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  1. No probs. If you want to check on the ownership of the land you can look it up the Punjab land records website. You can choose the village and then you can search by owner through putting your father's name and checking that it is him by noting your grandfathers name in the results. http://jamabandi.punjab.gov.in/ You can print off the jamabandi records and associated Intekaal records (this is when some land has been sold or inherited), probably best thing to do would be to approach a lawyer who knows Punjab land laws and he could advise you whether what you relatives are saying is right or wrong. In UK we have a guy called Balwinderjit Turna who is really good, if you phone him you can ask if he can refer you to someone in USA or California who could check the jamabandis and intekaals for you. https://indianbusinessdirectory.co.uk/indian-law-practice-ltd-handsworth-birmingham-west-midlands-uk/
  2. As other members have said, if you are going to Delhi airport then Indo-Canadian coaches is the safest bet. I would not rely on Taxis. If I remember correctly, the coach will take you to Ludhiana, it is comfortable and as it is also full of Apnay going to Punjab, you might be able to meet some other families or individuals going to Moga or the villages around. These would be good contacts in the local area and they would also understand the issues that people in your position face. The main coach will stop at Ludhiana and then a 4x4 will take you to Moga maybe a roadside Dhaba on the main GT road. From there you can get a local taxi to your hotel. The contacts could also help you connect with any lawyers who they have used who could help with any legal advice with your inheritance issues. For the coach you will be given a seat number, you might be lucky and find someone going to Moga in one the seats close by. If not the coach stops at Haveli restaurant at Karnal for food so you can use that as an opportunity to ask fellow members if they are from Moga. Otherwise the coach apart from the driver it also has a assistant who gives out water bottles during the drive up to Punjab so you could ask him if he could make an announcement to ask which passengers are going to Moga. If not, you will meet the passengers going to Jagroan and Moga in the smaller 4x4 or the smaller minibus which take passengers off the main coach onto to there. Try not to have too much luggage with you. Just take the clothes that you need to wear of the length of your trip. This will make you more flexible if you need to move to another location for any reason. Do not take any gold Karas or any gold necklaces etc. There is a epidemic of snatchings by motorcycle borne thieves and apart from the loss of gold it is possible that you could get injured if you get targeted. Make sure you buy travel insurance especially if you are going for longer than a week in case you get injured or face a health emergency. If you do not have it then some of the doctors and clinics there will take advantage of you. If your inheritance issues is to do with closing bank accounts or fixed deposits (FDs). Some banks are good but others are complete har@mzadas. Punjab National Bank are of the har@mzada variety. Make sure you know before hand what documentation you need in order to take any money out of a bank account of the person you are inheriting from.
  3. Let's be honest, she's just a big mouth and typically knows eff all about the history. The only claim that the British can entertain is from the descendants of Maharaja Dalip Singh or his closest relatives. They do exist in Punjab. Giving the diamond back to a country that did not exist until 100 after the diamond was taken shows how idiotic the claim from the Indian state is.
  4. If you want to create these forests and langar gardens, I think you will not get such a great response if you want to have them donated, you would be better of signing a maamla agreement for 5-10 years with the owners where the maamla is zero. I doubt anyone will donate land to you, because these are ancestral lands and only someone who has lost all connection with Punjab would donate their land in such a manner. Personally, I have a connection with Punjab and I want by children to also have the same connection, hence the creation of a not for profit scheme to grow cash crops possibly through drip irrigation.
