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Posts posted by Sat1

  1. On 6/9/2020 at 2:59 PM, Guruguruji said:

    I've been trying to sit and meditate but I really struggle my mind just blasts and thinks about everything thats happened in the past and worries about the future. I've been trying to focus on waheguru but then again my anxiety kicks in and I become inpatient and wonder why my ardas hasn't been answered.

    .... I guess these are Kulyug's ways of trying to stop me from doing the right thing. 

    U need to relax. Try the calm mindfulness videos on you tube, try yoga, and then mediate after. Focus on your breathing, when we’re anxious our breathing is shallow and we don’t breathe as much. 

  2. 6 hours ago, dallysingh101 said:

    Whether this is true or not, if you look at Dasam Granth, there is a consistent use, adaptation and repurposing of Indic mythology. This is throughout, especially in Chatriopakyaan. 

    In war, you must be fierce, like a lion, a tiger, a cheetah, an eagle. 

    Not everyone is fearless enough to embrace war and death with open arms. Many of the gods and goddesses fought without fear. It’s this fearlessness and openness of embracing the fight that we should take from these stories. A real bhagat isn’t afraid of a fight. The gyan is fearlessness and confidence in your ability to win. 

  3. On 5/24/2020 at 1:16 AM, Guest Gajjrela said:

    What is the optimal nutritional regime for health & longevity? (this is not a vegi vs meat topic or anything like that, so dont start)

    I believe in Gurbani it says to talk little, sleep little and eat little. Is this just from a spiritual perspective so one can concentrate on bhagti or is this also best for optimal health? I know that intermittment fasting is popular these days and caloric restriction studies have shown positive effects on health and longetivity.

    I've heard in some samparda's they eat only twice a day, is that true? Can anyone shed further light on this that may have stayed with nihang dals or taksal etc or how/when they eat etc?

    Also why do nihangs call tea tidh fookni lol?

    Are there any other references in Guru Granth Sahib Ji...or even Dasam Granth or Sarbloh Granth in regards to health & diet? This topic interests me so it would be good to hear whatever knowledge people may have

    Eat healthily, go running for cardio and yoga is good in conjunction with this. I do weights, running and yoga, sometimes Pilates. 

  4. On 4/30/2019 at 10:11 PM, puzzled said:

    has anyone noticed that Guru Hargobind Sahib jis sword/tegha has a carving of kali on it.  This is the same tegha that guru ji killed painde khan with. 

    Right under the hilt of the sword is a image of a tiger pouncing, tigers pounce onto their prey when hunting, and above the image of the tiger is a image of kali. I'm guessing this is because kali is associated with war and destroying evil.

    Related image

    Image result for guru hargobind ji tegha


    close up detail of the tiger with Persian? writing above it

    Image result for guru hargobind ji tegha



    Image result for guru hargobind sword

    Image result for guru hargobind ji tegha



    No she’s known to be a dark force, enjoying the taste of blood etc. Nothing to do with goodness etc. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Guruguruji said:

    Thank u ? ur words do sound promising a but I'm struggling to relax. I just get the random outbreaks of anger and end up in a spiteful argument with my parents and then I feel guilty- I ended up hurting myself this weekend, now I have a scar on my face. Just so annoyed at myself that even after reading bani I haven't learnt anything -I let myself in to karodh. 

    I really wish I could be able to feel waheguru ji with me, I have nobody.

    Why don’t you try meditating. If you don’t breathe properly, try the mindfulness calm videos on you tube. Then after you can sit and relax, listen to the ringing noise you may hear (anhad naad/ primal sound). Let go and let the meditation take you. 

    Naam is Truth. God is Truth, and Truth is everywhere, so let go.

  6. 8 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

    Behave yourself. 

    It's part of the process, an important part. Other things and deeds in conjunction with paath are vital, but you're playing games. Don't try to mislead a vulnerable person with bad advice.

    Well I guess it can be love. But it’s the recipe, reading it over and over again without applying it to your life is lip service, it’s there to be applied. Without applying you might as well be reading a recipe over and over. It’s there to be experienced


  7. On 6/5/2020 at 8:48 AM, Guruguruji said:

    I totally agree but Im just curious to know how he'd show us that he's listening to us or speaking back to us. 

    For example when I'm feeling down I really want to speak to waheguru ji rather than any other person, I do paath but don't know what else to do

    Well I speak to him and know he’s listening. It’s just love. Doing path isn’t love. Applying the gyan of gurbani to your everyday life brings you up to a higher frequency. He made us out of love, from his wish to share what he learned with another. 

    Relax, be at peace, close your eyes and soften your heart, he’s there I promise. You don’t need words, let your heart speak  

  8. 14 hours ago, Guruguruji said:

    I was wondering how does God talk to us? Or if we want to ask him for help or guidance how will he respond to our questions? How do we know that it's him out ? 

    Is the only way a hukamnama? 

    He’s everything and hears every prayer we make no matter how quiet. Everyone serves him, demons, angels etc. without him there would be no sun, no sky, no daytime or nighttime for demons to wake up in or sleep in, no skies for angels to fly in. 

    If you can accept that everything’s him, then praying and believing your prayers are heard becomes easy. 

