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wjkk wjkf

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Everything posted by wjkk wjkf

  1. not everybody cos i dont...unless i'm a nobody (most probably) :D
  2. when its a terrorist attack its muslims when its a race hate crime its asian? y cant y say muslim now? as soon as someone says asian in UK ppl think 'brown skinned', therefore they think this towards most sikhs too...thats y we get backlash...no1 differentiates between us. Thats y we suffer. Really ticks me off...
  3. send us ur spec, and i'll try and help :TH:
  4. I dont know wot to say to that^^^ no fair! lol
  5. ^needs to b kicked out of bed at Amrit Vela!! :D ^
  6. I'm havin them 4 dinner today! :D
  7. I finish work on Saturday at 3..live quite far from Southall, so i cud get there (after freshening up) by 5 lol...but let me know if i cant make it, how things go!
  8. LMAO! i did something similar...i clutched onto my bag...then i let go and stood up for a minute and kept looking at my watch...reaaly taught all those people staring at me like eyes wide open...
  9. What is this about Jumdooths? Are they some kinda hell? I thought we feel hell living on Earth?
  10. Just cos black people use Ni**a between themselves does that make it right? Has anyone seen that film 'Coach carter" with Samual L. Jackson? I believe he had a few problems with the word and was quite offended in it.
  11. I almost want to but I know nothing there. Doesnt living in canada effect your well being?? I heard canadians start to get flannel skin, and mutate other ways, like they start to say the letter "a" at the ends of sentences,instead of money they trade pelts etc :D JK its either the cold or the canadiation emmitted (worse than radiation) ...noo.............Canada is the BOMMMB.....the "a" at the end of each sentences is from the media damit <_< .... where did u hear that anyways ........its not like they can force him to cut his hair.......there pretty stupid to tell him that(cut hair to live a normal life) they need a reality check. :cool: and like papi said if they forced him phisically....they are getting pap....and ur friend can always grow his kesh bak. tell his parents too read ardas and understand wat is being said. if they still dont agree....then those parents r really messed up. and insted of going bakwards and cutting the kesh....go forward and take amrit(if ur ready) na y cousins r from Canada, they all say "a" as well! But is kool...I'm coming canada people!
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