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Everything posted by ipledgeblue

  1. and the gatka akharas haven't improved. I saw stuff on BBC and it was embarrassing. Still teaching bhangra moves, morris dancing and I came across an infinity symbol stick move taught as a beginner move??!!
  2. These unclassy women family members, have spolied family parties along with the males who can't hold their drink, some of them maybe don't even reach uncle category. I guess it's time to just do celebrations at gurdwara because of these behjti people! Would be good if some gurdwaras had a hall nearby and allowed Singhs to jhatka for the post-wedding celebration! Have the protesters gone old, have the youth got more knowledge about jhatka? Wedding parties were good and all, but the girls don't know how to dress anymore and ruin the family values, so families might need to stop these parties!
  3. This is where the vichola needs to get involved, and family!
  4. Some new moves to add if your gatka public displays are getting repetitive. https://fb.watch/tRAf9UBbTw/
  5. I'm usually more on reddit, much easier to use on phone as well.
  6. Guru Sahibs jis were Sarguna saroop, this should also apply to Guru Granth Sahib. We do do pooja of Guru Sahib, this is reinforced in katha such as Suraj Prakas. But sometimes worship can mean something else beside pooja. I think Pooja does actually have a meaning similar to "paying respect to", worship may have another meaning. Maybe this is what he is getting at? Or maybe the fixo fumes got to him, I dunno ...... LOL
  7. I did not call anyone an enemy. I am concerned that this politics and anti-dasam views are being taught to yet another generation of unaware children. Of course this can be unintentional like the previous generation, but due to the amount of wider resources and santhiya, we should not be doing this in environments that are not associated with any group or sect etc! End of the day, children should be taught Chaupai Sahib upto Arril, and they can choose to cut/mutilate the benti chaupai if they need to do paat at a strict Singh Sabha or SGPC gurdwara such as at Harimandir Sahib, or choose to join SGPC, and some "stricter" parts of AKJ etc. I look at myself and don't understand why I wasn't taught Chaupai Sahib properly and just blindly kept doing the SGPC bhasaur version. Since I went to Guru Nanak School, I should have known better as Nanaksar would never cut it, but that school wasn't even able to teach Japji Sahib to students let alone Chaupai Sahib in the 1990s!!!
  8. I heard an announcement yesterday and watched a video: Guru Maneyo Granth gurdwara are opening a girls independent sikh school nearby
  9. The shortcut benti Chaupai sahib was literally started by anti-dasam elements like Bhasauria and in Harimandir Sahib by his associate Kartar Singh Kalaswalia. Elements like Bhasauria also cut bani from Guru Granth Sahib saroop, printing without Bhatt Savaiye and bhagat bani. Bhasauria and co were also involved in removing dasam granth saroop from gurdwaras such as Ramsar and Akal Takht, using spears and knives ripping saroops angs pages. Regular Chaupai Sahib should be at least upto including Arril, I was not including Rehraas at all since the students did not perform Rehraas. Mahapurakhs, santhiya, and sampradaiye all teach Arill, and even then cutting out benti Chaupai bani like that is silly. https://www.sikhnet.com/news/chaupai-sahib-what-happened-last-pauris "One of Teja Singh's associates, Giani Kartar Singh Kalaswalia, served as the head Granthi of Sri Harimandir Sahib. During his tenure, the Chaupai and Dohira were removed. Ran Singh, the son of Teja Singh wrote the Dasam Granth Nirney in 1919. Therein, he claimed that another Bani (prayer) began after the 25th pauri (verse) - Dustt dokh tay layho bachaaee. However, this claim is false. This is the earliest reference to the short version of Chaupai Sahib, as prior to this, no evidence of anything other than the full Chaupai Sahib has been found." https://www.sikhnet.com/news/chaupai-sahib-broken-bani Quote
  10. I saw the video on TikTok I think. It was at Wembley Stadium and I was unable to bookmark/favourite it because Tiktok decided to refresh. It was the "mainstream" Chaupai Sahib you will hear at a Singh Sabha gurdwaras, usually so-called Ramgarhia gurdwaras and also for the past 100 year or so in Harimandir Sahib under the current committee system. In other words, the sikhs who give up or quit at ਖੜਗ ਕੇਤ ਮੈਂ ਸ਼ਰਨਿ ਤਿਹਾਰੀ ॥ ਆਪ ਹਾਥ ਦੈ ਲੇਹੁ ਉਬਾਰੀ ॥ Lord of the Almighty Sword, provides a shield for my protection. With Your Hands you have saved me. ਸਰਬ ਠੌਰ ਮੋ ਹੋਹੁ ਸਹਾਈ ॥ ਦੁਸ਼ਟ ਦੋਖ ਤੇ ਲੇਹੁ ਬਚਾਈ ॥੪੦੧॥ You bestow help on me at all places and rescue me from pain and the designs of my demons.401. Kharag kait mai sarann tihaaree. Aap haath dai leho ubaaree. Sarab thor mo hoho sahaaee. Dustt dokh té leho bachaaee. (25) O The Lord of Sword, I seek Your protection. With Your Hands you have guarded me. At All Times be my Support. Save me from wickedness and pain. (25).
