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Everything posted by simran345

  1. I had this when I had an chest infection, and wouldnt stop coughing, only had for one night. So it worked for me short term, but like Pal07 says, get advice on how much is safe to have without doing damage to ur body.
  2. Paji listen to or do Chaupai Sahib ji da paat, and Kirtan Sohila b4 goin to sleep. I used to hear steps everynight for a phase of time, at same time, which used to wake me up, but when i started doin moolmantar that helped lots. If u get scared, do simran, keep reciting Waheguru, call out for Waheguru, and imagine them with u in the room. Nothing can touch u or scare u when Maharaj ji are with u. I used to say to the fear, ajooo, come n get me if u can. And used to do out loud, these things are scared of Bani, as Bani is Guru, and Guru is Bani. Wherever ur Guru is with u, they always protect u, as long as u have faith in them, so put all ur faith, every single percentage inside of u within Guru Maharaj ji...then see how happy u will be..and relaxed.
  3. I matha tek to Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji, Maharaj ji, I dont need nobody confusing me saying I am not suppose to matha tek them. Stop confusing us Consciousness, wherever Maharaj ji are, people will matha tek to them. And what about the question I asked, I can see thats not even been answered and diverted elsewhere...its people like u that create anger in people like me, then have the nerve to say afterwards we should not get angry blaa blaa blaa...mera question tha kise ne answer nai kita...
  4. thankuji for ur advice, so u wash it b4 puttin the oil in... But i can never get th oil out, even if i put in once, it goes all greasy big time, and have to shampoo it like 4 times, as it sticks. Dont use hairspray, cant stand the smell of it, quite sensitive. oh the heaters weaken it, i thought that too, but i sometimes use them, and find that it helps my hair, as my hair is no good at all, goes all frizzy wizzy, sticks to the scalp and flys everywhere. but will bear that in mind. Thanks I used to use almond oil years ago, until i got the allergies. I heard coconut oil is good too. And saruhh da thel (mustard oil) is suppose to be real good, thats y they use it in india. but cant stand th smell of it.
  5. Yeah, i guess depends on how much one drinks too @ Singh559. My grandmother used to drink quite a few cups a day, "khaarkeh desi chaa", but when she didnt drink on one day, used to be so gusse, and start shouting at us lolz. I dont drink more than 1-2cups a day. I guess it can get addictive if u dont drink it in moderation. But coffee is not good at all, not had coffee in years, gives headaches, like coka cola.....
  6. Hi ,, Where can i watch this sunday's Question and Answer program, as i missed it this weekend. Cant find it on youtube, so any help would be appreciated. Thankuji....
  7. Tea is suppose to be good for health, it was on channel 4, it has good antioxidants or something like that, and good for a number of things... In relation to Sikhi, I dont know why people dont drink it, sorry.
  8. Is baby oil okay for head hair? My hair has become so thin and flyaway, have to put hairgrips like everywhre.
  9. simran345

