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Everything posted by SaRpAnCh

  1. Like what ?we cant even discuss proper topics they get shut down,like when explaining to people that Sant Bhindranwale is Shaheed,
  2. Thats what im thinking why have they got that - is pathetic
  3. http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...755&q=singhweird video ??????????????????
  4. im not being sick just want to hear the very moment he was shot and relive history im sure f there was a recording of Udham Singh shoting Dyer people would wnt to hear it,so dnt say im being sick,if u dnt want to hear it dnt i do.
  5. Darshan Das was shot in Southall Dormers Wells High School on the 11th of November 1988/1987 im nt sure he was shot by two Singhs,who had recently rediscovered Sikhi after operation bluestar,they changed there bad habits and became true lions of the Panth,Darshan Das as we all know was not a good person claimed to be Guru,Used Women and did othr bad stuff,During a meeting of his followers and him at Dormers High School two Singhs brust in and shot him dead,from very good sources i knw that the tape recorder was on as the singhs entered ,fired ,and up to the point where they gve themselevs up,Wanted to ask has anyone gt this recording,a few Darshan Das followers do have it but as its a cult theyll kepp it secret....anyone ....can anyone get hold of it?
  6. acha ais sunday nu beadbi houneeyah? acha ik gal SIngho ethe nah gal karo kyuki Mameh ne jehreh thouhanu patayah ................................ouh ais forum nu monitor kardehyah athe information lehndehyah -eh gal menu ik police officer neh dasee see jado keh southall park avenue gurdwareh vikhe protest hounda see ,mamaeh yah neh 2/3 protst coach(a) vaspas mourdititeeyah,athhe saaf lavjah deh vich kya keh ouh nah nu Gurdwara commitee neh dasheyah keh sikh noujawan gang deh vich oundehyah atthe internet thou intelligence mildha ,wanna chat about how to stop the beadbi PM each other ovawise mameh will f things up as usual
  7. peace sign is shown with the palm side of the hand not the front where the nail is lolll
  8. http://www.panthic.org/news/126/ARTICLE/3016/2007-01-03.html check tht and look at the pic as well stickng 2 fingers,this guy should have got dne over when he came dwn London only if he was mre knwn then oh well always next time
  9. Why are classed as terrorists under BKI and son on its cos the Inidan govt tells themits our own fault we cnt stick together and grass each other up for being BKI or sumin else,if we suck to gether like the Jews did we wouldnt have no problems its sad to say another 1984 may be needed to wake up the Sikhs who are now asleep.Iraqis kill themsleves by blowing each others mosques up thats thier 'islamic problem' with thier shia suni stuff nuffing to do with the 'free' world,cos in the free world like in England we live together with other clans,and sects unlike the Islamist fascists who cant even stand thier own muslim brothers in Iraq.Camp XRAY Is kool i dnt see nothing wrong with it,if american british troops were captuered by terrorists they would 'halal' them and behead them,at least in camp xray no1 gets beheaded for gods sake they play beachball there just watch the newsclips,is good they rounded these evil f***rs up there keep the disease conatined they aint got no human values of humanitarinism why should they deserve it?!.North Korea could let of a Nuke thts why no1s going there so the diplomatic and economic side wil be taken care of dnt you worry the people of the north korea will turn agianst thier comunist govt as the economy will collapse which will cause the govt 2 collapse,thts the way as they can threten south korea a democratic good nation with a nuke and also nieghbouring pacifist Japan,who are also gd and democratic.What Isreal did is justfied as the jews isrealis are a minority surrounded by Muslim countries who are allys of each other so you tell me whos the majority and minority,Isreal defnded it self and retaliated when its soldiers were kidnapped,this was during the peace process these fanatics never stop with their plans god sake.The reason Iran hasnt been stopped is cos the allis are bogged dwn in Iraq there has to be priority lookat Iran denying the Holocaust and saying wipe Isreal off teh map <admin-profanity filter activated> do they think they are they saw what happned to afghanistan and iraq his time the USA wnt make the misake of misplannign and getting bogged dwn Iran will get dne over and sorted if they get to big for their bootz,u take freedom of speech for granted over here in the UK/USA West well you wouldnt have tht dwn them islamist countries all dictators and sharia laws and so on -they dnt believein human rights Saddam was one duck who got poped by hus own and my god did i Laugh out louad the paapi gt what he deserved - killer of women childern rapist and so mny other wrds which i cannot say here,Pakistan is needed in the war on terror there resoucrces are,the Hindus of India are already jealous cos of this,musharaffs govt cannot be moved just yet as the taliban style pakiz will tke his place and tht will mean hell for the region as well as the mideast and the world.Yes america backs isreal they should just as the arab nations fund palestinian terrorists,the choice is urs your either with the terrorists or the civilised world or as the islamists say 'your either with kafir or the Ummah(islamic nations). choice is yours