  5. My mother used to tell us that when she was a youngster in the 1930s, not much care was taken of land and there were even people who used to complain if they had lots of land because they had to find tenants to farm it and get a good income from it. The loss of millions of acres during partition and the decrease in acreage per family led to land prices going up and tenants being easy to find and get good income. My family hasn't farmed for three generations as we have been giving land on maamla since the 1950s. We have land in the local town which is very valuable and which we are aiming to sell and buy 15-20 acres in or around our village and I would love grow Avacados or other 'superfoods' to sell and invest the profits into job creation schemes in the village. As for the commons or SHAAMLAAT land, this was not land handed over to Jats by the British. This land which usually centres around a well or KHOOH, was land that belonged to the founders of the village who in our Punjab would invariably have been Jats who allowed it for the use of the whole village. Technically this land belongs to the descendants of the original founders of the village and this is how it is shown on the revenue records. This can be dozens of families or more. The land is shown by Patti which is the line of descent from one of the founders of the village. Thus all families descended from that founder and shown as owners of this Shaamlaat land. The government attempted to give this Shaamlaat land to the Dalits of the village or transfer it to Panchayat ownership which many villages protested against. You can see their point, if the government wants to give Dalits land then why doesn't it buy the land from the legal owners. This scheme was devised by the Congress to gain Dalits votes and create factions in the villages. In our village the Shaamlaat was divided by all the descendent families before it could be taken over by the Panchayat or given to Dalits. We got our share which is about 3m x 10m which we use as a store.
  6. We keep falling for the same trap each and every time. A Sikh who tries to lift the Panth and Punjab out of his deep and endless abyss we entered into many decades ago will always face more opposition from apnay than even our enemies. All those who are questioning how Amritpal Singh has achieved so much support and a base is Punjab do not understand the power of social media. Social media has caused revolutions in many countries such as the Arab Spring, do these people not know how much social media influences our community in Punjab. The youth these are very engaged with social media and social media has been used to create branches of supporters in many villages and this they are able to mobilise the youth to attend rallies with Amritpal Singh. Simranjit Singh Mann's victory was very much due to the use of social media by our youth. Another reason why Amritpal Singh has captured centre stage is that the Panth and especially the youth have in the last few years become much more grounded in reality and started to cleanse itself of the liberal BS that the likes of Ravi Singh and United Sikhs have bought into Sikhi. He talks unapologetically about how he wants Khalsa Raj just as Hindus openly talk of Hindu Rashtra, the youth wanted a leader who talks in such a manner and not some pyjamay talking constantly about helping others and Sarbat Da Bhalla. The opposition to Amritpal Singh is because he has done more for the Panth in the last few months than all our paper tigers combined in the last three decades. Look at Kuki Gill, he has been badmouthing Amritpal Singh for the last few weeks because since his release in 2009 his achievements for the Panth have been a big fat zero. He keeps harping on about how he sacrificed his career and how he is so highly educated as if no other Kharkoo sacrificed their entire families for the Panth and all he has sacrificed is his career.
  7. He is being deceptive of course, using the voting percentage of the 2019 Lok Sabha poll against the combined nine assembly segments that make up Sangrur Lok Sabha seat vote share just three months ago. The vote shares from both elections in Sangrur Lok Sabha seat for all parties is March 2022 June 2022 Total votes 1370K 710K AAP 642K 46.9% 247K 35% SAD(B) 134K 9.79% 44K 6.4% INC 237K 17.29% 79.5k 11.19% BJP 28K 2.05% 66K 9.3% SAD(A) 76K 5.5% 252K 35.5% The BJP percentage increase is deceptive because they only stood in 3 assembly seats out of the 9 that make up the Sangrur Lok Sabha seat in March 2022. . Simranjit Singh Mann's win was astounding because he did not have the same party machinery that any of the other parties and was mainly helped by the youth who took to canvassing for him on a big scale, Also social media helped because the Mann supporters were able to utilise SM much more effectively that they could in March 2022. I have always written that a Panthic party should be the real third alternative to the Congress and Badal Akalis, now with the defeat of Badal, it looks like the Panthic party will be the third alternative between Congress and AAP.
  8. Watch the film Taras Bulba A very entertaining way to get the low down on Polish-Ukrainian relations.
  9. I think some writer used the word Kali the godess and added the word Stan for country. Bit like how the Simpson's have managed to predict some events.
  10. You are right that there are people who through their childhood experiences go on to become sociopaths and psychopaths. But not every one of these peoples' mental condition can be traced back to childhood or the way they were raised or even events in later life. There are lots of people who have had the perfect childhood and they have gone on to become psychopaths. These are probably the ones who entered the Maanas Janam before their time.
