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Everything posted by dontcallmebhaji

  1. If the man is muslim than i feel your pain as they have just one agenda. If his not and his genuine than her sikhi will get stronger! Ask yourself if she gets married to someone else she has been encouraged to do, and it ends up in disaster, who will be to blame. Do you really think she will be loyal to her religion and the people that forced their outdated opinions on her. Parents have a bigger duty to their children. Im sick of parents laying the guilt trip on their children. Most punjabi parents would rather see their children miserable and unhappy than compromise their standing in the community. AS PARENTS THEY HAVE A GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO MAKE SURE THEIR CHILDREN HAVE EVERY OPPORTUNITY TO BE HAPPY AND CONTENT.
  2. NO,NO.NO.............Gurbani can not cure disease. Gurbani is their to give you strength and courage. Im sick of people who ask such stupid questions, its like asking can Gurbani help me win the lottery. Ask what you can do for the Guru Sant Sahib, not what it can do for you. I feel for all the suffering in the world and its very wrong,starvation,war,disease etc......... but in most, if not all, MAN is to blame, so MAN can sort it out. The Guru Sant Sahib will give you the strength and courage. Guru has given you the precious gift of life, search the Gurbani on how you can make a difference to your brothers and sisters, maybe become a Doctor!
  3. Your parents are talking of their izzat but who is standing up for yours! You have a good brother and if your sister is married,she is more than likely thinking of what her in laws will say. Fast forward 2 years and who do you think will care, NO ONE. Because know one bothers with people who are happy and content. If on the other hand you marry a jaat punjabi via your parents choice, who thinks his the bees knees, because thats what mummy has always told him, it will end in divorce or you will end up in another trapped marriage which society will keep you in, its the Sikh thing. OR you might get a nice jaat boy who will resent you because you had an ex, regardless of how modern jaat men claim to be we all have the same insecurities and high expectations of our wives. If you decide not to follow your heart and marry someone introduced via your parents, you will be asked to keep your past boyfriend a secret. Relationships are built on trust and trust breeds confidence and security, which turns to love,which leads to a strong family which will keep its Sikhi ! just be sure your partner is worth fighting for and his genuine, also he should be fighting for your hand and proving himself to your family. Your hand in marriage is a testament to the parents who raised you and his acceptance that his new family will hold the highest respect in his heart.
  4. After many months of reading articles on this forum i had to join and put some views across. First...... I'm not a scholar and i don't preach what is good and what is bad. I don't judge sikh girls and have very strong views on how sikhs should respect each other. Sikh marrying a muslim in a Gudwara is not a problem, as long as its through their own free will and choice. I applaud the muslim girl who had the spirit and fight of an APNI. WELCOME to enlightenment and a life of true bhangra! My hypocritical side would challenge this if it was an APNI girl. ( sorry,not that modern) Over the next few months i will join in these discussions and try and bring in some plain talking honesty to the forum. I don't judge,criticise,or put down apni girls just because they have married x or done y, i look for the real reason, the deeper reason. As for those who are into their religion, "the boxed walls which were built to hold the ultimate believers................ who gave their lives without compramise.........., cracks are appearing in the WALL.............!
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