  10. Listen all u lot i knw the USA was allies with afghans and so onduring cold war yh,and as typical turks they turned agianst the USA,Saddam turned agianst the USA when they helped LIBERATE Kuwait,u get tht THE REAson USA isnt in north korea is they posses as Nuke so u expect them to invade the country while they can let a nuke of and kill millions ??????????????????????Hello thts stupidity,sanctions are now in place agianst north korea,and the USA wl break them dwn in this way until they gve up the nukes there not stuipd 2 send 1 million marines in a let a nuke go in wihch they die ,USA had a civil war during which they united 2 throw out the british and the USA is based on liberty and freedom if by mere force of numbers a majority should deprive a minority of any clearly written constitutional right it might in a moral point of view justify revoluion certainly would if such a right were a vital one- abraham lincoln march 4 1861 :source shaheedkhalsa.com just read tht b4 saying they were considered terrorists in them days the champion of human rights the UK ddnt knw about human rights so ur argumnet dnt wrk,if USA attacks paKIstan taliban style govt will cme in power which will mean mre problems just not 4 THE usa BUT PANJAB pur homeland do u really wnt tht NUKED!?!NO U DNT,The WMD in iraq well i dnt knw where they are could be in a desret sumwhere buried no way of telling but what we do knw for sure just as the UN does tht Iraq was wrking 2 restart its weapons programme......I support the death of evil people and i praise that Jihadists are 100% evil they kill anything tht is not in thier view of the world or 'Ummah' as the 'sunnah' has said they will do I support humanity but nt what they do Saddam eventually would have played a role in a future attack on the west even though he isnt with al qaeda he Funeded palestiniatn SUICEIDE bombers who bomb buses in ISreal b4 u go dissing isreal check the jews they can stick 2 gether we cnt they are surronded by muslim countries but still are there tht land was there after they used 2 be slaves in egypt when moses was around THIS WAS WAY B4 islam so Islam cannot fully cliam it apart 4rm thier holy mosque so dnt go sayin its not ther land,Jidahdis see a kafir as a kafir no humanity but non beliver so they wnt defrintate between me and u both of us would die if they had the choice.Its about time sum1 stopped these lunatics messing up the world since 9/11 not a day goes by without them killing or bombing sum1 SARBAT DHA BHALLA is for people who wnt peace SARBAT dha Bhalla dnt include peole who drive planes loaded with kids elders men women pregnant women in 2 towers i would never ask for the bhalla of those people who did tht cal me what u lke but thts me pakhand vala baba asks gur ji 2 bless the jihdists 1 thing for sure freedomw il be victouris not these fanatics who kill and mame I support the war on terror end offf
  11. It looks to me as if they are worshipping the pic thats all i need to know
  12. cant be boferd arguing so who cares saddams dead i dont wna say nothin mre
  13. LOL look who speaks geeza lsn u support Facists who kill innocents we dnt - so blah blah blah blah
  14. Can someone explain why nanaksar maryada is differnt thn the norm?Dont they accpet the akal thakt are they a sect ?im really confused about nanaksar why dnt they have a golak?why has there been a continung line of babeh coming some of which are corrupt a woman in india was held hostage in a nanaksar place in india and abused check it up on google the baba got wacked up - so can someone elaborate to me and expalin what it is
  15. YOU MAKE ME SICK YOU JIHADIST SUPPORTER,yes victory 4 da mujahdeen when a bomb goes off in britans Tubes i ought 2 report u for supporting terrorism,the guy who wrote this is obviuosly a democrat,th reason 4 concern overseas ahem national secuirty 4rm fanaical islmaists who can aquire WMD from countries such as Iraq and Iran,saddam funded palestinian suicide groups and paid bounites 2 familys for suicide bombs,the mujhahadeen suk if there wenrt no laws in britain and one came 2 act hero with me i would show him where his 72 virgins are PATHETIC PATHETIC SIKHS WE HAVE
  16. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL Militant u seem pissssssssd off ah to hell with it y be polite if people here mke sarcastic remrks al of u h8erzz jus chat bull----* shut up n put up
  17. i hva eone from the ISYF an old calendar with beautiful portraits of the shaheeds its a giant calendar 4rm back in da day
  18. why dnt u go live in iraq if u luv it so mch or if u lv palsetinian suicide bombers go live with them suckers
  19. At all other airports in the world automatic detectors are used to scan the pag,but according to the singh in the video Singhs have to remove thier pags at Germany airport
  20. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RYvxVzGT4eE disgrace - i wouldnt even enter these places they lost thier religion but at least keep your culture -looks like they lost that too
  21. When he says Sikh does he mean us
  22. radhaswamis can go 2 hell
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