  11. A decade later and I can show you all what the problem is. Both Khalsa Primary School and students from Pioneer Secondary Academy were invited for Vaisakhi celebrations, and they done a Chaupai Sahib paat. The problem is, they performed the politics ridden anti-dasam Bhasauria mutilated cut version of Benti Chaupai which is disrespectful to traditional puraatan samrpadaiye and mahapurakh. If bani politics is going to be used on children to skip lines from Dasam Pita ji dhan dhan Guru Gobind Singh ji's Benti Chaupai Sahib, that certain groups think it is ok to do, then @serious guptwas right to raise concerns a decade ago! IN 2024, when sangat is much more knowledgable about dasam bani and katha, when we have so many resources - then if we are not allowing our children to learn bani shud and let them choose their groups to follow later, then this raises RED FLAGS IN 2024!!!! AKAAAAL!
  12. When you are at home, you can do ardas in front of sastar as well.
  13. https://x.com/GurpreetSSahota/status/1809108238581051411 So far nine Sikh candidates related to Labour Party secured their seats in UK parliament and will be part of new British Government. @TanDhesi @PreetKGillMP
  14. Play/do gurbani, simran and keertan often, make sure you do your nitnem, use sarbloh and wear sarbloh!
  15. process is to find a vichola and then the vichola talks between your family and theirs. The process should be similar to how rishta is done in India side!
  16. No. If you read the history of Guru jis' times and even centuries later, usually marriages were done in childhood. Then when they were old enough to start their grihast jeevan partnership, the bride is brought over to her husbands's house in muklawa ceremony. 4-5 years engagement is silly. You get Anand Karaj now, and then after university she you do muklawa, that is much more in the guidelines!
  17. you need to explain that even the devtay kept their kes, and is a part of the ancestors' culture, that sikhi is also preserving the kshatriya and dharmik cultures!
  18. Chandu was of a higher Khatri caste than the Sodhi khatri background of Guru Arjan Dev ji. In the end, Guru Arjan rejected the rishta for Sri Hargobind with Chandu's daughter, because of Chandu's behaviour.
  19. Do japji sahib and ardas. Then take your children for jhoola amrit so that you can share food with them!!!
  20. enjoy losing control of 5 vikaara? You need to learn to do jhatka bro!!
  21. decided to research this online and there has been discussions about this: https://www.theweek.in/news/entertainment/2020/05/23/paatal-lok-anushka-sharma-slammed-showing-sikhs-as-rapists.html https://x.com/mssirsa/status/1264066128193732608?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1264066396465627136%7Ctwgr%5E853ba1ff35d6f57a2c1e044d52d38acc812f770d%7Ctwcon%5Es3_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theweek.in%2Fnews%2Fentertainment%2F2020%2F05%2F23%2Fpaatal-lok-anushka-sharma-slammed-showing-sikhs-as-rapists.html
  22. I forgot to post this during covid. This is alarming as they are trying to portay amritdharis in such a disgusting way, on a hindi drama! The act isn't being done by an amritdhari, but still a sardar type person and the amritdharis are part of the gang that is watching! I feel like there was some anti-sikh sentiment and is dangerous as it came to air in 2020, during the big farmer kisaan andolan rallies in Delhi! The scene is not graphic and only a few seconds, so kind of NSFW. this is on season 1 episode 3! For context watch from 13:50-18:00 https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/video/detail/B08BYZB14R/ref=atv_dp_share_cu_r
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