  11. That and the fact that he has a very well oiled PR machine. Although I think KA has probably reached a plateau and will not go any higher. The amount of pushback it is getting even from people in Punjab who tend to be more emotional than the diaspora and for whom the sight of a Nishan Sahib is some out of the way place seems more important than looking after our own. The Sikh focussed charities are getting more and more popular now and I can see in the next few years that they might surpass KA.
  12. BSC income £ 442K in 2019 expenditure £427K in 2019 -- Income £710K expenditure £786K in 2020 Your Seva income £180K and expenditure £127K in 2020 Compared to Khalsa Aid income £5 million and expenditure £1.7 million in 2021 These Sikh focussed charities are gaining more traction especially now with social media where KA pretty much gets a drubbing every day whenever there is an issue of Sikhs needing help comes up. All Ravi Singh can do is block people.
  13. Bhagat Kabir would be a poor example of someone reforming Islam. His Shabads are the most critical of Islamic theology and his most famous verse "Awwal Allah Noor Upaiya" which is used (wrongly) as a solidarity Shabad by those who do not even read it all is an outright negation of the concept of Allah contained in the Quran.
  14. Interesting thought. I remember elder members of my family used to say that those people who appear incapable of human emotions and general humanity had been born into a human body before their time. Some kind of glitch has caused them to be born in a human body before they had gone through the necessary experience and development in other life forms which would have set them up to attain human birth. Watching that video of those girls being attacked in Pakistan, their abusers do display classic pack like behaviour. Unfortunately for those born into Islam, both nature and nurture screws them up for life!
  15. It is virtually impossible for Ravi Singh to change the whole strategy of his charity and concentrate on Sikhs, He has become a part of the woke worldview and has created a niche for our people to be mindless drones whose sole aim is to open up a free food stall at the drop of a hat. It is better to focus on other Sikh charities such as Your Seva and British Sikh Council which have been helping our people and are not involved in the constant self promotion that Ravi Singh and Khalsa Aid do.
  16. Doesn't the very fact that a convert to Sikhi becomes a son of Guru Gobind Singh give him the right to claim all of our heritage from Guru Nanak to now?
  17. Demonic would the right word for it. In fact in one sakhi Guru Gobind Singh when forbidding the Khalsa from rape in war states that Islam is the religion of Bhoots and Rakshas and that the Guru's path is set on a higher moral plane.
  18. Where is the human attribute that is inherent in most people to help someone who is in distress? I cannot imagine this kind of thing happening among out people. The way that a lot of them rather than helping the girls actually joined in with the abuse shows that this kind of behaviour is inherent in all of them.
  19. It was the attempt to prove that Jinnah's two nation theory was wrong even after he had managed to snatch away the Muslims' share of south Asia, the secularists still held on their dream that India was one nation. This was the reason that MK Gandhi and Nehru begged the Muslim Meos who had migrated to Pakistan to return to Mewat. They sent police to get back their Meos' land which was being taken over by locals. The fact that these Meos could see that they would never get any land in Pakistan in exchange made the majority of them return and the problem of Muslim majority Mewat was created. This was also to reason why Nehru never really took the two nation theory to it's logical conclusion that of the complete exchange of populations. He never understood that the creation of Pakistan had proved the two nation theory and what was needed was now acceptance of that fact. This was why the constitution was framed so that Muslims would feel at home in India and not want to migrate in the years after the creation of Pakistan.