  9. On 6/1/2020 at 3:16 PM, AkalkiFauj said:

    There is a barrier. Hitting the life out of a kid is wrong but giving a kid a slap if they’re naughty is fine. The kid needs to habe a little respect for the parent.

    No it isn’t fine. Whoever told you that is an abuser. Why don’t you ask your parents to slap you now and see if you like it. A child is no less of a human than you. Find another way. There’s a reason child helplines help kids who have been hit. Because it’s ABUSE. 

  10. On 6/1/2020 at 12:20 PM, MisterrSingh said:

    I'm not killing the child emotionally. Answer my question without asking another question. ?

    No. You should understand that you should treat others as you would like to be treated, most of all vulnerable people like children and the elderly. People who hit such beings are cowards and abusers. Hitting is abuse regardless of whether your parents thought it to be normal growing up or not. 

    If you wouldn’t want to be hit, you shouldn’t hit others, period. 

  11. 13 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

    What if they're killing the parent from inside, emotionally, can the child be struck?

    There’s always another way. Would you hit another adult? If we hit another adult we go to jail.

    So why should you hit a child. Are they lesser beings than adults? 

    Should we hit old aged pensioners because they’re old and dependent and vulnerable like children are dependent and vulnerable. 

    Would you like to be hit if you were vulnerable and dependent on others?

  12. On 5/18/2018 at 3:48 AM, Guest Singh said:

    Any guidance in Sikhi about parenting and punishing kids for bad behaviour? How did your parents punish you as child for being bad? Or how do you punish your kids? With strict Punjabi parents, my brother and I always got proper punishments. Normally 5 mins of spanking with a karachi (wooden spoon). Looking back it did hurt but I’m glad my parents did it because it stopped me behaving bad. And I used to behave really bad!

    My kids are 8 and 11. I know other options available like grounding or banning TV, but sometimes it’s not enough?

    No, hitting kids is wrong. My brothers and sisters were hit as kids and turned out pretty messed up. Many who are hit as children become violent towards others in later life. 

    There are plenty of other ways. Google child psychology channels and you can find different more normal and civilized ways of disciplining children. Remember gurbani says that violence is only used as a last resort and unless your kids are trying to kill you, I wouldn’t suggest hitting them. 

  13. On 5/30/2020 at 12:02 PM, Guruguruji said:

    I've tried all my strength but I can't get in contact with him as he's blocked all ways. I have to honestly put my hands up and say I do not know what else I can physically do. I have no option but to surrender to guru sahib.

    I do believe that ardas and benti Can make the impossible possible because at the end of the day we're all God's Children's. 

    I know waheguru ji has given us free will but I believe that in this era we're surrounded by kalyug and sometimes when your bani/meditation lacks kalyug gets to your mind. I know I can't force my hubby to change his mind however I can pray for him and ask maharaj to protect him from kalyug infecting his mind so that he can realise his mistakes.

    Laavan are very powerful and two people who are connected with laavan do have some sort of spiritual connection/authority over each other. Similarly a parent and child are closely connected too, my parents have been praying for my brother and I have seen a drastic change in him. I remember a while back when everything was going good, we did parshada for 5 Singh's, one Singh mentioned how his daughter has took amrit but her husband wouldn't change his path. She began doing ardas for him at Amrit vela to protect him from kalyugs influences and she was successful. 

    Guru sahib says 'Jo mange Takhur apne te soee soee deve' they also say 'har har Tera naam hai dukh metanhaara'..... So my ardas is 'har ju rakh leo patt meri' .... I know for a fact waheguru jis words cannot be lies so the lack is in me, I hope with the sangats blessings and waheguru jis mercy my prayer will be fulfilled. 

    Ah yes. I pray sometimes for fools to learn the errors of their ways and to have compassion for fools because they don’t know what they do. Pray for light and clarity. Perhaps a therapist will be able to give you advice and help you through this period. Therapy encourages spirituality, it is positivity.

    God bless you 

  14. On 5/28/2020 at 10:22 AM, Guruguruji said:

    Recently I heard a katha about the power of sangat and how guru sahib says that if there's anyone above the guru it is his sangat. What the sangat says guru sahib cannot ignore.

    There's many examples in saakhis;

    1. Bhai chajju jis bricks

    2. Baba budha ji's bachan 

    3.bhai Sahlo ji 

    And many more... 

    Please it's a benti in your charan sangat ji, please give me the blessings of a happy married life with my husband. May waheguru ji save us from a divorce, may Dhan guru Ram das ji keep the honor of his laavan. 

    Guru gobind Singh ji says it's paap to even think of anyone but ur partner, give us blessings so that we can follow guru sahibs teachings. Please may this separated couple be united. 

    I know many people may say it's karam/bhana etc but guru sahib and guru jis sangat are above these and through your blessings maharaj ji may be merciful and clear my bad accounts. 

    Please please please please please, I cannot express how much and how valuable/priceless your blessings are. Please gursangat ji

    A marriage is built on love, trust, respect etc. both parties need to have these for each other. We dictate our lives, not the universe so you and your partner need to actively put these qualities into action. God is not going to make someone love you respect you and you can’t force them as we have been blessed with free will. Do your best and encourage your partner to do the same Actively. 

