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WJKK WJKF, Daas will be in UK from Canada around Nov 20-30 and I was wondering if there is any AKJ smagams in the UK at that time ? I don't see any online on the website but perhaps they might not be listed yet. Does any UK sangat know of any akj programs or any other smagams that happened around nov 20-30 in UK? Daas would like to attend some smagams in UK. WJKK WJKF
ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕਾ ਖਾਲਸਾ ਵਾਹਿਗੁਰੂ ਜੀ ਕੀ ਫਤਿਹ Dear Sadh Sangat ji as we do our Anual Kirtan Smagam same we are doing this year too. Sangat from all over Europe will come to take part in this smagam. We will also try to hold an Amritsanchar again. This time the Smagam is on Fr.31.05 - Sun 02.06.13 We request the Sadhsangat ji to join this Smagam and to take part of it. More information same as Poster etc. I will post soon as possible. Kirtani: Venue: Gurdwara Singh Sabha Sikh Center e.v. Schwarzer Weg 32, 22309 Hamburg Contact: Ramen Deep Singh Robin Singh +49176 609 3982 Gurdwara +49 40 63708902 E-Mail Amrit Sanchar: Amritsanchar will be on Saturday
To celebrate Vaisakhi and commemorate the Amritsar Massacre that set alight the flames of justice in the panth and gave birth to the dharam yudh morcha. Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK invites you to join sangat from all over the world for the 19th Annual International Akhand Kirtan Smagam. Many Kirtani Jathas and sevadaars from around the world will be taking part in kirtan seva. Giani Pinderpal Singh (Kathakaar) will also be attending the smagam. All programs at: Sri Guru Singh Sahba Gurdwara, Princess Street, Derby, DE23 8NT Monday 14th April - Wednesday 16th April 2014: Sri Akhand Patth Sahib: 10am Arambh - 5.30pm Bhog followed by: Rehras Sahib followed by Akhand Kirtan: 5.30pm-9pm Thursday 17th April 2014: Asa Di Vaar Kirtan: 6-10am Rehras Sahib & Akhand Kirtan: 5.30PM-9pm Friday 18th April 2014: Asa Di Vaar Kirtan: 6-10am Rehras Sahib & Akhand Kirtan: 5.30PM-9pm Saturday 19th April 2014: Asa Di Vaar Kirtan: 6-10am Akhand Kirtan: 7.30pm-12am Sunday 20th April 2014: Akhand Kirtan: 8am-11am followed by Mahan Panthic Conference Reansabai Keertan: 6:00pm-5:00am Other Information Please note Amrit Sanchar on Saturday 19th April 5PM Accommodation has been arranged for the whole Smagam. Bibian accommodation has been specially arranged. For further details, contact Bhai Bhupinder Singh on 07719225401 Bibiaa and family accommodation will be catered for contact Bh. Bhupinder Singh Special exhibitions will be on display in National Sikh Museum covering history from the Guru Khalsa Panths, the 1978 Shaheedi Saka, Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh and the ghadar movement - Amrit Sanchar Information - - Saturday 19th April 5PM - Wear 5 Kakaars, including Keski and Dastaar. The colours for Keski and Dastaar are Blue, Black, Basanti/Orange and White. Wear Gurmukhi Baana. Males should not wear Pajaami while females should wear Pajaami. Bibiyaan who wear a suit, must ensure that the suit is plain and loose. Kirpan must be made of Sarbloh and held in Gaatra. Kachhera must be White only Karra must be made of Sarbloh All Abhilaakhis must come after Body & Kesh Ishnaan, please ensure Dastar and Bana are 'sucha'. 5 Kakaars Will be provided as free Seva if needed Note – It is strongly advised all New Abhilaakhis should do 2 hours Mool Mantra Jaap & 7 Baniaa in preparation for Amrit. (Ideally starting months before) All Abhilaakhis should sit and listen to the Akhand Paath Sahib & attend the Keertan Divans
