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lowest of the low singhni

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Posts posted by lowest of the low singhni

  1. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

    ਕਬੀਰ ਮਾਰੀ ਮਰਉ ਕੁਸੰਗ ਕੀ ਕੇਲੇ ਨਿਕਟਿ ਜੁ ਬੇਰਿ ॥

    Kabīr mārī mara▫o kusang kī kele nikat jo ber.

    Kabeer, I have been ruined and destroyed by bad company, like the banana plant near the thorn bush.

    ਉਹ ਝੂਲੈ ਉਹ ਚੀਰੀਐ ਸਾਕਤ ਸੰਗੁ ਨ ਹੇਰਿ ॥੮੮॥

    Uh jẖūlai uh cẖīrī▫ai sākaṯ sang na her.

    The thorn bush waves in the wind, and pierces the banana plant; see this, and do not associate with the faithless cynics.

    ਮਾਰੀ = hit, ruin; ਮਰਉ = kill, destroy; ਕੁਸੰਗ = bad company; ਕੇਲੇ = banana; ਨਿਕਟਿ = near; ਬੇਰਿ = Bayree tree; ਝੂਲੈ = swing near; ਚੀਰੀਐ = pierce, cut; ਸਾਕਤ = faithless ones; ਸੰਗੁ = in association with; ਹੇਰਿ = others.

    In this Salok Bhagat Kabeer Ji warns us how easy it is to be drawn in by factors which ensure that we stumble spiritually. He uses the description of two trees; the first is the banana plant and the second the Ber tree. Although the Ber tree produces nice fruit, it's branches have many spines and thorns on them. Bhagat Ji says that we can get poked by the thorns of other people's bad influence, just as a banana tree is spiked by a nearby Ber tree as it blows in the wind. As a result the banana tree gradually is injured more and more, and it can no longer properly function to provide decent fruit.

    It is important we realise this as soon as possible as it'll save us a great deal of time in the long run. Although Guru Saheb resides within everyone, each person has their own choices to make in life - spiritual and otherwise. Depending on these choices we need to evaluate who we spend our time with. Many other analogies in Gurbani also refer to this matter - e.g. walking into a room full of ash and expecting to come out with your pristine white clothes untouched. In this walk of life it's very easy to meet all types of people, many of whom will be friendly and fun-loving but have no regard or interest in Akaal Purakh's way of life. It's also easy to ignore this fact so that working alongside them doesn't result in a tense relationship. The problem arises when we socialise with these people so much that our own principles begin to seem unimportant. If we hear them slandering others unecessarily it's so easy to join in or laugh with them without even feeling guilty.

    It might not seem like a huge deal at the time but little things like this can chip away at our own integrity, and affect our jeevan without us even realising. The key point Bhagat Ji is making here is that we need to be aware of such issues, and take the necessary steps to ensure we still regain the honour that lies within us, being sons and daughters of Satguru Ji. We do need to work and live alongside all sorts of people, but there's always a line to be drawn in terms of how much spare time we devote to them and how much time we devote to Guru Ji.



    vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

  2. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

    ਕਬੀਰ ਜਾ ਕਉ ਖੋਜਤੇ ਪਾਇਓ ਸੋਈ ਠਉਰੁ ॥

    Kabīr jā ka▫o kẖojṯe pā▫i▫o so▫ī ṯẖa▫ur.

    Kabeer, you have found that place which you were seeking.

    ਸੋਈ ਫਿਰਿ ਕੈ ਤੂ ਭਇਆ ਜਾ ਕਉ ਕਹਤਾ ਅਉਰੁ ॥੮੭॥

    So▫ī fir kai ṯū bẖa▫i▫ā jā ka▫o kahṯā a▫or. ||87||

    You have become that which you thought was separate from yourself. ||87||

    ਖੋਜਤੇ = searching; ਪਾਇਓ = reached, attained; ਸੋਈ = that; ਠਉਰੁ = place; ਭਇਆ = happened, become; ਕਹਤਾ = said; ਅਉਰੁ = another, separate.

    Bhagat Kabeer Ji describes the aim of a Sikh's life in this Salok - an aim which we are all capable of achieving but one which very few actually do achieve. In the previous Saloks Bhagat Ji described the distractions around us which take away our spiritual focus. He says it is a fact that we all will leave this world one day, that our body will turn to dust. But even when every person knows this truth, we still allow our minds to be distracted and we don't really do anything about it. We leave our spiritual education for another day, even though we know another day might not even come.

    Here Bhagat Ji talks about what will happen if we do actually walk towards Guru Ji. We go through life by living one day at a time, in the same routine, doing the same sort of work every day. But in reality life is a journey which begins and ends at Guru Ji's Charan. As Sikhs we are refugees in Guru Saheb's haven, we rely on Him alone. But even as we do our Nitnem, go to the Gurdwara Sahib on a Sunday and eat our langar, how many of us actually feel at peace in our hearts? Do we really feel that Guru Ji is within our souls and that we have achieved inner bliss? Guru Saheb is the knower of all hearts, he can see if we're putting on a show for our fellow brothers and sisters, or if we really are trying to progress along his path.

