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Posts posted by ipledgeblue

  1. On 8/14/2023 at 11:52 PM, BhForce said:

    Well, no, sis, I'm not talking about girls marrying Hindu men. That's prohibited by rehitnamas, SGPC SRM, and common sense.

    I'm talking only about Sikh men accepting Hindu wifes (as a 2nd wife).

    This could only work for strong Panthic Singhs who will make it clear the maryada to be followed. No idol worship.

    The first wife (born Sikh) will ensure Sikh maryada as well. And she has to be on board with the plan (to increase Sikh numbers).

    I agree that we need quantity.


    21 hours ago, Kau89r8 said:

     marry diff race. Expand beyond Panjabis.  Hindu marry Sardars in india and they doing karva chauth hindu rituals. i see all time on ig


    The Hajoor Sahib Singhs married were originally Nihang Singhs who married hindu women, and some hindu women still marry them. sikhi is strong amongst them and they don't cut their hair at all! They still have strong connections to the current Nihang Singhs.

    They follow a maryada where the hindu women MUST take some kind of amrit pahul, this is usually kripaan pahul (maybe similar to jhoola amrit as well?) They are not given khanda pahul, those women are not ready. However they are given a type of amrit so that husband can consume food and drink from the wife. Obviously, this means that the wife has been initiated as sikh.

    For a Singh to be able to share food with wife, the wife needs to have been initiated at least into sikh panth. 

    In puraatan times, Singhs were desired for marriage and alliances, so Shias also desired to marry their daughters to Singhs to build alliances. I have read in historical account that shia/muslim women were made to eat pork for 40 days (I think this was after marriage), I cannot remember if this is written in a rehitnama or just a historical account. For muslim men becoming Singhs, Nihang Singhs actually stirred in pigs' blood in khanda amrit pahul, just so that no spies pretended to take khanda pahul. This was at a time when the whole panth followed one panthic Budha Dal maryada! (please don't take this as a discussion about meat, just describing the steps sikhs used for hindu and muslim converts)

    In conclusion, the hindu woman must be initiated in some way, just like in Hajur Sahib even now!

  2. 20 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

    No it wasn't a norm, but there were sardars who had multiple wives, plus also it was a political practice where sardars would get extra wives to align themselves with other useful families, often to negate competition from them (that's what it looks like to me anyway). 


    I'm not on that birth rate thing -  I don't know how useful it is to have higher birth rates if we are giving birth to multiple fudhus. 


    19 hours ago, BhForce said:

    It's hard to tell exactly what percent of Singhs had more than one wife. But some did.

    Yet, if you think about it, it would seem difficult for a community to grow its numbers by some men marrying multiple women. I mean, if there are 100 men, and 50 of them take two wives, there are no women left for 50 men.

    One way around this might be to accept women from other communities (like Hindus). The incentive might be: we'll accept a marriage proposal without daaj (dowry). 

    The Hindu family gets to marry off their daughter without spending money while the Sikh numbers grow.

    it was more than acceptable for Singhs to have multiple wives, because Singhs are supposed to be kshatriya.  There were also other common practices such as marrying your brothers' widow, and widow remarriage, marrying rescued women that are not accepted back by their families.

    Fighting wars required multiple wives, many sons,uncles, male family members would get shaheed, such as Bhai Mani Singhs' sons from both his wives, and his uncles during Guru Hargobind ji.

    Add this to higher mortality rates, people died younger, just look at the ages most Guru jis lived to, women had difficult giving birth, there were risks to women dying during birth, higher infant mortality rates, children were at much greater risk from dying from a childhood illness.

    All these factors compounded with wars, it made a lot of sense to marry multiple women! And during 1947, 1984 and the dharmi faujis of the 1990s, its still made a lot of sense to have multiple wives, but only if your family was going to be armed and trained!

    Compare this to sikhs and amrit dharis who have multiple girlfriends and exes, and don't get married until into their late 20s and 30s, we are behaving in a really pathetic non-warrior non kshatriya way! If you're making the excuse of not getting married because you are studying, and then you make a girlfriend or multiples during that time anyway, THEN Singhs should just get married, and all the excuses for not getting married are lame and bringing down the whole panth. I seriously stand by that statement!!!


  3. On 10/2/2019 at 1:57 PM, dallysingh101 said:

    Funny how the site automon on a Sikh site considers translations of Guru ji's words as unacceptable. 