Waheguru ji ka Khalsa Waheguru ji ki Fateh, Dear Sadh Sangat Ji, Thanks for helping me with my last gupt post....( Help! My Life, Naam Kamai And Gur Sikhi Prachar ) With the Grace of Guru Sahib ji , i have decided to do SEVA and help SIKHS living in Remote Areas of Rajasthan (Pakistan Border Area) India and SIKHS living along with Ghaghar River.... !!! PLEASE POST YOUR SUGGETION, COMMENTS about this Project !!! We will need Support and Fundraising help from Sikh Sangat. The Ghaghar River flows through Rajasthan's Sri Ganganagar District towards Pakistan. This river is named Ghaghar River because it was use to flow like A women wearing Skirt doing Whirly dance. Water spins very fast due to whirly effect and it starts cutting the soil/ shores and many kilometres long land will suddenly get sunk into river water. Story of this Area : It is said that one day Dasven Patshah Dhan Dhan Sti Guru Gobind Singh ji was going through this area with his Sikhs. Guru ji and sikhs started to cross the Ghaghar river in Bedis and 40 Sikhs of Guru ji stuck in the Ghumangheri (swirling water), sunk, and died. This happened between two places known as Malla Tibba and Jhanda Tibba. Guru ji then gave Shrap to the Ghaghar river that - O River You will Dry one day, my Sikhs will come here, they will Rip your chest and they will do khethi ( farming) on your chest. River asked in reply Sachhe patshah when i will flow again. Guru ji said you will flow very occasionally. Since after that many Sikhs settled in this area and started doing farming Inside and along the river. I was born and grown in this area. I have countless number of farms ( even many villages) are actually inside the river flow area ( or between both shores of the river) When heavy rain comes in Punjab , they put excessive water into Ghaghar river ( it happens 2-3 times in every 5-7 years) and it supplies minerals and water for farming properties in the river. This area is Mini Punjab of Rajasthan. Coz it gives a big amount of crops (Wheat, Cotton, Mustard, Pulses, etc.), fruits like orange, sugar cans and other things to Whole Rajasthan. Sadly - There is NO GOVERNMENT SUPPORT to this area, no facilities, not very good hospitals, not good education, bad roads, even not enough volume of water is supplied trough Farming Canals due to Politics of Rajasthan government. This area is self developed by local people. When farmers put their seeds in their fields, government cuts down the water supply form many days to months. About Sikhs living in the Area and common issues: Most Sikhs are farmer. There is no Gur Sikhi Prachar in the Area, Most Sikhs have forgotten their real Values and going on the path of Patit Puna. Don’t ask about Young Generation. There is Theka (bottle shop) in every small village. But this area is far away from big intoxications / drugs. Killing of Unborn Daughters in Sikh Families is very common in this area. Rude culture / DAWRY system - Grooms Family asking for Meat, Chickens, Branded Wines, Car/Motorbikes, Cash and arrangements of Female Dancers is very common. Needs: There is a big need of Gur Sikhi Prachar and to develop personal links with Sikhs in the area. There is a big demand for a good Hospital. Closet good hospital with emergency facilities PMB (prince bijaysingh memorial) hospital, Bikaner. Which is 163kms away from Gharsana, 186kms from Anupgarh. Distance calcution Source: Sikh Awareness. Our project (currently on rough paper) : Stage #1 1. Starting a Good Hospital: Mothers & chalderns - priority Emergency facilities - priority Aged and Youth - secondary 2. Guru Ghar and Gurmat Prachar center: Organizing Gurmat Samagams and Amrit sanchars Build a team and organize personal link with Sikhs in area( hear problems and seek solutions) Preparing teams tyar bartyar Young Gur Sikhs for prachar Preparing Gur Sikhs to help in project Sikh Awareness – against Pakhandi Saaadhs/gurus, against intoxications, Sikh school & Taksaal ( inside Guru Ghar) for Gurmat Education, Santhya and kiratan learning for FREE Stage #2 3. Gurmat FM Radio Station: a. Setup a Gurmat FM Radio Station b. Broadcasting Gurbani, Kiratan , Katha and Katha done by Giani Thakur Singh ji ( DDT) and / or similar level katha to preach the message and values given by Guru ji c. distribute free FM radio receivers ( pre programed to receive only Gurmat Radio ) d. Sikh Awareness 4. Scheduled Monthly Samagams: Helping poor Sikh families and organizing Sikh marriage samagams Inviting various Raagi/keertani Jathas, Pracharks/kathavachaks , Dhadhi Jathas in every Samagam Amrit Sanchar & Naam Kamai, Gurmat Smagams Akhand Paaths of Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji Stage #3 5. Helping locals facing Water and Irrigation problems: Helping locals by Organizing Underground Water bore wells. For areas with Salty and Undrinkable water : Organizing Free Akhand Paaths and or Sri Sukhamni Sahibs, doing Ardaas and then arranging Underground Water bore wells . 