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Everything posted by singh2k

  1. interesting topic, its a religious matter, however through my experience it seems like the committee makes it more of a business matter. I think the main leader or president should have a turban on, just to represent the gurudawa and the religion's identity atleast, and the board members can be mona.
  2. Admin Note: You cannot discuss topic over and over. Multiple Topics are not allowed. Hope you have a great year ahead.
  3. Sorry to hear that things didn't work the way you wanted them to. I wanted to go to a party but my parents are making me go to the gurudawa. pretty weird huh, seems like we have alot in common...
  4. i used to think beadbi was a drug
  5. will i still be wahegurus son if i cut my hair
  6. leave the muslims alone. everyones got their own beliefs, a friend of mines recently got religious and started wearing a turban and beard, hes muslim, i asked him why he keeps his beard and his reply was to stay away from things that can harm people, such as society, girls, clubs and so on. before this kid used to be a crackhead. you can't blame the muslims for looking like the way they are, by cutting their hair and trimming their beard short. i know alot of muslims that complaint about sardars just because of their beliefs. anyways, leave the muslims alone lol
  7. dont worry. i never said i would stop doing paath anyways, i might loose my identity as a sikh but i will still be a sikh by heart, whether you like it or not. fateh
  8. yeah i agree. oh well. there are many corrupted sikhs out there. i'm not just complainting about it, but theres nothing i can do about it, plus even if i get into all this i'll probably end up corrupted as well. waheguru isn't testing me, i have spoken with him the other day and he told me its alright if i cut my hair, but as long as i dont loose faith. FATEH!
  9. religion is more of a political issue than its spiritual gains. its mainly about what the majority thinks, i posted a few topics on this site about cutting my hair, some people disagreed, some agreed, some called me a typical stupid dumb american, some told me to chop off my head instead and the list goes on forever. i'm tired of these sikhs who call themselves sikhs just because they have a turban on. its a disgrace. the gurudawa is mainly politics also, the paji tries to bring in more sangat= more money= bigger reputation= beat the other gurudawa's competition. i spoke with my local paji and told him i started going to another gurudawa. he was <Edited> off and just walked away as if i had betrayed him in some way. richmond hill gurudawa, alot of things happened there, when i was a kid, so called leaders in gurudawa's were fighting inside the gurudawa, it became a big issue so the police had to come in. my friend just visited amritsar this fall and was telling me how there was a big fight in a gurudawa, where the pugh's were thrown to the floor and all, issue was headlined on the front page of the daily news. the other day on ZEE TV (indian channel) there was a advertisement for some paji in richmond hill gurudawa with alot of sikhs, " VOTE FOR BHAI ......(forgot the name)." i was amused, " HOW THE #*$ DID THEY RAISE MONEY TO BE ON ZEE TV? " this one bhai ji had said, " if we stop judging each other, the sikh religion will never die" so my fellow sangat, dont you think religion is somewhat similar to politics?
