managers or the same one but they changed genders? I'm confused too
  2. When muslims have 50+ countries over 1 .3 billion population and huge rich governments of iran, saudi, turkey, central asian republics, gulf states, etc and muslims and commanded to only give charity to muslim causes via zakat. Why are our very few Sikh charity organisations wasting our very limited financial and manpower resources helping non-sikhs in far off non-sikh lands where the people have no interest in Sikhs or sikhism and would not come to our aid if we ever get in trouble as in 1984 proved. Sikhs 30 million population, no country to our name and struggling religious minority fighting for faith and nation since 1947 due the treacherous dogs of sikh leadership who continually sold the kaum out. christian aid they have 3 billion christian population rich western countries and vatican bank chuch isnt helping rohingya, hindus have 1 billion population they never helped non-hindus charity causes ever. Rohingya will be helped by their muslim breathin eventually there is no doubt about that. Us Sikhs do not need to go off on far off adventures to far off places aimlessly if are not there to help the people embrace sikhi with parchar. Question is why is khalsa aid continuing to pursue non-sikh charity causes when there's plenty of causes within the Sikh community that needs urgent attention and help but no help is given. (ie afghan Sikhs dwindling population due to persecution and discrimination, pakistani sikhs struggling financial hardships, indian sikhs in deep poverty and struggling especially families of Shaheeds killed by govt violence). Whats the agenda? foreign adventures? collecting money? Ravi singh is doing a great job showing he is a humanitarian and at promoting the humanitarian side of Sikhi which is great however, where is his and his orgs priorities? They seem to be lost in my view.
  3. Good idea if you got ways to implement it, there needs to be more people politically aware of canada based hindu extremists. I'm sure canada must have some laws against hate speech and calls to violence all which ron bannerjee has advocated against Sikhs in the past. I'm amazed no canadian Sikh group has got the authorities to take action against him and his racist hindu jewish group of nutjobs. This one man group + a handful of canadian jewish extremists + social media / internet can be quite powerful if you spread hate against your victims to violent ignorants. Remember hitlers mein kemp and views was just that. It was all in the head of one deranged man until he spread his hateful views about jews and others by his book and speeches and soon there was mayhem against minorities in 1930s germany. Ron bannerjee is a very ugly mentall ill hindu bengali extremist but dangerous also because of his ability to spread evil the calls for violence and hate against sikhs, muslims and others.
  4. True, so the question is how are we going to implement real life real world consequences for these western / canada based hindu indian extremists let them know Sikhs will not tolerate this abuse any more. Its time for that fight back that push back to smash the face of indian hindu extremism and hindu terrorism as a collective group. They need political outlawing and legal consequences for their hate advocacy against Sikhs and our faith.
  5. Majority of Hindus are good people and often pro-sikh however there is a particular nasty fringe far right minority amoungst them that really hate Sikhs and Sikhi with a passion. The handful of canadian based Indian Hindu extremists were exposed before in this website. So how do we combat the menace of hindu indian extremism especially in canada where they are openly targeting Sikhs online with anti-sikh propaganda especially on youtube, twitter and facebook. Are Sikhs not clever enough to create counter anti-hindu material and anti-hindu propaganda videos? Why does it seem majority of Sikhs especially in the west so tolerant of being abused online and offline.. Are Sikhs being lame sitting ducks again like 1940s and 1980s where their leaders preach love, co-existence and peace while their faith is getting slapped around and their paghs ripped off by evil hindu extremists and their allied Canadian racist jewish and "white" nationalists? Check the links below this is just a handful of anti-sikh material by american and canadian based hindu extremists. And these propaganda pieces have real life consequences for innocent sikh civilians as they influence deranged people to attack our brothers and sisters. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4BF9fVygQckE1SjNXHiRzg http://vancouver.mediacoop.ca/newsrelease/5748 http://www.risecanada.com/meet-senior-advisors/ http://www.sikh24.com/2013/08/19/exclusive-canada-a-safe-haven-for-anti-sikh-lobbyists-and-goi-agents/ Sikhism Exposed - YouTube http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:mJqgXA_a2cEJ:frontlinepunjabiyouth.blogspot.com/2008/04/hindu-man-wants-1984-to-happen-in.html%3Fm%3D0+&cd=15&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl
  6. You are right However this is not our fault as a people, this is the fault of external pressures from hindutva groups and SGPC our so called leadership they are happy to be subservient to RSS and New Delhi to avoid the troubles of 1980s 90s. And through lack of firm action and standing up for Sikhi they have created a generation of confused hindunised Sikhs which is exactly the thing they were trying to avoid in when they drew up the ill thought out rehit maryada to force all Sikhs become Khalsa's and pushing Sehajdhari Sikhs into the camps of Hindu punjabi Hindutva groups which in turn lead to troubles in punjab. The brahmin sena and shiv sena grew their hair long and beards wore turbans became fake khalsa's and killed Sikhs and innocents to give Sikh Seperatists a bad name in punjab. One way or another they will enforce their rule on us until we are truly free of them. The brahmin and hindtuva groups will never stop trying to pull Sikhs and Sikhi into the fold of hinduism either through military and terrorist means as they did in 1980s 90s. Or through buying off or infiltrating Sikh orgs with keshdhari hindus posing as Sikhs like they have done in ancient past and do so presently. Sikhs need to recognise this reality as fact first before we can move to a better future
  7. Benefited how? by becoming majority in 1/3 of already halved punjab (between india and pakistan) and enslaved in the hindu majority Indian Union? Genocided in 1980s 90s. Golden temple attacked, books destroyed and looted. women raped, kids killed? What benefit? And If his actions of drawing the sword infront of a crowd of baying mob of Muslim nationalists rallying for pakistan in 1940s is not the actions of a fool and is not an act of aggression then I dont know what is.