6. Free Surgery Camps: Free Surgeries such as Eye, Dental, etc... Camps. Location: Location will be either Gharsana or Anupgarh or in between (Sri Ganganagar District, Rajasthan, India) Covered Area: (Sri Ganganagar District) Gharsana and rural Anupgarah and rural Ramsingh pur Sri Vijaynagar and villages around Suratgarh and villages around Raisingh nagar and rural Padampur and surrounding area Some areas of Chhatargarh (Bikaner District) Cost: Approximate: US $ 450,000 Sources of Donation: Sikh sangat of USA, CANADA, UK, AUSTRALIA Local Sikh sangat Online donations (for hospital) Crowd funding DDT Money collected trough personal links, Gurmat samagam Special: There is good prasang I cant remember which Paatsahi ( i think Patsahi 6) had a group of 1000 Sikhs. Whenever a Sikh wanted to build a house , Guru ji and sadh sangat will go to that Sikh's house and sadh sangat will give him 1 rupee and 1 brick , thus that Sikh will have 1000 Rupees and 1000 bricks to build his house. So please help ! Send your comments, suggetions about this project. Tell us how we can improve and fundraise. Links: Tehsilwise Map: Road Map: Sex Ratio Map (See Sri Gaganagar District)
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- help
- naam kamai
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Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!! Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!! Akhand Kirtani Jatha UKs Annual INTERNATIONAL AKHAND KIRTAN SMAGAM 2013 will commemorate via the essence of Shabad Guru, Vaisakhi and 100th Anniversary of the Start of The Ghadar Movement (1913-2013) & The Vaisakhi Massacre of 1978 in Amritsar from Monday 25th March - Sunday 31st March 2013 Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK invites you to join sangat from all over the world for the 18th Annual International Akhand Kirtan Event. Many kirtani jathas and sevadaars from around the world will be taking part in kirtan seva. Gursikh Kirtanis have been invited from India, France, Australia, USA, Canada and throughout the Guru Khalsa Panth Advert Smagam Breakdown The programme details listed below will take place at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Derby : - Monday 25th March - Wednesday 27th March 2013 Sri Akhand Patth Sahib: 10am Arambh - 6pm Bhog followed by: Rehras Sahib 6pm then Gurbani Veechar & Akhand Kirtan: 6-9pm Thursday 28th March 2013: Asa Di Vaar Kirtan: 5.30-9am Rehras Sahib 6pm then Gurbani Veechar & Akhand Kirtan: 6-10pm Friday 29th March 2013: Asa Di Vaar Kirtan: 5.30-10am Rehras Sahib 6pm then Gurbani Veechar & Akhand Kirtan: 6-10pm Saturday 30th March 2013: Asa Di Vaar Kirtan: 5.30-10am Rehras Sahib 6pm then Gurbani Veechar & Akhand Kirtan: 6pm-12am Sunday 31st March 2013: Panthic Seminar: 10.30am-1pm Raensbhai Kirtan MAIN INTERNATIONAL RAENSBHAI KIRTAN ON Sunday 31st March 2013 from 7pm-5am at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Princes Street, Derby, DE23 8NT. Tel : 01332 773010 For further details contact Gen Sec Bhai Rajinder Singh (07966 974505), email Amrit Sanchaar AMRIT SANCHAAR: Sunday 31st March at 5pm at Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Derby Can all ablakhyees contact Bhai Taranjeet Singh (07877 888874) to provide their names for the Amrit sanchaar. If you have questions, you can contact Jathedar Raghbir Singh on 01926 741 944 or Bhai Jarnail Singh on 01926 771 944 If any persons do not have full kakaars, then AKJ UK will provide them as part of the seva. Live Broadcast The whole Smagam & Raensbhai will be broadcast