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Everything posted by genie

  1. lol i'm not angry I just think it would be a very wise and productive move for a blog or something exposing the randiya of the Indian punjabi community to the wider society so that it serves as a warning. If you get with a non-sikh not only will your name and future will be bleak but you probably will end up with some woman beating criminal ugly sullah who just wants to use and abuse you for his own financial gains selling drugs which has been the case 95% of the time in the news.
  2. About time our lads were chasing their girls. We need a huge increase of confident Sikh lads courting fit muslim girls for relationship and conversions to bring them out of the darkness of Islam. It's a shame this guy had to be a m0ron about it, Sikh guys need to be encouraged to convert their muslim girlfriends to Sikhi and not be ashamed to bring them home if its a serious relationship.
  3. If were all honest most will admit that Jatti's have the biggest rep for being the easiest punjabi club going Indian slags going after hindu punjabi / guji girls but also the religious Jatti's have a rep for being the most strongest in the Sikh faith You either get extreme liberal atheist jattis who pretend to be Sikhs yet get drunk most days, eating beef, smoking, sleeping around with non-sikhs and probably got more STD's than braincells. Or you get the right wing pro-khalistan / Sikh nationalist Jatti's who are fiercely proud of being Sikh and would make a good wife for any Sikh lad looking to start a family. Depends on the type of upbringing the girl has had and her level of IQ. The other caste girls tend to be middle of the road moderates.
  4. I think you have taken my sentiments out of context, when I say be hardliners I dont mean physically go and bash people who dont convert or dont conform to the way Sikhi should be treated. I mean not putting up with genocidal inter-faith marriages within a gurdwara, that is something we have the power to do and is within our rights as a religious community not for our community to be destoryed and diluted. And we can stop access for non-sikhs to come in to our Sikh gurdwara's to get married to Sikhs thats just common sense. Like all other major faiths groups like catholics, jews and muslims that dont allow non-adherants to marry one of theres we Sikhs have every right to do the same. Secondly we do need to follow the islamic model to a certain extent not the physical mental mullah crazy side but the sly covert islamification type that's going on. If we analyse that model we can see how effective it is and it all starts at home, the masjid and then to wider society via peer pressure. Sikhs used to be like that when they first came to the west they would stay in small tight circles and held their community strong in gurdwara's but as Sikhs grew rich and affluent they wanted to see more of the world and integrate into the wider western atheist hedonist society and so hardly any Sikh youth is a regular gurdwara attendee cos its boring and all in foreign punjabi lingo and thus that path lays our destruction cos we havent kept up with change and modernity of tends. The path that the Sikhs are following in present times is full of maya and illusion of this dunia and before you know it the Sikh and his guru have been separated by the tide. As gurbani says the guru is the boat if the Sikh wishes to save him/herself in this world they must use the guru to guide themselves across the ocean if they don't then their soul will bed doomed to a fate worse than the act of death. This message must be emphasised to our youth, the young Sikhs have not been taught the frightening prospect of being reborn of another creature after death lower than a human if they realised that reality maybe they would think twice of foresaking their Guru and Sikhi for the illusions of this world.
  5. I liked it until I heard him say we are not here to convert anyone or Sikhs dont want to convert people. That is a huge mistake and a face in palm moment. Never ever tell the non-sikh you dont want to convert them otherwise whats the point of parchar and of Sikhi. The very mission of Sikhi is to convert people away from their abrahmic cults and atheist mindsets and worship towards true God Waheguru and his true religion Sikhi. The way we convert people to Sikhi is diferent from abrahmic cultists but our mission should be the same to increase our numbers because the more Sikhs there are the more sewa we can do for needy people the more society will benefit for good.
  6. The white girls who convert to Islam tend to be the ones who were fundamentalist christian minded and cant stand the way atheism has taken over christianity diulting it and allowing homosexuals, feminists,etc to take it over so they rebel and convert to islam that puts women in their place and men on top as it should be in the social order of things. The other type of white girl that converts is the one who is atheist hedonist minded she finds a muslim guy who slowly grooms her first with lovey dovey stuff hiding his islamic intentions once he has got her in love he introduces Islam and slowly starts isolating her away from non-islamic friends and activities and before you know it he has groomed her into islam and when he is ready he asks her to marry but tells her he cant marry her unless she converts which she then readily agree's to. Its very easy, if Sikh guys followed the examples of muhamamd and muslim guys we would have a surplus of girls. If Sikh guys followed Sikhi properly and not some watered down westernised feminist version then we would have 4+ wives, we would be incharge of the affairs of the house and kids. But because Sikh households and UK society is now liberal atheist matriarchal we are seeing the opposite trend of what we really should be seeing. While Islam paradoxily retains that patriarchal control over offspring and women, which allows it to expand its population.
  7. yup it happens same with muslim girls to its not like their community doesnt have girls who run off with non-muslims but most cases of indian girls marrying out is with hindu girls. White atheist/christian girls are the easiest then its black girls then its hindu gurls then sikh girls and then its muslim girls. To be honest these things will happen in a multi-racial multi-cultural country you cant stop these things happening girls will rebel and be whoores if their mothers, media, government schemes or peers taught them to be like that. It's just how it is...
