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genie last won the day on June 9 2020

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  1. Was trying to access this website which I had been reading up on important information about sikh history for over 20 years and realised its no longer available? Done a little research and seems like since mid 2019 it's stopped being hosted maybe the owner doesn't realise its no longer there or is unable to pay for costs of hosting it any more or maybe has passed away? Just a shame that these important resources of Sikh theology, political and history that have been online available for free since 90s are being lost gradually sometimes forever. It's like our own online version of sikh reference library being destroyed because of our own kaum's collective carelessness and negligence in not preserving these sites for present and future generations. Sikh-history.com among others no longer available and being hosted, all the important material for research lost forever. Other sites include: searchsikhism.com Khalistan.com burningpunjab.org fortpanthkhalsa.org sikhe.com sikhlionz.com
  2. I think india is likely to reply mostly through economical means. The establishment probably ordered their troops to engage and evict the Chinese encampment on Indian land yesterday where things got out of control. The establishment knew the indian soldiers would very likely get into deadly confrontation and sacrificed eventually and this is the pretext they needed to use for the western backed anti-china narrative and strategy. The west wants india to be the hub of high tech and clothing manufacturing and take that economic and in turn political power away from china. India needs an excuse to kick start that manufacturing sector with the boycott of Chinese products narrative currently being played out in their indian govt controlled propaganda spewing media.
  3. You haven't read books and articles I have then. Yes the indian establishment has always backstabbed and reneged on promises and agreements made with the Sikhs however punjabi suba wasn't just granted out of no where, it is delusional to think the government granting Sikhs their own majority state when they held all the cards. Peaceful protests and agitations can only do so much. When it comes to india going to war with their arch enemies that's when things count. Either you are with us or them, the enemy, is the mentality they have in what decides matters. That's where the big wins and concessions are and were made. Not to say the establishment doesn't provide whats demanded without sacrifice of our sikh soldiers in the war effort. They always have clauses or limitations put in as bargaining chips to be used against Sikhs in the future when ever the need arises. For example lets take the current situation with UP Sikhs and few years back the treatment of Sikhs of Gujarat who had their hard earned farmlands taken off them by the same anti-sikh establishment. I'm sure they used that to leverage against political demands Sikhs made in other area's.
  4. There was no ultimatum but there was secret talks and appeals going on between the Sikh leadership under the akalis to the central government in regards to Sikh contributions to the war effort against pakistan. It is that valued and necessary contribution that swayed the government to concede to the demands of the punjabi suba movement not just those mass arrests and peaceful protests. Same sort of thing happened in history but against Sikhs when certain tiwana punjabi muslims aided and conspired with the british invaders in conquering punjab and in 1857 indian mutiny these guys were given more political power and held sway in what parts of punjab that would come under pakistan when radcliff drew his line to split the punjab. In terms of wars for India then Sikh soldiers will always be used. The punjabi Sikhs have a bravado instilled inside them that makes them born and raised fighters. If there's war with china it is the best time to negotiate the rewards and privileges in law for Sikhs. Sikh soldiers should present themselves to the leadership and vow not to fight for India until the Sikhs political and religious grievances are addressed. Otherwise if china and pakistan was to invade who know maybe some Sikhs may welcome the invaders if they can get favorable outcomes in terms of having their own independent nation state.
  5. It's all part of Islamic extremists and their ideological subversive "soft" war on Sikhs and Sikhi. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8CeScA02y-c
  6. Which is where the sikh leadership and sikh media needs to speak up on behalf of Sikhs. If SGPC and akali dali are sold out then new institutions must be raised to give Sikhs that voice and protection.
  7. Me neither that's why a new Sikh leadership is needed now one that doesn't sell out their own people and fights for interests of the Sikh kaum. During the 1965 war with pakistan the Sikh leadership under akali dal told central govt in delhi they would encourage Sikhs to join the indian army to fight pakistan if delhi gave concessions to Sikhs, it seemed to work as they were then granted Sikh majority punjab along linguistic lines but at a cost of splitting punjab in 3 different entities. If Indian Sikhs are to fight and shed blood for the indian nation it needs rewards and privileges written in law Otherwise there's no point. Likewise when Sikhs fought for Britian the only reason prime minister churchil gave concessions to Sikhs to carry the kirpan in UK was because the allied Sikh soldiers fought and died defending the UK against its foes in europe. Sikhs should have pressed for more concessions like a Sikh homeland but our leadership was too sold out and weak.