live on, Sangat TV (SKY 847) and Sikh Channel (SKY 840) Additional Programmes Special PANTH TIME on Saturday 30th March from 3pm - 5pm by Sikh Channel · Panthic SEMINAR AZAADEE Dedicated to Ghadar Movement on Sunday 31st March, 10.30am - 1pm · Special Q&A on Sunday 31st March, 4 - 5.30pm by Sangat TV · Gurbani Kantth Competition on Saturday 30th March, 2 - 6pm Contact: Giani Kulvinder Singh for details 07891 837208 · Special exhibitions will be on display in National Sikh Museum covering history from the Guru Khalsa Panths, the 1978 Shaheedi Saka and Bhai Sahib Randhir Singh Accommodation Accommodation has been arranged for the whole Smagam. Bibian accommodation has been specially arranged. For further details, contact Bhai Bhupinder Singh on 07719225401 Airport Pickups Transport will be arranged for all Gursikhs arriving from abroad at Heathrow, Gatwick, Birmingham, and all other UK Airports. Please contact Bhai Onkar Singh (07737749556). Coach Transport Coaches/Mini-buses will leave from the following towns for the Raensbhai Keertan in Derby on Sun 31st March. Please reserve your seats with your town reps ASAP. * Southall - Singh Sabha Havelock Rd at 5pm, Sevadaar Bhai Japsimran Singh 07400896809 * Slough - Khalsa School Wexham Rd at 5.30 pm, Sevadaar Bhai Onkar Singh 07737 749556 * Ilford - Singh Sabha High Rd, at 5pm. Sevadaar Bhai Upkar Singh 07747 770156 * Coventry - Singh Sabha Cross Rd at 6.30pm, Sevadaar Bhai Kulwant Singh 07854136413 * Woolwich - Ramgharia Gurdwara, Mason Hill, at 5pm, Sevadaar Bibi Navrup Kaur 07747 534502 * Croydon - Singh Sabha at 5pm. Sevadaar Bhai Harvinder Singh 07979 515849 * Tooting - Khalsa Centre Upper Tooting Rd at 4.30pm. Sevadaar Bhai Harvinder Singh 07979515849 * Gravesend - New Guru Nanak Gurdwara at 5pm, Sevadaar Bhai Seva Singh 07831 712430 * Manchester - Guru Harkrishan Gurdwara 6pm, Sevadaar Bhai Gurdip Singh / Bhai Jaskirat Singh 07723 921414 * Hitchin - Gurdwara, Wilbury Way at 5.30pm, Sevadaar Bhai Harkamal Singh 07816361811 * Leamington - New Gurdwara at 6.30pm, Sevadaar Bhai Joginder Singh 07723 367871 * South Shields - Khalsa Mero Roop Hai Kaas, at 5pm, Sevadaar Bhai Karnail Singh 07801 431855 * Reading - Singh Sabha, Cumberland Rd at 5pm, Sevadaar Bhai Parminder Singh 07984451061 * Bradford - Guru Nanak Gurdwara, Wakefield Road at 6pm, Sevadaar Bhai Maadho Singh 07850 947723 * Glasgow - Singh Sabha Gurdwara, Berkley Street, at 2pm, Sevadaar Bhai Manjit Singh 07769 354507 All other UK gurdwara's are requested to provide transport for their local sangat. Please ring the designated area sevadaar to book your places on the coaches. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This Month, Akhand Kirtani Jatha will be doing in addition to the above UK smagam, other smagams in Anandpur Sahib, Amritsar & Bathinda (India), Stockholm & Barcelona (Europe), Maryland, Boston, Bay Area (USA), Vancouver (Canada) and Melbourne (Australia). Many of these will be broadcast live on Recordings of smagams from Vancouver ( Canada ), California-Bay , New Jersey ( USA ), Seattle (USA), Bathinda ( India ) are now available to download on Vaheguru Ji Ka Khalsa!! Vaheguru Ji Ki Fateh!! Das Akhand Kirtani Jatha UK Jathedar Raghbir Singh For Smagam Details : Bhai Jaspal Singh 07788597073 / Bhai Bhupinder Singh 07719225401
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- ghadar movement
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(Admin jee - can this be a sticky? Want max sangat to know about amrit sanchaar!) Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh University of Waterloo’s Sikh Student Association Cordially invites all of you to join us for the 20th anniversary of Waterloo's Youth Keertan Darbars on March 15 – 17th, 2013 Programme: Friday (evening) Time: 5:30pm – 8:30pm Program type: Akhand Keertan Location: Cambridge Gurughar (1401 Roseville Road) Saturday (morning) Time: 6:00am – 10:00am Program type: Asa Di Vaar Location: Local House (TBD) Saturday (evening) Time: 6:00pm – 2:00am Youth Keertan Darbar Location: Kitchener Gurughar (2070 Snyder’s Road) *Amrit Sanchar STARTS at 6:00pm* (Contact us if you wish to take Amrit) Sunday (morning) Time: 1:00pm Event type: Gatka Location: Kitchener Gurughar (2070 Snyder’s Road) For those who do not have rides, there will be a FREE BUS leaving from Dixie Gurughar (7080 Dixie Road, Mississauga, Ontario) at 4:00 pm on Saturday, March 16th, 2013 in time for the YKD @Kitchener Gurughar. Please contact us if you would like to be on the bus. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us via: Email – Phone: 647 460 1882
