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Everything posted by genie

  1. I dont personally like her for not doing enough to help sikhs get to the truth of british establisment involvement in 1984. However I think her quitting over gaza has exposed the UK govt in its lack of condemnation of israerli zionist jewish terrorism especially against UN targets and young innocent children. It will give weight to anyone making a case against the British govt and its antics aboard.
  2. I'm not usually a violent person but i would slap any so called Sikhs face who claims Sikhs can marry non-sikhs and its in the religion to do so. These so called lily liberal hippys posing as Sikhs need to be ex-communisted from the faith and put on a blacklist so that all Sikhs can see what their views are and how they are deteredmind to decreasee our demographics by inter-faith weddings and relationships. May waheguru curse them and their families for daring to even suggest interfaith relationship with Sikhs is ok. Sikh females are particular vulnerable to grooming by non-sikh guys if they are brought up in a household where traditional Sikh values are not taught and where the izzat of a woman her self respect is not engrained in her. We need to be doing alot more converting Jewish, Christian and Muslim women into Sikhism because alot of them are following the vile abrahmic ideologies. Hindu women usually assimulate into Sikhi quite nicely thats why there isnt much an issue with marrying hindus however they need to be taught that kids will be raised as Sikhs and idol worship must be stopped if they marry a Sikh guy otherwise their kids become those lilly liberal hippy Sikhs that create the problem with inter-faith relationships we seem to have at present. If a person wants to marry a non-sikh they MUST convert must embrace Sikhism must raise their kids in the Sikh faith otherwise dont even try it or you will get a rejection from gurdwara commitee's. We need more vocal more proactive not decrease it because its only with being strong on these issues does our faith prosper when we go all lilly liberal then our community is the loosers and other damaging ideologies and sly faith communities are the winners in these outcomes.
  3. And lets not forget that Israeli army dogs murdered 13 UN Indian Sikh soldier peace keppers in 1967. They were there to be the peace makers and not side with anyone side if any side they would have taken it would have been Israel#s seeing the closeness of India and Israeli relationship but no Israeli terrorsits dont care if they enemy or allies they took them out just as they took out their American allies (US liberty) trying to blame it on the arab armies.
  4. The cruel barbaric Zoinist Israel is deliberately victimising Palestinians especially the kids in this war and I as a Sikh cant stand injustice..... its against my conciouness and any Sikh who has read scriptures and read sikh history would know if d Guru Goboind Singh Ji would be alive today he would send his khalsa to attack the terrorists be they jewish zionists or islamic jihadi's to end the murder of innocent civilians because he made it commandment to end this type of injustice and inhumane violence in the world. The world's cruel regimes would be ruined if the Khalsa was empowered, which is one reason the british destroyed the Sikh empire because Sikhism was spreading and that was bad for business of the evil roman empire vatican freemasonic zionist rothschilds financial nexus. Instead of stupid christians, muslims and jews praying for their fake false mehdi/jesus/messiah to come they should pray God sends Sri Guru Gobind Singh back down to earth to wage war on the inhumane demons of this age and bring a just society.,
  5. As the old saying goes the muslim extremist will stab facing you while the brahminwad hindu extremist will stab you in the back using all kinds of deception and tricks. Neither can be trusted and dont think many Sikhs do now...they have wised up to the events of 1947 and 1984 hence why most sikhs are lilly livered liberals now calling for sarba da bhalla and staying neutral rather than risk siding with any one side. Both are snakes however the hindu extremist will let you live as long as they the boss and you dont ask for self governance and legislation for your own affairs. The Islamic extremist will want you to assimilate you into islam by converting you slowly under increasing harassment and discrimination or make you face extermination, minorities have a very hard time surviving under muslim majority rule. Judging by the two I rather be on the hindutva side if it came down to it, as hindu's can be converted to Sikhi quite easily however muslims of today are mostly brain dead they have no ability to think freely beyond the 7th century arab supremest rubbish they are fed daily so harder to convert. This is why Khalsa raj / khalistan is important for our future survival .... I have no doubt it will happen but will take many sacrifices, wise religious-political leaders and time.
  6. On twitter the hindu nationalists of HDL / BJP are taking full advantage of the event and siding with the Sikhs they posting alot of pics praising the Sikhs for defending themselves agaisnt the vast number of muslim mobs.... if hindutva forces get involved with Sikhs the muslims stand no chance and will be wiped out in any coming future war Some have posted pics of a indian police men holding an assault rifle but not aiming or firing at the muslim mobs, had they done so very quickly the crowd would have dispersed. So there a political games going on, Who in positions of power ordered the police men not to shoot at the muslim mobs? Who led the muslim mobs to the Sikh area's? Who will pay for the damage to Sikh homes and businesses? We will definitely need a permanently Sikh armed forces like the nihungs in uttar pradesh it would be a good opportunity to exploit this incident and really push into muslim beef belt and take over lands they have occupied.
