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Everything posted by eduardo

  1. Why do you feel the need to compare yourself to other religions?
  2. Is that your best comeback? See I said you had no personality.
  3. Do you know what you sound like to me pal? You sound like a guy with no personality who finds it very difficult to form normal relationships. I bet you have no real power in your everyday life and most people ignore you or cross the street to avoid you. The only power you can find in your life is in religion, it gives you a sense of superiority over others. You like to judge other people and threaten them with your new found religious power but underneath you are just a seething mass of resentment and jealousy. You probably have no idea how communicate with women and if you do eventually get a wife through some arranged marriage you will no doubt be a complete control freak who monitors your wives every movement and questions her whenever she has been out. I guarantee you like to throw words like guilt and shame around a lot because it makes you feel all high and mighty and you will no doubt become a bully given the chance to be. You are an extremist who underneath is a very unpleasant person but most people just ignore you and you hope your religion will one day give you opportunity to get back at all the people who have belittled you through the years. And by the way, you can't spell for sh1t.
  4. Why did you leave Islam? And come don't sugar coat the issue, how has your family or community reacted to you becoming a Sikh? What would be the outcome if you had decided to become a Christian instead, would their reactions have been any different?
  5. If you could look into the mind and heart of another human being like Adolf Hitler for instance and you could see what they were planning and were able to carry out and you could by killing that person avoid all the havoc and bloodshed they would cause then yes the correct course of action would be to kill them. Just one example.
  6. I haven't been many places in Europe so am no expert but I think old eastern block countries are a bit backward in their attitudes to the "other" or people who are non white. Poland springs to mind. I went to Croatia and the Dalmatian coast and took ferry rides from Island to Island eventually finishing in Dubrovnik which is a pretty amazing town. Why not go island hopping in Greece? Ferry rides and nice laid back views of the Med as you cruise along in the sea observing small islands passing by and blue sky above all from the comfort of your deck chair. Sounds good to me.
  7. Very nicely done by the man, he doesn't insult Christianity but takes the perp apart by using Christian scriptures. Very good response, Reminds me a bit of this famous street debate: The old don't respond until you are attacked attitude is alive and well.
  8. Here's another one: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3148070/Hate-preacher-accused-radicalising-Frenchman-beheaded-boss-placing-head-spike-lives-BRITAIN-revealed.html I remember reading a while back that the secret services encourage a lot of these hate preachers to settle in the UK and use it as a base of operations because they figured that the last place these people would want to attack is their own home turf. A kind of way of ensuring this country will be safe as long as we let you live here and plan attacks elsewhere but if there is an attack on UK soil you will all be arrested. I understand the theory and will have to do some digging to see if I can find any proof. They used to let Abu Qatada conduct his hate sermons at Finsbury park mosque so they could sit back and film the attendees and so monitor them, it would bring all the little Jihadi's to the surface of the pool and be exposed. As the saying goes keep your friends close but your enemies closer and the other saying is Oh what a web we weave when we try to decieve.
  9. Well it's all certainly taken its toll on this fella, God I would hate to think what the effect of investigating all this abuse must have on some of our Police officers: "The Labour MP who helped expose the late Liberal MP Cyril Smith as a paedophile is to step back from campaigning against child sexual abuse to seek help for depression. Simon Danczuk, who has been the MP for Rochdale since 2010, said victims’ accounts of their experiences of sexual abuse had left him unable to sleep and experiencing flashbacks. The MP said a psychiatrist had advised him to step back from campaigning. “On one level it’s regrettable, because I know how important it is, but on another level I need to look after myself.” Danczuk said it upset him to think that victims might feel he’s let them down, but “what else can I do?”, he added." http://www.theguardian.com/society/2015/jul/06/simon-danczuk-steps-back-campaigning-against-child-abuse
  10. Now why doesn't this hypocrisy surpise me: "A leader of the terrorist group suspected of being behind the Tunisian beach massacre is living on benefits in Britain. Hani al-Sibai, an al-Qaeda cleric suspected of radicalising "Jihadi John", lives in a £1 million house leafy street in fashionable west London. He is said to be one of the "key influencers" of the Islamic fanatics believed to have recruited and trained gunman Seifeddine Rezgui. Egyptian-born al-Sibai, 54, reportedly lives on £50,000 a year in handouts, disability living allowance, with his wife and five children." http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/islamic-state/11720000/Cleric-said-to-be-behind-Tunisian-beach-massacre-is-living-in-benefits-in-Britain.html And people wonder why we get angry about the state of this nation.