  8. Totally agree. This is how they impose their culture their ideology their way of life on various peoples of the world they wanted to enslave and control and still do to this day with threat of economic sanctions or warfare.
  9. What do you mean mind my language? would you say the same thing if i had posted gurbani verses that mentions fools? Besides whats wrong with calling Master Tara Singh a fool he was more than a fool he was a maha gadar fool. Every Sikh knows this except a few who havent studied what actions he did that led to catastrophe for not only his own family but the Sikh kaum as a whole.
  10. Why are you hijacking this thread to divert it onto another irrelevant topic? Address me in that topic if you have concerns not this one. You beginning to sound like the same as the troll "SinghOne" and his many alias........ are you him? And btw that's not attacking SGGS Ji that's just saying my personal view point which is that SGGS Ji is not Waheguru. I gave you my explanations and reasoned logic behind my views. If you cant differentiate between an attack and a difference of view point then you really need help. If you continue to divert the topic to another personal attack and dig at me like a troll would do, I would let Mods take care of you as your intentions are clear your not here to discuss the topic at hand your here to make mischief with members.
  11. Sikhs were an after thought and never in the equation of the British to be given independence and were expendable pawns to be used and abused for military adventurous-ism for the British empire in the chess board. Its important to conclude and remember so that all those Sikhs who suck up to the racist british establishment and thinking they would have granted a separate Sikh nation had it not been for the foolishness of master tara singh (who was a fool) and the leadership do not realise what the British game plan was. Had they really wanted to they could have made exceptions for the Sikhs regardless of their population sizes in various area's of west punjab and given back the sovereignty they had stolen from them.
  12. Good point about letting native states becoming independent, however that was what happened a few of the states did not want to join india or pakistan. The most contentious of them being kashmir, hyrderbad and sikkim where the Indian army was used to invade, dethrown the native leaders/maharajahs and force the states to join the Indian Union. So the game plan of the British was to have a finger in many pies. Pakistan would become their main base and hub to conduct operations in south asia. India was going to be treated as a neutral or enemy state especially when the USSR soviet union had started to help Indian congress party govt in energy infrastructure and other development projects. And the native states that were outside the control of new delhi were going to be used as another convenient trading posts for British goods and commerce.
  13. He is right about laying alot of the blame to the door of the British who left India in a mess and stolen all its resources and manpower only for UK's economic benefit. However his response for religious minorities like us Sikhs wanting our own political autonomy or independence in the form of Khalistan is to say its only backed by pakistan or by the British in order to cause problems for Hindu India is wholly wrong. When the fact of the matter is Sikhs are a distinct religious group, who had their own sovereign kingdoms and an empire. And who are not safe or truly free in hindu dominated India where our concerns are not heard or taken seriously and enacted upon. We also faced genocides and destruction to our places of worship under Hindu majority rule without justice or readdress of our grievances so it is legitimate for our community to have our own nation to safeguard our needs without Hindu / Indian nationalists like Rajiv and others complain that its all external entities (Pakistan or the UK/west) that are funding or propagating Sikh nationalism and separatism.
  14. Not really, it was the Sikh leadership that reluctantly wanted partition of punjab because Jinnah insisted on taking all of Punjab for pakistan. Yes the muslim mobs did start off the killings first possibly aided by the British in covert plans we may never know. Sikhs wanting political power, security and safety for their community were in an impossible position with terms imposed on them by the British. The Sikh masses and the Sikh military generals along with Sikh maharajahs of princely states of jind, nabha, faridkot were very against the idea of partitioning Punjab and losing their homes, holy gurdwara's, land and businesses in west punjab. It was the Indian independence seeking leadership (master tara singh, akali dal's baldev singh and Bhupinder Singh the maharajah of patiala) that finally sided with indian national congress party to split punjab and join their lot with indian union rather than take up jinnahs offer of keeping the punjab unified under pakistan rule but with autonomy for the Sikhs. Congress also promised the Sikhs similar terms if they joined the Indian union they would get an area in northern india for autonomous rule and we have seen how they have gone back on their word and committed many genocides and massacres on Sikhs ever since. The point is the mischief makers in all the mess of partition of punjab were the British establishment back in england because they knew exactly what they were doing in causing such catastrophe for the Sikh nation.
