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Found 6 results

  1. This question has been bothering me for many weeks now, to the point where its interfering with my simran/nitnem, making me look at faith from a perspective which is making me question it. Why is there so much suffering and evil in the world? God is something that we can never know but we can experience it or have a relationship with it, other than that we are told that God is "caring" "provides for all" "doesn't send anyone empty handed" "our father" "God is love and love is God" etc all that stuff. If God is all of the above then why are there so many people suffering in the world? Why is God allowing the suffering and not doing anything about it? Why are there millions of starving children in the world, dying out of starvation? why doesn't God, our father, provide for them? letting them starve to death instead? In poor countries like India parents are selling organs to corrupt doctors so they can feed their starving children, if God is the provider then why hasn't he provided for those children? but instead leaving parents with no option but to sell their organs? Which loving God puts his children through that? how is God caring and providing for them? Why is God letting toddlers get sexually molested and raped? Countless children around the world are getting raped, why is God letting that happen? that's a very funny way for a "loving" God to show his children that he loves and cares for them. Last week a 6 year old dalit girl from U.P was raped in Hoshiarpur by a Sikh man and his Grandfather, they told the little girl they will buy her sweets and she followed them and that's when they raped her. Why didn't God intervene? when this evil act was about to take place? Between the location where they offered her sweets to the location where they raped her, why didn't God intervene? There are millions of children who are raped like this around the world. Did God not love this child? if he did then that is a very messed up way of showing her that he loves her. When a 5 year old child is about to get gang raped why does God not intervene? why does he let it happen ? does he not love them? You can say it was "Gods will" well that's a very nasty and fcked up thing to write in someones will by a supposedly loving God, no offense to anyone .... I don't know why a loving God would write that in anyone's will. Its very easy for us here sitting in the west harping on about how Great God is and how God=Love etc try telling a father who is deciding which organ to sell next that God "cares" and "loves" his child, try telling a 12 year old girl that has been trafficked and sold to a red light district that God "loves" her and "cares" for her. Try convincing a mother whose 3 year old has been raped and killed that God "cared" and "loved" her child. Why would a "loving" "caring" and "all providing" God put his children through all that? For us in the west poverty is just a documentary or a news segment not reality, the biggest thing we have to worry about is having to work with someone you don't like, breaking up with your partner, annoying neighbors etc Why am i living a comfortable life here in the west, lazy and care free, while a man my age in India is deciding which organ to sell next to feed his starving children. Why ? Another thing, why does crime take place in the most holiest of places? like Harmandir Sahib? women get sexually assaulted there and children get kidnapped. I was once reading reviews of Amritsar and a White tourist wrote how his wifes bottom was groped by a man at Harmandir Sahib, he said he complained to the authorities and the authorities said it's the medias fault and how they portray White women. This kind of behavior at holy places is not unheard of. Its been in the news how children have been kidnapped at Harmandir Sahib, I'm guessing their either sold, trafficked or used as sacrifices for black magic. Why does God allow this to happen at these holy places? Guru RamDas ji is said to reside at Harmandir Sahib, then why did Guru Ji let these crimes take place at Harmandir Sahib? What hope is someones prayer who has traveled to Harmandir Sahib from 100miles away, when people are getting assaulted and kidnapped at the very place? Why is the West which basically has highest % of atheists and irreligious people the most comfortable place to live in, while places like Asia and Africa where most people believe in God are some of the worst places to live in, war zones, poverty and disease ? people are crying out to God for help in those parts of the world, while here in the west people openly mock religion and God, that's a very funny way for God to show his believers he "loves" them! why ?
  2. Those images of being sawn in two , crushed on wheel , scalped alive, boiled alive, burnt alive, chopped limb by limb , etc seems very painful. Did they physically feel that pain or as one hazur sahib singh told me that they would take their consciousness in Dasam dwar and would not feel any pain. First, if they did feel the pain , then that means Guru's mercy was not with them during their death moments ? But then on the other hand if they didn't feel pain , it means their martyrdom isn't that significant ? Or perhaps I think case could be they knew they would suffer too much but still surrendered themselves to executioners , but then when the tortures began , to their surprise, they couldn't feel it .
  3. I don't know why there is suffering in this cold world, I see many innocent people dying even though they were religiously devout to God such as the 1984 Anti Sikh Riots. Why would God or Whaeguru do such a heinous thing to cause suffering and hell such as the 1984 Anti Sikh riots.
  4. Guest

    Who Cares ?

