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Posts posted by MisterrSingh

  1. I don't quite see the correlation between his family vaguely knowing the families of martyred Singhs from the 80's. Is that meant to infer some form of extra "Sikhiness" on a person that ultimately dictates their day-to-day conduct? Or was it used as bragging rights to inflate someone's status and impress the easily led?

  2. 2 hours ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    those are not the same people , right ? 


    Same people, more or less. Their success is entirely their own, and nobody begrudges them reaping the rewards of hard work. I suppose they'd be the Punjabi equivalent of what "old money" in the West would refer to as the nouveau riche; old money passes its riches and wealth and titles down from generation to generation, whereas the aforementioned nouveau riche were almost "overnight" successes if we count overnight as one man's lifetime. That's something that causes resentment for some people, and from an old money vs nouveau riche perspective it's very much an issue of breeding and class than purely financial issues, whereby the saying goes, "You can buy a lot with money, but decorum / class is not one of those things."

  3. 4 hours ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    1000 years of slavery at foreign hands surely has put a dent in their self-esteem which the hindu nationalists now try to replace with the "advanced ancient indian culture" in which advanced surgeries and test tube babies happened. But I think this is not the actual reason.

    The actual reason could be that west has always colonized the minds and markets of foreign nations. Most sought-after-brands in India are foreign , mostly western brands especially when it comes to their dressing sense and accessories. The west does this by social engineering via media , cartoons, etc . 

    When we grew up in the 90s in india , cartoon network was hugely popular amongst kids . Initially they never showed anything about diwali , and christmas season used to feature lots of christmas themed cartoons which we loved to watch. The fever was so crazy with christmas I used to make christmas trees on my own . And decorate it with baubels. Having grown out of it now , I see same fever present in corporate offices where they decorate their offices with christmas trees, lightings , and cottons (snow lol) when infact there might not be a single christian in that office . oh the irony LOL 

    The america of the 80s and 90s was uber-rich , with revenue surplus among the government and china was not as much of a threat as it is now .  Seeing pics of a beautiful white family next to the chimney fire and a beautiful christmas tree in their wooden white-picket fenced home still rings of that euphoria of the good-old-rich america . 

    I think what killed america was the wars initiated by Bush in the middle east . Thats what killed murica , both karmically and fiscally , and we see the effects now China which was growing silently at the time is now almost shoulder to shoulder with america. And thus the trade wars and so on . My gut feeling tells me this will somehow someday erupt in a third WW. 


    You've lived a fairly middle-class life by Punjabi Indian standards. It's understandable the urban Indian lifestyle is bound to be affected by external factors such as cultural rub-off from Western culture. I'd argue your experiences are a little more organic and "ahista, ahista" than what transpires in villages in Punjab, where some people barely had running water 15 or 20 years ago, and are now driving Humvees and are using iPhones, lol. As I noted on this forum a few years ago, you can't go from 0-100mph in a societal development / evolutionary sense, and not expect there to be problems. Change and progress -- and most importantly, the psychological capabilities of the human brain in as much as how it functions relates to the world and other people -- takes time to adjust and recalibrate in an individual sense and in the wider communal sense, too. It's the equivalent of giving a child spoonfuls of sugar and then expecting him not to get hyper. 

  4. On 1/17/2019 at 5:03 PM, Big_Tera said:

    If a certain mistersingh had his way. We would all be shipped of back to where we came from. Forget about reparations. We should just be greatful we are here. 

    Mistersingh might aswell be the next general dyer. 

    You can continue the misinformation and hoping at least some of the mud sticks, but not everyone on this forum is as thick as you. If you're ploughing ahead with the, "Mistersingh is a coconut sell-out" narrative because I dared to suggest we should be balanced and considered when discussing these issues, then I'm entitled to defend myself by any means necessary. You've been warned you fork-tongued beast, lol. 

    "If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes the truth." 

    Unfortunately for you, most people on this forum can read. I suggest starting with the alphabet. You can get fridge magnets to help, y'know? 