  8. Sikhs deserve to be mocked cos they too busy sucking off islam rather than attacking it. Until Sikhs take attacks on Sikhi more seriously than muslims take attacks on Islam then we as a kaum deserve to be mocked cos we dont care enough as much as they do to make propaganda like that. Ask yourselves what propaganda have you made in favor of Sikhi and expose Islam/muslims on social media or youtube? I bet most of you will say nothing...and that's the problem you guys don't care enough about Sikhi to be proactive and defend Sikh using modern day online shastars.
  9. You should start a blog or something exposing these nutters. Use your IT skills to expose these kuttiya all over social media
  10. Inter-racial marriage isnt a problem in Sikhi. In fact Sikhs should be encouraged to marry outside their caste/race if they want to as long as the other person is a Sikh. The problems begin when you have a person brought up in one culture/religion and their partner brought up in another. Then its very difficult to reconcile the deep rooted differences of what they are comfortable with. For example I've talked to a few Indian hindu/sikh girls who dated white atheist/christian guys and asked them why didnt you marry them? Or why did you get divorced the simple answers were the white western culture is very much about the self and selfish geared towards getting pissed and getting laid and thats about it the Indian culture on the other hand is centred around the family and looking out for one another in the community. When you have coconut bimbo Indian girls brought up in totally western white culture then they dont really have problem of that culture clash when they date/marry white guys but they still end up regretting getting with the white guy cos the white guy if he is of atheist/christian ideology will mostly just want to use and abuse the "exotic" Indian slag for a good time until a hot beautiful white girl comes along that makes him feel comfortable in his own skin. End of the day these Indian girls who date outside their race will never be accepted by Indian guys who have a brain because they have shown their disloyality to the community and therefore will teach the offspring to be likewise. Indian guys who get with white girls face similar problems because the offspring will take after the white womans culture if she does not convert to the guys religion/culture. So inter-racial mixing is allowed in Sikhi but only with fellow Sikhs. if your punjabi parents allow you to marry any old white/black who is atheist/christian/muslim then your parents are are basically atheists themselves and you should ensure you carry the torch for Sikhi cos your parents dont know jack all about what their faith means and how important the demographics of the faith is..... Muhammad and his followers back in the days knew very well why population matters. This is why to this day muslims know very well what demographics means while our lot are pendu's who dont have any clue of how the world works. Muslims insist and enforce people to convert to islam and have a high birth rate so they can take over societies and countries. Sikhs need to wise up that fact and make sure in order for Sikhi, human rights and freedom to survive and spread it be enforced by demographic drive rather than liberal atheist lefty lazy approach.
  11. Firstly stop giving money to gurdwaray and their corrupt committee's and start donating money to Sikhi street parchar groups like basics of Sikhi. Gurdwara funds are going on catering for outrageous genocidal inter-faith weddings and other anti-sikh acitivities in our Guru's presense so why should we contribute our hard earned monies to the anti-sikh committe member morons who are running them? Better we use our collective power and money wisely in converting people to Sikhi on mass rather than being like shy, passive and all girly about it. Sikhi is a missionary religion and any fool that says it isnt basically rules them outside the religion and must be treated with contempt. We must become hardliners because the softly softly liberal leftist anything goes approch has made a mockey of the faith and making it irrelevant in peoples 21st century modern busy lives.
  12. Dude calm down with the repeat spamming copy and past posts. Aint Nobody got time for that But yes nobody got time for Islam nor nobody got time for white western imperialism either remember its the west thats funding the saudis who then fund the islamic terrorist jihadi's. If you stop the flow of money from mr whiteys bank account going into house of saud pockets and aim your guns mr whiteys heads and at those arab heads training jihadis they will actually stop brainwashing and funding the mass muslim populations but the devilious sly mr whitey bankster westerners need the muslim monkey brains for their geo-political games to control the earths natural resources. So this is why the world is the way it is and nothing is getting sorted. The white western elites who benefit dont want islam vanished nor jihadis vanished cos who will be their proxy army then?
  13. Today I saw a great sight dozens of Sikhs were handing out free langar food to passersby who included muslim families amoung the crowed enjoying the free food. and about 5mins walk away on the same high street I saw black Christian fundamentalist preachers the happy clappy bridges shouting down to the passersby that only jesus can save them and come to christianity to get saved. Not a care in the world for the homeless or actually giving something useful out to people but just selling their stupid abrahmic cult like the muslim morons with booklets and leafets detailing lectures they will be having. Now if i was an atheist and I happended to be walking past 3 camps (1 Sikhs 2) Muslims 3) Christians. The first is offering free food and service to all humanity and the other 2 are saying everyone else is going to hell apart from their cult..... I know who I would rather listen to and that is exactly what was happening a good sized crowd around the Sikh stalls and hardly anyone going to the muslim or christian preachers. This is how Sikhi parchar needs to be done langar + parchar and welcoming people into Sikhi because by helping people and making a difference in their lives will attract them become Sikhs and do sewa and parchar to other non-sikhs.
