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Everything posted by MisterrSingh

  1. I was reading an opinion piece a few days ago about the current differences in attitude between Eastern Europe and Western Europe, and an idea suggested was that Eastern Europeans haven't given up a large part of their political and cultural authority to women; cultural authority being the key. This may seem almost misogynistic to some, but the argument being that there's a choice between having reason guide culture or having women do it, but not both. I think the argument above, broadly, has some merit, but it's a tad more complex. For example, I know a handful of Poles from where I work, and we've had conversations about Punjabi / Sikh history and their own particular Polish historical and cultural figures that are revered by them to this day, and the similarities between them and us in that particular regard are quite striking. After WW2 it was Polish women who raised generations of strong men without huge male influence, and more importantly, in the modern era where white, middle-class, Ivy League / Oxbridge educated "snowflakes" are lecturing modern women on strength and independence, other women from less cossetted cultures were getting on with things decades ago without being told what to do. The Poles have many female freedom fighters, political agitators, and generally tough women in their historical and cultural landscape, so like I said, scapegoating the entire female gender is inaccurate. I think a certain type of female (perhaps with a traditionally no-nonsense masculine "soul" or philosophy) can raise soormeh in times when the men are elsewhere or missing entirely. But I think those times are long gone. The female mind has been poisoned in the West. Family values, self-respect, and strength of mind are needed in the women of a society that has designs on thriving. When those qualities are absent, well, just look around.
  2. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jul/16/islamic-state-claims-responsibility-for-nice-truck-attack
  3. There's 11 mosques in Japan. A mosque in itself is the symbolic equivalent of planting a flag on a piece of land and declaring, "I claim this land for myself." Their history makes no bones about such things. The mosque is viewed as an outpost; an act of aggressive ownership. Nowadays, in relative peacetime, it may seem harmless, but in future times their mosques will be used as staging posts for their activities, and any non-Islamic country and its government that allowed the construction of a mosque to be built on their land will come to regret it. It could be argued that our Gurdwareh were also historically utilised as forts during turbulent times, but the difference being our ideology of self defence against hostiles, as opposed to the Islamic ideology of aggressive expansionism against the Kaffir.
  4. My God, they've reached Japan, lmao. What's their reason for behaving like beasts in Japan? How many Islamic colonies did Japan rule over, lol? These people...
  5. A compliant, grateful, and considerably manageable global population after decades of death and destruction would be an absolute boon to any authority. Once the dust has settled, all the blame will be placed at the feet of socialism, particularly the virulent strain of cultural Marxism that's sweeping the West at the moment. The subtext in such a situation will be, "Do you want to return to those dark days? No? Then don't challenge us, don't question us, and allow us carte-blanche to do as we see fit for your benefit." I think there is an element of sadism that manifests itself once someone reaches a stage of wielding incredible power and control. Logically it is understandable that a person asks, "How much more power do these people need?" but in doing so I think we overlook Man's lust for as much as he can get away with regardless of whether he needs it or not. Once someone gets to that level of existence, it genuinely is a huge disconnect from reality. Normal rules of society don't apply to these people. They will continue to push all conceivable limits for as long as they can get away with it. It's quite humbling for me to realise how the more the world begins to fall into confusion and unpredictability, the more I'm beginning to realise how many answers to these issues lie in core Sikh philosophy. The 5 vices and the subject of a balanced existence are a direct antidote to the corruption and subversion of these times. Anyway, that's another subject.