    When you build a house, you don’t sit around praying that God will build it for you. You actively get up, take the bricks and build with your own hands. If you want your marriage, work on it and teach your husband about respect. Love, cherishing, to not be sexist and treat each other well. Nothing is guaranteed but at least you both would have tried. 

  15. On 5/27/2020 at 4:08 PM, Guruguruji said:


    Jo mange Takhur apne te soee soee deve ...

    icha purakh sarb sukh data har ja ke vass hai kaamdena...

    Could u please share how u seek guidance to help get rid of doubts? :)

    Sometimes we lose the way and sight of what we need. The Gurus asked God to help guide them across the burning world ocean. Just do and ardas and ask :)

  16. 23 hours ago, kuldipk123 said:

    @Sat1 Throughout my life as a Guru ka Khalsa, I have been arguing and fighting off so many characters that have a proclivity to misrepresent or misinterpret Sikhism! Even though, I am not that old yet!! It all started at school at first.  It’s just so outrageous if not scandalous to see how they have the courage to override everything in the Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji, to suit their personal leanings or agendas! Nowadays, I avoid any possible encounters with suchlike people. Call me a failure or a defeatist ?, although we are not supposed to be! 

    @kangwI have a question for you. Would muslims allow their converts to ever misrepresent their religion without certain  penalty, pecuniary or otherwise? If your answer is ‘no’ then I applaud Islam and their Prophet. Thank goodness, the world has such a religion that forbids others from expressing anything negative towards it and demands accurate interpretations from everyone,  convert or non-convert! It demands decorum or else!  Have you ever encountered any converts to their religion strutting or parading around like some drama kings or queens straight from a Shakespeare theatre? Why present Sikhism as a big joke? As far as I have noticed, an average, ordinary  convert of Islam looks very serious, very pure, very devoted, and very pious. Everyone I speak to thinks the same! The new converts are shown by example to conform to their religion in a very respectful manner and not  make a circus out iit! By this, I mean the average, ordinary convert and not the extremists that are causing havoc all over the world!  No one in their right minds can approve of these morons!  In conclusion, I have to admit that I am not surprised so many sikhs are becoming muslim converts by marrying them, for their spirituality. They have  fine interpretations of their faith with loads of piety and more. Good luck to them.  They have everything under control. 

    Best not engage with someone who refuses to see sense 

  17. Just now, Sat1 said:
    On 5/29/2020 at 2:38 AM, Not2Cool2Argue said:

    Are you Gurpreet Kaur that was here many years ago. And took amrit against the wishes of your parents? You used to have a lioness/kaur profile photoh

    Hi, no I’m not 

  18. On 5/29/2020 at 2:38 AM, Not2Cool2Argue said:

    Are you Gurpreet Kaur that was here many years ago. And took amrit against the wishes of your parents? You used to have a lioness/kaur profile photoh

  19. On 5/27/2020 at 4:08 PM, Guruguruji said:


    Jo mange Takhur apne te soee soee deve ...

    icha purakh sarb sukh data har ja ke vass hai kaamdena...

    Could u please share how u seek guidance to help get rid of doubts? :)

    Without God, the Khel would shut down. Everyone everything everywhere, the angels and demons are in service if Him/ Truth. See Him in all and ask for guidance

  20. On 5/27/2020 at 3:32 PM, genie said:

    All religion's are spiritual paths to the creator but are not equal. Every religion teaches humans to praise the creator however in Sikhi we do not view they are equal in value and equal in teachings because every religion contradicts each other in their scriptures. What is good for muslims is bad for hindus what is good for hindus is bad for muslims and so on and so forth. Sikhi speaks a common denominator truth to all people of faiths this is what drew many converts in.

    Sikhi is a common sense religion its a way of life it is a truth. It is an organized religion so its not just a philosophy. A philosphy can be followed without having loyalty towards the founder or creator of it. And if Sikhi wasn't a religion then it would be vanished into the books of history like most ancient faiths have been because they couldnt organise themselves in defence of more aggressive opportunist conquesting faiths like the abrahamics.

    Read Dasam Granth. Each major faith had messengers to teach Truth to the masses. Many became corrupt, scholars corrupted the messages with their worldly logic or humans twisted it to serve their agendas. Truth is eternal, we would be foolish to think we were the first to be taught it. 

  21. On 5/27/2020 at 3:34 PM, kuldipk123 said:

    I totally agree with you. I think this is only happening because they don't really understand what the Gurus taught in the first instance. Every single sikh I have spoken to or speak to, has a different interpretation of the Sri Guru Granth Sahib, according to personal agenda behind it. I once met a sikh who told me there is no such thing as fixed time for  amritwela mentioned anywhere in the Granth. I mean, how weird is that? His argument, not all sikhs live in India therefore there can't be fixed period for amritwela everywhere to match with India. The other weird thing I heard was to do with consuming alcohol and meat. I might be wrong but my excuse is not knowing enough about  teachings of sikh Gurus.

    People tend to twist gurbani to suit their own agendas at times. Sad but it’s the reality 

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