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The Khalsa Fauj

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Everything posted by The Khalsa Fauj

  1. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha! Safe Star! I appreaciate and love your comment. It made me happy. Thanks for the comment.
  2. Jam --> Jams are like parties and stuff Do --> Do OT --> OverTime Those people who hold jams over time. They are just corrupt guys. They like to take drugs like weed and opium.
  3. Then you must learn and understand the Shabad. Once you understand the Shabad, then you can memorize it and recite. Then it be more beneficial. Papi Bhai, that is why I said follow. If you don't even understand what you are reading then how do you apply? There aren't many who have deep understanding and don't apply. Reciting with understanding. We also have katha and translations to help us understand. We don't want be like "Mooh May Raam Raam, Buggal May Shouree" Off topic but I only like dasam granth debates.
  4. I didn't say that. My message was for those people who read bani on the top but smuggle drugs at night. Read bani all day but the thought is in the money. Ever heard of Guru Nanak Sakhi about nimaaz? Reading will get you nothing if you don't understand. If reading is all you need then why do you post aarth of tuks in your posts? Or you just wanted to take a slap shot? Bani also tells not to blame the Guru if the chela doesn't listen. So can't blame Guru for not following. Everyone has enough ability to follow rehat, only thing needed is the understanding and strength. You get strenth by understanding Gurbani. Not by just reciting. Reciting is the 2nd part which comes after understanding. So before, reciting, understand. Before taking your shot, did you look at the Gurbani shabad that was linked? Sampat paaths, etc. etc. is all brahmanee maryada, that is why they aren't even mentioned in Panthic maryada.
  5. No problem bro! I will send you a message before going to take over one. We got to let them land and come out and then we pounce on them like a nihung pouncing on deer.
  6. What is the point of reading Bani like that if it is not to be followed? Forget about the listeners, what is the jeevan of those paathis? It is not how much bani you read but how much bani you read and understand and apply to daily life. Most of the Akhand Paath paathis ask for shraab after Akhaand Paaths. If you guys don't belive me, go to Punjab and see. http://www.ggsacademy.com/ Just read the main page. That is all.
  7. Naw yaar, but it is a facty! No need to a quick reacty! Prof. Sahib Singh was cool! For the Panth, he was a jewel! Tapoban guys are good but they are no at the level of Prof. Sahib Singh. Not saying that the aarth he did are perfect.
  8. There are 2 types. Good guys and bad guys. Good guys are nice and like to share gifts while the bad ones are mean and they take humans to their planet for tests and return them back. My buddies are the good ones. They are safe with me. The bad guys, our governments need to deal with them with a bullet. They are really evil. What we have to do is hijack atleast one UFO so we can know more about them. Anyone down with hijacking UFO?
  9. These tapoban guys know how to do aarth better than Prof. Sahib Singh? Those aarths are okay but the explanation is wrong. It might fool you but it ain't fooling me. Case closed. Ready for meat debate anytime in person. I don't like doing meat debates online anymore. They are a waste of time. If you want, talk in person or forget it.
  10. Bijlaa Singh Ji! What you on about? First of all Panth didn't lose so the statement that Panth lost badly is wrong. If you want proof about the meat part, go to Namastang's website and ask. You will get the proofs from the Nihung guys there. Panth doesn't need to provide proof and I am not in the mood either. Panth never lost. I answered every question of yours while you guys didn't answer may questions. So we know who lost. There is no proof. As for Daya Singh rehatnama, read it and read the wrong things i posted from it. Those are just some of them. Half of it wrong. Once again, bias has taken over and false allegations are being made. According to RSS, Sikhs are Hindus so it doesn't matter what anti-Panthic forces say. Cool and safe? Starrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! I got projects to work on later brothas and sistas and all the mistas!
  11. That is a lie. Bandai Khalsa never claimed Baba Banda Singh as Guru. Bandai had some political diffrences with the other group and changed the Fateh according to history but it is said to be propaganda spread by mughals to divide the Sikhs.
  12. Shiromani Committe elects the Jathayddar and SGPC is over 80% SAD(Badal) controlled and the SGPC guys do as Badal says. Until SAD(Badal) loses the SGPC elections, there is no chance. Only other option is holding Sarbat Khalsa and electing another Jathaydaar and get him working. We don't have the British government to help us either as the Indian govt. will only help the wrong side.
  13. Was Guneee Khan a Singh? Guru Sahib didn't stay and eat at his house? What was Gungoo? Gungoo was a cooker according to some sources so was Gungoo AmritDhari too? Tell me a source other than the fake Daya Singh Rehatnama that says to eat in Sarabloh only. Give me a credible source or many sources. Bipran kee reet. Karam Kaand. Guru Sahib Ji wasn't weak like you or your bhai so they didn't need to keep any Sarablohs. Even the word bibek is being abused. Do you even know what Bibek means? I wasn't going to post as I got a busy schedule but couldn't resist when these derawalas are started to spread their falsehood again. Ik Jhooth Noo SHpaoun laa-ee Jhooth dee Dukaan Paa Dinday ah Eh loak, fir kehnday SGPC corrupt hai, badal corrupt hai, flaana corrupt hai. Juddooo eh pakhandi loak jo murjee kurday ah, taa badal wurgay vee aapnee murjee kurday ahh.
  14. Wasn't going to post but some of those Gurmukhs you listed drank Shaheedi Degh and ate Mahparsaad too so I guess it is okay since you listed. Cool! You start drinking SHaheedi degh and start eating Mahparsaad, I will start keeping Sarabloh Bibek. Cool?
  15. What is AKaal Takht going to do? Vedanti himself would participate in events like this. Infact, he already did some days ago. Vedanti himseld does as RSS says so what can the poor, lost sould do?
  16. They are my buddies. That is all I need to say!
  17. Is there sukha? Hahahahahaha! You missed that!
  18. Maybe they drank too much 5nch guvveyaa. 5nch guvveya is a mixture of 5 things which hindu mother drinks to purify herself when a child is born. 5 things are: Cow urine, Cow dung, cow milk, cow yougurt and cow butter. Ask them if they drank it or not. Ask them how dharamraj was born. Ask them if dharamraj has diseases or not. Why did they travel oversees when Vedas say not to cross the ocean? That means their religion sux. Maybe worshipping monkeys have made them act like them. Not to forget the cartoon Ganesh.
  19. The thing is when Muslims took over India. They banned eating jhatka and stuff. Brahmans accepted the slavery and either stopped eating meat or ate halal. Eg. Chuankay Uppar Kday Na Jana ... Kutha Bukra Khana. Khalsa doesn't accept no slavery so we don't eat halal. Another reason is they read kalma on it. Again, religious slavery. Khalsa doesn't accept it either. Another point is that the animal suffers a lot. Everything is going to die but killing slowly is not right. Gurbani says: ਸਿੰਘ ਰੁਚੈ ਸਦ ਭੋਜਨੁ ਮਾਸ ॥ सिंघ रुचै सद भोजनु मास ॥ singh ruchai sad bhojan maas. Singh always wants to eat meat.
  20. According to Panthic maryada: Option 1 = Cremation Option 2 = Jul Parvah Option 3 = Bury
  21. I did, it wasn't Gurbani Shabad. At least, the one I listened to wasn't.
  22. The Khalsa Fauj