    Why don't we ban the use of the word ਮੂੜ in Gurbani too? 

    well this site is ok with a nitnem  bani from Charitropakhyan, Kabyo baach benti chaupai, being read in a broken and anti-dasam granth way. They even have group of sikhsthat reads the bani this anti-dasam way, on the top banner listed as "Sikh videos - Intermediate". Whereas a knowledgable sikh with santhiya like Bhai Jagraj Singh and his group Basics of Sikhi, is only listed as "Sikh videos - Beginner"

    This is absolutely poor having sikhs that do not have a panthic outlook, and  being shown above Basics of Sikhi on this forum, whereas a group like Nanak Naam group would be many times better than Gurmat Bibek group.

    The point is, if we keep letting sangat get away with reading Benti Chaupai in this anti-dasam way, (and it has been around 100 years these jathas and SGPC have been doing this anti-dasam bani activity), then what hope is there for Singhs to read the rest of Charitropakhyan and dasam bani!

    The fact is anti-dasam bani is being practiced in front of us, hidden in the open, at our gurdwaras and sgpc gutkas!


  4. On 7/13/2023 at 11:08 PM, Jai Tegang! said:

    This was more applicable when cutting kesh was rare and rules like these helped nip the problem.  The situation is inverted now. Also,  is it better to never even attempt amritdhari life ? Atleast Makhan tried for a few years, and he still holds immense respect or it. Just leave the guy alone and let him come back on more firm footing in the future. 

    Plus, there are many kids from (amritdhari) families that take amrit at a young age, but cut their kesh in their youth. Do you think it would be fair to namecall them as sirgums while their peers get a free pass?

    You have to evaluate these maryada rules on an ongoing basis to see what helps the panth and what may end up causing more harm than good.

    I am wondering when sirgumm term started to be used in the panth. I understand Meenas, Masands, dhirmalaiye, kurri-maar is more than just name-calling, so thought we should at least take a look or discuss this.

    And I guess the leaving alone bit is kind of similar to staying away? It's different when it's a personality does something. Similar to some babas and sants etc!

  5. I am hearing a lot of adverts with KS Makhan performing at these mela type events along with others.

    I have read that a sirgum is an amritdhari who has cut their hair. And a sirgum is to be avoided like meenas, masands, dheermalias, ramraiyas etc.

    Of course a sirgum may retake pahul.

    Should sikhs not collectively ban such personalities, or at least distance ourselves. I know these are panjabi cultural events, but there should be some collective sikh avoidance and the ban of being around sirgum should be made more public and taken m ore seriously by panth!

  6. 10 hours ago, BhForce said:

    The rehit maryada published by the SGPC prohibits kutha.

    If he's a generic Sikh who has parents who don't care about Rehit, they likely buy halal meat from time to time because often that's what's available in the store.

    This is prohibited by all Sikh sects.

    actually he sound like the prachar from the generic non-bana wearing amrit dharis from last century post-partition, with the mantra "don't eat meat, it's against sikhi" etc...

    Can't be having that in the 2020s, not where Nihang Singhs are much more visible again in the panth!

  7. On 4/28/2023 at 10:24 PM, Guest AMANDEEP said:

    so, i'm in year 12, uk. my parents are like sort-of connected with sikhism, but not much. they still eat meat and modify the hair, and while i try not too. my parents forces me to like remove the hairs and eat the meat and i try not to but i most of the time don't win and i feel guilty. i wanted to take amrit, but my parents don't let me and say im too young.  i've learnt gurmukhi and the rehat myraada from online and gurughar. every time i take a step towards being a sikh, they pull me back.  i feel like i'm losing my faith


    what should i do? should i give up or should I wait till i'm more control of my life?

    I know this forum does not allow meat discussion. but does rehat maryada say you should not eat meat?

  8. 4 hours ago, Ranjeet01 said:

    When you step foot inside a gurdwara you automatically feel that the environment is at a far higher level. It is quite hard to describe in words, but I typically feel more at ease but in this particular gurdwara during this programme in the darbar hall it felt uneasy. Something did not feel right.

    Actually, you are right about the weirdness. The darbar hall is massive, and even their spare darbar hall is quite big as well, could easily be another separate gurdwara on its own if you know what I mean?! On weekdays, I used to work near the gurdwara in Bath Road, and I visited a few times, and they were doing the Wa-eh-guru simran. Now I think about it it, this way of doing simran is really mechanical and doesn't sound like pyaar prema bhagti. Even when this type of simran is being done, I always say Waheguru in a normal way. One of their babas visited the Singh Sabha Slough gurdwara on a Sunday morning programme, to do prachar and meditation, and I think people were freaked out or something by the baba, and some were saying things about him! I was purposefully saying Waheguru normally to get out of the vibe. I will always say Waheguru like a normal sikh, and not this mental gymnastics being forced upon us by cults sects and babas, it was so weird when Dhadri started doing this type of simran!