  7. Good analysis. It is to determent but also to the credit of the Sikh community and Sikh religion because of high ethics and moral code that Sikhs dont go out looking for trouble and not to cause violence first on other communities. During the 1947 partition of Punjab many innocent Sikh civilians were wiped out by evil mording muslim mobs mostly from outside area's where they had no sikh neighbors or had any contact with them. So you had tribal pasthun muslims from wazirstian and else where attacking Sikhs and hindus in mirpur and nothern kashmir. Then you had punjabi muslims from different villages attacking neighbourhoods where there was mixed populations or purely Sikh villages. That is what set off the chain reaction and Sikhs formed their own killing hit squads and jatha's that fought a war of survival it was either do or die situation. Sikhs did take out a large number of muslim fanatics to our credit with little resources and manpower. Problem is they weren't able to consolidate and capitalise by forming khalistan or sikhistan in nothern India. They set all their eggs in one basket trusting master tara singh and the treacherous murderous brahminwad secular congress party. British military intelligence agents from M16 were convinced Sikhistan was imminent seeing how much ground Sikhs had taken and had started to make plans for its inception warning their administration in london and new dehli's nehru's congress of what was happening on the ground. It is then that the nehru corrupt pedo dog called the sikhs a "criminal tribe" and trouble makers because we didnt want to be ruled under British-Congress puppet power nexus. It is then that denial of basic human and civil rights for Sikhs started to happen with close British and Indian military intelligence cooperation to ensure Sikhs were not able to get their independence from their evil vile bloodstained cluthes.
  8. Ultimately Sikhs must realise we only got an empire and self governance and authority to legislation and self rule through armed forces and milita's we do not ask or beg for self rule we snatched ir from our oppressors and perseuctors. Authority ultimately is only given and enforced by those who have the biggest war tactic courage, braun and manpower.
  9. Arent you that same hindustani ravidasssia extremist that created that anti-sikh page on facebook? You post extreme stuff on here and then post your stuff on that page accusing sikhs of being extremists. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Human-right-fight-against-Sikh-Extremism-Khalibanism/305833016261699
  10. Well if the utter pardesh muslims have got any brains they would quietly hand over the keys of their illegally constructed masjid and any land they want to steal and pay compensation to any shops of sikhs and hindus destroyed. A moment like this can be easily exploited by hindutva forces and get Sikhs on board against the muslim aggressor community. If Indian muslims do not behave themselves and do not realise they are in land of dharmic religions then I would say the nihungs need to be brought out of retirement and let them loose on them so that Sikh rule can be established in the area. Authority of northern india / pakistan should be in Sikh hands not any foreign power. While maha crook badal and his atheist sgpc masand freemasonic cornies argue about their golak being split with haryana Sikhs the panth is facing greater regional and geo-political demographics issues that can only to be addressed with armed sikh military forces.
  11. Th Tamils were massacred in sri lanka but 20 odd years later. Congress aided the buddhist sinelese government to destroy tamil tiger resistance and powerbase in 2009. They also black listed the LTTE. The tamil nadu state betrayed their own folk in sri lanka by not threatening to engage in war with sri lanka to aid their fellow ethnic tamils. Just as the Sikhs were betrayed by the punjab govt be they congress or akali's neither aided the Sikhs to get justice to threaten the central govt with war if Sikhs were harmed. They had the power to do so and the central govt would have had to stop in its tracks as it would have lead to Indian Unions collapse if Punjab broke away.
  12. Another reason why the ukraine and their western govt allied terrorists targeted the flight was to get neutral countries from the world like austraila, netherlands and malaysia on their side against russia. I just researched who russia's largest importer is and guess what its netherlands. And who were the most killed on the flight? it was duch netherland nationals...So once again why would the russians or their separatists want to harm russia's import export economic trader interests? A air india flight was also passing that conflict zone just minutes before the flight was shot down. Had it been brought down mostly UK and Indian nationals would have been killed. India being an ally of Russia would have not said anything about russia much without solid proof of hostile intent.....but the UK would have taken political avantage however they would have been alone in wanting further sanctions. So that targetting of the malaysian airliner wa sa deliberate western military intelligence terrorist operation because it had the mix of european and international passengers that it did. To cause that short term moral and publc outrage in the world. All neutral and impartial observors and fingers point towards the pro-EU Ukraine regime western NATO terrorist regimes and they have form in this we just need to look at recent conflicts. It's all about encirclement and dismemberment of nuclear armed russia. They know they cant fight russia militarily because they would get nuked so they trying to isolate its sphere of influence and eventually hoping that it collapses from within in which they will then over run russia and try to grab their weapons.
