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Posts posted by ipledgeblue

  1. 12 hours ago, BhForce said:

    there is still no excuse for eating meat from there because eating a Big Mac burger is not Kshatri Maryada.

    there is absolutely no excuse for a sikh to eat cow, not even an en excuse to be anti-hindu like some american sikhs. If only they read Ugardanti bani or knew about Guru Hargobind's jeevan against cow killers


    3 hours ago, ChardikalaUK said:

    There are a lot of Sikh owned restaurants here in the London area which are halal. Remember money comes first to apne. 

    Likewise, take a walk down Southall Broadway and you will see countless Sikh owned shops selling Islamic pictures of Mecca and head scarfs. Never in a million years will you see muslims selling Sikh related items. 

    But still the worst is McDonald's in Panjab and possibly Subway being kuttha! I mean, why do SGPC allow them to have a vegeterian Mcdonald's on Harimandir Sahib Heritage Street if the other Punjab+India Mcdonald's is kurahitee!??

  2. when I first saw the photo they just looked like typical indians, until I saw them using names like they are amrit-dharis. It's so unfortunate that many sikhs use Singh and Kaur as their main names and yet aren't even tyaar bar tyaar to be protected from such a situation, especially in a country which allows guns!

    Regardless, this is so sad what happened and especially the baby.

  3. 9 hours ago, S1ngh said:

    Some of them have jorra near top of their head and covered very well. Besides the keski/turban, The more concerning thing is : 

    Why our Bibian does not cover their head. I found that more concerning.

    I think it is rehat to keep joora as mad-sees. maybe it's in rehitnama?

  4. On 12/25/2021 at 9:31 PM, Jacfsing2 said:

    He made an entire series called "Gurmat Vs Vaaran Bhai Gurdas"

    hmm I doubt he literally meant gurmat against bhai Gurdass vaaran!...

    did he actually say anything objectionable in the videos?

  5. there are so many sikhs in Canada, they are still not reducing the incidence of Kuttha such as Popeyes (I heard this from a Canada sikh online, probably on reddit or twitter) and Hortons, and even Kuttha is high in restaurants in Punjab such as Mcdonalds and possibly Subway.

    On 10/29/2022 at 5:02 AM, Jacfsing2 said:

    Islam is glorified Arab nationalism with removing the old Polytheistic elements. 🤷‍♂️

    removing most of the polytheistic elements. some are still there such as the black stone, and Kaaba's origin is still a polytheistic Mandir.

  6. On 7/30/2018 at 6:21 PM, Guest ipledgeblue said:

    Don’t get me wrong, I like cars. I also own one but i don’t like to brag as much as some about it.

    this guest is not me, I did not write this comment.


    and besides, I don't brag about my car at all. I am more likely to brag about the amount of RAM, storage and dual sim capacity in my non-Apple phone.  😂

  7. On 9/5/2022 at 8:45 PM, Singh375 said:

    Sunday 11 Sep - Smethwick

    Sunday 25 Sep - Wolverhampton

    Sat 22 Oct - Southall (park avenue)

    Posters attached 




    will they do Chaupai Sahib properly with full kabyo baach benti and Arril bani read when performing amrit sanchar? Many months ago I listened to Rehraas Sahib paat at Park Avenue gurdwara and Chaupai Sahib was cut, so I don't have full confidence.

  8. On 8/30/2022 at 6:31 AM, Not2Cool2Argue said:

    So did Maharaja Ranjit Singh take Pahul from Buddha dal? And what maryada did he follow?

    Also Guruji themselves created new instruments. Guru Arjan dev ji created a new style of tabla. So they weren't considered with authenticity.

    And Guru Hargobind Sahib used dilruba which wasn't used by Guru Arjan Dev Ji.

    I am not aware of any hukam of Panjwe patshah about  using tanti saaj. Only about reading gurbani as much as possible. Aavo Sikh satguru ki pyare, gavi Sachi bani. And shabad chaunkis have been a part of the Sikh tradition where they don't use any tanti saaj to sing. Except maybe dhol. 

    Also about dal khalsa, do you know their views on bhagauti?

    Ranjit Singh probably took pahul from Budha Dal at a young age.

    Guru ji created instruments, it doesn't matter which Guru created instruments.

    When Bhai Satta and Balwand were temporarily excommunicated, Guru Arjan gave hukam to the gursikhs to start playing tanti saaj and to pick up the instruments such as rabab. Jori uses half of a mridang, I don't think this is called tabla? 

    Rabab has been part of sikh tradition since Guru Nanak and Bhai Mardana... Guru Gobind Singh's sikhs performed aasa di vaar in tanti saaj outside even during battles as Guru ji ordered this during one battle, the gursikhs didn't make excuses like today's sikhs!

    maybe dholki is used now but I think the puraatan gursikhs used mridang since Guru Nanak times.

  9. I worked in IT support and still work in tech support.


    First thing you need to do is change your number, and in the meanwhile just put your phone into airplane mode or take the sim out.

    Make sure you backup your all your stuff, whether into cloud like Google Drive, Onedrive, Dropbox etc. Or might be easier to move your stuff to memory card or USB memory stick.

    Then you should factory reset your whole phone. And stop using that online account the hackers have. Also you must report to the police!

  10. On 7/31/2022 at 4:53 PM, Not2Cool2Argue said:

    There were always sects. The beauty was we could still be united and respect each other yet be different.

