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Posts posted by proactive

  1. No probs.

    If you want to check on the ownership of the land you can look it up the Punjab land records website. You can choose the village and then you can search by owner through putting your father's name and checking that it is him by noting your grandfathers name in the results.


    You can print off the jamabandi records and associated Intekaal records (this is when some land has been sold or inherited), probably best thing to do would be to approach a lawyer who knows Punjab land laws and he could advise you whether what you relatives are saying is right or wrong. In UK we have a guy called Balwinderjit Turna who is really good, if you phone him you can ask if he can refer you to someone in USA or California who could check the jamabandis and intekaals  for you. 






    As other members have said, if you are going to Delhi airport then Indo-Canadian coaches is the safest bet. I would not rely on Taxis. If I remember correctly, the coach will take you to Ludhiana, it is comfortable and as it is also full of Apnay going to Punjab, you might be able to meet some other families or individuals going to Moga or the villages around. These would be good contacts in the local area and they would also understand the issues that people in your position face. The main coach will stop at Ludhiana and then a 4x4 will take you to Moga maybe a roadside Dhaba on the main GT road. From there you can get a local taxi to your hotel. The contacts could also help you connect with any lawyers who they have used who could help with any legal advice with your inheritance issues. 


    For the coach you will be given a seat number, you might be lucky and find someone going to Moga in one the seats close by. If not the coach stops at Haveli restaurant at Karnal for food so you can use that as an opportunity to ask fellow members if they are from Moga. Otherwise the coach apart from the driver it also has a assistant who gives out water bottles during the drive up to Punjab so you could ask him if he could make an announcement to ask which passengers are going to Moga. If not, you will meet the passengers going to Jagroan and Moga in the smaller 4x4 or the smaller minibus which take passengers off the main coach onto to there. 


    Try not to have too much luggage with you. Just take the clothes that you need to wear of the length of your trip. This will make you more flexible if you need to move to another location for any reason.  Do not take any gold Karas or any gold necklaces etc. There is a epidemic of snatchings by motorcycle borne thieves and apart from the loss of gold it is possible that you could get injured if you get targeted. 


    Make sure you buy travel insurance especially if you are going for longer than a week in case you get injured or face a health emergency. If you do not have it then some of the  doctors and clinics there will take advantage of you. If your inheritance issues is to do with closing bank accounts or fixed deposits (FDs). Some banks are good but others are complete har@mzadas. Punjab National Bank are of the har@mzada variety. Make sure you know before hand what documentation you need in order to take any money out of a bank account of the person you are inheriting from. 

  3. On 2/24/2023 at 10:13 PM, dallysingh101 said:

    Good to see a mouthy apnee taking on goray for a change....lol



    Let's be honest, she's just a big mouth and typically knows eff all about the history. The only claim that the British can entertain is from the descendants of Maharaja Dalip Singh or his closest relatives. They do exist in Punjab. Giving the diamond back to a country that did not exist until 100 after the diamond was taken shows how idiotic the claim from the Indian state is. 

  4. If you want to create these forests and langar gardens, I think you will not get such a great response if you want to have them donated, you would be better of signing a maamla agreement for 5-10 years with the owners where the maamla is zero. I doubt anyone will donate land to you, because these are ancestral lands and only someone who has lost all connection with Punjab would donate their land in such a manner. Personally, I have a connection with Punjab and I want by children to also have the same connection, hence the creation of a not for profit scheme to grow cash crops possibly through drip irrigation. 

  5. On 2/19/2023 at 4:01 AM, weareallone said:

    That’s quite tragic isn’t it? I’ve been to several states and it seems that the greed for land is perhaps the greatest in Indian Punjab. I have several Pakistani Punjabi friends and there isn’t apparently this extent of greed there. Indeed people still happily live traditionally in mud houses without electricity. There's still also forests and waterfalls in Lehnda Punjab but Chardha Punjab (and Haryana) has the lowest forest cover in India at 0.5% (i.e. non existent); every square inch has been exploited for commercial farming.

    I don't want to cause any offence but from my understanding, the land greed and family feuds are associated with Jat culture. I know a few people who have murdered their own brothers over land disputes. There's also a significant disenfranchisement of Dalits- who own no land in spite of making up a third of the population. From a historical perspective, 70% of Punjab (including Haryana) was forest before British rule. The trees were clear-cut, lions and tigers exterminated, and all that land was handed over to loyal Jats. At the same time, in a move similar to Enclosure in England, Commons were dissolved and handed over to the Jats- rendering Dalits landless and in permanent servitude as a slave/manual labour class- which continues till today.

    That said, as an ethnic Punjabi, why should I live elsewhere? I'm living in India now and it's embarassing having to float between other states.

