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  1. @ipledgeblue starched turbans are fine. Gurus also gave strict orders never to criticise or belittle a dastaar (of any style). If somebody prefers a solid pagg, which doesn’t move or lose shape, then this is fine. It’s better to have a starched turban that you feel comfortable in than one that you tie that makes you feel bad. For example, ppl I know tend to get quite frustrated if they can’t get their pagg right before a function, which makes them angry. Having a starched pagg is easier for them and saves them the stress, makes them nicer ppl in general
  2. @JassuObviously, it’s not rlly your business so don’t worry, but I’ll educate you. Someone who is 50% Rajput and 50% jatt is called “Rajput Jatt”. And btw, nobody is saying that one caste is better than the other, I’m just clarifying that Tarkhans aren’t the only ones who starch paggs (and that it happens on the Indian style as well as the Kenyan, maybe js not as commonly). Stop worrying about nuances and stick on topic or just don’t say anything.
  3. There is nothing wrong with starched pagg. The Guru is omniscient (all-knowing). You think he doesn't know our intentions? If somebody wears a starched pagg but still respects it as a crown then whats wrong with that? People think that starch automatically makes people lose their respect for their pagg but thats just false. And dont make this a caste thing I’m Rajput Jatt sikh (not an ounce of Tarkhan or anything else) and we all starch our INDIAN style punjabi paggs (patiala shahi), but respect them as our crowns and our literal lives. A respected starch pagg is better by far than a freshly tied one which people just disrespect. And people forget that these are not ready made or pre-tied turbans. You still tie them initially but just of course not as frequently. What’s wrong with that? When your relationship is that strong with the Guru then you know what he means. Speak to him directly, explain why and ask him if it’s okay. Btw I know people who dont starch their turbans (all punjabi/morni style btw) and they just wear it again the next day without tying it if they have toed it really nicely the day before. You cant really even tell who had tied it and who just wore it again without starch. At least we’re open about it. Bhul chuk maaf
  4. Its called a “fifty” becuase when Singhs were fighting in the British army, they would recieve an 8 metre pagg, with a cour four base, because the base layer was half (50%) of the main turban, it’s called a fifty. The practise of tying a keski under your main one is now seen as pretty weird (except for a patka), but the small coloured strip inder the pagg is still used as a fashion statement since its pretty visually appealing. And so, people now just tie a small little “kung-fu strip” sort of thing under their pagg to imitate that effect.
  5. Found how to do it. For anybody else wondering, heres how. No one even helped me btw. So much for Guru Ji’s lhalsa always ready to help (and having their Singhs’ backs smh). (Notes: Aim to do this on a hot summer’s day, and dedicate a full day to this, since you only have to do this once every 4 months at least (normally the turban will stay in shape until you wish to untie it and physically pull it open again). This helps it to dry faster, since you have to starch it, HALF DRY IT, pooni it, tie it and then wear it for around four hours for the rest of it to dry, all in the same day. It’s a one day process but it serves you for months). This works for both the UK/Kenyan style (starch is best for this style) as well as the normal Punjabi paghs (such as Patiala shahi, wattan wali and morni paghs). Not sure about dumallas though. Probably not . Pagg Starch: 1) Boil 6 cups of water in a saucepan on low heat (always low heat) 2) Seperately dissolve 4 tablespoons of maida (all purpose flower) with a little water until it is 100% smooth. You could also use rice or corn starch. Add more water if it is not a smooth liquid 3) Once completely smooth, pour this mixture through a strainer (to make it even smoother) into the boiling water. 4) Now continuously stir it until it goes completely see through. Keep on stirring it on the low heat until it goes totally transparent (it can take a little while to cook, but the pagg will last you for months!) It will at become a thick paste first, but keep stirring until it becomes see through and thinner. 5) Once it’s transparent, pour the starch (again through a strainer) into a big enough, clean bucket to cool down. 6) Once cool, take a clean, dry turban and completely and mix it in with the starch for around 5 minutes. Make sure that it is all evenly and completely soaked and wet with the starch. (Most people use mal-mal material, but I use full voile and I have used Rubia too. They’re all fine. Maybe use Rubin for smaller turbans and mal mal for larger ones) 7) Leave it out in the sun to HALF DRY ONLY!!!!!!! (Don’t ever let your starched turban fully dry before you tie it. If you do, then you will have to spray/ sprinkle water on it which will weaken the starch and ruin the turban) ONLY HALF DRY THE TURBAN IN THE SUN!!! Once HALF DRY ONLY take the now semi damp turban, and fold/pooni and then tie it like normal (straight on your head, with no base layer such as a Keski or patka underneath). Leave it on your head for around 4 hours just to fully dry and it will be ready and set for months now. Like I said, do try to tie your dastar every day, but if you can’t or really don’t want to, I hope this helps! Like I said this works on both the traditional Punjabi/Indian style paggs, and the more recent UK/Kenyan style paggs. It does for my morni pagg, but the first larr slips up in to the pagg. This is normal dw. Wjkk, Wjkf
  6. So I’m new to tying a pagg, and a lot of my relatives tie them (particularly the uk/Kenyan style or normal Wattan wali pagh). I am a school student in the uk but I don’t have enough time every morning to tie a perfect looking Dastar, and if my turban (which is my crown and pride) doesn’t look it’s best, then I cannot perform my day to day tasks (including school work) effectively and will not have confidence. They all starch their Turbans to save time, and they look very nice on the Uk/Kenyan style Paags. Please could someone tell me how to do this? I know some Sikhs are against the idea of starching turbans and label them as “topis” or “against rehat”, but please only respond to this question with information regarding HOW TO STARCH A PAGG. (Detailed instructions preferred). I’d like to know how to starch the turban, how to wash the turban later after I starch it and also how to care for a starched turban. I use Mal Mal and full voile (and occasionally Rubia voile). Many thanks, WJKK WJKF
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