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Posts posted by Akalifauj

  1. 3 hours ago, KhoonKaBadlaKhoon said:

    Only an <banned word filter activated> would vote based on "Sikh interests." Question is, will his policies benefit average middle class Canadians? Or is he just going to tax the middle class, and start welfare state etc. 

    Voting for sikh interest means not being discriminated against because of being Sikh and because of skin color.  Only an oreo would not vote for sikh interest.  

    Since we got the stupidity out of the way let's talk about jagmeet Singh.  Hes the leader of a party who has a horrible past.  They have put the people of the  provinces where ever they ruled into more debt and slowed down the economy and the middle class suffered.  If he was running as a liberal party member he would have won in the since of having a minority government which will not allow conservatives to rule as a majority government.   Majority of Sikhs dont vote ndp because of its history.

    If Canadians don't want conservatives to gain a majority government, vote liberal and this will level the playing field.  If you vote ndp, you are wasting your vote where there will be no gain for Sikhs in business or labour market or immigration. And Sikhs dont want conservatives to get a majority government.  And the reason, Jason Kenney.  Look up what he did to us.  

  2. 4 hours ago, imhosingh said:

    Sorry my bad. Educated Sikhs go to the gurdwara to give 'change' (haven't you ever heard people or yourselves ,at the gurdwara entrance asking each other if you've got 'change') and then ask maharaj for a flashy car, promotions , bigger houses , more money etc  in return ? Mocking people for worshipping a kangeroo is a bit rich when we have our own follies 

    You are still unable to understand the difference.   I think you are upset because you worship a monkey statue and the light may have turned on in your brain after seeing it's wrong to worship a kangaroo statue.  There was also no mocking being done.  How much are you getting paid to divert topics on this forum?  

  3. On 4/27/2019 at 1:52 PM, Big_Tera said:

    You lower your gaze like a muslim? Interesting terminology you use. Sounds like what a sulah would say. 

    Another loser moment for this poster.  Any sensible man would lower their gaze because not to divert the mind and also not to let the woman feel objectified by a man.  

  4. 8 hours ago, imhosingh said:

    I see plenty of 'educated' 'sikhs' worshipping mercedes, BMW, and Audi. Is that different to a kangaroo? 

    A sikh buying an expensive car compared to a statue of a kangaroo that is only there to be worshipped are not the same or even close.  Many people praise their car for the features it has and how expensive it is but it does not equate to worshipping a statue in a building.  The statue is worshipped because it is told the kangaroo statue has certain worship values where something is provided in return.  Cars are praised for their actual features that they have and can demonstrate by using the car.  It's usable product.  

  5. On 4/17/2019 at 10:13 AM, Big_Tera said:

    You plonker. 

    So if we dont agree with someone we should tell them to leave. This forum should be about intelligence debate and discussion. Not telling people to leave if we dont agree with them. You obviously have the mental age of a 5 yr old so that is why you behave and act like one. 

    Woah, how arrogant you are.  Had you spent two seconds to think my comments through.   You would have understood I was calling you weird because you sound desperate in wanting this one poster to stay.  Your post came off as if you were on your knees begging, "please stay Christian girl. I can't live without you".  I dont care if she stays or leaves and I have not told her to leave.  You like making things up.  It's in your nature.  You want this forum to be about intelligence.   Well show it when I directly ask you to prove your claims.  Instead of being intelligent,  you run away.    So this would make you as the fool and a coward.  


  6. 11 minutes ago, Christiangirl52 said:

    I thank you. The voice of reason. 

    I just see no reason why people of different religions cannot learn from each other something of value. We live in a multi cultural society. Surely it enriches each other to talk peacefully and be able to explore the different perspectives of how we reach out to God. 

    I have decided to stay. Why should aggressively stupid people drive away guests? I am but a guest here. I do think most Sikhs are very nice reasonable wise people. We have foolish christians too of course. Fools exist in every walk of life! I hope i can stay for now and discuss a bit more about how our religions help us to reach the love of God and assure the destiny of our eternal soul.


    I have said nothing to you to receive such a response.  I was very clear and you didn't want to hear what I said.   Peace lies in being honest.  Peace doesn't lie in creating fake stories to present the Bible as something it is not. Jesus did not write the Bible.   Jesus wrote nothing about accepting the old testament,  yet Christian accept it.  Who is jesus?  Very little is know because he wrote nothing about his teachings or who he is.  

  7. Sometimes just having it can be a deterrent because now the aggressor might think that sword can be used on me.  Many times this can be the case but we don't even know it happened.   