    So safe or not, government-mafia nexus, nepotism and social Jat greed notwithstanding, I need 10 acres land in Punjab for reforestation and self-sufficiency and am hoping that there's someone who can help indicate land prices and geographical features in different districts So that I can shortlist my options. I don't have 10 years to research by wandering around Punjab (and probably getting almost lynched again). Please help!


    My mother used to tell us that when she was a youngster in the 1930s, not much care was taken of land and there were even people who used to complain if they had lots of land because they had to find tenants to farm it and get a good income from it. The loss of millions of acres during partition and the decrease in acreage per family led to land prices going up and tenants being easy to find and get good income. My family hasn't farmed for three generations as we have been giving land on maamla since the 1950s. We have land in the local town which is very valuable and which we are aiming to sell and buy 15-20 acres in or around our village and I would love grow Avacados or other 'superfoods' to sell and invest the profits into job creation schemes in the village. 

    As for the commons or SHAAMLAAT land, this was not land handed over to Jats by the British.  This land which usually centres around a well or KHOOH, was land that belonged to the founders of the village who in our Punjab would invariably have been Jats who allowed it for the use of the whole village. Technically this land belongs to the descendants of the original founders of the village and this is how it is shown on the revenue records. This can be dozens of families or more. The land is shown by Patti which is the line of descent from one of the founders of the village. Thus all families descended from that founder and shown as owners of this Shaamlaat land. The government attempted to give this Shaamlaat land to the Dalits of the village or transfer it to Panchayat ownership which many villages protested against. You can see their point, if the government wants to give Dalits land then why doesn't it buy the land from the legal owners. This scheme was devised by the Congress to gain Dalits votes and create factions in the villages. In our village the Shaamlaat was divided by all the descendent families before it could be taken over by the Panchayat or given to Dalits. We got our share which is about 3m x 10m which we use as a store. 

  6. 22 minutes ago, S1ngh said:

    If above is true then do you really think that CIA/UK/USA failed against india in 80's ? super 3rd world country where having a tv in home during 80's with one channel broadcasting was considered delicacy thing to have in household. ?

    I think some writer used the word Kali the godess and added the word Stan for country. Bit like how the Simpson's have managed to predict some events.

  7. 5 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

    Outliers sent by God to reform but whose efforts are overwhelmed by the majority.

    Or a slightly more cynical perspective: individuals who realise the evil and the contradictions of the religion they're born into, but are too afraid to leave or make waves against the status quo, so decide to straddle the fence by nudging for introspection whilst not making themselves enemies of the orthodoxy.

    Bhagat Kabir would be a poor example of someone reforming Islam. His Shabads are the most critical of Islamic theology and his most famous verse "Awwal Allah Noor Upaiya" which is used (wrongly) as a solidarity Shabad by those who do not even read it all is an outright negation of the concept of Allah contained in the Quran. 

  8. 7 hours ago, MisterrSingh said:

    Since delving into the subject of karma and reincarnation from authentic Vedic sources (not cucked Western interpretations), I have to say my theory is that Islam must be the first religion a soul must "pass through" once it leaves the joon-class of janwars and four-legged creatures (and even from demons and whatnot), and enters the class of human joons. Other religions are far from perfect, but, frig me, Islam is something else. I guess the "lesson" for the soul that a few janams born into Islam provides is to develop a rudimentary form of deference to spiritual authority (that can never be learned from a laissez-faire belief system) even if that lesson comes at the expense of the human conscience.

    Interesting thought. I remember elder members of my family used to say that those people who appear incapable of human emotions and general humanity had been born into a human body before their time. Some kind of glitch has caused them to be born in a human body before they had gone through the necessary experience and development in other life forms which would have set them up to attain human birth.

    Watching that video of those girls being attacked in Pakistan, their abusers do display classic pack like behaviour. 

    Unfortunately for those born into Islam, both nature and nurture screws them up for life! 

  9. On 4/24/2022 at 2:56 PM, dallysingh101 said:

    Yeah, and I also have an inkling that recent converts from Majha and Doaba milk this fictitious 'connection' when these people's decedents weren't even Sikhs then. 

    Doesn't the very fact that a convert to Sikhi becomes a son of Guru Gobind Singh give him the right to claim all of our heritage from Guru Nanak to now? 

  10. He's been constantly attacking Deep Sidhu because he feels that he has not been getting the publicity that he deserves. Who is he as a comrade to tell us who we should or should not consider our Shaheed? Having made a mess of his entry into Punjab politics it irks him that Deep Sidhu's had such an impact and he has pretty much been ignored by the voters. 

    In the elections he is a comrade but when it comes to misleading Sikhs in a Gurdwara he is the biggest follower of the Gurus. The man is a hypocrite. I would not be surprised if his family background has some comrade gaddar family members who acted as informers against the Kharkoos in the 80s. 


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