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  1. wsalam! lol thankyou, have just been busy with studies but I have popped in every so often just havent posted in a long while, hope you are well <_<
  2. yes i did feel the need to correct the original poster in his error, it was certainly not a case of 'defending myself'
  3. this whole episode is an embarrassment and a disgrace for the muslims and for Islam there is no doubt about that. The Sudanese have done us no favours by their actions. Sikh youth uk I beg to differ that the Muslim Council of Britain has made no response to this, see their website for their response. they themselves have called it "A disgraceful decision and defies common sense" - MCB's statement ... as have many other organisations in this country. please check your facts more carefully next time. Having said all that I fail to see how this is relevant to the discussion of Sikhism on a Sikh forum
  4. Threads like those come up on this forum time and time again and have done for years, no doubt there will be another one soon
  5. lol the minute someone disagrees with you, you call them a paedo follower... very mature. well each to their own i suppose.
  6. hmmm could have guessed this is the line you would take
  7. lol i'm afraid not. its been a long time since i was using this board unfortunately i became busy and wasnt able to visit although i came every so often :devil: i will always have an interest in sikhism as I like to read and learn about it and other religions btw nice to still see some familiar names on the board that i remember from about 2-3 years ago when i first joined! how time flies
  8. sorry but i find your replies slightly offensive. just because this man was of pakistani origin you have to bring religious references into it? really there is no need for it. religion has nothing to do with this, here we simply have a warped individual who has committed a crime, no religious jokes or mockery needs to be made. you can tell me i'm taking your comments too seriously but i think its unnecessary.
  9. peace all hope everybody is well, and for all those of us doing exams at the moment, all the best! i have always been a bit confused on this issue and hope someone may be able to help? where exactly does sikhism come from, where did it begin? was the first Guru divinely inspired and hence this lead to sikhism? if so then were all of the Guru's divenely inspired in turn? if not then how was the 'message' of Sikhism brought about? How was the Guru Granth Sahib compiled and by whom and when? Sorry if I got any names wrong I can only claim ignorance thanks :devil:
  10. what a disgusting video. he clearly has too much time on his hands
  11. peace all, hope you're all well i just wondered about how exactly Sikhism came about i'm a bit confused about it. What I mean is how exactly did Sikhism come to be? I understand there were Guru's but where did they get their teachings from? Do you believe it was revelations from God or soemthing else? I'm just confused as to where exactly it came from. I understand that it is definately NOT a branch of Hinduism, nor is it a muddle of Hinduism and Islam, so where isit from? If anyone could help with not to complex (!) and easy to understand information I would be grateful. no mention or comparison with other religions if possible please. I want this purly about Sikhism purly from the Sikh belief. thanks :D
  12. who is 'them' suppossed to be exactly? My muslim friends? if thats who you mean, they all came to the Gurdwara aswell!! you are too quick to make assumptions and judgements.
  13. lolololol i for one was certainly not 'doing reconnaissance' when I went to the Gurdwara. Your prejudice amazes me.
  14. Peace, I thought I might add that if you do decide to go to the Mosque, it is very unlikely they will ask or expect you to join in the prayers and pray in the way Muslims do. I would be very surprised if they did this. If they do it would be perfectly acceptable for you to say no and that you are not comfortable with it and you are Sikh and you dont want to do it. There is no reason why it should cause them any offense, and if it does, they are not entitled to feel that way. people warning you off because you might be converted are making me laugh lol. if you have strong faith then it shouldnt make any difference, but in the end it is what you feel comfortable with that matters. If you dont want to go then dont, but make sure its for the right reasons and not just because some <banned word filter activated> muslims that you know refused to go to the Gurdwara for no good reason. sikhlionz you post is appreciated I'm glad your experience was positive, as was mine when I went to the Gurdwara :|
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