    A few weeks ago, after another freezing night in Paris, the dead lifeless bodies of 3 homeless Sikh men were picked up from the pavement by the Paris Municipal Authority and that's it. Everyone knows Paris gets extremely cold in the winter and everyone knows Paris has an unbelievably big rough-sleeping problem. People die. End of story. It's not the first time the Punjabi homeless have died shivering in the streets of Paris and it won't be the last. Who cares. But how do we explain that to the mothers, fathers and siblings of those young men ? How do we justify the fact that their boys died alone in the street while just over 100 miles away in the world's most powerfull city where Sikhs have a powerfull influence our people were too lazy to care, our preachers were too busy getting rich and our politicians were too busy massaging their own egos. Is this what it means to be human ? I'm not saying it is just us Sikhs that need to snap out of this selfishness because that is far from the case. For example, you have Americans displaying racist and uncaring attitudes towards Mexicans and you have Mexicans hurling rocks and spit at Hondurans and Guatemalan migrants for being darker skinned than them as they ride the 'beast' freight train through Mexico. We're all as bad as each other but I truly believe we Sikhs cannot by definition call ourselves Sikhs unless we care. To care should be an integral part of our psyche as a Sikh. So, to the mothers of those 3 young men I say this : We didn't know your boys...we never met them but....I want you to know that some of us did care and some of us did shed a tear. Even though your boys died completely alone in the harshest of conditions...in death they have found friends that care.
  5. All of our suffering is of our own making ! This dawned on me from within one of my deeper meditations. Lets see how our mind gets caught up in meaningless , petty things and prevents us from enjoying life to the fullest (i) Financial Suffering Buy only what you need and what you want - limit your needs , helping a kid go to school for example will bring you much more happiness than buying the latest gadget . The most stupid thing to try to do is to keep up with others and put up a show of wealth - its called rat race for a reason - rats start scrambling when they see one rat running , we have a more evolved brain - don't we ? Learn to take pride in your simplicity and even boast about it and others around you will find themselves shamed about their showy/flashy ways. ਏਕੋ ਨਿਹਚਲ ਨਾਮ ਧਨੁ ਹੋਰੁ ਧਨੁ ਆਵੈ ਜਾਇ ॥ (ii) Physical Suffering Again almost all chronic diseases - obesity, cancer, heart disease, diabetes etc are a direct result of indulgence - consuming way more calories than our body was ever meant to handle . Keep a simple vegan diet (no milk , fish , dairy , meat) and fast one day in a weak - see your weight come off and all your diseases . Being vegetarian is not enough as we are nevertheless stealing milk that was meant for the calf. Our health has a karmik link like all things in life - when we stop causing suffering to other sentient beings, in return our own well being is tremendously boosted - Dukh an deyi kise Jee Pat Seo Ghar Jaye || Do not harm any being and you will go to your home with honour And Jehre khange Choprey Ghane Sehange Dukh || Those who indulge in lavish food will suffer a great deal. (iii) Emotional Suffering We all have a tendency to carry grudges - someone did or said something bad to us ....take some deep breaths and thank them for it for taking some or our karmic debt off...what happened to us was just a result of our own karma and this person was only the messenger ..in other words akal purakh himself wanted this to happen to us ,if not them it would happen through another person or another means. ਲੇਖੈ ਬੋਲਣੁ ਬੋਲਣਾ ਲੇਖੈ ਖਾਣਾ ਖਾਉ ॥ लेखै बोलणु बोलणा लेखै खाणा खाउ ॥ Lekẖai bolaṇ bolṇā lekẖai kẖāṇā kẖā▫o. As it is pre-ordained, people speak their words. As it is pre-ordained, they consume their food. ਲੇਖੈ ਵਾਟ ਚਲਾਈਆ ਲੇਖੈ ਸੁਣਿ ਵੇਖਾਉ ॥ लेखै वाट चलाईआ लेखै सुणि वेखाउ ॥ Lekẖai vāt cẖalā▫ī▫ā lekẖai suṇ vekẖā▫o. As it is pre-ordained, they walk along the way. As it is pre-ordained, they see and hear. Remember there is enough in this world for every being , worry and jealousy are just wasted emotions - we are not truly happy until our happiness is infectious i.e. we make everyone around us happy. Feel free to pm me or on this thread if you need any gurbani tuk for a particular dilemma / suffering you are facing in this maya infested world .
  6. Guest


    i feel like i'm suffering a problem of jealousy! I'm a very popular guy, mainly within my wider family. Reflecting back on myself i feel that sometimes without knowing i get jealous as i want to be the most popular person or the most loved one. Although i don't do anything to hurt anyone but mentally ill be hoping that everyone likes me the best. I'll do this by not encouraging anyone to do anything. i very anxious and frightened by this issue because i dont want it to get out of control and my thoughts become actions (which i know never will but still the thought worries me) is there any baani i could recite to help me or any suggestions? humble request do not mock this post because it takes some balls to admit something like this!
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