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Posts posted by JagsawSingh

  1. Too bad no one takes football seriously in our community. All Sikh team is something I can see myself supporting not this boring cricket game.

    I don't know which 'community' you belong to but the one I belong to are football mad (hence the sheer number of dastar wearing Singhs in the stadium the whole world sees on their TV's each time a premier league match is televised). I remember my grandad telling me how, when he was little in Punjab, cricket was unheard of the pends. The only games they knew and loved were volleyball, kabaddi and football whereas cricket was known as the game played by the Bombay and Karachi wallahs. Just as Bombay and Karachi were alien places in lands that didn't belong in Punjab their pathetic excuse of a 'sport' where nothing happens for 5 hours and then someone hits a ball with a stick and then nothing happens again were also alien. But then seomething happened. What happened was that, because we mattered, a Karachi walla (Jinnah) made promises to us to join him, and then a Bombay wallah (Nehru) saw what the Karachi wallah just did and made even better promises to us if we joined him. We (and I promise I'll remember the cricket analogy in a moment), fell for the Bombay wallah's promises and went with him (btw, the Bombay wallah's promises were for an independant 'Khalistan').

    So....'cricket'....Well, now that the bombay wallah's have taken us over I suppose we have no choice but to embrace their game.

    India or Pakistan ?

    Is this not the same as asking whether i prefer pol pot or genghis khan as a mass murderer ?

  2. I agree WLS that good Muslims are one of the biggest victims of this fake religion called Islam.

    But what u are forgetting is that there are 5 times as many Muslim Punjabi's for every one Sikh.

    So if equal numbers of Sikhs + Muslims died in 1947 then the Sikh Panth still suffered more in comparative terms

    Before I answer your point Proactive let me go back to the question of the thread and say that the degenerate in question is more than likely a Mirpuri rather than a Punjabi jatt as the surname 'Virk' is officialy listed as one of the most common and most powerfull of all the Mirpuri Muslim surnames.

    Now, let me tell you something about Sikhi that you don't understand. Our Gurus fought and our Gurus killed. When they fought and killed, their weapons ended the lives of bad lifeforms. In a sense, they liberated those suffering souls. The same when, and if, our Gurus went hunting. The animal on the receiving end of that blessed arrow was truly blessed to be able to be liberated.

    One thing our Gurus and our living Guru today has never tought us is to value material / property suffering more than human suffering. Of course we Sikhs suffered by far the most material damage. Sure, of course we lost the most land, the most buildings, the most businesses and the most houses. But so what ?

    Houses can be re-built and we Sikhs have successfully re-built them. Businesses can be re-built and we Sikhs have successfully re-built them. But what can never be re-built is human life. And this is something I implore all Sikhs, especially yourself, to remember. When remembering the horrific, and almost unbelievable madness, of partition murder in Punjab 1947, we have to always remember how most of the deaths took place in the small area that we today know as Punjab proper, i.e the whole of Majha (including Lahore etc), doaba and malwa. In this murder area as a whole there was a roughly equal split between the Muslims on one side and Sikhs / Hindus on the other. Therefore, the fact that there are also millions of other Muslims in NWFP, Lucknow, Delhi, Iran, Arabia, French Africa etc is totally irrelevant to the suffering on the ground in Punjab 1947.

    We Sikhs have to watch movies about massacres etc around the world and we wonder why they don't mention one of the most gruesome massacres ever, whereby up to a million Sikhs were massacred in the space of 3 weeks. The horrific barbarity of it all is almost too difficult to comprehend and awakens in me a animalistic desire of hatred and revenge. But you know what ? There is one thing that makes me put it all into perspective. When I think of how the other side, in this small area of Punjab (majha, doaba and malwa) went through something double and a half of what we went through, I remember that I am human.

    I respectively ask you Proactive, good sir, to once again to become human.

  3. Just because you knew some Virks in Doaba does not mean that they are relevant to a discussion on Virks

    I'm not saying I just know 'some' Virks in Doaba.....I'm teling you there are huge swathes of Virk villages all over Doaba and parts of Malwa.

    Yeah bro the Muslims in Pakistan killed 20% of the Sikh population in 1947. Imagine if about 100million people in the USA, UK, Canada and Australia got killed tomorrow.

    Well "imagine" this fact for one moment: Imagine if we had to endure the 1947 killings all over again once more and then half a time more. Only then would be reach the number of Punjabi Muslims massacred in Punjab 1947. They lost 150% more human lives than us in 1947. Those are human lives. Never forget that.

