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Everything posted by Big_Tera

  1. That must mean it is pretty ancient and not something new. I heard there is alot of diabetes in India as they eat very unhealthy. Not to mention drink copious amounts of pepsi and fizzy drinks and they have not come across the concept of diet drinks or sugar free food. Ie in the uk there is a big choice of sugar free foods. But In india they dont have this.
  2. Thanks for that. I eat yoghurt now and then. Really need to step up the training though. Will try and do more cycling and swimming. Plus cut down on portion sizes.
  3. What are the main websites for people to learn about Sikhism? It got me thinking if people did a search of Sikhism online such as on Google. What exactly comes up and is the information reliable and easy to understand. There does not seem to be one definitive website out there. Just a mish mash of different sites with a few articles here and there. There does not seem to be one comprehensive website. So the general pubic has to go to different websites to gain knowledge. This is especially true for people who are not Sikh aswell as Sikhs.
  4. Very interesting That is certainly food for thought. I always thought Diet drink were safe. I dont drink fizzy drinks to much, but on the occasions I do. I always drink Diet/zero cans. But will try to reduce even these now.
  5. So the consensus is that it is not to do with sugar intake? It is more about maintaing a healthy weight? As I am more then happy to ditch cakes and sweets. I will now try and excercise more, eat more veg and fruit. Lose weight and avoid carbs such as chapatis rice and pasta.
  6. Will do. But due to the huge importance of this subject. I think it deserves to be in the General section. Plus I was talking about preventing diabetes altogether not just from type 2.
  7. It is well known that Asian people ie South Asians and blacks. Are at a greater risk of developing diabetes due to a combination of genetics, diet and lifestyles. Due to my limited knowledge I always presumed that consuming excess sugar had nothing to do with it. Instead I was told that having a big waistline some how contributes and increases the risk and this was the main thing to avoid. As somone with alot of relatives with Diabetes has got me worried. Hence was now thinking of ways that prevent this disease from occurring in the first place. I read that avoiding sugar is a big step to reducing risk?
  8. Another great video of foreign visitors to Darbar Sahib. I know that some visitors sometimes have issues with not following the correct protocol as they have limited knowledge on the faith. But most are more then respectable and adhere to the basics. Obviously if people go over the line and be disrespectful then this needs to addressed. The great thing is like many other religions all are welcome. People who are making these videos are actually doing great Parchaar for the faith. Think of the thousands who will watch this videos and then have a great impression of Sikhs and be educated who sikhs are. This will make them more likely to look into the faith. These videos are gold dust and should be appreciated for their value. Can admin delete the trump video - Not sure how that got there and I cant seem to delete it when i edit the thread.
  9. So just because I made a topic about fighting Islamic extremism. You think that means bricking it? At least I am encouraging people to fight extreemist wherever it may be for the goodness and propensity of human kind all over the world. No matter faith they belong to. Bricking it is when you sit on your backside and do nothing. I dont want to have to make islam topics. Its not something I enjoy to be honest. I dont really have any interest in the religion of Islam. But due to their wickedness I think we should all do our bit to combat its growth and not sit idle and wait for it to take over. Ie its down to the intelligent people to expose islam it and save the idots that convert to it. Obviously people like you who have no solutions to the problem and are not capable as me to confront things. You will obviously have a negative frame of mind and feel helpless.
  10. That is such as defeatist attitude to have. Sadic was only elected due to the muslim vote from east london otherwise he would never have been elected. all 2 million muslims voted for him. No white wants him as mayor. As for the others. No need to be jealous of people getting good jobs in politics. Maybe you wish uppall was primeinster?
  11. Not sure. What harm can it do. People take pictures of themselves by the Gurdwara. They will have a moment for life and cherish it.
  12. I saw this video which I thought was great from a french couple visiting the Punjab and the Darbar Sahib. I am actually seeing many videos online of white people posting videos about their journey to the holy city of Amritsar. Very good to see and an inspiration. I hope more white people visit and make videos like this. This is a great way for people to learn about Sikhism that are non Indian. Its great the the video has so many views. Over 100.000 . Think about all the people who watch the video and will be educated about the faith.
  13. If you say so mate. I wish you luck in your new chosen faith. ?
  14. In a way having to many kids is also to your detriment .If you dont have the capacity to raise then all properly. As Someone who comes from a big family myself. Having a small family. You can concentrate on a couple of kids alot better and make sure they succeed. ie spend more time with them individually. Many muslims have 4 + kids but these kids end up going jail as the parents struggle to look after all them all properly. Also lets not forget many muslims are fcked up people. On drugs into crime, high divorce rate. Broken families ect. But Islam seems to keep them together at least up to now. Birmingham = 3 % Sikh Birmingham =18 % muslim Its all about birth rate. If Sikhs had 4 kids instead of the usual 2 kids. There would be 6% Sikhs in Bham. Muslims have 5 kids each hence why their population is alot higher.
  15. Pardon me. I always thought you was a closet islam admirer and would like to live under islam.
  16. These people are clearly against muslim grooming and extremism. What is not to like about that. So what if they dont wear smart shoes, suits and ties. But then the rich dont live in muslim ghettos as they have money to move out. These people have to live in mualim dominated areas and have to deal with their aweful behaviour. The Edl can be shaped into a party that is fully legit. They just need to sort out their public image. They need to behave better instead of acting like hooligans at their marches. This way they can garnish a greater level of support from the wider public. The media likes to potray them as thugs. But I am sure all edl are not like that.