  13. Trust the indian media getting involved and trying to grab the limelight of any world event and some how make it relevant to India. What planet are these guys on thinking that any pro-russian rebels would want to take out prime minster of a country like india thats a long term ally of russia. Anyways its becoming increasingly likely that the missile was shot by pro-russian rebels BUT the plane was deliberately directed towards the war zone. It iis highly possible that Ukrainian military intelligence with cooperation of western nato intelligence agents remote controlled the plane to fly into air of space above the rebels hoping they would shoot it down. It is also possible that Ukrainian intelligence agents are double agents posing as pro-russian rebels but are fighting for Ukraine's and NATO's interests and took orders from keiv to shoot it down using the long range BUK missile system.
  14. Imagine and analyse this 2 weeks of war between Palestinians hamas and israel and 500 palestinains are dead over 20 israeli soldiers. We have seen the horrific pictures and videos of israeli zionist jewish terrorism and we give our solidarity with the suffering and victimised palestians During operation blue star in 1984 2-3 days of fighting in darbar sahib left over 1,000 Sikhs dead mostly civilians (some estimates say over 30,000 due to number of pilgrims that visit on special days) yet no moral outrage from uncaring immoral mass murdering western nations or any nations come to think of it Then in oct 31-2 nov 2-3 days of Indian congress party govt mobs murdered 5,000 innocent Indian Sikh civilians on streets of the nations capital and rest of india and no moral outrage from western nations Instead we had evil witches like Margret thatcher that blamed the Sikhs who were the victims of Indian state terrorism of non-sikh majoritism terrorism against a small sikh minority (only 2 % of the population). Before dynamite and high explosives were invented by the Europeans the killing of innocent kids was a huge cowardly repulsive act, a moral outrage, was considered an act of pure evil. Nowadays the secular atheist western nations freely go about killing innocents and set the precedent for others to follow suit. Instead of being bastions of democracy, human rights and civil rights they resort to type using covert false flag terrorism and open naked illegal invasions for financial gains and unjust wars of aggression not defense.
  15. The west invaded afghanistan not to defeat cia asset osama bin laden or his group of useful <banned word filter activated> jihadi's they invaded for strategic land and resource reasons 1) Oil pipe line from caspian sea through to afghanistan to sea ports for easy transportation unto ships 2) Heroin and other drugs made from Afghanistan is a very lucatrice trade, remember the british went to war with china over opium during the days of the british empire. They wanted the chinese users hooked and taxed on the drug they were pedaling to their intoxicated victims. The british traders grew very rich from abusing many nations. And to this day they along with NATO nations are not about to give up this covertly controlled trade. 3) Thorium a radioactive element that afghanistan is rich in. It is cleaner than uranium and it can make afghanistan rich or anyone who controls afghanistan. And guess who else is rich in thorium? INDIA! which has the largest resources of it..... and so will the west want to invade / break up India in the near future or will they use their swiss bank account brought proxy puppet politicians to ship out the riches to the west?
  16. This is why im confused because nihungs are the most "extreme sikhs" in sikh history they would literally ruin an enemy of sikhs and their dwellings sparing no one which is why afghans feared akali phoola singh. The real and purataan nihungs took dasam granth literally especially the chapters on war. They would make islamic isis terrorists look like kids if they were to engage in war against enemies of Sikh's and yet these days they are like cuddley teddy bears hipsters that get rolled over with a pass of wind. They even blame the british for creating mainstream sikhism of today. Yet they make petitions wanting so called "sikh extremists" to be reined in by that very British establishment they despise....the sheer hypocrisy is hilarious! I think the rot set in 1840s when the british attacked and invaded Punjab's sarkar-e-khalsa. And then big massacres of them in partition 1947 as they were easy to single out and so got taken out by the highly organised migrating muslim hordes and what remained after was left realing then in 1980s they did not join the kharko movement and isolated themselves from mainstream Sikhs were seen as neutral force or traitors siding with the barbaric hindustani forces. They need to fix up big time.
  17. banking industry, they created a central bank in each european country back in 18th century and they funded wars and conflicts around the world. This is why jews got a very very very bad image now since the banking crash in 2008 after people done their research. Few years ago people were sympathic to the jews because of world war 2 and what happened to them by hitler but now people realise how racist and evil some of their teachings are just like the muslims have some really evil teachings....and how their elites charge interest on bank loans making life a misery for debters and debter nations. They even funded the british east india company and their armed group of racist Christian terrorists that attacked Indian kingdoms and eventually our Sikh empires sarkar-e-khalsa. So they have alot of answering to do. They have wronged alot of people around the world.