  5. 1 hour ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    Among the Sikhs , there're multiple factors at play . Unity is not as strong as one would expect from a monotheistic belief system. We are our own worst enemies. We do things which our guru forbids us , like caste system , etc. I am skeptical of the much thrown around word here "apne" . That word indicates a strong cohesion and family unit feeling amongst global sikhs. I seriously wonder if there is one. Then there's another "We need not worry , Kalgidhar patshah will save us" . I agree and respect our guru sahibs help us , but some of us throw all baggage of responsibility on our gurus . 

    Muslims have that zeal for their religion and as we see they're spreading rapidly in UK. 

    I heard a Punjabi dharmac song on the radio a few months ago which was literally begging for the return of Guru Nanak Dev Ji to wrong the rights of Punjabi society, Sikhs, and the world in general. It's just so embarrassing, and actually inadvertently casts doubt on 10th Guru Sahib's bachan regarding the status and role of Guru Granth Sahib Ji for Sikhs. Our Guru Sahibs bequeathed us everything we could never need to make our world the way we want it to be, and yet we still crave to be led and cajoled into action by someone in human form. It's this mentality that allows charlatan spiritual men to take advantage of a foolish population that refuses to take responsibility for even the most basic of matters. It's like, are we so utterly incapable of taking the knowledge that's been given to us, and then applying it to better our lot? 

  6. 25 minutes ago, ipledgeblue said:

    they don't? maybe it's for visa purposes?

    For some, perhaps. I know of a few young Indian guys (younger than 30) who've never been married, etc., but have moved in with divorced white women, a few even have children from earlier relationships. These guys behave as if they've won the lottery. Madness.

  7. 55 minutes ago, puzzled said:

    Don't know about marrying someone from India but in indian culture there is a social stigma against divorced women and raped women, many Punjabi men will not marry these women and their parents deffinetley won't be happy. So marrying these women (if they want to) and giving them their life back again, giving them support and making them smile again is a great thing to do which not many men from our community would do. 

    And yet Punjabi men rarely object to a divorced white woman, lol. That's some double standard.

  8. 3 hours ago, Redoptics said:

    One thing i did learn from all this who the 'friend's' really are i thought i had loads but in reality  that is not the case even those so called friend 'brother's' you have known all your life.

    They're only as loyal and decent as the times you'll experience. I'll get criticised for saying the following but apne are so cold and unfeeling. I occasionally think most of our people have a lesser developed soul. You can see it in and behind the eyes. It's a dark void at times.

  9. 1 hour ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    what if this is what they want to do ? to tell kids about sex ?

    Perhaps this was their ultimate aim and they knew you would do that. and that pornified culture is just a red herring .

    Thank god I stay in india . But i know its already pretty bad here since indians like to ape westerners and have thrown their own culture in trash

    You're a smart guy, so can you explain to me as objectively as you can as to why the Indian intellect labours under such cognitive dissonance, that it resents and derides the Westerner yet simultaneously holds his culture in esteem (whether knowingly or otherwise) and ultimately holds the western mindset in a form of reverence, and perhaps also one day hopes to reside in these lands? If the distaste for their ways was genuine and total, then surely even the merest of associations would be considered unpalatable?

  10. 22 minutes ago, AjeetSinghPunjabi said:

    you're mixing spirituality and political independence !! not entirely correct i think 

    It takes exceptionally lucid and strong willed individuals -- regardless of spiritual competence - to capitalise on a country on the decline. Do you see any of those capabilities in apne in foreign countries? Atheists espouse self discipline and determination; there's no spirituality involved with them, lol. Ruling the mind is not a quality exclusive to the religiously inclined.

  11. 6 hours ago, kcmidlands said:

    When David Cameron visited there a few years back he stopped short of an official apology, stating it would be wrong to "reach back into history" and apologies for the wrongs of British colonialism, he called it a "deeply shameful event".

    The British government will never apologies for it nor will they say sorry for the many other atrocities commented by them during the day's of Empire, the moment they do they will be liable for it and reparations will have to be paid.

    There's a reason they (as in Prime Ministers or Presidents) stop short of an unequivocal, "I'm / We're sorry for what we did," because from a legal perspective it could be seen as an admission of wrongdoing on behalf of the country they represent, and therefore open the door to a legal challenge that might result in a hefty financial settlement running into hundreds of millions or more.