NIRVAIR KHALSA JATHA WEST LONDON TOUR! Friday 21st Decemeber Guru Nanak Sikh Academy Springfield Road Hayes,UB4 0LT 6:30PM-8PM Sunday 23rd December Ramgarhia Sikh Association Golden Crescent Hayes UB3 1AQ 6:30PM-8:00PM Tuesday 25th December 2012 Guru Nanak Darbar Southall King St UB2 4DQ 7PM-8PM Wednesday 26th Decemeber Nanaksar Southall UB1 2DL 7PM-8:30PM Thursday 27th December 2012 Sri Guru Singh Sabha Southall Park Avenue 7:30PM-9PM Also the Sahibzade Shaheedi Smagam in Southall here is the link (Nirvair Khalsa Jatha will also be there on these days) Saturday 29th December 2012 Guru Amardass Hall, Opp. Gurdwara Guru Amardass, 1A - 3 Clifton Rd, Southall, Middx, UB2 5QP 7PM Sunday 30th December 2012 Guru Amardass Hall, Opp. Gurdwara Guru Amardass, 1A - 3 Clifton Rd, Southall, Middx, UB2 5QP 7PM
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- Southall
- Nirvair Khalsa Jatha
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1G Event Details: FaceBook Event:!/events/544774658883445/?fref=ts With the Grace of Sri Guru Gobind Singh Ji Maharaaj, London Youth have organised a National Smagam in the loving memory of our inspirational brothers the beloved SahibZadeh; Baba Ajeet Singh Ji, Baba Jujhaar Singh Ji, Baba Zoravar Singh Ji, Baba Fateh Singh Ji and Mata Gujhar Kaur Ji. The Smagam will take place at: Guru Amardas Hall (Opposite Guru Amardas Gurdwara) 1A CLIFTON ROAD SOUTHALL UB2 5QP There will Talks/Katha in English by various national speakers, and a diwans by Nirvair Khalsa Jatha. The whole Akhand Paath Sahib will be done by UK Born Sikhs. A special two day Sahibzade Sikhi Camp has been organised on the 29th and 30th December 2012, for application forms and more information please see attached poster. There will also be numerous stalls throughout the Smagam; Boss Stall - Selling 1984 merchandise and various books/literature Sikh Organisation of Prisoner Welfare Charity (SOPW) Sikh Antiques 1G Stall - Free Literature and CD's. Various Old Handwritten Pothis from the 18th/19th century will be displayed for the Sangat to see during the evening Diwans. An Amrit Sanchaar will take place on 30th December 2012, starting at 5pm. (For more details, or you wish to take amrit please give names to: 07958112975). Seva opportunities available throughout the whole Smagam, please contact us on; Donations / General Enquries: 07958112975 For Akhand Paath Sahib details, Jap Ji Sahib Rauls/ Akhand Paath Seva: 0783706621 Camp Applications / Seva: 07912615554 For more information and Seva opportunities please contact: 07958112975 Facebook: BeYouth Youth-Project Facebook Event:!/events/544774658883445/?fref=ts ________________________________________ Full Smagam Timetable: 28th Dec 2011: 4pm - Arambta Sri Akhandh Paath Sahib Pooranmashi Diwaan till late. 29th Dec 2011: 9.30am - 4pm: SIKHI CAMP FOR AGES 8-12! 5pm - Rehraas Sahib 5.30pm - Keertan 6.30pm English Katha - Bhai Amarpreet Singh (Mani) 7.15-9pm - Nirvair Khalsa Jatha - *Special English Katha and Keertan Diwan* 30th Dec 2011- (Sikh Channel will be recording the Divaan) 9.30am - 4pm SIKHI CAMP FOR AGES 13 - 15 and 16+! 3pm - Open Question and Answer Session (Can ask on the day or email us before hand). 4pm - Siree Akhand Path Sahib Bhog, Aarti and Kirtan by Bhai Hari Singh. 5pm - Start of AMRIT SANCHAAR 6pm - Katha by Bhai Kuljit Singh (Leister) 7-9pm - Nirvair Khalsa Jatha - *Special English Katha and Keertan Diwan* POSTERS ATTACHED! Please Attend and spread the word!!
