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Everything posted by mushabooom

  1. So. Today we had our crazy neighbours over and as I was eating my hadwanna, I was listening in on their conversation. My neighbour was saying that doing the jap of "ik onkar" like only saying those two words over and over is really powerful. Like.. enough to break someones roof? (I was kind of drifting in and out of the conversation) My other neighbour confirmed it too, and backed it up with a story which I wish I paid more attention to. But thats why I am here right now. Is it true?
  2. Are you saying you know someone who knew this one guy who was walking down the street once and he ran into this girl and she said her neighbour had a friend who had a sister who was sold as a prostitute in the middle east?
  3. i heard this somewhere... made me think alot sometimes.. like a minute in real life can last hours in a dream..and when you die, your brain is still working for a few hours..(i could be wrong.. but i think it was six) SO... what if this means that THAT is the afterlife or..that we are just living in a dream right now and we are really dead...
  4. And again... isnt that just another form of brainwashing? I dunno, it might not be, but blocking out media forms which enable you to think another way so that you will be focused only on another form sound kind of like it.
  5. Wow. It's kind of sad how the only other type of music listened to to rap or r&b. WOW. I don't think there is anything wrong with my music. When I listen to punk...(real political punk, not mainstream pop punk) it has meaning, SO MUCH MEANING and it makes me realize things and gives me a new perspective. It talks about actual issues going on in the world, not about sex money and drugs or what have you. The thing most people don't like about it is all the screaming is loudness of it.... but I enjoy that also.
  6. I could imagine it. Its not that far fetched of an idea.
  7. Hahaha, well my mom always yells at me for listening to gora music. But seriously, I don't see anything wrong with it. I like a lot of political punk too, and my mom thinks its all garbage and yells at me for listening to it. 159444[/snapback] hmm...i'll be honest with you...im into rap, hip hop, R&B, reggae... but if you dont want the profanity to be in your music..you can always cut out the words you dont want it there... :wub: so if you do it that way...then i guess theres nothing wrong ..... right? 159445[/snapback] even if the 'bad words' are cut out, the message coming from these songs is so empty and meaningless still.... most of the time. It's just a bunch of <admin-profanity filter activated> for your brains anyways
  8. Hahaha, well my mom always yells at me for listening to gora music. But seriously, I don't see anything wrong with it. I like a lot of political punk too, and my mom thinks its all garbage and yells at me for listening to it.
  9. Is it wrong to listen to music? I'm not talking about R&B, and rap...where the only message that comes from that is the same repetitive nonsense. Some people might have thier defence though. The beats are sick.. :wub: @ uh...I'm getting off track. Anyways, is it wrong to listen to actual real music? Like maybe radiohead. A wicked amazing band that really kind of forces me to think and look at things from a tooooootally different view point. Can I still listen to radiohead?
  10. Umm... have you never laughed at another race in your life? I know I laugh at black people all the time. And Mexicans. They are hilarious.
  11. Both is hurting the animal. Isn't that why we don't eat meat. 158632[/snapback] meat eating is a totally separate topic.. and has been discussed number of times on this board whether sikhs shud eat meat or not.. if u want to discuss the same thing over again please refer to some of the old discussions and you will get your answers and then decide for yourself.. bhul chuk maaf.. gur Fateh.. 158633[/snapback] Except I'm talking about something totally different. I'm not saying eating meat should be right. But I'm also saying using other animal products isnt right either. Especially when this type of animal abuse is easily avoided.
  12. Both is hurting the animal. Isn't that why we don't eat meat.
  13. So. I saw this question about testing on animals in the Gupt section and it got me thinking. Why do we even drink milk? If you know first hand about the dairy industry, then you know how badly they treat animals and then ship them off to slaughter. So it's like we're just using them up until they are turned to meat. So then....is it right to drink milk? Unless we milk em ourselves? ANNDDDDDD... also, my mom is amritdhari, she has a fur coat. Is that wrong? In my eyes its wrong, but she tells me how it's already dead so its fine(which it probably wasn't). I think she is just trying to justify her actions, but even so, would it be right? Wouldn't that just be supporting the meat industry and killing animals in the end?
  14. I used to believe in a god. And now I feel like there is no way he is the way people make him to be. I feel like they are just stories passed down, and sure you're going to tell me about real life accounts. Most stories get twisted around, especially if they've been around for a couple hundred years. I feel more happier knowing that I'm the one in control of my life though. Without having to conform to something, I feel more free and intune with myself. Why am I here you might ask? Dunno. Maybe I'll learn something but I'm not looking for a religion to belong to.
  15. Have you ever thought that there is no afterlife? And that we are devoting too much time to organized religion, which is just something we use to make us feel as if there is something out there for us. Have you ever tried to find out yourself why we are stuck in this endless cycle of life and society and the normal everyday things we do? I have no clue. Just some thoughts.
  16. DUDES!! This story is so generic. Think about it, haven't you're parents ever told you similar story to keep you away from the opposite sex? No one gets gang raped and then sent off to pakistan to be a protitute. It's pretty much a punjabi urban myth.
  17. But don't you think that is sort of like brainwashing. Being told of who you can see and what things you can and can't be exposed to. I myself am an athiest, and I find that by being around a lot of different situations and all sorts of differernt people makes me think more and become more spiritual. Maybe not believeing in the God that people or society has made for us to believe, but I think that there is something out there. And I would rather find it out myself then be told who it is, and kept in a little box with so many restrictions.
  18. But obviously there is a reason why he said that right? Like for example. If I let you borrow a few sweaters and said to you not to get the green one dirty, would it be alright for you to go and damage all the other ones? NO! You're only looking at what he said at face value.
  19. soooooo truuuuuueeeee!! i think, that sez it all! :nihungsmile: 157325[/snapback] Then the question is why? Why did he tell us to comb our hair rather than not. Animals don't comb themselves. Do they? Cats do I guess, and monkeys too. But why???? Why am I asking these crazy question. Nothing makes sense.
  20. Nope. Dreads form naturally. If you were to not touch your hair, they would form. True story. Happened to me. And where did you pull this information about rasta's having tattoos????? Seriously, I think you just made that up ALSO: there's nothing unhealthy about not combing your hair. Maybe it's just a way our society has twisted us. To be cleaner then we need to be...or something. I don't really know what I'm talking about.
  21. I was reading a bit into the lifestyle of Rastafarians and they believe that Jah (God) wants them to be the way he created them. For ex. not cutting hair, just like sikhs. BUT!!! Jah also tells them that they can't comb thier hair or use unnatural products, because combing causes breakage. Thus making dreadlocks. And combing isnt natural anyways. Cavemen never combed their hair right? So the question is, shouldn't sikhs have dreadlocks too?
  22. There really is no reason for braces, other than to make your teeth look nice. And I don't get how you can justify it by saying things like "braces are to heal or correct teeth that have come in the wrong way" How are they being healed? And why would one consider it to be a 'wrong way'. Its just the way it is. Some people's eyes are spread too far apart, some people have more body hair, and some people have crooked teeth. That's just the way they came in, and really there is no purpose to getting them straight. I guess they came in that way because thats the way god wanted them to be. That almost sounds as ridiculous as saying you are getting the hair off your back removed and then transplanted to get a moustache. You're only "arranging them slightly differently" Yeah, sorry if that sounds twisted. I'm not saying its wrong for you though. I'm not amritdhari or anything, just wanting to know stuff. I just think that society is pretty twisted. Putting metal into your mouth to move your teeth so they look straight. Think about it, its sounds almost as twisted as those people who grow cats in boxes. But cats in boxes isnt accepted in society ....yet.
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