  8. Thats why Guru Ji gave Sikhs the kirpan and right to bear arms to defend themselves. Lets be clear the reason why they attack is because they think these sardars are weak and not able to attack back. Wearing a dastar means you need to carry weapons too. If the sardars dont carry arms then they shouldnt complain when they get attacked and their dastaars chucked they chose not to listen to their Guru and defend themselves with shastars. If these hooligans knew they would get killed or injured if they took on an armed sardar they wouldn't dare try it on.
  9. The white western world along with Trump is probably trying to encourage Modi to take a more aggressive stance with China. They will be double dealing as always trading with china meanwhile selling weapons to india. If india was wise they would have allied with putins Russia for the long term rather than flirting with USA and drifting away from Russia over the decades. Russia is a major world power and in asia so crucially to have it on your side would be sensible. Pakistan has most to gain out of this, it has flirted with allying with Russia and has strong economic and military alliance with china as does Russia. Meanwhile the covid deaths cases have not reached their peak in India with highest daily tolls going up day by day https://www.dailysabah.com/world/india-covid-19-toll-sees-record-jump-of-2000-dead/news
  10. Both sides don't want to go to war they are just testing each other at the moment. Biological warfare would be dangerous as india also can do that so no one wants to get involved in that. Already china is being blamed for the global pandemic covid virus with many saying it was created in chinese military lab. The crazy thing is because both countries are nuclear powers with big arsenal of an array of weapons that can destroy large populations and cities including large hydrogen bomb missles so both countries do not want to get involved in that kinda conflict. Even at the border they are having to resort to using fists, swords, knives, batons, stones, rocks like pre-historic cavemen even though they have advanced weapons to take each to each out. China is being the aggressor here probably trying to test Modi's resolve due to the kashmir issue. Pakistan probably strategised wtih china to attempt this to see how india reacts. If india does nothing then china will capture that land and wont let it go and together with pakistan will then have a chance to capture saichan glacier and rest of kashmir with a pincer movement. Jammu Kashmir Ladakh region is key to india's defense policy, they can not lose it under any cost as most of the water supply comes from there for one and they dont want to lose the high ground. In terms of us Sikhs we should stay out of any conflict until we get concessions of self rule autonomy. Sikh leadership should make it clear no Sikh blood will go to defend the nation that split innocent Sikh blood in their thousands until guarantee's are put in place for Sikh self rule.
  11. Which will lead to declaration of war. Things can only escalate both china and india do not want to get into a full scale war especially as both are emerging superpowers. According to this Indian media news report they say US intelligence has said 35 Chinese soldiers died from the brawl. No one is going to believe them until actual proof is given to the public.
  12. If the indian army wants to remove the chinese troops on indian land without using bullets they should use tear gas cannisters and non-lethal anti-personal devices to make life difficult to stay in illegal occupied area's. And if the chinese resort to firing bullets then its game on the indian army can start opening up their own gun's on them.
  13. Until china admits it has lost 43 soldiers and does not make it clear they did by showing their bodies and funerals then I don't think the indian public and establishment will be satisfied leaving the matter there they will want chinese soldiers blood and revenge. The face saving thing for india is not forth coming from chinese side which makes the likelihood for further conflict high as indian establishment can not be shown to be weak infront of its public and the world. Already modi has just said indian army will not be backing down from its stance and will a reply will come. So looks like india is on a war footing making it clear to china the engagement rules on the LAC border will change and bullets will fly if india is stopped from constructing infrastructure on the land they say is there's.
  14. Ironic thing is the more they dappen down and oppress the sikhi and try to finish off our fighting spirit martial side the less capable Sikh soldiers they produce and in the end when the time arises to defend india from its enemies they wont be up for the fight. All that political correct lefty hippy nonsense wont produce those fired up fierce sikh warriors in wars with pakistan who were able to defeat enemy units under very difficult and impossible circumstances. All enemies of india there are only two groups who can fight properly and those are Sikhs and Gurka's. The rest don't have the caliber as their ideology isn't one of a warrior.
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