Mata Sahib Kaur International Smagam 26Th Nov 2011
K4URageous posted a topic in POLITICS | LIFESTYLE
In loving memory of our mother Mata Sahib Kaur Ji, an International Smagam has been organised with sangat from 5 countries and in 8 cities. Taking part in a 12 Hour Sukhmani Sahib Jaap on 26th Novemeber and then a Sehaj Paat bhog at the Mata Sahib Kaur Academy in the UK on 27th November. Please see event poster or individual city posters for further details or for more info contact -
FaceBook Event:!/events/289982804377276/ With the Grace of Siree Guroo Gobind Singh Jee Maharaaj, The Youth of London have organised a Smagam in the loving memory of Siree Guroo Gobind Singh Jee Maharaaj's Prakash Divas and the great sacrifices of Baba Ajeet Singh Jee, Baba Jujhaar Singh Jee, Baba Zoravar Singh Jee and Baba Fateh Singh Jee and Mata Gujhar Kaur Jee. The Smagam will take place at: Guru Amardas Hall - Opposite Guru Amardas Gurdwara 1A CLIFTON ROAD SOUTHALL UB2 5QP There will Talks/Katha in English by various national youth speakers, and a special final diwan by Nirvair Khalsa Jatha on Bhog. The LONDON PREMIER of the newly relesed animated film; 'Singh Soorme' will be shown on the 27th Dec, 6.30pm. Langar Seva by Rockys Youth Keertan Darbaar on the 28th Dec, Keertan Seva by; Bibi Gurbinder Kaur of Acapella Jatha, Bibi Darshan Kaur and Bhai Hari Singh and other Youth. Also Katha in English on Guru Gobind Singh Jee's Prakash. During the day their will also be an Antiques Workshop, showing some rare images and pothee sahibs as well as shastars. Pizzas will be included in the Langar The Final Day we will have Bhai Harinder Singh and Nirvair Khalsa Jatha UK for a special Divan, Sangat TV will be recording the Bhog Divan There will be numerous stalls throughout the Smagam, Boss Stall - Selling 84 hoodies/T-shirts and various books/literature Khalsa Aid Sikh Organisation of Prisoner Welfare Sikh Antiques 1G Stall - Free Literature and CD's. For more information and Seva opportunities please contact: 07958112975 Facebook: BeYouth Youth-Project Facebook Event:!/events/289982804377276/ Full Smagam Timetable: 27th Dec 2011: 5pm - Arambta Sri Akhandh Paath Sahib 6.30pm Premier London Showing of "Singh Soorme" Animated Film! 28th Dec 2011: Seva of the whole Gurdwara sahib. 4-5pm - Antiques Workshop 5pm - Rehraas Sahib 5.30pm - Keertan and English Katha Divan Keertan - Bhai Hari Singh, Bibi Darshan Kaur, Bibi Gurbinder Kaur (Acapella Jatha) 29th Dec 2011- (Sangat TV will be recording the Divaan) Question and Answer Session. 5pm - Siree Akhand Path Sahib Bhog, Aarti and Kirtan by Bhai Hari Singh. 7-9pm - Nirvair Khalsa Jatha - *Special English Katha and Keertan Diwan* Seva opportunities available throughout the whole smagam, please contact us. POSTERS ATTACHED!
- smagam
- english katha
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