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Amrit Kaur Khalsa

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Everything posted by Amrit Kaur Khalsa

  1. If I were to steal ur dilruba would you cry???

  2. Umm yeah I think we got the message of the topic - what's left to say???
  3. Well that gives u a chance to say u fully agree wiv her doesn't it?
  4. Bhenji said use maya less - maya like tvs nd computers (in most peoples cases) are used too much - so instead of watching 6 hrs of tv a day nd sleeping late try watching less and sleeping earlier. I see nothing to disagree wiv.
  5. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh Bhenjiiiiiiiiiii how u doin?

  6. At least give me an imaginary ladoo


  8. Fateh ji Bhenji last tym I saw u u were nowhere near 98 yrs old :)

  9. I dont like ladoos either but i can trade it 4 chocolate wiv my grandma lolz - SHER BHAJI PLEASE MAY I HAVE MY PROMISED LADOO???

  10. If u end up in hospital I'll give kaur_khalistani_lioness my new recipe to a yummy milky juicy fizzy summer drink (even tho the summer here is depressingly winterish)
  11. Fine wiv me - as long as I get my long ago promised ladoo :)

  12. ^^ don't bother - already tried it - pretty disgusting if u ask me - tho it os kinda interesting lolz peacemaker ji lets go bak to the profile wars we gone off topic
  13. Just out of curiousity I'll prolly try tht lolz. I don't like milk much - i like cheese I've seen worse. I'm surprised they let you type here without reading everything!! :lol: Lolz lets not get into that...
  14. surprisingly im not actually an addict im under strict parental rules - we cant open fizzy drink without permission how strict can u get???? lolz
  15. ^^shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ur not supposed to tell ppl GAWSH
  16. no way this is a NEW war - i got bored of the old one BTW I think Sher ji ran away frm the last battle <_<
  17. coke haters - :6 :6 :6 :6 :6 WOTS WRONG WIV U!!! Lolz joke the nihang singhs seem to like it tho ahh u see thts the problem once u get addicted and suddenly realize u start hating it - im limited to nothing more than one can a week (since when do ppl drink 3 cans a day (no wonder peacemakers neva serious))
  18. oh and where are the ladoos u were supposed to distribute? How come i didnt get one??? am i not important enuf??? :(

  19. yeah listen to Avnit bhenji lolz

  20. peacemarkers being mean to me :(

  21. stop apologising we werent even arguing properly

  22. firstly stop takin everything so seriously - the annoying thing woz a joke in itself :D I meant that ur ANTI GURMAT posts were annoying - and so is the fact u write in capitals - but i didn't mean anything - GAWSH :P

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