  4. This initiative looks good but what has happened in the Ealing Southall seat? Here we had Piara Khabra a communist Indian workers party <banned word filter activated> for over a decade and since 2007 a Pro-Congress Hindu! This is supposed be the centre of Sikh power in the UK! It appears to have gone from even bad to worst as at least in 2010 there was a Sikh candidate in Gurcharan Singh standing for the Tories but now there is white guy standing for the Tories. So for the Sikh voters it's a choice of an Indira Gandhi supporting Hindu or a white guy who probably doesn't have a clue about the Sikh community and it's issues are probably considers all of us as 'asians'!

    So what are the plans for Ealing Southall?

    I explained the Southall and Hounslow situation on another thread.

    In both these constituencies (both of which house the largest number of Sikhs in the entire country) the Labour Party HQ in Walworth Road deliberately disregarded the local long standing Sikh councillors (who should have been the obvious choice to stand) and deliberately IMPOSED...i.e forced the local Sikhs and musims to accept as their candidate....a Hindu Punjabi. The Labour Party did this deliberately in Southall and then, 5 years later, deliberately did it again in Hounslow. In fac, the one in Hounslow (Seema Malhotra) is a really strange case because she has virtually no connection at all with Hounslow. Her family are a multi-millionnaire propety developers from Kensington and her one little connection with Hounslow was the fact that they also own a property in Hounslow (as well as everywhere else in the country).

    So.....those 2 blatantly anti-Sikh MPs who openly act as a mouthpiece for India, was forced upon the local Sikhs by Labour party HQ. There was no debate, no little vote, no meeting, no nothing. The Labour Party treated the Sikhs of west London with the contempt Labour thought we deserved. It told the local Labour Party (who were nearly all Sikh) that there is to be no choice in the matter and that we WILL accept having a Hindu Punjabi as our candidate / MP whether we like it or not.

  5. Virk are a mainly Sikh Jat got but in Gujranwala and Sialkot there were a number of Muslim Virks as well although they were still less than the Sikh Virks there.

    What kind of nonsense wikipedia and second rate internet articles are you getting your facts from ? You've clearly taken your facts from some website wrtten by an imbecile that was fixated on the gujranwala area but was totally oblivious to the multitude of Virk villages in muslim dominated doaba and vast areas of malwa.

    Virk is one of the most numerous muslim jatt clans in Pakistan. I don't know much about gujranwala and sialkot but the ones that migrated from doaba in 1947 now occupy many villages and whole tehsils in district faisalabad for example and the same for the ones that migrated from malwa.

    I have no doubt whatsoever, that there are more muslim jatts who are Virk than there are Sikh jatts who are Virk.

    Now, tell me why I should take the rest of your post seriously when you start your very first paragraph with innacurate non-facts ?

  6. Virk is a prominent Jatt clan, Jatts are an ethnic people found on the Northern Indian subcontinent. Jatts are diverse in religious affiliations and are Muslims, Sikhs and Hindus. In this case these individuals are Muslims, nothing to do with Sikhs so please delete or move this thread.

    Yes Jatt surnames very rarely overlap with Hindus but every Jatt surname found among Sikhs is also found among the Mulsim Jatts in Pakistan and, lets not forget, there are more Muslim jatts than there are Sikh jatts.

  7. There are Gurdwaras and there are GURDWARAS.

    Er' indoors knows my politics but 'er indoors would still like for us to have an akandh path in the Gudwara. Er' indoors would like for me to be earning what what my qualifications say I should be earnin but the fact is that I do NOT.

    I constantly lift 30kg trays of onions on a 12 hour shift for a major supermarket distrubution centre whilst researching and writing my theisis.

    But still we'd like to have an akahand path.

    The 'price list' says (UK prices) $2500 for gas for 3 days. $1000 for 'chairs'. $500 for electricity and blah de blah amount of pounds of blah de blah.

    Long story short ? I'm a Sikh on minimum wage. I can't do it. I'm too poor to do this seva that is my dream. Its a struggle. My struggle though, doesn't matter. We don't get noticed. Every Sunday, in every Gurdwara in every city on earth its the same old story.

    And herein lies the paradox. Get rid of tables and chairs in the name of equality whilst forgetting how doing the seva of langar has gone beyond the price range of 75% of the sangat.

    And so we're back to the old age question: 'what came first, the chicken or the egg?' We all know that Gurdwara committee presidents and members seem to live in the best houses and have the most resources and even the best houses.

