Got a question about showering before doing nitnem. Rather then having a shower can we just brush our teeth and wash our face, hands and feet instead?
I normally get up between 5am-5:45am in the morning, but recently I've been waking up 4am-4:30am but I just go back to sleep again because its early, but Its keep on happening so I'm taking it as a sign that I should be getting up earlier!
But problem is, in the past when I've got up at 4am everyone else starts complaining and moaning that I woke them up! everyone else gets up at 5am! My room is in the attic, and its on top of my mums room, sisters room and dads room, the floor is wood and they can hear me moving around! my shower is in the attic as well and its quite loud! when the water hits the plastic base it makes a lot of noise, so everyone wakes up. When I get up around 5am or after then its Ok coz everyone else is getting up as well, but when I get up around 4am, they get all grumpy.
The last thing I want is everyone moaning that I woke them up! so whenever I wake up at 4am to do nitnem, rather than having a shower, can I just brush teeth and wash face, hands and feet instead! using the sink.
It gets really awkward and all problematic in my house over small things ? and I want to avoid that, especially first thing in the morning.