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Everything posted by genie

  1. I wonder what the motives of the 2 accused was to harm the kids or attack the gurdwara? Whatever the motive to let 2 non-sikhs in the Sikh holy city of amristar get away with any contempt for Sikhs is asking for trouble. As for gatka it should be in the circus, singhs either need to learn and teach the youth how to fight in urban modern warefare settings and modern shaatsters or go home and stop doing baazthi of Sikhi
  2. Surprised that someone even had to ask that question, thought it was pretty obvious? The Indian congress party govt and its hindtva brahmin elites had to make Sikhs take up arms in order to justify their murders to the wider public and in order to do this they had to provoke the Sikh civil rights campaigners to turn violent and pick up arms. The Sikhs did not take the bait even after much provokcation and beadi to SGGS Ji so the next plan of attack was to brahmin hindu men to dress up as turbanned Sikhs and kill Hindu low caste labourers on buses and Sikhs basically killing 2 birds with 1 stone get rid of their lower caste hindu rivals and Sikhs who were asking for equal rights. And they pinned the blame on Sikh separatists thus allowing the government to bring in the army and bring about Indian state terror e.g operation woodrose the mass murder of Sikh young men. If Sikhs were in the game of killing innocent civilians as Hindu mobs and Muslim mobs do are as recent history has proved they would have specially targeted brahmin hindu leaders and men from their community but strangely they did not. Nearly all the hindu victims of so called Singhs in punjab were migrant low caste hindus hardly any from the high castes, very odd.
  3. Just keep trying to improve youself see it as a war and not a battle and as a Sikh you are a warrior train yourself to win the war. As for gurdwara dont bother going there for any help most committee's are corrupt full of pendu's who do not understand the needs of the people of their congregation (hence low attendance figures on regular days) and some of them allow genocidal mixed-faith marriages. Keep away from bad sangat, the only sangat you need is you, yourself and your Guru. Start buying or borrowing Sikh related books and read and learn and understand Sikhi this will keep your mind occupied away from all the non-sikh lifestyle rubbish out there.
  4. Amnesty International and UN commission for Human rights are sold out white western centric propaganda organisations. They had a chance to vocally speak out against Indian state terrorism and 1984 genocide against Punjabi Sikhs for more than 30years now and they kept slient and only writing powerless and meaningless articles here and there. They instead concentrated on causes that are ideologically against the economic and political enemies of the west such as china, Iran, russia,etc India to them is the worlds biggest democracy where its ok to persecute, murder and rape and loot religious minorities with impunity. A chinese man farted in tiananaman square during 1989 pro-democracy uprising funded by western Intelligence agencies and it was all over the news in the west not many were killed by the chinese state crackdown yet the white western media and governments labelled the chinese are evil and oppressive yet thousands of innocent Sikh civilians died by the so called democratic Indian state in 1984 in a huge physical, emotional and spiritual terrorist attack by the congress Indian govt and army and the white western world either couldn't care less or sided with Indian govt because of economic trade deals and their covert proxy rule with their minions in the Indian parliament. Some of us pendu Sikhs need to wake up and see the real injustices we face in the white western pro-feminist pro-gay rights anti-religious rights world where they have not and still not reporting and campaigning against Indian atrocities on Sikh civilians.
  5. Wow didn't know the thread was going to get diverted to nihung vs singh sabha debate. End of the day we need a sarbat Khalsa to remove the corruption from our institutions and install real and true Sikh leadership that will begin the process of sikhification of not only punjab and kashmir but pakistan and beyond. SGPC and the goons that operate were put in place to deminish and reduce our population / political sphere of influence.
