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Everything posted by Singh-in-Welling

  1. Your correct there, BUT am talking about Tharnaa Dhal Nihangs, I only know them well enough to say that, I dont know about Buddaa Dhal and any other Nihangs. All i know is Tharnaa Dhal don't do Dhasam Granth Saahbs Parkaash in the same Dharbaar Saahb as Siree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee. Well they didnt a couple years back...I'll check when I go soon. Last time I went to Haree'yaa'n Vehlaa'n they were still building the Gurdhvaaraa so am guessing its mostly probably up and running by now. I'll try and take pictures of the Dharbaar Saahb for Siree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee and Dhasam Granth Saahb's Dharbaar Saahb when I go in a couple of weeks. I actually got a question now; how do HukamNameh be "handed out" who decides? It can't be Vedanti can it?? loll :umm: He's such a teddy bear... Whats the process of handing HukamNemeh out?
  2. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account How can I save this recorded link, can i even save it?? :umm: http://sgpc.net/recorded.asp
  3. Either create a new account again, or please stop using Singh-in-Welling's username. This is really stupid and when someone asked you in another thread about this, you gave no reply, KKV. I'm tired of you writing "KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee's account" every single time. Get your own identity! lolll you humour me. I write my opinions using my Bhajee's account; thehraa kee jandhaa?? Also, its a forum - get over it 'identity' dha bachaa...
  4. Agree more than 100%!!! To all those nihangs and other sects who do parkash of SGGS and DG togheter, be aware, you are going AGAINST the hukumnama of Akal Takht Sahib. What a stupid comment. If the "Jathedhaars" of Akhaal Thakath can't follow the HumanNameh; what posiiton are they in to present HukamNameh to others?? Nihang Singhs that do Parkaash of Dhasam Granth Banee, don't do do It's Parkaash in the same Dharbaar Saahb as Siree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee, they do it in a seperate Dharbaar Saahb.
  5. Oh yeah I remembered when i was younger; we had Siree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee come to our house for a Akhand Paat. Of course, we being young idiots we didnt spend ANY time inside and listening to Gurbanee. But we was blessed with PLENTY Sangath; we had a young BibeeJee doing the Sevaa and she was doing like flow-fully and all. One of the Singhs in our family got up and he went to my mom and goes 'She isn't doing Paat correctly; her pronounciation is wrong, the meanings of Gurbanee are being changed'. My mom didn't say anything to the BibeeJee; she went to the "commitee" at Siree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee's Gurdhvaara and she told them that 'We have a Akhand Paat at our house, but the BibeeJee you have sent is not doing Paat correctly etc. How pathetic is this: the "pardhaan" goes: 'We shouldn't say that about Sangath that is willing to do the Seva for free' How disgusting is that?? This <banned word filter activated> didn't mind that Gurbanee was pronouced wrong, as long as the Sangath's money remained in his pocket and not the BibeeJee's wages. I think its stupid that so called "pardhaan's" employ people to do Seva that have NO Gyaan or experience. The point I'm making is that that little story of mine is a reminder of Kaljug; people stoop so low that tehirs endless beh'adh'bee. <_<
  6. During Siree Guroo Nanak Dev Jee's time, no one had taken Amrith, Siree Guroo Gobinndh Singh Jee presented the Batah, along with the Reyath Maryadhaa. We need to remember though, that EVEN in the first 9 Guroo's times EVERYONE and ANYONE that had the Karm to get Dharshan of Mahaaraaj; they were PROPER Beh'behk; the poorest Singh/Singhnee went out of her way to make their home a suitable one for our Guroo's. They would prepare the Parshadhaa with PROPER love and devotion and PLENTY of Paat/Simran. Nope, I can't say I would do any of that. Your right; how stupid of me, I forgot your perfect.