  10. I've posted this before and will post this topic again, just to see if there are any newby's that can give me some advice. I know it's just a waste of time, but I want to see if I can get any last suggestions before I cut my hair, which I have finally decided. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> In Sikhism, a Sikh should never cut his/her hair, pray accordingly, do good deeds, and rest in peace. How many Sikh's do you know are actually Sikh's? Are they Sikh's or just an Image of one? Let me introduce you to myself, I'm 18 years old, just moved to a different state far from my home town in America. I’m a Sikh with a turban and beard, never cut hair, raised in America from the start. However, last month, for the first time ever, the thought of getting a hair cut came to mind. Now, the word hair cut would probably shock most of the Sikh's out there, before understanding anything the first thing that comes to mind is “THIS GUY IS WEAK ". I don’t blame anyone for thinking that way, because that is exactly what I used to say whenever a relative or friend of mines cut his hair. All my life I've been a Sardar, went through all levels of high school being the quiet kid, being made fun of, people laughing and all kinds of things. I know I'm not the only one, and will never be the only one, but sometimes I think to myself, "Why the hell are Sikh’s in America, when we have to force ourselves to fit in?” The reason most people would say is “To make money, and be successful!" right? In my point of view it seems like these Sikh's (including me) are gaining self desire, doing things they would never imagine to do, being successful, making money and earning respect. But is this what Sikhism is all about? No (in my opinion), what is religion for? To be separated from the outside world that can corrupt you and your mind, and to have peace of mind all the time. Whenever I hear on the news or stories about a Sikh getting shot, or tortured, I can’t stand it. Why do Sikh’s have to go through all this? I know most of the Gurus were tortured by Muslim empire leaders but is this going to keep on happening? I agree that we must educate people, but for what reason? God forbid a Sikh terrorist comes on news, what’s going to happen then? What I’m trying to say is, there will always be racism whether people are educated or not. My brother, who told me that he was once in the same situation I am in, swore upon himself that he will never cut his hair and keep his religion no matter what anyone says (after he was beaten up by several kids after school). Most people would think he’s made the right decision by standing up for his religion, right? I would say the same, if I was someone else. My brother is a great guy, with a nature like no one else. However, I don’t want to grow up to be like him in the future. I can easily tell that he feels uncomfortable in some way whenever we go out. He tries to stay away from outdoor activities, unless it’s a Sikhi event. I have read many articles, asked many people, Sikh’s and Non-Sikh’s about my decision. I also know of some Sardars that are successful, that actually fit in the crowd. But honestly, those Sardars that I know of aren’t Sikhi at all, besides the fact they have a turban on. I know my words may sound ignorant, but this is exactly how I feel, I’m really lost. It’s stuck in my mind that once I cut my hair, I can fit in, not be the kid who is nervous, starred at from day to day. I think I can become more successful (business wise) and have more confident. Sometimes I wish I can be a confident Sardar, one who represents all over the place with confidence. I try so hard, but I can be confident within my family and myself only. I can’t speak Punjabi or hindi. I have spoken with my family about getting a hair cut, my mom couldn’t help me out, my brother told me that if I get a hair cut I would regret it as making the biggest mistake of my life, but whenever I look at him I regret being a Sikh. After speaking with everyone I felt I had no choice than to keep myself shut for the rest of my life. My dad found out what was going on, he mentioned to me that I’m old enough to make my own decisions, and if I was to cut my hair, set a time period, do some research, and make sure it’s the right decision. After speaking with my dad I felt better. Now it’s all up to me. Now it’s my decision… Do I want to end up like my brother? Or should I go along with what I feel is right? They say God is within you no matter what happens. If God is in within me, then why do I hate myself so much? I respect the Religion, I know by getting a hair cut, it is disrespectful to the Gurus, family and the Sikh society. But in my opinion, everyone has their own rights and wrong. As long as you respect people, no matter who they are, you aren’t doing anything wrong. I know I won’t be showing any respect to the Guru’s by getting a hair cut, but if the Guru is in my heart, I don’t think appearance would be more important than reality. I agree, a Sikh is not a Sikh without a turban. But a Sikh is not a Sikh either if it’s not in their heart to keep the turban. The turban doesn’t bring me any closer to God; it’s just a part of my identity that I have disliked all my life. A friend told me that by getting a hair cut, you will be throwing away the Guru’s gift. I agree, but I don’t think the Guru would give you a gift which would make you suffer your life, especially in America. I also agree on the fact that the turban has kept me away from many bad influences, such as drugs and bad company. But I feel the need to go through things and have experience with everything and decide what is good or not by myself. If I keep the turban and be isolated from the society all my life, I’ll just ruin my life (in my opinion). . Sometimes I feel as if I never moved to America and just stayed in India so I didn’t have to go through all this. I know I might be wrong, but it’s just the way I feel. The place where I live, its just hard being a Sikh. I never really realized why I am a Sikh, my parents said they never had the chance to teach me more about the religion when I was young because at that time they were new to the country and were working hard. If I had said anything wrong, please forgive me, but in this situation I’m pretty lost and I think I should just end everything before it’s too late. Even though I am stubborn right now about this topic, it’s just the way I feel.