  20. Honestly, this guy is all over the place. My own views of Deep Sidhu's comments are that he was saying that unless the farm leaders up the ante and bring more pressure of Modi then simply sitting in a location expecting the government to bend to your will is unrealistic. His point was that giving Shaheed status to those who had died while sitting in the andolan was legitimising the aimless strategy of the farmer union leaders. Modi had he wanted to could have stayed obstinate as is his reputation and then what? What was the number of deaths that would finally be unacceptable to the farmer union leaders and that they would then change strategy and bring more pressure on the government? He was also comparing the way that the farmer union leaders had refused to call Navneet Singh, the youth who was shot by the police while driving his tractor on 26th Jan as a Shaheed. He was saying how can you have people being called Shaheed who died of health issues sitting in the andolan while not declaring Shaheed someone who was shot while protesting the farm laws? If you watch the video, the emotional outburst by the guy sitting in the audience who attempts to call out Deep Sidhu on his speech, that guy was not understanding exactly what Deep Sidhu was saying. Swaiman Singh is also following the same flawed understanding and this shows just what his agenda is. In the video you will see how Deep Sidhu tries his best to respectfully explain to the guy who disagreed with him, it shows his humble character. Can you imagine what the comrade goons would have done if someone had protested Rajewal's statement during a Rajewal speech? The fact that Modi acted out of character and took back the farm laws without any further pressure from the andolan does not negate Deep Sidhu's analysis. https://youtu.be/h_QHFnrR0XA
  21. This is a common thing now in the west as well, it is the drift towards liberalism, which in my view is a mental disorder which acts to prevent the sufferer from even acting in his own self interests. Think what you like of Tommy Robinson but essentially he is someone who saw the takeover of Islam of his hometown and the victimisation of his people by Muslims and he tried to awaken his people. Look at how he was demonised by the leftists among the goray. Add to this how the white police officers and social workers were quite happy to see females from their own community be groomed by Pakistani Muslims. Only fanatical adherence to liberal principles can explain such suicidal behaviour. When you ideology trumps your common sense then you really are up sh1t creek without a paddle. The situation is not so gloomy though because there has been pushback now both in the west and among our people. Ravi Singh is being ridiculed by our people now for his one track liberal BS when even a few years he was considered almost a saint. The next generation they say is much more conservative than the generation before. We are seeing this more and more in real life and online.
  22. He's been constantly attacking Deep Sidhu because he feels that he has not been getting the publicity that he deserves. Who is he as a comrade to tell us who we should or should not consider our Shaheed? Having made a mess of his entry into Punjab politics it irks him that Deep Sidhu's had such an impact and he has pretty much been ignored by the voters. In the elections he is a comrade but when it comes to misleading Sikhs in a Gurdwara he is the biggest follower of the Gurus. The man is a hypocrite. I would not be surprised if his family background has some comrade gaddar family members who acted as informers against the Kharkoos in the 80s.
  23. I would never support any Hindu in UK politics, there will always be somewhere along the line a connection with the BJP/RSS. For someone who has £200 million to want to go into politics can only be through a desire to have political power because one could buy whatever one wants but true political power can only come from going into politics. I heard a joke about how saying that he has so much money that someone that rich would only go into politics to screw over those poorer than himself! I don't think will ever get a chance to be PM, and that's a good thing. He had his chance just before xmas with the Partygate scandal but Ukraine and now his and his wife's tax arrangement have destroyed that chance. It will take him years to get back his reputation but by then someone else new will come through the Tory ranks.
  24. It is not non-Muslim countries that actively invite Muslims in, it is the liberals in these countries that emotionally backmail the rest of the population into allowing Muslim migration in and shout 'racist!' if there is any voice which wants to restrict their migration into non-Muslims countries. In Punjab it is the same, it is liberal organisations that started the trend to build Mosques for them and started the propaganda that they are 'beecharay' Countries that have voted in right wing governments understand the danger of Muslim migrations, countries such as Hungary, Poland and Serbia. Countries with Muslim populations already have tried various methods such as expulsion like Myanmar and De-Islamification like China has. It would be interesting to see how the first group of countries fare in the next few decades compared to the second group.
  25. Let me refresh your memory, You wrote Khalsa Aid by being a charity that helps all and not just Sikhs is likely to get more donations because non-Sikhs will also donate to it and thus it will have more money at hand with which to possibly help Sikhs than if it was solely a Sikh charity which would restrict its donations to just Sikhs. I showed that they get the vast majority of donations from Sikhs ONLY anyway (98% in 2017) so your contention is false and I have shown clearly it is false. What Ravi Singh has successfully done is subvert both the concept of Langar and the concept of Daswand. Our community in the early 2000s instead of challenging him allowed the subversion and now the next generation do not even realise what Langar and Daswand is.
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