    Bhagat Kabeer Ji tells us to realise a crucial point. Guru Saheb is within every one of us, and there is no point trying to fool the outside world with our actions when Guru Ji knows our every thought. Parents tell their children that cheating is wrong, not only because you are trying to fool others but also because you're lying to yourself. In the same way we need to realise that we are all an embodiment of Guru Ji's creation and that we owe it to ourselves to become true Sikhs. And Gurbani tells us exactly how! All we need to do is spare some effort and time from our day, and commit - all be it slowly. During the day Guru Saheb gives us hundreds of opportunities for us to prove our worth to Him. We need to recognise that Guru Ji is walking around with us and watching what we do and how we think.

    Once we realise that there's no escape from ourselves perhaps we'll be motivated enough to pull up our socks and actually get moving on this beautiful road to Sachkhand.



    vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

  3. Please refrain from posting such meaningless and nonsensical threads here.You should be directing such questions to the bibis in your family and not discussing such an extremely private matter with complete strangers in the cyberspace.

    Moreover,please bear in mind that this is a family oriented website and the primary purpose of this foum is to discuss about Gurmat and sikhi related matters.I am disgusted to see too many sex and intimacy related threads on here.It shows where our younger generation is headed.

    vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

    Please refrain from opening such topics when it is clear from the title that it refers to bibian and an 'intimate' subject. Sometimes it's not easy asking bibian in your family when they are not Amritdhari, or when you don't live near or know any bibian. Rest assured that posting on Sikhsangat about this stuff isn't the first choice option, it's usually the last resort. Secondly we're not strangers, we're your sisters. Silly.

    Moreover please bear in mind that these issues do occur to every woman on the planet and the primary objective of this forum is to discuss what the members want to discuss and if that means asking a question about bibis Rehat then so be it. It's up to the ADMIN to decide if we need a bibi's section or not but having one wouldn't stop boys entering and complaining about it.

    I am disgusted to see that you think this thread is about sex, and it just shows where people like you are headed! God forbid our little sisters grow up to be woman who deal with such nonsensical biological issues that were created by Guru Ji himself.


    vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

  4. Have you actually read my whole post are your just reacting on one bit?

    I read it : ) and answered the line in which you asked a question.

    they do have a choice: keep a beard and get another job or cut the beard and keep their job.

    Yes. As was/is the case with Sikhs in many places. If that's acceptable to you then okay.

    I thought this point of this thread is that Sikhs are meant to stand up for anyone in need, not just themselves. Correct me buddasingh if I'm wrong. I'm not sure why everyone is focusing only on Muslims? If people want to keep a beard why shouldn't they be allowed to.

  5. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

    Just to add to what the above two posts mention.

    You've already said that you aren't comfortable with huge life changes all at once. Unless your mind is made of steel just take baby steps initially and everything else will fall into place.

    Things like not doing your eyebrows etc will only make sense if you begin to see Guru Ji's light inside yourself. Think of your body as a temple which was perfectly created in every way. There really is no need to adjust the decor when Guru Ji Himself designed it. Unfortunately there are a lot of so-called Kaurs who set a bad example for newbies by wearing makeup/remove their hair. With regards to clothing you need to find a balance which you're comfortable with. If you're comfortable with slim jeans that's fine but it's a matter of preference/decency. Personally I need to wear jeans a size larger than my actual size to feel comfortable. [ And a tight belt : ) ]

    Don't follow what you see people doing, follow what you understand from the knowledge Guru Ji shares with you.

    A lot of our Rehat is based on love for Guru Saheb but it may take a long time for that love to develop. At the beginning it might seem like a chore and it requires a lot of obedience. Things like showering/getting up in the morning/keeping our kakkars with us are direct orders from Guru Sahib. One day hopefully we'll be doing such things out of love rather than forcing our minds to obey.

    vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

  6. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

    At the Rensabai in Willenhall on the 22nd/23rd of November 08 a few of the local Singhs did some kirtan between 3 - 5 am. But I can't find any recordings of any kirtan done after Bhai Tarlochan Singh on the akj.org/sikhroots sites.

    I was wondering if anyone was there and recorded it or if anyone has been able to find recordings online. One shabad in particular I'm looking for is Gur Satgur Ka Jo Sikh Akhaaye, and the kirtan done after that by Amrik Singh.


    vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

  7. When Maharaj instructed Baba Banda Singh Bahadhur Ji to deliver justice to the cruel rulers of the Mughal Raj Baba Ji was blessed with five arrows from Guru Ji’s quiver. In a short space of time and with a very small army Baba Ji established Khalsa Raj through the shakti of those arrows. When fired into the air they crashed through the skies and let loose the eternal power of Guru Sahib’s Khalsa. Sant Gyani Baba Jarnail Singh Ji Khalsa Bhindranwale always used to carry a (very large) silver arrow with him for that reason. Whenever someone tried to touch Sant Ji’s feet he would always stop them by using the tip of the arrow to touch their head.