    How did this happen ?

    Its the chicken and the egg question. From Edmonton to Birmingham grom Dudley to Vancouver did they get into Gurdwara politics pricesley because they are rich or did they get rich because of Gurdwara politics ?

    I would guess the answer lies somwhere between the two.

    Either way, they're all rich and I am proudly working class and thus that world is not for me.

  8. So here's a news story that got me thinking alot this week, and its a story that seems to be getting bigger and stranger daily given today's revelations of Katie Price's (Jordan) freindship with the German peadophile concerned.


    Basically, last week, I read in the Wolverhampton Star and Express how a man with a Sikh name : Davinder Singh Kainth, beat to death a disgusting German predator peadophile who was consistently photographing and filming Davinder's 7 year old daughter. http://www.expressandstar.com/news/uk-news/2015/02/09/briton-kills-man-who-filmed-girl/

    I read that a few days ago in the Wolverhampton paper and I started to feel so much empathy with Davinder. I started to think how awful it must have been to find a man filming obscene images of your little daughter and how Davinder unknowingly did such a great thing by ridding this world of a notorious predator.

    Later news articles have started to reveal more about Davinder's lifestyle and it got me thinking. Me and you don't find ourselves in situations like this just as me and you don;t find ourselves in situations like gagandeep singh of Sikh TV found himselves in. These kind of random things don't happen to us because our lifestyles dicate that we don't place ourselves in such situations.

    Doesn't secret badness and open badness always meet each other somehere along the line ?

  9. I'll tell you what our problem is: We don't have our finger on the pulse. We're always reactive rather than pro-active. If we were, we'd realise that our best hope is likely to come in the form of a bhatri Sikh girl in Southampton 'Satvir Kaur'. Its looking really likely she'll be nominated by Labour Party HQ and really likely she'll be elected. What our Sikh organisations should be doing is lobbying her, finding out where she stands and, quid pro quo, giving support in return for support. Trust me, she WILL be an MP come the next general election. Get to her before the pro-Indian lobby get to her. WAKE UP !!!!

  10. The news story itself is testament to the uneducated society we live in. Badly educated news reporters who know no better write articles for a largely badly educated readership that know no better. Before you know it, we're all swimming in a cess-pool of misinformation.

    As ASKhalsa1 said above, the Ahmaddias (or Quadians as they and we call them) are not considered Muslim. Muslims, throughout the world, and the Pakistan constitution itself, officially classify them as a distinct religion entirely seperate from Islam. Thus, they are hated by Muslims.

    This in itself makes a mockery of the 'news' article.

    But, there's an added feature. The Ahammdya religion has its roots in the Sikh heartlands of Punjab. The spiritual home of their religion is the area around the village of Quadian in district Gurdaspur in Punjab. Thus, they have always, since day one, been heavily influenced by the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev ji specifically and Sikhism in general.

    All of which makes the news article at best factually incorrect but at worst a pathetic lie.

  11. i am a boy who has been blessed with amrit.

    bt last night i had a chnce going with an amritdhari girl to some place and we were forced to stay in a room. we are not married. bt we started touching each other and all went wrong. we didnt had intercourse bt oral.

    I am having a guilt of getting amrit khandan. plz hlp me out for this. wht should i do.

    Who exactly are these people that "forced" you two to sleep together in a room ?

    Were they voyeurs ? Were they holding you both at gunpoint ? Was the eastern european mafia involved in some way ?

    Whoever they were, I'm sure you have by now gone to the Police and reported this very serious matter. Let us hope these people can be found and stopped before they "force" any other young religious boys and girls to do the same.

    Or........you could just re-think your whole story about being forced to sleep together in a room.

  12. I used to work with a lady who was so sensitive to caffeine half a cup of tea would make her tiddly like she was drunk...giggly. dizzy etc extra cheap date ...

    so how did Hindi come along ?

    Don't really know.

    And, as its such a newish crap little language don't really care.

    But, if I had to answer, I would say its certainly nothing to do with Hinduism, as not only is Sanskrit much closer to Punjabi than it is to Hindi buth the hindu Vedics are also far more akin to Punjabi than they are to Hindi.