  17. Well if you think like that you will probably end up being disappointed. If you have the type of mentality where you think it wont happen. Because muslims will become to modern and liberal. That is the wrong type of attitude to have. To just wait and prey and hope muslims somehow fail in the endeavour to convert the world. That is the exact thing I am talking about. Non muslims such as Sikhs, just sitting back passively and feebly and hoping the islamic issue will just resolve by it self. We need to take proactive measures to fight Islam. Islam is against all non muslims. In a way we should use that as a rallying call to unite us all as they are a threat to everyone in the free world. We can still do it at the moment. But if we wait and hope trump sorts it out or that some magic genie will wave a wand and sort it then that is just wishful thinking. I will post a longer much detailed post later.
  18. At the moment there is a big war going on both openly and also covertly. Extremist and liberal Muslims in the UK are trying to turn the country into a Muslim nation and introduce sharia. Already certain areas are full of muslims and hardly any non muslims as no one wants to live with these people. But the question is are we sleep walking into this whole mess without putting up any sort of fight or resisitence? What are all the non Muslims in the UK actively doing to stop the Islamic conquests both in the UK and in europe? This includes 50 million whites, Sikhs, Hindus and Buddhists and others. Yes we voice our anger about the Islamic invasion and dangers. But in terms of proactive action what are we all phyiscall doing? I think it comes down to.Most dont know what to do. They can see it all happening but have no solution to the problem What is at stake Our freedom Our way of life What we eat Our peaceful and law abiding society How we must fight this All Non muslims in the UK must unite as one. We have numbers on our side. Non muslim poulation of the UK is roughly 96% Ideas There is a big revolution happening online via social media, youtube ect. Thousands of ex Muslims are voicing their anger at Islam. They are exposing all its false lies and fanatical nazi ideology to take over the world. We must support these people financially. All organisations that expose islam should be supported. I will be posting more ideas. But at the moment non muslims in the uk moan about the problem yet are not doing anything in retaliation. LETS STOP AND THINK ABOUT THE FUTURE UNLESS WE ALL UNITE AND FIGHT IT. ISLAM WILL TAKE OVER.
  19. Well this needs to implemented in all Gurdwaras. Sikhs have a history of armed combat yet we do not teach the fundementals of the faith. Obviously not saying teach weaponry fighting.We need face to face hand to hand combat to be taught. One common sight I see at Gurdwaras is overweight jelly bellys. With no physical strength or fighting technique should a situation arise were they have to fight to defend themselves or others.
  20. We need drastic changes to all Gurdwaras Ideas It should be mandatory for all Gurdwaras to have a training room ie a Gym and some kind of self defence or fighting skill taught free of charge. We need to hire trained martial artist of or other self defence discpline teacher to train the youth. One of the fundemental beliefs in Sikhism is that we should be armed and trained. Ready to defend ourselves and others. Yet Gurdwara space and resources is going unused. This will also attract the youth into the gurdwaras as their will be many types of activities available for them.
  21. They are just doing what muhammed told them to do. Only they are supposed to wait for their boys in heaven not on earth.
  22. ^ That video was great!!!! Good to see ex muslims exposing islam for what it is. These videos should be sent to SAS also. Another criticism is that muhammed used the old 'Allah told me line' When ever he wanted something. Ie when the 50 year old muhammed wanted to marry aisha his best freinds daughter who was 6 yrs old. He first asked his friend for his daughter. When he was reluctant to marry her to him. Muhammed suddenly gets another divine message from above. Saying allah told me to marry her. Thats why I want to do it. lol Anytime muhammed wants something or does something stupid. That his followers can see is blatantly wrong. He just uses the allah line over again. Ie I want to have another wife to add to my 10 already. Followers = angry and not impressed. Muhammed simply says the usual. Im getting another divine message from allah lolzz what a dirty and phoney prophet. Also another big criticism is that. Although islam say christianity and Judaism are truthful religions. The latter both reject islam and muhammed as a load of nonsence.
  23. We all know that Islam contains many contradictions. There are many criticisms of the authenticity of the Koran itself as it was written many years after muhammed passed. Also the people who wrote the koran where going by memory so it cant be accurate and correct or 100% right as muslims claim. Having done some research. This seems to be the biggest argument against Islam. That koran is not authentic due to the above. That is the argument that most people use when they say that islam is false. But anyone know of any other arguments about why Islam is a false religion. I am not talking about small things. I am talking about the biggest things that expose Islam as fake. The kind of things that make muslims leave their faith. So far I have found. Muhammed having teenage wifes ie aisha. So he cannot come from God. Muhammed engaging in wars, permitting sex slaves and war booty. Any others.
  24. Are these channels actually affective for bringing new Sikhs or informing people who are interested in becoming Sikhs. Alot of the videos are far to advanced for the person new to Sikhism. Also I dont think these videos go out to preach and bring more follows. They are just general videos of Sikh beliefs. We need a Sikh missionary type video channel that dedicates all videos to new Sikhs. This will show that we care and actuually want to embrace new followers. At the moment Sikhs come across very similar to jews. We come across as arrogant and we dont want new Sikhs.
  25. That is my point exactly. We are the 5'th biggest religion yet all we have is one youtube channel broadcasting from southall in the entire world. This is nowhere near enough. It is a disgrace.
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