    It shows a woeful understanding of geo-politics if we're expecting an apology -- which would most likely be directed to India who doesn't really give a poo about Sikhs -- especially when there's an unspoken and implicit agreement between the two countries when trade contracts are awarded that any such untoward and thorny diplomatic issues will be avoided if smooth business, trading, and IMMIGRATION arrangements are to be upheld for the benefit of both nations.

    Britain is not Canada. Canada, with all due respect, is a weak nation that doesn't have the history or standing on the international stage that Britain had; HAD. Britain is no longer the country it use to be, although it clearly struggles to relinquish any of its old akhar as a result of being a former superpower. That doesn't mean it's going to start asking for forgiveness over historical issues, because let's be honest, if they apologise to us for Jalianwala Bagh, they'll need to start apologising for hundreds of similar acts they meted out on conquered populations throughout their history. It just isn't happening. 

    Let's get India to acknowledge what they did to us only 40 or so years ago. If we win that battle, then the sky's is the limit.

  12. 14 minutes ago, jkvlondon said:

    If  Guru Amar Das ji said marrying widows is fine , then who are we to reject that faisla or the honourable behaviour of our bazurg marrying the kidnapped and rejected ?

    A woman made a widow through an unfortunate quirk of fate is the same as a party animal trying to paper over the bad decisions of her past by ensnaring a gullible young Singh; usually without a hint of contrition? Nah, I'm not buying it. That's a false equivalence.

  13. 1 minute ago, Big_Tera said:

    You have proven time and time again that all you do is talk jibberish. I will not bother with further discussion with a person who is quite frankly silly. This will be my last post with you my friend. 

    Thank you. I was going to post something similar. I rarely have to deal with spastics in real life. It's been a real lesson. I need to go away and lay down for a while. You've fried my circuitry.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Big_Tera said:

    So you basically want all non whites to go back to where they came from and an end to migration of foreigners to the uk? You believe that the UK should stay majority white and that all brownies need to go back to where they came from as you are against multi culturalism. 

    Oh my God. You got all that ^^^ from what I said? I was being silly earlier, but you truly are a retard. Do you want a grown-up conversation, or do you want to reveal even more of your stupidity? 

  15. 2 hours ago, Torontobboi said:

    Y u getting mad u sound like a typical gorafied Sikh lmao good on minority for taking over the white ppls country any uncle Tom who think other wise can get enslaved aswell

    Bro, I'm one of the most fair and level headed guys on here. I'm not partial to whites and neither am I against them by virtue of them just being white. I like to see honesty and a little intelligence when discussing certain issues (which is asking a lot on this forum). I can maybe understand if you're under 16 and rooting for the downfall of the white patriarchy, but if someone's 16+ and is unable to utilise foresight and common sense in order to trace the inevitable conclusion of where the subjugation of the white race will lead for those of us who've made their lands our homes, then you're either retarded, an ignoramus, or both.

  16. 6 minutes ago, Big_Tera said:

    This is blatant castism.

    Admin should take note of these remarks that I have highlighted in bold. 

    This fool is lower then a dog for saying these things. 

    When he is probably a little weak type of keybroard warrior. You need to get back to your medication as judging by your comments of late. You need them. 

    Brown little cuck. Had any rishte lately, or is your face enough to put an end to things?

  17. This isn't the kind of conversation I'd have on this site, with the kind of parameters established by OP. The situation is way more complex and nuanced than the issues being presented here. OP seems exultant at the thought of finally being able it to stick it to the goreh, when in reality he'd get shittar for taking the pi55.

    "We" aren't ruling anybody. Work on ruling your own mind before you dream of ruling a country.


  18. 20 minutes ago, savalakhsingh said:

    So, it turns out this girl has not always been into Sikhi and has had multiple relationships previously (nothing s3xual, the furthest she went was kissing).. but this upset me quite a bit. Is that wrong of me? 


    The world and its dog will convince you you're wrong to have these doubts; that you should assume the role of spiritual counsellor and guide your previously wayward potential partner onto the path of dignity and righteousness; that it's YOUR fault if things go awry.

    Don't do it. Listen to me clearly: don't do it. 

    Those few months where you feel you've struck up some form of bond are, ultimately, meaningless. Don't be swayed by the thought, "But what if I never connect with somebody in this way?" You will. Trust me, you will.

    And I can guarantee you nothing ever "stops at kissing." That's a load of gooh, lmao.

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