  11. I work with a lot of Punjabi women, I like to say that I am lucky in that respect. They do Langars, some do a lot for charity, we have turbaned Amritdhari's, western looking Sikh women who like to dress all the fashion. We have small celebrations for each Guru and the impression I get is these women love to get together and create a kitchen or some form of celebration. I have heard some distressing domestic stories but the women usually come to work and talk about it, they all seem quite open about their lives. The women usually like to eat in small cosy groups and share their food around and talk, OK it's all in Punjabi and is foreign to me but my paranoia is improving and I am far more relaxed than I used to be because in the past I used to think they were talking about me or slagging me off. Tomorrow morning I will walk into work and there will be at least a hundred Punjabi women there to greet me and luckily for me the word has gone around that I am an OK sort of guy so I have no problem with them. They laugh a lot and you can see from most of their faces that they are OK with life and non I know seem oppressed but I have heard one or two go at the blokes and the guys have simply bowed their heads when the barrage is launched at them, so yeah I wouldn't mess with them. I don't really know the subtle ins and outs because I do not speak the language but this is my impression from the evidence presented before me.
  12. Have you any theories about why this deviant behaviour exists?
  13. Coming to a street near you: http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2015/jul/05/man-carrying-isis-flag-near-parliament-not-arrested-police-criticised
  14. I don't know much about these people. But they sure as hell ain't Sikhs:
  15. Regarding the riots this is a great white mans response:
  16. Well to be honest singing religious songs is a great boost to me, that and physical exercise but I do drink too much. That's why I like Sikhi, because you sing about the Vaheguru, and it has to be in Punjabi otherwise it doesn't sound right.
  17. I would actually call this a modern pivotal moment in British history.
  18. Very difficult question to answer. When is it morally justified to kill? Let me think about it for a while. Will get back to you ASAP and in public for a good rousing speech although I'm not popular enough yet to charge a fee LOL. It's a work in progress.
  19. And one last thing, you'all like to do your prayers in Punjabi. Muslims like to do their prayers in Arabic. Bout time we started going back to doing our prayers in Latin. So it all balances out of course, in the interests of a well balanced diverse society. How would you like it if large numbers of us Christians started to pray in a language you don't understand? I honestly think I should visit a good Sikh Temple, got any recommendations for the south east of UK, west london area?
  20. But then again I bet a lot of your prayers read in Temples and seen on TV do come from the Golden Temple but at the very worst I think your main violent struggle is Khalistan and not world domination. And you managed to defeat the Mughal empire, your Temples have always been hotbeds of politics and uprisings but I have yet to hear a Sikh say "The whole world will be Khalistan". You seek a Sikh state just as Muslims seek an Islamic state, they want Sharia and you want Guru's Law. So you can see the parallels of suspicion from coming from white man. Anyway just want to show you this, see what you think: The Turban at the beginning is very impressive, although not sure lighting candles on a petrol station forecourt is a good idea. If you notice around 7 minutes 35 seconds the speaker says all those who die in Ramadan are guaranteed a place in Jinnah. Just saying. And at 12 minutes 30 seconds, that's a good speech.
  21. I used to steal chocolate from the local shop, take it to school and distribute to friends to make myself more popular, I was 8 years old, so yeah children understand politics alright.
  22. Are you willing to kill, and can you justify it? Because that's what these people do.
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