  6. Which anti-Sikh process and individuals elected makker and SGPC to rule over our religious and political affairs?
  7. No body got time for mixed faith marriages here. They are illegal under Sikh law and marriage rites. If you want to marry a Sikh girl in a gurdwara you MUST convert to Sikhi or be atheist Christian hedonist all you want and convert your girl also cos we don't have time for atheist punjaban's either go marry in a church or registry office instead of causing your families stress and inciting the Sikh community to defend our Guru. Both of you are welcome into Sikhi and both of you will have to follow Sikhi if you want an anand karaj Sikh marriage ceremony. if not then don't bother disrespecting and mocking our Guru Ji with sham marriage as you can tell by the news we take our faith very seriously and take SGGS Ji more holier than quran or bible that you can just chuck around. SGGS Ji is our religious leader, our light in the darkness of this world. So we will not allow inter-faith weddings in Guru Ji's presence. It's as simple as that
  8. Partly the reason but the major reason is that since the advent of the UN in 1947 all nations are basically cooperating with each other on shady deals for each others interests, those who dont have a nation to give them a voice like the Sikhs basically don't have anyone standing up for them on the international stage where it counts. Sikhs were cleverly trapped in 1947 in the Indian union by false promises and assurances by the brahmin congress leaders who were in the pay of the british rulers. The Sikh leadership were groomed into becoming freemason's who had to do the bidding of the British administration. And thus the poor Sikhs were forced to migrate to East punjab from west Punjab their traditional heart land by muslim mobs unleashed and uncontrolled by the british imperialists and jinnahs muslim league. Problem is we dont have super power regional allies that can give refuge to Sikhs should the need arise to take up the gun against the Indian Union again. China is the only hope to check mate and crush Indian oppression, pakistani's cant be trusted because they would have an islamification agenda in the long run. As long as Sikhs remain friendless with major powers of the day, there is not much chance of getting freedom from the Indian Union. That's why a collapse of Pakistan and Indian Union is the best chance Sikhs can free themselves from the sufferings and be masters of their own political destiny. The enemies of Sikhs getting freedom are those high up in the western political circles but mainly in the British establishment because they are the ones who trapped Sikhs in this situation from the days of the destruction of Sikh empire. The American Govt via CIA was covertly aiding the Khalistan movement via Pakistani ISI through Dal Khalsa against the Indian govt and army who were backed by the Russian soviet Union govt and forces in 1980s. And the British and israeli govts were aiding the Indian govt and army, how balmy was that? See how they didnt want freedom for our people but just wanted our bloodshed so that they could sell more arms and attack their ideological enemy communist russia.
  9. Wrong on all counts. Think this protest was unnecessary and achieved very little. Civil disobedience with huge numbers is the key to get results as its being done in punjab not 200 or so Sikhs turning up year after year shouting at the indian embassy when no one is even there to listen to them.
  10. They had more sense than be stuck with a group of pendu low IQ thugs bent on causing trouble for ordinary citizens and getting themselves arrested in the process No conspiracy the ones in blue were neo-nihungs they are pretty foul mouthed, bad tempered, violent simpletons who spend most their time bashing other simpletons like the ones from dal khalsa uk.... The neo-nihungs have love for SGGS ji but dont have love for Khalistan or any political Sikh cause like rajoana we had a few years ago... These simpleton pendu's would be be great to use in the battlefield against non-sikh enemies but put them in charge of a peaceful demo and they will not have the self control to not get provoked into a violent response. They got the jhosh but not the soch or the hosh. The Met police obviously had orders from above to be a bit more forceful than usual and provoke and clear the roads basically to show Indian govt that modi's visit wont have any problems and these protesters will be removed from the roads. Just look at the chinese president visit there was more police in central london than there was for the american president or the queen. It goes to show human rights and basic freedoms to protest fly out the window when trade and economic deals are at stake.
  11. Just as I had said preciously the racist white western media is only interested in covering stories positively of particular minority groups jews / israel, gay issues, feminist issues other minorities dont get a fair look in. I suspect because these 3 minority group members have infiltrated the organisation to push forward their own agenda's Problem is Sikhs don't expose this hypocrisy where it counts on huge alternative media platforms. They tend post things and complain in small Sikh forums where only Sikhs see these kind of double standards. If BBC is exposed on youtube and twitter often by alot of Sikhs and non-sikhs you will see more news about the Punjab and Sikhs cos the narrative will shift as Sikh voices will be more vocal.
  12. Doesn't matter the man has got balls, I respect him for that he walks about in Luton getting random muslim thugs try and attack him for simply speaking out against muslims attacking non-muslims and taking over area's under islamification agenda. He isn't a coward and he has the respect from most of the British Sikh community
  13. EDL are now made of mostly the same type of m0ron as the Islam-fascists of anjem choudarys lot, they just happen to be a different colour and fight for english nationalism. The only person I respect from the past EDL is tommy robinson he is a genuine decent bloke who stands up for Sikh causes and most Sikhs like him too.