  7. May be there are not replies to the topic because the website you posted is not very good, all it has is a story that the british changed chaupai sahib, and hasnt given any evidence, proof or references that would make us believe it? And this is coming from someone who reads the so called "full" chaupai sahib KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee's account If you don't believe it then tell me this; where does the other Gotkeh come from? Why isn't Banee all the same in Gotkeh? (Don't talk about Raagmaalaa, am talking about Nithnem). How do you know its not true? I do read Chopayee Saahb fully; my pronounciation isnt correctly; neithers any of ours. As for the comment about Lar'ee'vaar Gurbanee; you can only make that comment when the whole Panth is reading Gurbanee Lar'ee'vaar; not just because I made a comment against the Gotkeh you read out of. Its silly to blame all variation in Gutka compilation on the British, standardised printed gutke have only been around for a few decades, and even between pratan sampradas eg nanaksar, various branches of taksal, buddhadal, there is big variations in what people read, even within a jatha people add extra saloks, etc bani that they enjoy particularly, its part of life and providing people are reading the basic panj bani as a minimum no one has any right to say the bani they do is "more correct" than anyone elses unless there is good evidence to show it - which there is not a bani is "more correct" when it is done with full concentration and pyaar! I generally read the socalled "full" chaupai sahib upto pauri 29 (not the swaiya and dohara at the end that appear in taksali gutke, i am not sure why this is put there since they are not part of chaupai sahib and do not come from the end of chritropakhyan, they actually come from Ramavtar in a completely seperate part of Dasam Granth) but I wouldnt criticise someone who chooses to finish at 25 because who knows maybe this is where chaupai sahib is meant to end - we simply dont know for sure lolll I can see where your coming from; am not saying that the British did EVERYTHING; am just saying that I never seen that link on the Internet before and I wanted people's comments about it; as for me saying that people should read from a Taksalee Gotkaa, that wasen't to say of yeah the rest of the Gotkeh are wrong, am just saying that the Taksaal concentrates on Banee HUGELY just like AKJ concentrate on Keerthan HUGELY. Thats all. I wearn't criticising anyone initially. I can see that everyone jumped to the fact about me saying about the Gurbanee, there havent been many comments about the the comments made on the link about Dhasam Granth Banee, Sikhee Saroop etc. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fatheh!!! You tell me Bhenjee? Tell you what? I asked the question. It dont matter, forget it. Alright.
  8. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account Vaaheguroo Jee Kaa Khalsaa Vaaheguroo Jee Kee Fatheh!!! You tell me Bhenjee?
  9. May be there are not replies to the topic because the website you posted is not very good, all it has is a story that the british changed chaupai sahib, and hasnt given any evidence, proof or references that would make us believe it? And this is coming from someone who reads the so called "full" chaupai sahib KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee's account If you don't believe it then tell me this; where does the other Gotkeh come from? Why isn't Banee all the same in Gotkeh? (Don't talk about Raagmaalaa, am talking about Nithnem). How do you know its not true? I do read Chopayee Saahb fully; my pronounciation isnt correctly; neithers any of ours. As for the comment about Lar'ee'vaar Gurbanee; you can only make that comment when the whole Panth is reading Gurbanee Lar'ee'vaar; not just because I made a comment against the Gotkeh you read out of.
  10. Our Gurus did sangat with everyone and never judged, so we have no right to label people as "Manmukhs" and then try and place ourselves on a higher level than them by saying we are too good for their company. Let's work on brining the panth together instead of forming our own little "clubs". Nobody really knows if the person sitting next to them is a Gursikh or Manmukh for sure and if you think you know, then you are just judging them. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee's account I think you need to re-read my comment for 'Preeti' Bhenjee. I didn't say that if someone that your sitting next to you is not AmrithDharee is definitely a Manmukh. I said "Its about when you KNOW that the person sitting near you is like a proper Manmukh," By saying that I meant if you KNOW the person next to you is someone who is COMPLETELY against Sikhee i.e. smokes, cuts his/her Kes, doesn't approve of ANY Sikhee principals etc, encourages others to do what he/she is doing etc; then it is our OWN responsiability to not sit in their Sangath. The only reason for this is because; we humans do rees (copy eachother) so quickly. Notice how if you heard someone say a new cool would you begin to say it. You sit amongst people who wear the latest fashion, and you suddenly begin to dress in the same way. Someone talks, walks, and acts a certain way you begin to do it. It has nothing to do with judging one another; its all about how you live your life, the way you act today effects what you will do tommorow.