    “Narad Muni, a bhramgyani once visited the tenth Guru Ji and presented him with the feathers of a "Humayu" bird. Guru Ji tied each feather to five arrows, strung them on a bow and shot them in all four directions and one up into the heavens. He asked him Gursikhs to go and look for the arrows he had fired. They looked hard but couldn't find them and returned empty handed to their Guru. Guru ji then explained to the Gursikhs that he had been presented the feathers of the Hamuyu bird by Narad Muni Ji, and this bird of the sky had power in all its body parts. Guru Ji explained whatever was attached to the parts of that bird, the bird was able to take away to its own haven. Guru Ji was describing that just as the Humayu's feather had taken the arrows to the bird's sanctury, Mool Mantar, Gur Mantar and Gurbani also worked like those feathers except they could take people to the sanctuary of God. So whosoever recites these and practises on his Naam, those Gursikhs will eventually find bhramgian and be carried to the country of parbrahm(God), the one which is above the entire universe. To obtain God one should have strong faith and determination.”

    If you see someone carrying one, I'd suggest you ask them why they're doing so, rather than assuming they/souls like Sant Ji are copying their role models for the sake of looking cool.


  8. vahegurujikakhalsavahegurujikifateh

    APDF is this who you're referring to?

    Todar Mal, a rich Sikh, heard of the imprisonment of the Guru's Sahibzadey and Mata Gujri, he hastened to the Sultan with the intention of paying a ransom for their release. But, by the time he arrived at Sirhind, the Sahibzadey's has already been martyred and Mata Gujri had also left the earthly abode. Todar Mal went to Wazir Khan's court to obtain permission for cremating the dead bodies of the martyrs and their grandmother. The Sultan told Todar Mal that he would agree to his request if he paid for the land with spreading as many gold mohurs (coins) as would cover the piece of land required for cremation. Todar Mal accepted Wazir Khan's terms and made the payment.
    Another character was Bhai Moti Mehra, who was another follower of Guru Ji. When he found out that Mata Gujri and the Sahibzadey were left in the cold tower, he went to visit them. He took some warm milk for the Family, he sneaked past the guards and climbed up the tower by ladder. Bhai Moti Mehra was later caught, and he along with his family were sentenced to death by crushing.


  9. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

    Harjeet Singh, many of the things you have said are, in my opinion, true. It is possible for Guru Ji to bless a couple with a child in any way. I hope that one day you'll be at a stage of such high avastha that this method blesses you with you many children.

    However I don't think it's fair for you to say such things about those souls who did more seva for the panth and had more love for Akaal Purakh than you or I may ever have. Their actions may not make sense to us but sometimes it's better to further our own knowledge rather than judge or put down others. Also a lot of the time we might speculate on what other personalities/Sants or even what our own Gurus did. But unless Guru Ji Himself has told you who did/did not do certain things then there is no point in making assumptions based on whether you can imagine such things happening or not.

    With respect to wearing glasses; true Gurmukhs will always accept Guru Ji's Bhana. If Guru Ji wills them to have poor eyesight in this life, whether it be as a result of previous karams or not, they will accept that. They may also accept that Guru Ji helped them by letting them see better by wearing glasses. It depends on how you look at it. The same could be said for taking medicines, but Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaj himself blessed Bhai Kanaiya Ji with the gift of medicine.

    Don't presume to know the reasons behind God's actions by saying that God would never impair a real devotee. A real devotee may seem impaired to the rest of us but the truth is that the devotee thinks of himself as blessed, not disabled.

    vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

  10. Are there non-amritdhari punjabi people or people belonging to other faiths who dont commit the 4 cardinal sins mentioned in Sikh rehat maryada ?

    For certain Christians alcohol is consumed in Church. Some Muslims and Jews believe that you must cut your hair/beard in a certain way. Other faiths accept polygamy. And others condone the eating of certain types of meat/halal meat.

    But having said that there are probably spiritual people in the world who do not have these beliefs and personally adhere to the same "rules" as we do. However whether they follow this rehit because of of faith/religion is a different matter.

  11. vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

    If you really feel the need to drink then go ahead, but don't expect any of us here to give you the thumbs up. Your diagnosis must have been a huge shock, but ideally it should encourage you to make the most of the life you've been given rather than wasting it. Any of us could die at any given time from anything.

    Their are a few main points about drinking alcohol with respect to Sikhi. one is that alcohol is the perfect way to disgrace the Saroop Guru Ji has given us. It degrades your mind. It might relax you, but Sikhi has plenty of other ways to relax. And Sikhi's ways are more productive in a spritual way too. Sikhs get drunk on Naam, not liquor. And even if you're not a stage of doing Simran/Bhagti there are many more ways to relax without alcohol. Fourthly it's a great way to destroy your liver.

    (I don't think there is much of a difference between chronic alcoholism and occasional alcoholism, just that the occasional version leads to the chronic version and illustrates how addictive it can get.)

    Doctors might tell you it's safe to drink, but that's because they think you're any other guy off the street who goes to the pub several times in a week. But you're not. You're Guru Ji's Sikh, and your Guru tells you that even for healthy people it's a bad idea.

    vaheguru ji ka khalsa vaheguru ji ki fateh

  12. info@tigerstyleonline.co.uk



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    Contacting them directly with your concerns will probably be more productive rather than anonymously posting online asking for us to classify them as hypocrites.

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