  18. Recently a facebook page and youtube channel been started which is alleged to have been created by UK nihung and his gang. In the videos and fb pages it says terms like "sikh extremists" "khalibani" "sikh taliban". Now what kind of guru's sikh would use such terms to label other sikhs like that? What type of Sikh would want his own religion and community painted in a negative light worldwide? One can only draw the conclusion that person must be a non-sikh as its always been the hindutva hindu extremists that have made such propaganda. So i'm wondering have the nihungs especially in UK now lost the plot? Have they become non-sikhs by venturing off in non-sikh activities and thinkings? Nihungs were known as the most die hard fiercest warriors of Sikhism, they get their name from persian farsi meaning crocadiles. They were known as suicide squads for Sikhi marching into battle with the enemies and establishing ground work for Sikh rule where people said it was impossible. But nowadays seeing the state and condition of UK nihungs it seems they have become the sheep in lions clothing. They have become hippy liberals into all sorts of non-sikh activitiy and even labelling mainstream sikhs who defend sikhi with occasional physical confrontations as "sikh extremists" ???? Are these nihungs no long Sikhs that they want to label fellow Sikhs as extremists? Crazy stuff going on in the panth.
  19. Interesting article here http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article46429.html "Washington is going to have to do something really big and make it look like it was Moscow's doing" Oil pipe line business again? Just how 9/11 was organized to blame taliban because they weren't agreeing to an oil pipe line through their land. So it gave the bush administration the pretext to invade afghanistan and set about put their puppets like karzai to rule in order to profiteer. Just how Sikhs were blamed for air india inciden in 1985 when it was really done by indian intelligence raw agents with the help of Canadian authorities because of multi billion oil pipe line deals. Sikhs and many others are now slowly waking up to how this world is really run by evil immoral irreligious people in power.
  20. President Obama hasnt really given much of a reaction to the downing of the airline which suggests russia and usa knows who downed it and who downed the first malaysia airlines which I believer america downed near malaysia during war game drills with south korea and other nations hostile to china. All geo-political games being played at the expense of inncoent civilians.
  21. Thats the problem of flying a commercial airliner in a conflict zone especially between Ukraine and russia who have high tech sophisticated weaponry and missiles. It looks likely it was shot down by pro-Russian separatists, but could be anyone just have to wait to see the evidence. No doubt passengers will now cancel tickets of any airlines that were or will be planning to fly routes over known conflict zones
  22. I agree with that. If the pakistani's support palestinains in the right for them to reclaim ALL of their homeland from Israel then they cant cry or be hypocritical if Sikhs want to reclaim our holyland of Punjab from Pakistan also. Sooner or later Pakistan will balkanize due to the agenda of the western powers....and it is that point, Sikhs will have their best chance to reclaim nankana sahib and lost sovereignty.
  23. Yes as a religious community we should remain neutral as both sides have done us harm in past and present. We should remember that Israel has harmed our people and we did not interfere in their affairs however hey interfered in our religious and politics affairs. Our people laid down their lives in ww2 so that their enemies the nazi's could be defeated and their people rescued from holocaust. How did they return the favor? They aided the Indian govt in killing our people at our holiest shrine in 1984 and to this day they aid the punjab govt with military training for badals personal bodyguards and commando's. In this conflict where one side outnumbers the other in vastly superior military capability and I see many innocent civilians especially small kids murdered by one sides heavily equipped army then I cant help but feel sympathy for the Palestinians who are victims of not only israeli zionist terrorism but also hamas's futile military resistance. They are caught in the middle with no where to go. And with each unjust death of a family member that persons son or brother or father is further radicialised and want to hit back against Israel.
  24. I used to be a firm supporter of israel particularly against muslim terrorists during the 2000 intafada when hamas were killing innocent israeli civilians in raids and suicide bombings. But now I have learnt alot about how israeli's have become the tyrants and oppressors killing vast numbers of innocent civilians. It is difficult to see soft bodies of little innocent kids blown apart by israeli superior military hardware. It is a PR diaster on the part of the zionist israeli's as its united everyone against them and the Jews in general. No longer people see the muslims as terrorists but the zionist jews as the terrorists. Also it brings back incidents connected to Sikhs in present history in late 70s and early 1980s how israeli govt and its mossad helped train indian NSG commando's in their attack in operation blue star of david on sri harmandir sahib. And also the 1967 incident when 13 Indian army United Nations Sikh peace keepers were deliberately attacked and martyred by Israeli army jewish zionist terrorists. They did not care the Indian Sikh soldiers were peace keepers and neutral force there. At the same year they also attacked an allied American warship (the US liberty) and killed many American soldiers too and blamed it on arab forces. 5 dancing israeli's were caught by fbi during the 9/11 attacks filming and hi5ing each other when the planes hit the twin towers. So israeli has a long and dirty history of terrorism against not only muslims but various other nationalities, religious and ethnic groups around the world including our own.
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