  11. I was offended and they didn't take back what they said when I called them out on it. I want every racist person on this planet to apologize to everyone they have ever offended. If it sounds like a hard task to perform, then good! And if thinking like this is an ego thing, then let me have an ego the size of the entire UNIVERSE! KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee's Velling Vahleh's account ok
  12. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account Yeah I aint supposed to be posting becuase this has nothing to do with. But if you don't mind 'Peacemaker' but why should them "rascists" have apologised to you?? They didn't say it to you; you may say that it was against your principals but don't you think you saying that 'they didnt apologise to me' merely about ego then? Don't see me questioning you as a attack am only asking
  13. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account Prove it... EVERYONE says that. Look at it like this. Sikhism is the YOUNGEST "Religion" compared with Hinduism and Muslim (ism? :umm: ). Now this is a controversial subject but if you look A LOT of eastern traditions are quite similar. Panjabees, Hindu's and Muslims do have pretty close traditions. The main reason why Panj Ishnan'n are done is because its just good hygiene. You wash your face, mouth, hands, knees and feet. Just imagine all the dirt we gather up every five minutes. Now years ago and even now everyone and anyone in India that worked, worked hard and honestly. Singhs would go into their keh'th and they work well hard. They stand amongst dirt and gather up sweat. Same for Bibee'yaa, they sit infront of the choolah in high heats etc and worked. Even today in the western world Singhs go out and work in hot offices, tough construction sites etc and they gather dirt and sweat. Bibee'yaa work outdoors just like Singhs in hot offices etc or at home cleaning the house, chasing after their little baby Singhs and Singh'nee'yaa and again gather dirt and sweat. Its only logical if you either have a full Ishnaan or just do Panj Ishnan'n. The only reason we do Panj Ishnaan instead of having a full head to toe Ishnaan is becuase we are either lazed out (like me) or you don't have the time becuase of other responsiabilities. In other words Panj Ishnaan could be called a "mini Ishnaan" The reason that we do Panj Ishnaan is becuase look at it like this; Pure Gursikhs that are in Sikhee Saroop 24/7 - wear a Chohlaa and wear a Dhasthaar right? Why do we wash the five concerned parts of our body becuase: ~ Face - It collects dirt and sweat, dry or dead skin appears and then we scratch the area around our face causing it to spread ~ Mouth - We eat. We speak. We collect saliva. We yawn. Whenever you open your mouth imagine what kind of air gets sucked in; pollution, smoke etc. ~ Hands - You touch so much stuff around you that you have no idea. ~ Feet - If you wear shoes, your bound to wear socks, imagine the sweat that goes into that. If you wear flip flops, your feet are bound to touch the floor at some point, again how do you know whats on the floor? Worse yet, whens the last time you washed the inside of your shoes or your flip flops? ~ Legs - Again just like your face, with Singhs that wear Chohleh, they have bare legs, they collect dirt, they sweat etc. I think you understand what am getting at. Just becuase Muslims do Panj Ishnan'n doesn't mean they own it. Like I said before the population that lives in the Eastarn part of the world are very similar to eachother.
  14. locw smsir iehu ibauhwrw ] To look upon all with an impartial eye - let this be your daily occupation That goes for me and you.