    Dry Skin

    woww @ChuckSinghNorris, thats amazing how u recovered, u had full faith and got ur reward, what a lovely way to get healed... Thanks for reminding me to start eating bananas again, i dont like apples avacodes or peaches.. What about limes, are they any good?
  10. not together, i had coka cola first then could not sleep n had that orange n lime juice. Maybe i was thinkin about my life earlier on in th day, and how there is nobody one can trust nowadays. but it made me cry, and made me realise how many people are distorting Sikhi, leading people to wrong directions, from the dream.. ~I have forgetten about it now, but felt shaken when i woke up.
  11. What kind of conditions or ailments does he heal? or help towards? Does he ever come to the uk? Just looked at his website, but cant find info on any branches. yeah it is expensive for remote session. how long does a session last?
  12. I dont like him at all, or his songs, as listen to punjabi songs. Chaa peeiyee janda, his answers not even makin sense, only watched quarter of it. His songs and attitude are messing up youth in India. Then the students come to uk trying to be over cool, even th girls clothes are disgusting coz of this yo yo kamla. I know that Will offend some students but its true. Sanu ithe ake kende asi backwards hai, as if. Wow one song of Bhagat Singh, what about th rest of the bakwas that comes out his mouth, brown green jello girl da lagda.
  13. Just woke up, and had a real bad dream. Never had one like this before, i was at a gurdwara, not sure where it was but was big. We i were being attacked by bombs and their where there were nakli men in bana who were killing people if they tried to escape. It was just so frightening, i was trying to protect my family, but one member already passed away. We were trying to protect each other and their Was diversitiy of ethnic groups amongst us who were also suffering from this. Oh my god, it was absolutely awful being in this, remember it all, its really shaken me. Hope it was just a dream, god knows why i even had it. But did have coca cola and orange juice before going to sleep. I Will put it down to weather too, but felt had to share it, it got me worried. Sorry. There were also Gursikhs who were trying to pray for all me our safety, but those that were in disguise you could tell they were nakli if you looked properly at their faces.
  14. Thankuji Jonny101, u understand wat i am saying. For those that cannot read the above, it translates into: Prof Sahib Singh Jee has written ਕੋਈ ਭੀ ਬਿਪਤਾ ਆਉਂਦੀ ਦਿੱਸੇ, ਪਰਮਾਤਮਾ ਦੇ ਦਰ ਤੇ ਹੀ ਅਰਜ਼ੋਈ ਕੀਤੀ ਫਬਦੀ ਹੈ। Koi bhee biptaa ayundi diseh, parmaatma deh dhar teh hi arjoiyee kiti fabdhee hai... Meaning: whatever problem, tension you see forthcoming, it only is fulfilling to request from Waheguru's (God's) home.
  15. Panthicunity, you do what u want, I will do what I want. If i want to ask Maharaji ji for something, then thats my decision, my life.. Tu kon hunda manu kehn nu? And whats with the internet indirect bullying on me? I dont even know u, so apne karm vek, teh main apne vekdi. And stop friggin picking on me, do something with ur life instead of giving mehne on the net.
  16. I understand wat u are saying Panthicunity, but isnt it better to ask from Waheguru, and do ardas in front of Maharaj ji, rather than go to some pakhandi man who calls himself a baba and get ur head messed up in th process, and lose lots of things, including money, pride, morals, self respect, and the truth? Why go elsewhere, where people make promises u will get this and this if u do this and this, when we can do ardas in front of Maharaj ji? Thats wat im getting at, and why should we not go to Maharaj ji if we have a problem, and tell them instead of worrying about it, or going to wrong places?
  17. HAving the party after Maharaj ji has been home is not right. Why cant Anand Karaj not be held at home?
  18. Why are they even getting married in the gurdwara when they slag Sikhi off as u have mentioned? What exactly is the reason? Is it coz they cant find a venue? What?
  19. first time i seen a female play th table, soo lovelyy to watch this... sorry cannot help with th keys bit, but nice video..
  20. They are still there, its just that some cities or areas dont have much of a Sikhi environment. It depends on the type of sangat that one lives amongst. The youngsters will only follow what the majority is. or be interested at least towards it.
  21. Why do u want to trim it? Thats not good excuse, that god didnt do perfect job of making you. They did, they gave u everything you need, its us that start messing around with ourselves to look cool, or to fit in with the world. Im not perfect but if u already have a beard and never trimmed it, my advise would be dont look at others, u can tie it, if u feel that tempted. But once u start trimming its goin to be hard to grow it again. I did th same thing with my hair and its so hard to keep it long, or grow it. Dont mess it up, your young and lucky to have such a nice beard.
  22. simran345

    Dry Skin

    Hi HI Yes i know of a good cream, Cetraben emollient. If u have dry skin u need to use emollients to moisturise it. Ask your doctor for it, or if u can get without prescription which i think u can from the pharmacy. All these store creams have so much junk in them, and irratate the skin. There are different types of emollients. so try whatever will suit you. Also dont wash ur face with soap, and drink water, instead of coka colaa and all that junk...and alcohol no good either. Some info., that may help you http://www.nhs.uk/Co...troduction.aspx Check with ur doc too before u try these, just in case some ingredient does not suit you.
  23. simran345

    halal meat

    Would muslims eat meat that is not halal?
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