    Anyway that Guru maneyo granth PKMC gurdwara, I always get a weird vibe there, and from the sewadaars and sangat as well! Like the way some of the sewadaars talk is culty, and even if they smile. Actually some of the Singhs on Gurmat Bibek Youtube have a similar eeriness (see their channel link on the top of this forum "Sikh Videos - Intermediate", more like "Sikh Videos - culty", sorry not sorry to the admins, but that is the truth sach satt!) and the bibi on there is really high on the eeriness scale!

    the GMG gurdwara do some good sikhi programmes though, so that's why I used to go there before I moved out of London, but I never want go to an Ajit Singh simran programme again, I am half ok with a simran session from other sewadaars.

    Also, one time I went to their Sodar Rehraas paat and I was really surprised they read sampooran Rehras with full kabyo baach benti, I think it may even have been longer than taksal, like Hajoor Sahib or Budha Dal length which is really rare outside Nihang Singhs! I have been to the Singh Sabha gurdwaras in Slough and Southall last year, and even in 2022 they still did not do full kabyo baach benti, that's how poor chaupai sahib Rehras is read in those gurdwaras.

    Regardless, I always feel a good vibe when I go Singh Sabha Slough or Park Avenue. I do feel a weird vibe when I go Havelock/Guru Nanak Road Singh Sabha, maybe it's the big building or maybe something else? For some reason, I also feel a bit of a weird vibe from Ramgharia Gurdwara Slough, and this is a gurdwara I have been going to since I was a child, and I have also been going to Singh Sabha Slough as a child. I may have even felt a weird vibe when I went to the old Havelock Singh Sabha as a small child before it was knocked down. I dunno, maybe it's sangat at those gurdwaras as well, and as a child you can probably feel the vibes of sangat even more greatly! I studied at Guru Nanak School, and I get weird vibes there even when I go now as an adult to attend anand Karajs!

    I have been Nanaksar Southall probably only a couple of times in my life as an adult, and I felt positive vibes there, even though I don't think they have a langar kitchen (langar was brought from home by sangat the last time I went, I ate some South Indian dish as well)

  9. On 5/20/2023 at 8:07 AM, Ranjeet01 said:

    These guys came from Swindon UK and had a gurdwara there before they moved to Slough. 

    It's a nice Gurdwara but there does seem to be a cult like feel to the place. I have done naam simran there and the way it is done feels a bit eerie. 

    That is just my opinion.

    it is cult like, it is based off PKMC which used to be run by the late Tarmala who was notorious for giving out brahmgyani certificates. You will see a successive set of videos of Tarmala's jatha arguin with a group of gyanis in a pend. There is also a video of turbans being tossed in a Tarmala simran video.

    For some obvious biased reasons, terms similar to "cult-like" are supposed to be banned on this forum from a few years ago!

    The simran sounds harmless on most days, and it is the AKJ style naam dhrir. However, when Bhai Ajit Singh does the sessions on Sundays, then it goes in madness and angriness. They always promote the Sunday simran sessions when I went to a few Anand Karaj there, I just had to walk out of that Sunday session after a few minutes, even though a Kenya uncle I know used to tell me that I should go visit and it's "peaceful". I have seen children in that gurdwara Langar hall shouting something that doesn't sound like Waheguru at all, that's how messed up their simran is! Children aren't even taught to say waheguru and instead taught to follow the leader!!!

    Also I have seen people in the car park matha tek to Bhai Ajit Singh's feet, he is treated like some baba/Sant type figure. He has also been caught out in videos getting bani pangtis wrong! If you go further in this forum, you will find some sinister gangster type murder stuff as well! Also people travel from far away just to come to the Sunday divans. This also used to be the case when their gurdwara was in Swindon, before they moved to Slough!

    Simran is supposed to be done in sehaj avastha! People at the places and rehnsbais take the mick unfortunately!

  10. On 5/29/2023 at 1:41 PM, redoptics2013 said:

    It's not obvious because they don't,  reading in other languages is also not good, IK OnKar is known through out the world as meaning there is one God when it doesn't and people think our panth is monotheistic when it's actually panenthistic not to be mixed with panthestic.


    lol this is the kind of stuff accounts used to get banned for on this forum!

  11. On 3/29/2023 at 2:47 PM, dallysingh101 said:

    The trilogy is brilliant. I felt it got better in each book. 




    On 3/29/2023 at 4:43 PM, Not2Cool2Argue said:

    It's a fantastic book. And shows how corrupt the whole foster care/guardianship system can be. 

    I haven't read the books. I have watched the English movie with Daniel Craig set in the first trilogy "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". And watched the 2nd English movie, which is set in the 2nd Trilogy "The Girl in the Spider's Web". I may watch the original 3 movies for the original trilogy with subtitles, but I don't think I will read the book.