    So, if I had to guess, given how the typical 'Indian' is, I would say about 400 years ago some very weak looking Indian fella was publicly urinating in the street where children walk, just after he'd finished spitting there, and as he was on his way to discriminate against another, and equally, weak looking Indian fella who was also publicly defecating in public, and rightly so because the second fella's face was a shade darker in skin tone than the first fella, the first fella spoke words befitting his manner and behaviour as a public spitter and urinater and the second fella (the person that defecates in public) , surprising enough, replied in similar words. Hence, the birth of Hindi.

  13. o you get twitchy when you hear them speaking Hindi in general too veer ji?

    Crap new language (Punjabi is more than a thousand years older than Hindi) spoken by crap foreign people that are ILLEGALY occupying my land. Lets leave it at that.

    if so , have a nice cup of chamomile and chilll.....

    Despite my passionate plea on behalf of the 'word' cha, the fact is I don't actually like the 'thing' cha. If I'm forced, I could tolerate a masala cha but generally I'm a coffee bandha. A cup of Costa's Mocha does me just fine.

    do you get twitchy

    Yes if I have a large Mocha I get a bit twitchy but if I have more than one a day I'm positively shaking.

  14. Jagsaw if you stand for parliament, you'll have my support!

    No point. D'ya know why ?

    Its because of the way the Labour Party works.

    Every single time there has been an opportunity for a local dastar wearing Sikh, including long-standing local dastar wearing councillors, to stand as MP in one of our sikh stronghold constituences, Labour Party HQ deliberately exlude that turban wearing Sikh from the running and impose a Hindu Punjabi on us. It is official Labour Party policy to do that and they have been very consistent in doing just that.

    The only time a dastar wearing Sikh gets a chance to stand it is always because the Conservative Party adopt him as their candidate but because its the Tory party he never wins.

    Thats why, we can't emulate whats been happening in Canada. We can't, because of the way the Labour Party have treated us. That why, unfortunately, and very sadly, I'll never be able to be your MP.

    We need to teach the filthy, dirty Labour Party a lesson they deserve.

  15. don't worry let's make it true then everyone will be in a much better shape

    We, and I include myself in this, have a bit of an inferiority complex about putting ourselves forward the way the Canadian Sikhs do. Thats why, here in the UK, its always Hindu Punjabis that assume the positions of power etc.

    Tell you what, do you remember quite a while ago here on this forum when we were talking about gender equality, I mentioned how Sikh women in the UK are the pioneers of the western world's equality movement.....i.e the right for women to vote, when I mentioned how Maharaja Ranjit Singh's grandaughter was so passionate about it that she used to stand on the streets of London in the early 1900's with placards demanding equal rights and organising demonstrations etc and was on of the main leaders of the suffragette movement ? D'ya remember how I talked about that ?

    Well, this week I've read in the mainstream media that a Hindu Punjabi woman (anita anand) has been given a $200,000 advance by a major book publisher because she says she has recently 'unearthed' something nobody knew about....i.e the 'Sikh Suffragette'.

    That $200,000 should have been mine :ohno:

  16. but I seem to remember many oomplaining that those Canadian politicians abandoned sikhi to get ahead even to the extent of changing religion or marrying out to gain votes...I'd take pure unadultarated sikhi saroop as a sign of comparisons between UK and US and Canada etc

    Leaving aside the fact that Canada has many times had 'Sikh' Ministers....i.e MPs with ministerial responsibility, something we UK Sikhs have yet to achieve, Canada has Amritdhari MPs, elected Amritdhari Mayors of cities and towns (i.e genuine elected Mayors with real powers, in contrast with the ceremonial and powerless appointed local mayors we have here). The point is, I agree wholeheartedly with this thread and 9 of the other facts it has stated. But 'fact' number 7, is clearly not fact.

  17. besides cha came from China the Portuguese brought it to Europe and then The Britsh brought it to India in a second wave to break Chinese monopoly of market.

    It was originally used a medicinal drink not as the gorey drink it cup upon cup with sugar and milk

    True. Cha was introduced to India by China, which leads me to something another fella said. He said:

    apparently i heard drinking too much chai makes you...

    Chai ????? :nono:

    Have some Punjabi pride my friend. Cha was introduced to the whole sub-continent by the Chinese and guess what the Chinese word for tea is ?

    Yes thats right, its Cha (tsa). Not 'chai'. It's Cha.

    Just because them foreign people (Indians) that live in a foreign land to us (south of us in a place called Hindustan) and speak a foreign language (Hindi) have corrupted the correct word, i.e are too stupid to know the proper word, it does not mean we should join them.

    Every time I hear Punjabis saying the word 'chai' I feel like punching them for their stupidity.

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