  8. 5 hours ago, scali said:

    Thebasics of Bhai Khaniya serving all even so called enemies.

    Bhai khaniya ji did not serve the so called enemies.  He helped those that have fallen on the battlefield.  Do you think he would have helped the soldier that was injured from the battle but was still holding a sword or  another weapon and saying I'm kill you and your Guru? The basic of bhai khaniya ji is he saw Vaheguru in all but he wouldn't help the hand that wants to kill him in that moment. 


    5 hours ago, scali said:

    Youbecome what you worship. You want to stuck in an illusion of separation and reincarnation it is your choice, you will have a lot of company ie most of the world. I rest my belief in oneness and proceed throughlife as we are all connected with my free will it always boils down to choice.

    Reincarnation is not a belief in Sikhi.  It's a reality.  Gurbani says there are worlds beyond worlds, but there is only the one.  This does not mean the other worlds don't exist in creation.  Guru Sahib is saying remember the one, Vaheguru and the existence of the other worlds would not matter.  It's like reincarnation to a Saint.  He doesn't need to focus on what if he lands in reincarnation because hes already lost all sense of the self and remembers Vaheguru.   You on the other hand hold on to the sense you exist by saying you have free choice.  You are stuck in duality as much as the atheist.  Only difference is the atheist doesn't believe in the existence of Vaheguru, therefore they have free will and you think you are equal to Vaheguru because you believe you have control over your life.  Both have the highest amount of egotistical thinking that Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji is teaching to get rid of.

    No Sikh worships reincarnation. It's a real system that exist like the world, so long as creation exist.  Gurbani says, Vaheguru you do all.  I wonder how you worship or focus your concentration on these words when truly you believe you have free will and can make choices.   I say Gurbani is right and your belief is wrong but it seems you have given more importance to your beliefs than Gurbani taught reality.

    Poster bhforce post on quoting Gurbani present a reality you are not willing to accept.   But I don't blame you because Guru Sahib has not shown you the way yet.  Hes kept you in the dark for a long time for some reason and we accept that reality as well.

  9. 6 hours ago, harsharan000 said:

    This alone your statement , summarizes and shows how deeply  moorakh, wicked, and blind you are, which you so shamelessly write on a forum, and have not any mimnnimum decency to rectify or apologize, you play with God,s name, as a  toy in your dirty mind. You fool!!

    Now do not try any dirty tricks of yours by diverting the attention of the Sangat, with your senseless barkings

    Here you didn't highlight this enough let me help you.

    Why didn't you let God show me you are wrong.

    this was written to show the God I worship is the one and only God who saved Bhagat Prahlad ji in the form of Narsingh, the manlion.   The same and only God took form as the ten Gurus and told the story on saving Bhagat Prahlad ji as Narsingh in Gurbani and the one God is praised not some avtaar.  

    fake holy men like you want to stop others from speaking up.  Well you totally failed here.  I hope you get the help you need. 


  10. 14 hours ago, harsharan000 said:

    This your statement above alone, shows how deeply stupid and a mad dog you are. With your hankar, your bullying,  you are blindly driven out of control, perpetual liar,  in constant hallucinations,  making you see things which exist only in your dirty polluted mind.  

    Due to all this accumulated dirt in your mind,  and still gathering more with your barking everyday, there is no place left for any truthfullnes or any morality, thus you go that stupid extent,  of getting so blind, that you speak sheer nonsense as seen in your statement above, where you are telling me that I did not allow God to show you are wrong

    Can you fall so low as a senseless donkey?

    Really, I know you are evil and wicked,  but did not know you could be so stupid.                                                                 

    Who can prevent God to exercise His Hukum, stupid mad man?

    Well, this alone your statement above shows your true colours, how fake  and shameless you are.

    Nothing more to added or said, for it is crystal clear, what a stupid mad dog you are. Just look at yourself first stupid man, before pointing anything towards anyone.

    Oh sorry, you are blind so how can you see yourself, it is just your polluted mind which makes you see hallucinations about others.

    So before telling others do this or get treated  medically, better you go and get operated your brains,  and get out the poison in it, for if you do not do it soon, your whole body may get affected negatively, for the moment, it has already reached your eyes, ears and mouth.

    So keep an eye on yourself, and fear God before any barking, for He is watching all your lies.