  15. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Hardeesh Singh Jee's account 1. The first point is pretty clear and obvious. If you have someone in your family that does smoke, or take drugs; you can’t exactly avoid them in the sense you break your relationship and/or don’t have any contact with them, but in a case like that you wouldn't go a sit with them or be in their Sangath when their doing their smoking or drug thing. You should keep SOME space between you and them but not to the extent you make yourself look inferior (Haumeh-fied) than them and increase your never-ending ego. haumY sBw gxq hY gxqY nau suKu nwih ] In egotism, all must account for their actions. In this accounting, there is no peace 2. Those that kill their daughter at birth; again pretty straight forward you shouldn’t join together and become best friends. Don’t go to lengths of being like ‘psssh I aint going to talk etc with you, you daughter killer’ or whatever. Just be aware and remember that they did what they did and you should avoid being in their company. 3. Eating from someone who has no moral principles doesn’t necessarily have to mean they aren’t Gursikh so am not going to eat from them. Obviously if you’re AmrithDharee you should get another AmrithDharee to make your food for you or you should do it yourself. As for you saying that does that mean we can’t eat from supermarkets....? I think your looking into it a little TOO much...obviously in Puraanthan times and even now in India, food is made from scratch, I doubt here in the western world you could do that. Yes you could do that if you had a farm and you did keh’thee bahree. But living in the western side of the world you only have the supermarkets. The only thing to help that is by preparing the food yourself or getting some other AmrithDharee to make it. If it bothers you so much eat simply: En@I dunIAw qoVy bMDnw AMnu pwxI QoVw KwieAw ] They burn away the bonds of the world, and eat a simple diet of grain and water Just eat dhaal Parshadhaa, and drink Jal. You could eat fruits and vegetables that you grow yourself. ‘Preeti’ Bhenjee you asked about how if the AmrithDharee we sit near doesn’t follow the Reyath Maryadhaa and you didn't know; well I doubt Vaaheguroo is going to penalise you for sitting near someone who doesn’t follow the Reyath Maryadhaa becuase you didn't know. Its about when you KNOW that the person sitting near you is like a proper Manmukh, and you chose to sit up right close and be in their Sangath. We are all quick to say how this and this Reyath Maryadhaa is harsh, the thing is no it isn’t we all chose to change the Hukam instead of ourselves. We all choose to stick to our comfort zones, end of the day we lose out.
  16. no i don't do Thabeh'yaa'n di seva. coz i don't keep me hair.so i can't.i am very happy to do seva in shoes corner + wash dishes.i will try to take ishnaan before to go GURDWARA every evening.but in the morning can i do JAP JI SAHIB without ishnaan.i didn't take GUTKA SAHIB in hand just i keep in my mind JAP JI SAHIB.so i think i can do in morning without take bath.coz i don't have time in morning to do bath.just wash the hands + mouth and ready to go for work KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee's account Well I think everyone would agree with me by saying that if you do Jap Jee Saahb in the morning without doing Ishnaan first; then you should at least do Panj Ishnan'n - this is washing your: ~ Face ~ Mouth - brushing you teeth and tongue ~ Hands ~ Feet ~ Legs - up to your knees The only reason that its important that you do Ishnaan is obviously for hygiene reasons, but the purpose of it is also that if you refresh your than (body), you feel fresh - that way you can refresh your mind and Spritual being when doing Paat. A Singh with MAHAA Gyaan explained that everyone is quick to say that you should have cold Ishnaan every morning. BUT that isn't straight away jump in the bath full of cold water. That doesnt mean jump in the shower turn the cold tap on full blast. It is important to use WARM water FIRST, because only warm or hot water can get rid of dirt. Cold water just hardens the mehl (dirt) and thats it. Try it, wash a clothing that has a stain on it with cold water and try scrubbing it so that it comes off - IT WILL NOT COME OFF (trust me...). Then put that same peice of clothing into hot or warm water and then scrub it - it WILL take time to take the stain off but it WILL come off. What am getting at is that Singh Jee explained that FIRST use WARM water to clean yourself, then after use cold water you wake yourself up. As for you saying that you do Jap Jee Saahb from memory - its good you know it Khant but doing from memory isnt that same as doing it from a Gotkaa Saahb. You get more lahaa when you read EACH Uhkar (Letter), EACH Shabadh. We supposed to feel blessed that we been given the eyesight to READ Banee and better yet have the sohjee to read Gurmukhee - not everyones been given that (Vaaheguroo).