    I am not influenced by Black culture. I don't listent to black music or anything else. As for comparing myself to Bhai Randhir Singh, so what? Did he put a copyright that no one can compare to him? Was he SatGuru that no one can compare to him? If you ban me, I will use that time to write some books and that is even worse. Hahahahahahahahahaha! Who gave Bhai Randhir Singh permission to disrespect Bhagats by saying they are stuck in Karam Khund. He portrayed himself as above Bhagats. You guys have lived and grown up in western countries and got no clue and intake whatever your jatha feeds. Maybe you guys didn't know but Ghugga isn't from Sikh Missionary College or Shaheed Sikh Missionary College. What can you guys do other than ban me? Threats don't work on BAIs. If Bhai Randhir Singh is so high and Naam japp or the word Waheguru is the only thing needed, I recommend handing over the saroops of Guru Granth Sahib Ji back to Akaal Takht and doing parkash of books by Bhai Randhir Singh. That way I won't need to debate with you guys as it will be clear that you guys aren't part of the Panth. At least Radha Swamis had the manhood to come out and declare that they aren't part of the Khalsa Panth. Namastang, you are more lost than anyone. You have been disrespecting Bhai Randhir Singh for years and no one has banned you. If you want to ban me go ahead but also change the name to Jatha sangat and not Sikhs sangat. Remove any links to Gurbani and just post info from books by your jatha leaders since they were above Guru Ji and Gurbani according to you guys. Namastang is a promtoer of hair cutting and drugs as evidenced on his website, his language is also uncivilized. He just hates me due to dasam granth. RSS material can take over for a while but kaum is waking up in Punjab. I respected AKJ more than any other jatha and respected Bhai Randhir Singh too but this thread has made me lose respect for him so blame youself. As for the fake Khalistanis on this website, lets see you guys establish Khalistan. What was Bhai Randhir Singh looking for from naked sadhu as written in his book? If Bhagats weren't great then what was the point of them meeting Guru Ji? Faridaa Bay Nivaaja Kutteyaa Eh Naa Bhlee Reet! Kub Hee Chul Naa Aaeyaa Punjay Vukhut Museet. That all somone needs to understand if he was Muslim or not. Dates can be off by maybe 20 years maximum, not centuries. What is next? Jesus was born in 1516 and got naam from Guru Nanak Dev Ji?
  23. The Khalsa Fauj


    I will do so in December. I don't have time right now. Remind me in December. Make sure you have Bani of Sheikh Farid Understood by that time. Overall, the points you said are contradicting aren't really contradicting. They are separate things so they aren't contradicting. Understand what I mean. As for spitting on moon, moons don't run away from AKaal Takht. He was even offered Jthaydaari of AKaal Takht but refused because he had to stop things such as Sarabloh and not eating from non-chelas. People change. Good become bad and bad become good. E.g. Dunni Chund did gdaaree when time came. Bidhi Chund got Sardaree when time came. You still didn't answer the use of Word Sheikh Farid. Here it is again and you have fallen into your own trap. You say Ibrahim Sani used Farid because was descendent of Sheikh Farid. What does that mean? That means he was follower of Sheikh Farid. Thus it has nothing to do with Guru Nanak Dev Ji. So if he realized the truth when he met Guru Nanak, then why did he still use Farid? When he no longer belonged to Sheikh Farid then why use his name? Copyright violation. As for the article, remind me in december. Tommorrow someone can write article about Guru Sahib taking cannabis and opium using the same granths. Will you accept? All granths mention Guru Sahib eating meat, do you accept? Why the dual standards and pick and choose? Howeverm, you don't pick or choose but follow Colorful Friends and other books.
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