    This old man is still out in the community?  The psychiatric ward must not have any beds left.  Seriously this guy needs help; mental help for his outbursts of rage.  His whole post present a man who has no self control.   Yet he wants to sit on a messaging board all day dictating to others how God wants others to behave.  I really think this guy thought he was God but I burst his bubble and now this delusional person wants to hurt me physically.  Is there anyone who knows this guy personally.   Please find him some help.  

  11. 9 hours ago, harsharan000 said:

    true, no need for nasty arguing with this mad dog of Akali Fauj, he needs a good spanking  to shut his mouth with a kick.

    his hatred for me, makes him blind, he looses his common sense, though frankly speaking he has none, and starts with his lies, trying to impress here as if he knows a lot of Gurmat, and then, he starts barking, and  perhaps unfortunately his parents did not teach him manners, or maybe, he is an arrogant  donkey  even with.

    He is like a twisted tail of a dog, which if put in a tube to get him straghtened, then the tube can get curved, but he can never get straightened. ????

    He is so foolish that he can cheat others, thinking by changing his ID here, but his manners are the same which means his barking is the same as in his previous ID.

    Such a fool, and he is going to  teach others how to be.....?????????

    A said, he is mad dog, let him keep barking his nonsense, the more he barks, the more the sangat will know about his stupidty and wickedness

    Just do not mind his nonsense.


    8 hours ago, harsharan000 said:

    You never pointed my dishonesty, it is all your wickedness, your bakwaas, your lies, YOUR BULLYING....your wild mad imagination.

    But nothing of your nonsense will ever affect me, for you speak, only the nonsense and lies you carry, so not me only, but anyone with common sense will ever fall at your dirty level.

    You think the whole world turns around you, and will follow a mad dog like you, ha?

    You are so wicked, that you think Gurbani can upset me. it is not Gurbani which is Amrit that can upset anybody, but your wickedness which blinds your common sense, thus you start barking only lies upon lies...

    You may cheat the world or the inmature, but we all know how evil you are.

    So before accusing or pointing others, please have a look at yourself as a mirror with the video I posted yestreday.

    In case you have not seen it, have a look here below as per how you madly bark constantly with lies and nonsense.

    Stupid mad dog. ??????


    These two post show how insane this man is.  He can't keep his composure.  He wants to use violence against me and can't stop swearing at me.   What happened to the Pandit, who wanted to tell another to stop preaching?  All it took was two post to show this old man is a fraud.   Seriously there are some screws loose in this guy.  This much anger requires medical attention.   


  12. 8 hours ago, harsharan000 said:

    true, no need for nasty arguing with this mad dog of Akali Fauj, he needs a good spanking  to shut his mouth with a kick.

    You can't control yourself at all.  Typical fake holy man that can't stand the fact he is wrong so he wants to use violence.  Which brainwashed chela of yours are you sending.  I know you won't come down. 

  13. On 4/2/2019 at 11:54 PM, Christiangirl52 said:

    Lol! No need for nasty arguing. I have a good mind of my own.

    He, @harsharan000 is a dishonest old man.  He tells you God says be silent but then goes on with his fake holy man preaching.   Sikhi tells us to be honest and when I pointed out his dishonesty,  he didn't like it one bit.  So much for being humble.  Most people do something healthy with their retirement.   This nasty old man pretends to be a holy man.  

  14. On 4/2/2019 at 4:02 PM, harsharan000 said:


    I know why you are barking so much nonsense. 

    I as many others,  have also seen how stupid you are apart from  madly barking.

    So no matter how much you  keep on barking, the best thing is either to give  you  an injection for rabbies, or leave you  to keeping on barking ....

    That is the best medicine  for a stupid and an arrogant dog like you.  

    ??????????   ???????

    Do not guess anything for you have no brains, even a donkey is better than you.

    It is quite clear from the amount of nonsense you say, that you have not seen your face in the mirror or how stupidly you bark, so here you go, look at yourself in the following video.


    Why didn't you let God show me you are wrong.  Wait Gurbani was quoted and you lost control.  Showing further how shameless you are.  You show every characteristic of a fake holy man.  You are the trashy trailer park baba.  Being shameless is your mission statement. 

  15. On 3/30/2019 at 4:40 AM, harsharan000 said:

    Who are we after all? We are nothing.  He who is the owner of this His creation, is wise enough to do His job without our intromission or suggestions. He makes no mistakes, unlike we humans and try to amend them.


    Then why are you telling her anything?   Let God do his job and if he wants her to change God will tell her.  Who are  you  to speak for God? You don't follow your own stupid beliefs.  But let me guess you are the chosen one.  ? everyone bow down to this chosen one.   Bring him money and brand new cars worth 100k.  You have no shame. 

