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Posts posted by MisterrSingh

  1. I saw a picture of a group of Muslim guys in their late 20s or so at Hajj. They were big, gym-going lads and they'd had their picture taken amongst the throng of pilgrims at Mecca, but these idiots were flexing and posing for the camera, lol. I mean, I know enough about the religion of Peace to appreciate the Hajj is a hugely significant and vital part of Islam, but these jokers were using that opportunity to show off their gains. You'd think that particular location of all places would be one for quiet contemplation, or if not that, then at least a bit of decorum, but clearly not for these fellas, lmao.

  2. And yet, as the lengthy post above mentions, Sikhs of today are not a reflection of their faith. I'm certain there's pockets of genuine Sikhs out there unsullied by the divisive and one-dimensional thought processes of organised religion, but by and large we've been looking a gift horse in the mouth for too long, and one day that gift horse will bolt, if you'll excuse the analogy.

  3. The Catholic Church is rife with it but then what do you expect when you don't allow a man to marry a woman and live a sexually natural life.

    That's one thing I've struggled to wrap my head around since I was a kid: why would someone - of any religion - take vows to serve God by remaining celibate / single, then proceed to sexually abuse or even have a partner on the side whilst giving the impression that God's work is being carried out? If the lure of the flesh is too strong to resist, then don't take those vows, lol. Nobody is holding a gun to these people's heads and telling them they have to lead a holy lifestyle. And why do some of these people target kids? Jeepers :/

  4. The lyric from that song by that Sartaj fellow about not even striking or removing your enemies' turban comes to mind, hehe.

    There's nothing holy, considered, or religious about people who get up to this type of pallaver in what is supposedly a house of God. Over what though? Power, money? Is it really that difficult to control the urge to kick off in a Gurdwara over these committee politics? Lord help us.

  5. Look at baroness warsi n her disgust at tories involvement in gaza, she as a muslim had sharam n quit the party over it on principle. Then compare that to this wolves chamcha.

    Yeah, I was thinking the above a few days ago too. Baroness Warsi may have committed career suicide by walking away from a cushy government position that was hers for life (I suppose) about an issue that she was never going to be vindicated over, but she had the integrity to depart due to a troubled conscience. Of course she may be kicking herself, especially since seeing her co-religionist, Sajid Javid, rise in the ranks of the Tories, but fair play to her she took a stand. Can't say the same for our mealy-mouthed lot, especially this Uppal fella.

  6. Another one here who isn't very hairy, lol. The hairs I do have are very fine and brown, so much so that I'm confused for a Sikh convert despite being born to two Punjabi Sikh parents from back home. The fact that I have a complexion of an anaemic vampire is probably the reason for that, lol. Anyone with ideas on genetics / ancestry, etc, know how or why that's possible?

  7. Yea eddy, panjabi and sanskrit r the oldest languages in northern parts of s.asia, and tamil is the oldest in the south. We just gotta makes sure we preserve the panjabi language, n not let it become extinct like latin, and the probably extinct like gaelic/welsh.

    Gay-lick? Is dat like batty language?

  8. As mentioned above, I'd rather have a non-Sikh with a desire to get stuff done for Sikh constituents, rather than a Sikh Uncle Tom who can barely speak his or her mother tongue. But it would be nice to have Sikh MPs in the Commons like the other Asian minorities. I was shocked when I found out we had none after this recent election.

  9. I never said non-Sikhs were less than Sikhs: Guru Sahib became a shaheed in his 9th form for non-Sikhs rights to practice their faith, I don't know why you take words out of mouth that I never said.

    That's fine. Your "not important" line made it seem you were prioritising someone's worth. Don't get me wrong, I get annoyed by the kind of people who do the things you said, but I don't consider them lesser beings or anything like that. Just different to me. Not better or worse or inferior, just different.

  10. I didn't say the rules:rehat pyari mujhko sikh pyara nahi

    Unfortunately for you, rehat won't be able to paper over the huge chasms in your character and your lack of soul. Unless you believe Dasme Paatshah is short-sighted enough to surround himself with Sikhs who look the part but have blackness where they should have souls. Is that what you're trying to say about Dasme Paatshah? That he's not the King of Kings, but just a normal man who can't tell the difference between a truly rehatvaan Sikh (inside AND out) and a Sikh playing at being pious on account of what's on the surface? Is that what you're saying? Then you really don't think much of Guru Sahib, do you, if you think he can be easily hoodwinked by the likes of you.

    Thankfully, he's a lot smarter than that.

    Oh, BTW, before a devious Singh like you tries to twist my words I should make it clear that I am PRO-arranged (not forced) marriages AND I'm PRO-Anand Karaj between Sikhs ONLY. I'd go as far to say Anand Karaj should be for Gursikhs only, but I haven't given that line of thought much consideration at the moment. It might certainly be a way of stopping people making a mockery of the whole sacred process. But it also might push good, simple people from our background who aren't Gursikh yet equally aren't the kind who think of Sikhi as a joke into the arms of Christians and Muslims who want converts.

    The difference between you and me is that I don't think people are lesser human beings or aren't worthy to be alive because of the choices they make. Anyway, it's too early for this nonsense.

  11. That's not even what I said, you just seem like an extreme left-wing, are you 3HO?

    Yes I am. Now if you'll excuse me if I'm off to officiate over the wedding of two gay Singhs...

    Stop being a fool. I have no patience for lily-livered left-wingers and their blinkered views on the world. However, some of you on this site aren't shy of the kind of fascism that rears its ugly head when people's heads are turned the other way. Who are you to decree who is important or not? Who are you to affix value and importance to a human life that doesn't share the same values or experience as you?

    If it's not what you said, then next time make your point clearer, because that's exactly how it seemed.

  12. Labour deserted the ordinary man and the working classes a very long time ago, possibly around the time they realised they were never going to win an election if they didn't drift towards the centre for starters. Blair and his pals took things further than the centre; it's joked that Blair was the best Tory Prime Minister the Conservatives never had.

    To hear today a few influential Labour politicians remarking that Labour should return to the type of policies that gave them success under Blair is an indictment of what this current Labour lot are all about. Instead of saying, "Let's listen to the people, to what they ask of us, and let's make policies that will benefit the ordinary man who desperately wants his voice to be heard at a time when he feels he's being ignored," they talk of only winning elections, i.e. they'll do or say or promise anything to get elected.

    I don't like how the middle-class, liberal elite have infiltrated Labour. They genuinely have no concern or empathy for scores of normal, working class people who aren't Right-leaning yet aren't madly on the extreme Left either. Ah well, it's all one big stitch-up anyway, lol.

  13. True liberalism is nothing to be sniffed at. Fairness, compassion, etc, are something as Sikhs we should aspire to. But the liberalism of recent times is nothing I identify with at all. It's on the opposite end of the same spectrum of the nastiness espoused by some elements of the Right. Yet the Left is unable or unwilling to see this.

  14. I knew a couple of Nihang Singhs (British born) treated shabbily by their newly wed wives from back home. They were decent guys, but even their Gursikh wives found their husbands' rehat tough to handle so they divorced their husbands within a couple or so years. Makes you wonder what they were expecting when they married these Singhs. Society will say the Singhs are to blame for being inflexible, but I certainly wouldn't. If these ladies wanted a good-time Charlie then marrying a Nihang is not conducive to that lifestyle. Unless they thought that age-old thing of, "I'll change him when we're married."


    "He permitted his followers to drink liquor and eat pork. However, he forbade them beef in deference to the Hindus."



    I'm off to buy a packet of pork scratchings and a tin of Carlsberg. Who's with me? ?

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