  6. And if anyone believes Sikhs living in these areas won't be on the receiving end of these marauding mobs of Islamic hate, then we're living in cloud cuckoo land. Looking at the issue in the long-term, there's 3 ways I see this playing out in Europe. Btw, the United States is an unknown quantity or sorts; their 2nd Amendment could allow the situation to develop in one of two ways: A non-Muslim uprising against the corrupt establishment headed by, unfortunately, anti-minority militants heralding from the South, OR a ruthless government crackdown on such elements in order to send out a message to others with similar designs on taking on the state. Anyway, back to Europe. 1. Things are allowed to develop as they are at the moment, i.e. Muslim demographics continue to explode through birth-rates and the import of Muslim populations from the Middle East and Africa are allowed unperturbed into European countries. Eventually they'll out-breed non-Muslims, and of course, they will begin push for legislation that protects them and affords them privileges based on their religious and cultural requirements. If they manage to get enough of their own into every single political and social institution this will be a much easier process for them. Eventually, they WILL be the majority. However, if there is some resistance to Islamic infiltration into the machinery of the State, the liberal media will need to be complicit in smoothing the way via the ideological subversion of society in regards to their current, "Not All Muslims" narrative that is facilitating this sleepwalk into oblivion, as well as the current obsession with undermining masculinity (when a society has been culled of its everyman warriors - and the armed forces are under the absolute control of the State, there is nobody to stop a corrupt system of government), and the promotion of deviant behaviours; all signs of a civilisation heralding its own destruction as has been the case throughout the history of mankind when decadence and deviancy has led to the fall of nations and peoples. 2. The first part of the above scenario plays out, BUT the host population (whites) realise the severity of the situation before the tipping point. Tired of being cowed in their own country, they fight back. Civil war, blood on the streets, enclaves based on race and religion. The authorities try to restore calm, but the people will have been pushed beyond endurance. Serious stuff. Thankfully, the least likely outcome IMO. 3. My personal theory is that Islam and its followers are being given enough rope to hang themselves. The end result being that moments before the head-long hurtle into destruction, the non-Muslim populations will cry out to be saved by their governments - the very governments that will have fostered Islamic encroachment into every facet of western life, and when that happens the crackdown on Muslims will be unlike anything the world has ever seen. Their numbers will be purged and there will be nobody amongst the non-Muslims to object, because - and this is the genius of their demented plan - the people themselves will demand protection after years of butchery at the hands of Islamic fundamentalism and similar yet smaller-scale social infractions that have been facilitated by the establishment. I believe Muslims are being used as pawns in a terribly dangerous game where the victims will be the average man, woman, and child. Total control through a fall-guy, although in this case the fall "guy" will not be one man but an entire religion and its people.
  7. Which of the European nations do you think will fall first? My money's on France, Sweden, and perhaps Germany. It'll take generations, but it's inevitable. Of course, there are 14 million of them in Russia, but those old-school Ruskies aren't cucked to hell.
  8. This is what happens when Muslims in western countries reach the magic 10% population mark (or 9.6% for the pedants out there). For the sake of balance, here's an article on France's unique problem with its imported ex-colonial population and their descendants: http://www.latimes.com/world/europe/la-fg-france-threat-history-20160716-snap-story.html Of course, only warped, demented, cowardly apologists would attempt to justify the mass murder of innocents on social conditions that are the same for non-Muslims in similar situations. "My life is a hell-hole, so I'm going to make others pay for my misfortunes." What else to expect from an ideology punctured with more holes than Swiss cheese?
  9. I apologise, brother. Your optimism should be admired.
  10. It's the uniquely Islamic reaction to such events that makes the hypocrisy jarring and difficult to stomach. Muslim aggression that is justified by the perpetrators of said aggression as a form of self-defence against an oppressor (usually a non-Islamic threat) is framed to be an act of violence against the entire Islamic people, as if by virtue of the attacker being non-Muslim is somehow morally more grave than had the enemy been another Muslim. Psychologically, it's a brilliant trick of rallying the Muslim masses of all sects by giving the impression they must unite against an external foe, and as you say, all inter-Islamic disunity and divisions are temporarily suspended. It is very clever how Muslims use techniques from when they truly were an endangered minority back when they were founded and through their formative years, as they struggled with the two older and established Abrahamic faiths. Nowadays those claims of injustice ring hollow and apppear quite devious now that Muslims are a billion+ strong people spread across the globe, and more importantly, since people have become aware of the fluid nature of geo-politics, and how even the apparently staunchest anti-West Islamic regime has backdoor deals and contacts with the very institutions they claim to be fighting. The mentality hasn't changed, i.e. "we're under attack from outsiders solely due to us being Muslim." The problem is people are increasingly getting wise to these tricks, and it's becoming less easy to portray Islamic acts of terror as valiant displays of the underdog fighting back against a powerful menace. It's the pontificating that wreaks of hypocrisy. It's a uniquely eastern mentality, I agree with you there, further complicated by globalisation and related social issues.
  11. It begs the question, why would the people who voted in Erdogan in an apparently democratic election suddenly turn on him, lol? A prisoner who doesn't realise he's in prison has no reason to turn on his captors. The Turkish people WANT to be ruled by the Islamist Erdogan. They agree with his hardline proclamations and his posturing. The U.S. jumping to his support when the news broke out that a coup was underway is absolutely telling of who has the most to lose by Erdogan being overthrown. And I thought Muslims were enraged and affronted at Muslim nations being run by American proxies? I guess it only bothers them when the puppet in-charge is cool on Islam; if he's secular and doesn't advocate Islamic supremacy then he's a traitor to the Sunnah. So many contradictions and double-standards by these people. "You're killing our people; raping our women and children... but just ignore us when Sunni attack Shia and vice versa... that's acceptable."