  14. lol if that guy was a troll he wasn't a very good one he made islamic heaven look pretty perverted
  15. Why you complaining about the police they ain't racist as much as the everyday common man is. They are only following orders, if you have grievances it should be the ones giving them the orders and their paymasters. Similarly why are our people globally shouting about the punjab police in 2015 when its the people giving them the orders and paying their salaries are the ones who want Sikhs murdered? Come on lets use our brains.
  16. Had to happen one day, Its good the mor0ns got arrested now Sikhs will know they are slaves in the UK and India they will finally wake up. Even their peaceful protests, their tabla playing on the roadside like a bandar begger, their sit downs in the middle of the roads are not tolerated . The capitalist atheist whites with the power in the british establishment don't care for religions or your sensibilities about them, your ethnic peoples human rights. They only care about themselves, their nice lifestyle, their wealth and having a good time.
  17. Some nutty Indian woman pretending to be sikh that was on the same bbc show that jagmeet was on.
  18. Now the washington post has fairly covered the movement and jagmeet's protest on BBC. That is one of the leading mainstream news papers in America https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/10/20/sikhlivesmatter-sparks-a-fierce-debate-in-britain/
  19. Saw this on social media. Don't know how true it is but goes to show how far the Indian establishment and British establishment work very closely together to put on fake religious people in mainstream media to attack and belittle minority groups such as the Sikhs.
  20. !) Jagmeet has forced the BBC to show its true face and contempt for minority religious groups to have their voice heard. It's a huge humiliation for BBC which is seen as a realiable and unbiased British broadcaster to be outed like this worldwide. 2) The killings of 2 Sikh peaceful protesters in Punjab made news around the world to Sikhs in seconds which meant Sikhs could react quickyl and form protests offline and online. Back in 1980s the killings of dozens of Sikhs was business as usual and only the Indian newspapers, or Sikh old media punjabi newspapers would report it aboard after a week or so. The toleration level in the community for number of Sikhs killed was high because Sikhs mostly didn't mind if their fellow adherents were killed protesting for a good cause as it would qualify as shaheedi for the panth. But these days we have had enough of our people getting killed by our enemies we dont tolerate it any more and we will call out the murderers in the streets, in the mainstream media and on social media so that all the world can see and pressure is built against the aggressors. 3) Youths who normally we would are too busy wasting their life and time chatting about celebs on social media and apps were busy tweeting about SikhLivesMatter which is a good sign because it was around that teen age that passion for Sikhi is formed. If a person cares enough for his Sikh brothers and sisters to speak out on their behalf then they are not the part of the young lost generation we often talk about. 4) Badal and SGPC in punjab are feeling the heat, they can see that Sikhs don't trust them no more and will not tolerate their hold on our religious-political institutions. The time for reform has come, the time for Sarbat Khalsa has come
  21. Learn from the islamic's how they use propaganda and tactics they employ to get converts at these kinda events. They know every trick in the book. What they use is pressure selling from classic sales and marketing books.
  22. That's a troll put there by the islamic side to mock or divert the discussion when the non-muslim speakers talk. Its a tactic used by abrahmics to attack each other and new comers come on the hyde park corner scene
  23. I think the reason Sikhlivesmatter was used because it was a theme used by other victimised groups such as american blacks, gays, muslims, etc So why can't and why not Sikhs use it too? Plus its already in the public consciousness and that hashtag is pretty effective. The problem we have is we have atheist punjabi feminists who think they can preach to fellow Sikhs just cos they got a Sikh name and who think they are doing Sikhi a favor but actually are harming the Sikh interests and the struggle by advocating the killing the next generation of Sikhs. They think its ok to get with any non-sikh partner and create non-sikh offspring basically committing your own communities destruction / genocide in just one generation. Muslims would never do that cos they got right guidence from their mullahs, Jews are complaining about their numbers dwindling but got israel to repopulate their religion, Catholics would only marry a fellow catholic.
  24. Dude why you posting this? Any relevance to Sikhs?
  25. It's not free publicity its awareness that what we thought was a fellow Sikh turns out to be another liberal atheist punjaban
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