  16. On 3/30/2019 at 4:40 AM, harsharan000 said:


    Had anybody seen truly God in its real form, nobody would say I am a christian, a muslim a hindu or a sikh, for then one will see His Light in all and everywhere.

    No, Gurbani says...

    ਜੈਸੀ ਗਗਨਿ ਫਿਰੰਤੀ ਊਡਤੀ ਕਪਰੇ ਬਾਗੇ ਵਾਲੀ ॥
    ਜਿਵੇਂ ਚਿੱਟੇ ਖੰਭਾਂ ਵਾਲੀ (ਕੂੰਜ) ਆਸਮਾਨ ਵਿਚ ਉੱਡਦੀ ਫਿਰਦੀ ਹੈ, 
    The white flamingo circles through the sky,

    ਓਹ ਰਾਖੈ ਚੀਤੁ ਪੀਛੈ ਬਿਚਿ ਬਚਰੇ ਨਿਤ ਹਿਰਦੈ ਸਾਰਿ ਸਮਾਲੀ ॥
    ਪਰ ਉਹ ਪਿੱਛੇ (ਰਹੇ ਹੋਏ ਆਪਣੇ) ਨਿੱਕੇ ਨਿੱਕੇ ਬੱਚਿਆਂ ਵਿਚ ਆਪਣਾ ਚਿੱਤ ਰੱਖਦੀ ਹੈ, ਸਦਾ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੇ ਹਿਰਦੇ ਵਿਚ ਸਾਂਭਦੀ ਹੈ ਸੰਭਾਲਦੀ ਹੈ; 
    but she keeps her young ones in her mind; she has left them behind, but she constantly remembers them in her heart.

    ਤਿਉ ਸਤਿਗੁਰ ਸਿਖ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਹਰਿ ਹਰਿ ਕੀ ਗੁਰੁ ਸਿਖ ਰਖੈ ਜੀਅ ਨਾਲੀ ॥੨॥
    ਇਸੇ ਤਰ੍ਹਾਂ ਗੁਰੂ ਤੇ ਸਿੱਖ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਹੈ, ਗੁਰੂ ਆਪਣੇ ਸਿੱਖਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਹਰੀ ਦੀ ਪ੍ਰੀਤਿ ਦੇ ਕੇ ਉਹਨਾਂ ਨੂੰ ਆਪਣੀ ਜਿੰਦ ਦੇ ਨਾਲ ਰੱਖਦਾ ਹੈ ।੨।
    In just the same way, the True Guru loves His Sikhs. The Lord cherishes His GurSikhs, and keeps them clasped to His Heart. ||2||

    Guru Sahib is God and he holds his Sikhs close to him.   So Guru Sahib is telling his followers to call themselves Sikh.  

  17. On 3/26/2019 at 10:26 AM, Christiangirl52 said:

    I never do! I feel if anyone wishes to read the Bible they are free to do so. My focus is my personal faith in Christ and my example how i live. The proof of my God is in my behaviour,  my love for my fellow humans. 

    If anyone wants to discuss God with me i am happy to do it. My own testimony, experience and life is all i have to offer. 

    You see my life was in darkness and despair for a long time. I believed God did not exist. Once i discovered He does, my whole outlook and life changed. People who believe, including all of you, are different. The heart changes and God can work through us to spread His message of love to all. 

    I don't know if anyone thinks i am making sense! 

    You are making many statements here.  Making claims on what the bible contains and who jesus is.  It is only right to ask for quotes for these claims.  I know directly you did not ask for Gurbani, but it was implied and members here provided them.

    If your personal faith (christianity) is your focus on life, then why are you here where Sikhs  discuss social issues in their communities.  You would have been focused on the Bible and how to implement it in your life. Instead you are here on this forum. We on this forum do not focus on Jesus Christ and there is no reason for you to be here, according to your own statement.

    Jesus did not write the Bible, so the Bible are the writings of what certain people claim to be the teachings of Jesus Christ. You as a Christian have to take a leap of blind faith to believe the writings contained in the Bible are accurate and the words of Jesus Christ. So why be a Christian when other religions like Islam and Buddhism are similar like christianity; their prophet did not write their holy book?
    How do you know the Bible is the word of God? If you say through personal experience you know it's the word of God. Then anyone else from a different faith can say through personal experience the Bible is not the word of God but their holy book is.