  12. I really can't fathom the barefaced cheek of the mainstream media. The front page of the Guardian is practically stating the coup is over, it's been defeated with no problem, etc, whereas in actuality there are videos of fighter jets buzzing the crowds, tanks crushing cars, and reports of a bomb going off. Besharm MSM is full of it.
  13. Things are kicking off big style. These are history-defining times we're living in.
  14. I too have seen prospects in the younger demographics, but as soon as they reach their teens, the jathas and their babeh put out their "recruiters" and dig their claws into them - new blood for the next generation, to perpetuate and preserve the ways of gaddhi worship - and they are lost to the tamasha and the masala of sect tribalism for good. Guru Sahib begins to fall to the wayside as "Baba Ji" and his cohorts ascend in importance. Let's not mince our words: these promising kids succumb to tactics that are usually associated with demented cults. And so it will continue. Baana and Gurbani mean absolutely nothing if it is performed in honour and deference of the middle man who says he can take you with him; it is nothing but hollow ritual designed to impress the easily impressed. If I had my way, any Baba and his loyal band of cheleh who come between a young Sikh and his Guru would be hung from the rafters. I make no apologies for that.
  15. Befqoofi like that'll radicalise some of our lot, lol. Btw, Singhs above the age of 16 need to STOP wearing patke like they're 10 year old boys. For God's sake wear a dastaar, and stop perpetuating the Bollywood stereotype of Singhs being comedy characters by virtue of your appearance.
  16. I agree with you in principle, that faith can flourish in even the most inhospitable environments and situations. Aside from that, the rest is speculation. The topic of discussion is the French terror attacks.
  17. I can't see it myself. Who knows, it may have been a situation similar to when kathavachaks regale the sangat about how a certain a mahapurash prayed away a cataclysmic event by appealing to the merciful nature of God. In that case I suppose predictions like those are in a constant state of flux; one prediction that was on course to be fulfilled might be rendered moot due to certain circumstances. How do you foresee Sikhi spreading internationally: Will the atheists relinquish their disbelief? Will Muslims desert Islam in their billions? Will the Hindus overcome thousands of years of beliefs in their countless deities and embrace Sikhi? How will Sikhi spread: By the sword? Will there be a mass awakening of human consciousness of which has never been experienced in the history of the earth?
  18. Western greed and obfuscation is at the heart of this issue. I'm not suggesting the various Islamic sects were existing in a state of utopian harmony prior to western excursions into doon coon territory, but the west needs to stop frigging around in these Islamic hell holes under the pretence of safe guarding democracy, when in fact these western powers are safeguarding their strategic interests and developing outposts for various purposes, namely fuel. That's all it boils down to. The innocent lives lost over there, as well as the lives of the dead over here in attacks like these are absolutely worthless to them. Sure, they put on a show for the media, but behind the scenes it's business as usual. And, to top it all off, the gates are being thrown open to the very people who are susceptible to turn on their hosts sooner or later. Is that not suicide? No, we're done, both here in the west and back home. Between the lily-livered "all paths lead to the One" brigade over here, to the Baba / Jatha worshipping next generation of Sikhs, to the thick literal-minded buffoons who are a few steps away from becoming desi-Al Qaeda, and the atheistic, party-loving Punjabi who is permanently in a state of stupor, we are totally done. Pockets of hope here and there will remain, but as a force we are finished.
  19. As far as I'm aware this is not satire. If these thought processes pass into the mainstream, then civilisation is dead. Proof, if any was needed, that there's a severe mental illness sweeping the West. Can you imagine the level of self-loathing, denial, and sheer cuckoldry in effect to form such thoughts? Apparently, the true nature of what occurred during the November Paris attacks has been suppressed by the French authorities, particularly what happened in the Bataclan: http://breizatao.com/2016/07/14/bataclan-testicules-coupees-et-mises-dans-la-bouche-decapitations-pour-proteger-les-musulmans-le-gouvernement-francais-censure-les-tortures-infligees-aux-victimes/
  20. No, of course not. To suggest such a thing is racist, xenophobic, anti-Sikh, an affront to our Guru Sahibs. Probably just a case of poor driving.
  21. https://www.theguardian.com/world/live/2016/jul/14/nice-bastille-day-france-attack-promenade-des-anglais-vehicle Some of the photos circulating on social media of dead children underneath blankets are just too much. Why would people want to see such things? :/ Links are present but I'm not clicking. No chance.
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