  17. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee's account psssh didnt think a serious topic would get replies.... :rolleyes: I forgot most of youse only post in important topics like the ones in the fun section.... :think
  18. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Welling Vahleh's account Well, I don't know about you eating meat - it isnt my place to make comments about that. As for you original question, I don't actually do Amrith Vehlaa, but I think am right in saying that you say that you don't have time in the morning to do Ishnaan. Well do you think it would help if you went to sleep a little earlier at night and got up earlier in the morning? According to various agreeable Reyath Maryadheh your supposed to have Ishnaan every morning head to toe. Some people do Ishnaan more than once everyday - their own hygiene and Shardhaa I guess. But as far as I know if you don't do Ishnaan in the morning becuase you don't have time, maybe you should do Ishnaan before going to the Gurdhvaaraa in the evening. See it as this if you wanted to do Thabeh'yaa'n Dhee Sevaa at the Gurdhvaaraa, you wouldnt be allowed to do it if you havent had a FULL Ishnaan (Head to toe) - win over your challenges. Just my £1.27 pence. :cool:
  19. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Welling Vahleh's account http://www.chaupaisahib.com/ I don't know whether that's been posted before or not - but I never read that before - either way makes you take a step back really - by the way I don't know whether its true or not but as far as i know and concerns me you should be doing Paat from a Taksalee Gotkaa - WAITTTT - don't think am trying say that BECUASE its Taksalee (dont bother PM saying I did it on purpose...) - all of you that try to hold a AKJ Reyath Maryadhaa - this isn't supposed to offend you or ANY other Jathaa - am just saying that its Taksalee Gotkeh are Shudh The latest ones look like this - go get it http://www.dtfbooks.com/Pictures/Products/...e/Image2125.jpg I aint here to argue so don't start nothing - the only reason I posted a new topic is to chat about that link at the top... I had no idea that Dhasam Granth was at almost EVERY Gurdhvaara - and i thought it was apaneh Singh's touching on the latest fashion when they would roll their Dhareh Saahb's up - pretty disappointing that ghoreh could change our Gurbanee, have Dhasam Granth removed from Gurdhvaareh and change the TRUE p'shaan of a Gursikh
  20. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Welling Vahleh's account did that boy that was dancing in water win?? loll oh my god he was crap man <_< loll soz (Vaaheguroo) but come on man hardly a talent... :rolleyes: I don't wanna be outta order but Signature's FIRST attempt was better - the zombie one and this final one was hardly ALL of that....
  21. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Welling Vahleh's account Gurbanee has made NO reference about when "Banee" is added to Siree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee (has that ever happend?? :umm: ) or our Goht'keh. When Gurbanee refers to Kuchee Banee Vaaheguroo is talking about Kuchee Banee in the sense that leads us AWAY from Vaaheguroo. That doesn't have to be in the sense of reading some other religious Paat etc. In Chaupeh Saahb it says: Thumeh Shaad Koee Avar Naa Dhyaoo'n || Now in MANY translations it is translated as something like 'May I never meditate on anyone else's name except Yours' - thats erm...quite different but in actuall sense the PROPER translation to that is in the sense that May I not mediate (praise, do Poojaa etc) of anything apart from you We as manmukhs do Poojaa of other things everyday - tv, books, music, friends, msn (like me ) - Relating with that when referrring to Kuchee Banee - it is meant by ANYTHING and EVERYTHING we do, see, smell, eat, and hear that is nothing to do with Vaaheguroo or Sikhee. Of course, there is Kuchee Banee in the sense like books we read and stuff that are a load of ehmee. The only reasons we find it so difficult to concentrate in Sikhee and anything related to it is becuase it is TRUTH - everything and anything else is easy becuase its fake - no one be offended by that trust me am caught in Maya BIG time - like am writing all this out like am some BhramGyanee and knows it all but trust me yeah am caught up in doubts and crap BIG time :cry: But yeah I think I made a point up there about Kuchee Banee - it is ANYTHING and EVERYTHING you do that isnt related to Vaaheguroo or Sikhee!!! Also, if anyone feels like helping me out with any pointers about doubts and how to get rid of it I'd appreciate it! Thanks Dadhee Jatheh are SIKK - they tell WICKED stories!!! They dont "sing" Banee - they use Gurmukhee when telling the story - they may use Gurbanee when referring to happenings in the past but they wouldn't sing it in the sense of like you know how you sing when you do Keerthan with the vaja lol
  22. Well like I've said before I may have made PLENTY mistakes :happy: - I don't add them poppy seeds or whatever - I keep straight - I made it the way its said above - as for the no milk or lehchee'yaa etc - I asked my MamaJee - he goes you can add whatever you want so kee pathaa hon - anywho if I've got it wrong I didnt do it intentially - but most of us that didnt know what Shardhaee consisted off have been given SOME kind of idea even if I've made mistakes!