    I'm not attacking you or christianity but being very critical of your claims. There are many social justice warriors on this site and they are very scared of this critical thinking. I say one word and they feel attacked. So they will be coming to your rescue soon. But being critical of your own beliefs is a good thing. Had Jesus Christ wrote the Bible you could have total blind faith and it would have merit in the context of following Jesus Christ. But frankly this is not the case. You read the words in the Bible written by those who followed Jesus Christ. So your faith is not in Jesus Christ but those who wrote the Bible. Blindly you are following their words. And blindly you are following their belief on God. Maybe you disagree with them on some places and hold your own belief to be true, but your belief is no better than their's because neither of you are Jesus Christ.

    God is half baked for Christians, Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and other religions, except for one that is Sikhi. All these religions prophet never wrote down about God and those who did, attributed his existence to some form of creation, which puts limits on God. Some denied God existence. Sikhi doesn't fall into this behavior because the teaches came from God and were written down by the Gurus. Sikhs can have blind faith in Gurbani because the teaches are directly from God. When it comes to Sikhi there is no, my belief. The Sikh is being directly taught by God and personal beliefs don't hold up to God's teachings. Critically and honestly no Christian can say the same for the Bible. This is where things get very difficult and it's hard to swallow for majority of Christians. They are so attached to the Bible they don't want to see the truth. They rather go on knowing Jesus Christ did not write the Bible and it could contain wrong teachings. But keep telling yourself it's the word of God and maybe a lie will become true. This is no way to live your life. Bhagat kabir ji was born in a Muslim family but he didn't stay a Muslim. Bhagat kabir ji was a true seeker of God and when he met Guru Nanak Dev ji, he fully accepted the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev ji and left behind all his old ways of seeking God.

    Many of these sjw, every religion is the same, illerate people will yell at me now. They don't want to hear these words. They don't want to learn about Sikhi or any other religion. They only want to force their beliefs on others. Throughout my post to you I never forced you or threatened you to accept what I am saying. But they will label me as a bully. They want to play the victim all the time. They are always on the ground rolled up in a ball crying wolf. Don't let these people influence you to not critically think about your beliefs. They don't even know what they believe because any time their mind starts to evaluate their thought they start to throw a fit and start crying.  They hear an opposing view and they need to see a counselor regularly. You are probably wondering why I am addressing the sjw. Just wait for it, the trolls are lurking in shadows. Just give it a minute.

  18. 7 hours ago, realsxngh said:

    Vjkk Vjkf faujo, can everyone list everything they know about what has been changed by the firangi colonizers and the singh sabha organization. 

    Let's also list what the Hindus have changed at certain places like hazur Sahib.

    Why pick on one enemy of the Khalsa panth.  Also what is your take on the current internal enemies of the khalsa panth who look at a drawing and attribute the imagination of an artist as factual history of what Sikhi is?

  19. On 3/23/2019 at 6:14 AM, Christiangirl52 said:

    Ah proof. The Bible itself. Old testament predicted Jesus birth countless times. The four Gospels Mathew Mark Luke and John were accurate eye witness accounts of his 3 year ministry.  There is an incredible amount of evidence of Christ's life and teachings. All his 12 disciples spread His Word and each died terrible deaths. Paul was responsible for writing more than one third of the new testament - mainly in the form of  his letters to the new christian churches. His letters were written mostly from prisons and eventually he was beheaded after spreading the good news of Christ over thousands of miles.

    It is otherwise best for one to read countless books for rich amounts of evidence and proof. The Bible comes alive when reading with the help of faith and the Holy Spirit. It flows all through with the same 'voice' despite being written by so many authors over many different years. We believe it is God speaking direct to our hearts. 

    I continue to read the Bible, books and listen to teachers. I have had one incredibly powerful experience of the Holy Spirit which proved to me that Jesus loves not only me but all mankind. He sacrificed Himself to prove His love. Each person has to decide for themselves about Jesus. I can only say He has transformed me completely and my life now is full of meaning and i have strength and peace as never before. 

    So now tell me how your Holy Book affects you please? God speaks to you. 

    You didn't provide any quotes from the bible. 

  20. 6 hours ago, Christiangirl52 said:


    You say Gurus are God. Could you clarify this? Are the 10 Gurus manifestations of God on earth or are were they each prophets? 

    (Jesus is clearly the Son of God who was born among us. He was fully therefore God and fully Man). He was tested in the desert by the Devil and he answered the 3 questions the Devil asked. So Jesus faced and defeated the same temptations as mankind. 

    Your beliefs are similar but with important differences. 

    Can you provide proof of who you claim jesus to be?

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