  11. we should report this to the sikh coliation right away
  12. sigh....................................... work hard, make money, live according to society, you're right guru ji sipahi. that's the kind of sikh i am. in the end none of this will be with me, thats right. but what can i do, i have no inspiration on sikhi. and every sikh i know that lives out of punjab, it seems like theyre living according to the society as well.
  13. no i do not smoke, and i dont see anything bad with it as its the same situation as drinking. look, i'll just make this clear, i don't belive in guruji, god, or the infinite as much as other people. I do belive in it, but i'm not DEPENDENT on it. life is what you make out of it. god isn't there to judge you, or to make a miracle for you. what matters most is the majority, the majority is there to judge you. i know of many sikhs that have turban and smoke, theyre mixed in the western world, and thats what I mean, sikhs are religious people, its not just any ordinary religion where you can do whatever you want and call yourself a sikh at the same time.
  14. i've thought about it for a long time now, tried expressing my feelings over the web on sikhnet, sikhsangat, family and friends. i can't keep up with my turban anymore. i'm tired of disrespecting it as its on my head everyday, disrespecting it as in doing things sikhs should avoid. i can't wear a turban and call myself a sikh, when i'm really not, i'm tired of being a image of one, and i know that in the future, there aren't any chances of me becoming more religious. in my point of view, there are two roads to follow, one is to move back, away from this western world and become a gursikh, and the second path is to mix in the western world and just be a part of it. i can't take all this anymore, i can't call myself a sikh and do these things. i've been thinking about this for 4 months now, my dad has given me the permission 3 months ago, and only because of him i have my turban right now, otherwise i would have been so confused what to do that i would have cut it in anger. i have written on many forms, many people disrespect me for my decision and some peoples support me. as i write on these forums i feel like i'm just wasting my time, because everytime i do, i get a boost of confidence and the next day the topic comes back in my head. i think its about time,
  15. once when i was a kid, i used to think paji's that sang keertan were god like. until, one night in richmond hill, after keertan i was hanging outside the gurudawa and there were drunk paji's. one of them had johnny in his hand, it was amusing, i looked at him and he goes "waheeguru ji ka khalsaaa, waheguru ji ki fateeeetahhhh" with a horrible scent of acohol coming from his mouth. i know its out of topic, but just wanted to relate to panth ki jit's post about how gurudawa's and society arent the same as they were 300 years back. holler
  16. sikhs need to go out and promote their ideas like the gurus. lets come up with our own sikh channel
  17. yeah its a banquet hall, Sunderland Sikh Community Hall Sunderland Sikh Association took over the disused and run down Christ Church in Ashbrooke in September 2001. The old church hall is used as the Gurudawa (place of worship), with the former church building forming a large Community Centre. In a true spirit of community cohesion, Ashbrooke Hall, is available for use by anyone in the Community, hosting a wide range of events from wedding receptions and children’s activities to Age Concern and Northumbria Police Cultural Awareness Sessions. During the summer holidays, the Association holds exhibitions aimed at young people, which last year was visited by pupils for over 60 schools across the region. source: http://www.sunderland.gov.uk/e-neighbourho...h-community.asp
  18. lol alright guy, this topic is closed, next person to reply will be called the topi walla (oh no, anything but a TOPI WALA!!)
  19. it's probably a big gurudawa with a basement or a seperate room as a banquet hall
  20. i dont get it :lol: majority used to think the earth is flat.. so u wouldve agreed with that? lol Dont be followers like sheep! Emi majority of sikhs think cutting hair is bad. so u wouldve agreed with that? lol Dont be followers like sheep! Emi (rephrased)
  21. well lets make it clear and over with, people who wear a cap will agree that its alright and vice versa, if i cut my hair and think its okay, no one can tell me that i'm wrong. and a sardar who keeps his turban and gets drunk daily, no one can tell him hes wrong. its all about what the majority thinks.
  22. http://www.cafepress.com/buy/sikh/-/pv_des.../opt_/c_360/pg_ wow first time i've ever seen a thong, with a khanda on it!
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