  12. On 11/28/2019 at 3:20 AM, Sukhvirk1976 said:

    I've never seen any Sikhs kiss in public? Have you actually ever seen it? Or is it a hypothetical question? 

    I have seen monas kiss in public, actually in university computer rooms. I also saw a soon-to-be trim Singh kissing his hindu girlfriend in front of me, maybe also in a university computer room. I remember seeing him again years later with beard trimmed, I think she managed to convince him to trim it!

  13. On 2/28/2023 at 4:50 PM, GurjantGnostic said:

    Ooof. Dirty tactics. 


    On 3/1/2023 at 4:54 PM, proactive said:

    If you want to create these forests and langar gardens, I think you will not get such a great response if you want to have them donated, you would be better of signing a maamla agreement for 5-10 years with the owners where the maamla is zero. I doubt anyone will donate land to you, because these are ancestral lands and only someone who has lost all connection with Punjab would donate their land in such a manner. Personally, I have a connection with Punjab and I want by children to also have the same connection, hence the creation of a not for profit scheme to grow cash crops possibly through drip irrigation. 

    I would be interested.

    In my ancestral pind, and other pinds I am connected to by family, I want to start a system where langar is available regularly for poor people such as dalits. I would say in a similar manner to how langar works in many London gurdwaras, where langar is most of the day. This would bring these folk also closer to the gurdwara, or rather back to the gurdwara.

    I would be willing to donate some of my inherited land for them to do this as well! But I also want to use my land for other benefits of people as well.

  14. 4 hours ago, californiasardar1 said:

    Is that a Gurdwara?

    I think it was just a hall, I don't think it was/is a gurdwara. I am unsure if the building is still there or has been bought by someone else...

    actually still seems to be there, I just never notice it in Southall recently. It seemed to have been newly refurbished when I went to the city sikhs event.

    Ramgarhia Hall - Gurdwara Ramgarhia Sabha

    031.j.Ramgarhia Hall
    3 hours ago, Premi5 said:

    Was exchanging numbers with guys allowed though …


    Someone else who attended actually thought that Param Singh is a khusra....! 
    To me he just seems nutrient deficient, like Rishi Sunak!

  15. On 2/7/2023 at 5:09 AM, californiasardar1 said:

    "I'm a devout Sikh -- and married to a man."

    What an absurd statement.

    I'm glad that Jasvir Singh has a trimmed beard, as it helps make it obvious how inaccurate his claim of being a "devout Sikh" is for people who may not know that same sex marriage is not compatible with a gurmat lifestyle.



    The funny thing is, just observing the organization from its online presence, I would have guessed that it was created primarily to help guys like Jasvir Singh and Param Singh (remember how he appeared on a dating game show?) meet women. How wrong I was.

    I actually went to one of their early events at Ramgharia Hall Southall Broadway, and exchanging numbers with girls wasn't allowed. Only handing out business cards was allowed.

  16. On 1/22/2019 at 7:15 PM, dallysingh101 said:

    Are they legal in the UK?


    On 1/22/2019 at 9:00 PM, jkvlondon said:

    sure, bows yes there are many archery clubs, not sure if there are restrictions  on crossbows though

    Late reply...

    Actually it's still in the English law that every able bodied man must practice longbow on a sundays. It's an archaic law which hasn't been repealed, but definitely inline with gurmatt!

  17. 11 hours ago, Premi5 said:



    it's really good he kept his sikhi saroop, instead of some of those grandads who just wore turban for the british indian army and took it off when they came to the uk!

    I wonder if his children and grandchildren also kept their kesh, would be interesting if the grandad's efforts also ended up bringing up respectful further generations!

  18. On 1/22/2023 at 8:42 AM, Premi5 said:

    And becoming a singer was considered shameful only a few generations ago.

    seriously we need to really push tanti saaj raag keertan instead of the low standard harmonium keertan we currently have. The current low standard keertan has birthed countless punjabi singers and producers in this lacharpuna industry such as Daler Mehndi, Mika Singh and RDB. Authentic keertan wouldn't result in gurdwaras being used as launchpads for such personalities!


    I hope this truth goes into the brains of some sikhs!!!

    On 1/18/2023 at 6:00 AM, californiasardar1 said:

    The silliest thing about the modern obsession with bhangra is how stupid punjabis present it as if it is some sort of ancient tradition that has formed a central (perhaps THE central) part of their culture for generations.

    In reality, only certain marginalized groups traditionally partook in dancing.

    I remember when I was a kid, I asked my grandfather if people danced at his wedding reception. I wish you all could have seen the look he gave me.

    Similarly, modern sikhs also try to present Morris Dancing gatka as an ancient art and even try to associate it with Guru Hargobind Sahib patshah, instead of learning authentic shastarvidiya!!!

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