  14. For a person to have a meaningful life they need a purpose.. Atheism hedonism capitalist socities offers no purpose to life just enjoyment of what this world has to offer, screw people over it doesnt matter because there is no God so who cares no one to be accountable to and if you have nothing to enjoy your lfie becomes pointless. The solution is quite simple its firm belief in Waheguru and his true religion Sikhi not no man made cults like atheism and other ideologies and religions.
  15. Four big problems that contribute to sucides are: 1) Family / relationship break downs 2) Fiancial pressures 3) Atheism 4) Feminism The first two has always been going on since humanity began. With the mass promotion of atheism and feminism particular in modern secular countries there is a rise of people losing it all because they believe society has changed so much its no longer caring or supportive its all about dog eat dog because those who gave power to the atheists and feminist did so not unknowingly but knowlingly exactly what the consequences for society would be and how these consequences would help reduce the human population, reduce workers rights and collect more taxes for the banksters and royal famililes who rule over their minion worker slaves.
  16. Life & soul I believe is carried by the fathers sperm/seed and mother's womb is the earth. Hypothetically speaking you would be born to your fathers new family.
  17. Jagraj has done well for himself his wife is a Russian convert to Sikhi, alot of Russians and white eastern europeans are interested in Sikhi but have no real mentors to bring them into Sikhi properly so they drift in and out of 3HO and yoga camps not getting the real authentic Sikh community they want to belong to. White women who convert to Sikhi make better wives than punjabi atheist wives who have Sikh names and Sikh hertiage but have no time or love for their family's religion. Similarly a white man who converts to Sikhi and marrys a Sikh is a better prospect than some atheist white dude who cares nothing for Sikhi but having a good time in this life with no thought or care for Sikhism. So I fully endorse racial mixing aslong as its between Sikhs.
  18. LOL beaten up by muslims? I suppose you was beaten up by Sikhs then for your unwillingness to defend Sikhi against Islamo-fascism ....you have spoken like a true muslim. dude admit it your a muslim the games up you can't bear to speak anything against Islam because of your beloved prophet muhammad will interceed on your behalf will he? awww bless lol go sell your slster to some arab mullah sheikh I'm sure a liberal like you wont have any objections for molvi saab to do what he gotta do.
  19. You wont condemn the vile practises of Islam therefore I wont expect you to condemn hitlers vile treatment of jews either. People like you are truly sick in the head. Make a stand you liberal wimp. Either you are on the side of what's right or your on the side of evil. Stop being a coward all your life and sitting on the fence. You wont have the last say on this because I am exposing you for the liberal islamo-apologist m0ron that you are.
  20. Putin has snapped and is sending a signal he will no longer tolerate western american / european geo poliitical imperialist hegomany. He is going to secure his military bases on the coast, his geo political oil pipeline deals and other regional interests in ukraine/eastern Europe and middle east. He will also expand Russian influence into africa after seeing what has lead to west's intervention in Libya after murdering Gadaffi. China will also come on board as USA has been sending signals to put huge resources in countering china's growing military prowess in the pacific area. Putin's military machine has started to turn the tide in syria already taking out all the CIA trained islamic saudi and other arab terrorists. Iran will join in with ground troops to secure syrian government's authority and you will see more regional ambitions with Russia forcing its agenda with its allies.
  21. lol I'm a fascist? You wont condedm the vile practises of Islam therefore I wont expect you to condemn hitlers vile treatment of jews either. People like you are truely sick in the head. Make a stand you liberal wimp. Either you are on the side of whats right or your on the side of evil. Stop being a coward all your life and sitting on the fence.
  22. Sikh journalists wont get hired because mr anti-asian whitey who holds the purse strings wont pay for an article that shows brown / asian minority guys in a good light anything to make the brown look bad or their non atheist communities look bad is fair gain to the white right wing and left wingers. They cant see the crimes their governments commit aboard against brown and black majority nations to steal their resources. They cant see how feminism has lead to the break down of their traditional strong english family units so jealously creeps in and they start attacking the minority religious and ethnic communities because we hold our communities strong so to take away our voice and rights they need morons like hundal to print their vile haterd for punjabi sikh males so they can be demonised and punjabi sikh females can be free to sleep around get pregnant with outsiders and destory the community their parents, their grandparents and ancestors fought so hard to preserve.
  23. No you m0ron because we should condemn muhammad for what he was. If don't we are hypocrites just as if your normal and sane and civilised you have to condemn Hitler and his nazi's and their crimes if you don't your a hypocrite. So your silence on muhammads inhuman treatment of women and minorities is deafening. Your sick in the head mate if you can tolerate muhammads vile teachings and not say it was wrong. You aint a Sikh stop trying to claim you are Sikhs who learn about Islam and their scriptures very quickly realise it is unGodly. And for your information Guru Nanak Dev Ji commended many a muslim ritual and practise he also helped guide even the strongest brainwashed muslims away from backward muslim practises and be civilised human beings. Dont bother replying because you will be guaranteed a reply, I will ensure you either condemn muhammad/Islam or you shut up.
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