    Just look at dasam pitas time. He told bhai nand lal ji not to fight, supported bhai khaniya ji's anti-violence agenda. Had hindus and muslims and mercenaries in his army. Send most women away from the fight (including mata jis) but allowed mai bhago to fight.

    Contradictions and opposing views everywhere. 

    And also had a vaishnav and meat langar at the same time.

    Then later there were the sikhs who lived in jangals and fought. Then city sikhs like subheg singh and shabaaz singh. Then farmers like bhai taaru singh. Village dwellers like the singhaniya in mir mannus jail. 

    No time was there when all sikhs were shastardhari, living in jangals.

    In fact there were udasees, seva panthis, bedis, nirmale,  tarna dal vs budha dal division, then misls, followed by sikh rajas vs akalis. Then naamdhari showed up. 

    The arguments in the 1900s were numerous. If sachkhand is an actual place vs avastha. If meat is allowed. If padshed is allowed. Dasam granth. If dakhani onkaar is actually called Onkaar Bani (pamphlet on that by Bhagat puran singh)

    And dont just blame the akjs. Many other sects dont believe in brahm kavach as part of dasam etc. 

    I think the vaaja should have an important nostalgic place in our gurudwaras. It is a symbol of how sikhi spread to the masses, how it triumphed under colonial rule. How when the british were busying destroying our culture, taking away kaide/books and shastar away from our ppl. Sikhs co-opted their instrument and spread sikhi. Like the miniature saroops of SGGS used in the world wars. Part of our history of how Sikhs kept sikhi alive in hard times. And should be revered. 

    Puratan is important so we don't lose any of our magnificent history and culture and skills. But it shouldn't stop us from adding more skills to our repertoire. 

    Like maharaja ranjit adding cannons to his army and learning from the European soldiers about military training. (BTW most of those Europeans were french/Italian who having lost the napoleonic wars fled east and their hatred of the English is what attracted them to ranjit singh)

    udasis and sewapanthis aren't khalsa sects and are sikh sampradaiye. Due to not being part of khalsa, they do not cause division in the khalsa and behave as part of wider sikh panth, in a bohpanti sikh panth. Those sampradaiye existed at the time of dal khalsa and didn't cause issues,  and helped support sikhs and gurdwaras and seva. To include these sampradaiye in divisions of khalsa is completely illogical !

    To be honest it doesn't really make sense to include bedis and nirmalay either because their roles didn't interfere with the main khalsa panth the way today's jathas and sgpc try to control! Normally Every Singh took pahul from Budha Dal and then either stayed with dal khalsa and had the one panthic maryada, or maybe went into their life or grihast jeevan, maybe joining Maharaja Ranjit Singh's army or whatever they wanted, but still keeping the dal panth maryada, and theres other went onto some sect or dera to follow their maryada... None of this stuff with "take amrit from my jatha and follow our maryada" and "we are the correct khalsa way", there just was't any of this ego or erosion present!

    The issue NOW is there are sects and divisions within the khalsa! Don't worry about sects outside of the khalsa, those have always existed going all the way to Udasis, and only aim to spread prachar and bring people into sikhi!

    some sects such as panch khalsa diwan with Bhasauria, jathas and sgpc must take the blame for mutilating chaupai sahib and printing gutkas throughout last century with this presentation!

    harmonium is maybe nostalgic, however if we really are independent from colonial rule, then we should not use it over Guru Arjan dev ji's hukam of using tanti saaj for raag keertan!

    nostalgia is one thing but Guru is always main thing!

  11. On 7/29/2022 at 9:57 PM, dharamyudh said:

    Sant Baba Mani Singh was a Mahapurakh born and raised in Smethwick. My family is from Smethwick and they used to tell me he used to be in bana 24/7. He passed away fairly young. 

    Regarding the Akal Bunga connection, I guess he took inspiration from the puratan name of Akal Takht. I doubt there is any real connection beyond that. He basically restored an old church and turned it into a Gurdwara. 




    well the fact he wore bana, and also I can see often wearing shastar in the photos, both of these combined are an actual connection to Akal Bunga in some way! HE is the connection! Now it makes even more sense why the gurdwara was named Akal Bunga.

    Did he pass away young?

    Does the gurdwara follow any specific maryada such as dal panth Budha Dal maryada or similar?

  12. 2 hours ago, Singh375 said:

    Saturday 13 August in Smethwick


    I would like to find out more about Sant Baba Mani Singh ji please?


    Also why is the gurdwara called Akal Bunga Sahib and what is the connection with Akali Bunga/ Akal Takht?

  13. 6 hours ago, Jacfsing2 said:

    You could've just gave him a list?

    will the mods be ok if we call out some groups for butchering chaupai sahib at amrit sanchar?

    On the top of the list is SGPC...


    The rest of the list, could be risky....

  14. 2 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

    I wasn't even talking about someone who has had a serious relationship before. I'm talking about serial knob hoppers - the kind who jump on every other 'rudebwoy' in their ends.  

    yeh so I just combined both of them since both can have the same issues and both can have their stuff forgotten by distancing with time and social circles. Even divorce can be hidden by moving to another country.


    2 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

    Rolling On Floor Laughing GIFs | Tenor


    And have you seen how good females have gotten at this.............. 

    Yes exactly. I think so many females are using make up now we can't see their natural skin glow anymore.

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