  15. I was watching gurinder chandha's documentary recently where some interesting points where made about how jinnah had met winston churchill before partition where they had quite warm words exchanged in letters and held secret meetings with each other. Winston churchill hated the Indians especially brahmin hindus in his documents and overall opposed and hated the idea of india for wanting to leave the British empire. He also hated Muhammadans and Islam as he had stated it in documents yet when he talks to jinnah in letters he is said to have said warm words about Islam. Maybe he was lying to hide churchills real feelings towards both communities and get jinnah on his side. So I'm wondering did churchill along with the British ruling classes (including royal family) deliberately get cripss to draw a line to divide punjab deliberately dividing nanakana sahib and amritsar knowing it would cause mayhem in the Sikh community enough for them to resort to take up armed resistance to resist the split of their homeland. Meaning violence would have been the deliberately objective by the british enough for it to be wide spread it would either: 1) Prevent the British leaving as Indians would be begging the British administration and army to stay on longer to control the violence and continue its governance. or 2) Splitting the united india into two countries would be a parting revenge shot to the Indian's for their insistence of the British leaving. Also having pakistan as a base to continue their efforts in south asia would be handy since the Indians had enough of the British raj. Churchill knew the Sikhs are a martial faith community, he know most of them come from punjab, he also knew they would fight to stop their holy places and land being left in muslim hands. It seems having known all these things the unforgivable act of partitioning punjab was a deliberate policy to ensure Sikhs were used in the evil game plan.
  16. True, we also didn't see Tamil hindu's massacred or discriminated against when Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated by a LTTE tamil tiger suicide bomber woman. The RSS Hindu and congress mobs only went after Sikhs because they saw our people as "the other" and enemies of their hindu rasthra nation.
  17. I dont really care what him or other hindu's have to say about the status of Sikhi being hindu sect or not. But what I do care about is these anti-sikh influencing figures with a large social media following who then influence others to have anti-sikh thoughts as we have seen his posion has spread to that woman saskhi bhardwaj and other dumb hindu youths. We cant bury our heads in the sands and think these guys dont matter cos they do, what they say does impact on how other hindus treat Sikhs and how they write about Sikhs on social media it does have real life consequences. He is like the piped piper that gossips and spreads rumours and entrances and enables others to have anti-sikh feelings.
  18. Attacking Sikhi, what you on about? If you haven't got anything relevant to say about the topic I would suggest you do not contribute with useless trolling responses.
  19. The whole article, seems like quite a studied and detailed response. So was wondering what the sources of it was.
  20. Sikhi is a very simple and easy faith to follow if not taken rigidly and literally. Also when Sikhs start getting involved in useless rituals then we know they are going away from Sikhi and into the realms of what Guru Nanak Ji preached against in gurbani. These days alot of Hindunised Sikhs who think they are part of sanatha dharma because of brainwashing from Hindutva groups. They should ask themselves what was the reason for Waheguru in creating Sikhi if Hinduism was fine as it was? Obviously there was a problem to begin with for our Hindu ancestors to break away from mainstream hindu movements and into a new spiritual path called Sikhi.
  21. Yeah that was another issue that ruined the forum when there was too many Mods with their own biased options and drastic actions who kept deleting quite interesting threads or letting trolls abuse the topic enough for the topic to get closed down rather than the troll to be banned and their posts deleted. I think the best way is to deal with this is if a Mod finds a topic controversial it should be moved to a controversial category so that it isn't locked down or deleted but can still be discussed in separate area. And it can always be moved back to general category if other Mods think its not that controversial and needs wider participation from users.
  22. I was watching some videos on youtube the other day and came across this old hindu guy called Rajiv Malhotra he seems to be influencing the younger Indian generation towards hindu nationalism. Evil Sakshi Bhardwaj the anti-sikh infamous hindu extremist who recently made highly offensive videos against Sikhs and Sikhi is a follower and admirer of this guy. https://twitter.com/RajivMessage/status/5808820218718
  23. Great news paji jaspindjy and other non-sikh trolls seem to have recently come on here infiltrating this forum to abuse other members, promote their castism and other anti-sikh ideologies to generally cause mayhem diverting topics to get them closed down. Its a tactic that must be nipped in the bud by having these new lost post count users spotted early and warned before being banned. Can we have more mods on here? And them more known to the forum so that we know who to go to if we have more non-sikh trolls come on.
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