  23. KKV using Akhalee Nihang Baba Hardeesh Singh Jee Velling Vahleh's account Thanks to Nihang Singh attached is the receipe of how to make Shardaaee I may have made PLENTY mistakes when typing the receipe so scuse a Bhenj. I HOPE its what is called a "basic" SrdweI - I had to ask Singh for the receipe - I could have mixed and/or forgotten somethings. Mind you when my MamaJee made it in India, he had this whole other stuff in it aswell....so I dunno - anywho enjoy! If the attachment doesnt open - PM Harry (Singh_In_Welling) and I'll send it you through email. I don't get how this silly attachment thing works lol :happy: Just so you lot know when I say Nihang Singh (^^ in bold), I dont mean Hardeesh Singh - am talking about another Nihang Singh - just letting you know if theres any problems with your Shardhaee or whatever it aint either of there's fault - its moi's :happy: And yes the attachment don't work - sorry :console: SHARDHAEE.doc
  24. :lol: look I wasent rippin you - I wasent trying to make you look inferior either. It isn't about me trying to take out your Gurbanee mistakes. I can see that your twiddling your thumbs over the fact that I took your mistake out. That wasent the purpose. The purpose of me doing that was to emphasise the fact that if Gurbanee isnt pronounced correctly - then it cannot be understood correctly - therefore it cannot be implmented correctly. Pronounciation ----> Understanding ----> Implementation Whether you believe that is up to you - my opinion. How can we communicate with Vaaheguroo if we don't know how to pronounce the language of Gurbanee, how can we understand the language of Gurbanee if we don't know how to pronounce it and finally how can we implement Gurbanee is we don't know how to understand Gurbanee? I aint trying to start arguments - if was a general opinion - trust this site to get uptight.... If you want a apology am sorry - it was nothing personal... loll i bet he aint going to say anything to you... <_< :happy: Depends on the time of sunrise - too much aggro over this topic - I don't do AmrithVehlaa so am not going to say its this and this time sorry!
  25. JAP JI SAHIB JI AMRIT VELA SACH NAAUN WADAIYEE VEECHAAR main roj hi alarm band ker ke sou jana haan kinna stupid haan main Hey thats a convinient Thukh to use here but i REALLY hope you don't mind me correcting you (it probably aint your fault - you may have just copied the Thukh from STTM) but why do we pronounce 'VAAVEH' as a 'W' when it comes to pronuncing in english? It may not change the meaning of Gurbanee in this case but if you look at PLENTY english Gutkeh and other books which explain Gurbanee - just by pronouncing a letter or word wrong it changes the whole meaning of the Shabadh. No offence geeza I don't want to preach but am just saying :happy: how could he have coppied it from STTM when sttm only does the vaava's as v's, and you have to type the v letter to get a vaava out. a(n)mrith vaelaa sach naao vaddiaaee veechaar - thats how it is on sttm Your totally right. Just so you know I wasent taking diliberate shots at STTM - like i said before on SS, STTM is a wicked website - youse lot are doing MAJOR Sevaa. I only made the above comment so that 'SonyNeech' wouldn't feel like I was dissin him or something - I had no intention of knocking STTM. I personally think it depends what your doing during the time your waiting for AmrithVehlaa. Next level Gursikhs stay up before AmrithVehlaa and do PROPER Simran and/or Paat and right through AmrithVehlaa. The following comment isnt directed at you - its for me lol - Theres no point sitting at a computer or infront of the tv waiting for the time to turn 3:00am - your mind isnt relaxed becuase your tired (no sleep) - if you arent tired - while you do Paat and/or Simran your mind will track back on what you was doing on the computer or watching on tv. Up to you - it don't work for me...
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