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Everything posted by Hammertime007

  1. Never trust them full stop. That fat gorm looks like a typical one taxi base operator.
  2. Heres what the Peados look like. http://www.dailymail...o=feeds-newsxml
  3. Girls from Sikh/Punjabi families and backgrounds are some ofthe biggest victims of Pakistani grooming gang, it’s not un common. Putting it in this section gives it wide exposure of a subject that our people need to know as is severely serious. Rather than talking bout a serious subject, you moan and winje bout which section to put this information in, it shows your level. I don't care bout sections. I'm highlighting a serious to people's daughters and sisters. I leave you to have sleepless night over a post being in the wrong sections.
  4. You must be a Martian out of space to ask that question.
  5. http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/jun/14/sex-traffickers-groomed-child-prostitutes http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-13694250
  6. nihal is scum and we should botcott the bbc as much as poss.
  7. White Lady Muslim Convert, Criticizes Sikhs On BBC1 @ 28:05 the white muslim convert lady says Sikhs are gettoised and intergrate the least. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode..._4_Episode_16/
  8. Nothing more than a communist looney. He sounds amercian, dont know who he thinks he is comming here and saying what can and cant be done here.
  9. Say no to av it gives a chance for parties like Respect, and Lib Dems to get in the big time. The above parties work with people who are against our community and others, av is there chance say no to av and them. Look at who represents Respect and who represents Lib Dems in the West Mids and youll see what i mean. Im a Tory voter myself.
  10. http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/cs/Satellite?blobcol=urldata&blobkey=id&blobnocache=false&blobtable=MungoBlobs&blobwhere=1223450724058&ssbinary=true She dont even live in the area Scum bag
  11. @ Mental Singh – I would never vote Labour, it's under themwe saw the Islamising of UK, it's under them Pakistani Pimping gangs have roamed the Country. Who the Labour candidate in the ward?? @ Gurdssingh - The Non Muslims in this area don't want see any more Mosques, its one the few areas in Birmingham that is not Ismalified ona high level. If you want to go live in areas where there Mosques go to small heath, alumrock my friend and see how the people you are standing up for treat you. If you not from Handsworth wood or Handsworth you have no right to advocate for mosques, I think you tucked up in some middle class area, thinking diversity is great its not. Like said plenty of areas for you with Mosques already go live there seewhat you get.
  12. BBC is pro Indian gov which entails being anti sikh. They don’t want to challenge the authority of a purportedly ‘democratic’ state, hence unquestioningly accept the anti sikh propogangda the Indian gov feeds them. There are some although very few reporters who shed an impartial and realistic light upon such matters. E.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/sikhism/history/scripts/bluestara.shtml the convention right of ‘freedom of expression of the media’ is limited in reality. News coverage is very selective
  13. What was meant to be a debate on Conflict in ReligiousPlaces, turned in to a debate on Gurdwara differences and rows. Nihal is total utter scum http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/b006wqgk/Wednesday/console
  14. I wouldn't just be worried bout BNP, I would be more concerned bout more extreme parties like so called "Respect Party" with people like Salama Yaqooub who would want to change the U.K in to some Arab European state. If we get AV all the many Muslims in the UK will be going with Respect Party be assured. That is why we should go with a No.
  15. Firstly this is not a topic on wedding party's alcohol meat ECT; it's been going in for years and ill no doubt continue. It's to alert you and for you tell to friends and relatives. I attended a wedding venue recently in a heavy Islamisedarea, and an area which is quite militant. There were groups of men roaming around, taxi drivers,groups on streets. Some of the securityat this venue was also of the local community. At the same time we have women from our community dressedfor a 2011 wedding, some un a companied by men. I was told a few years a go by a very respected Sikh leader(whose name wont be mentioned) that there is a Pakistani owned venue that our peopleuse, and they put a camera in the women toilets. A few yards away we have Ramgarhia Gurdwara , who next door hire a hall for parties, which opposite has a park full of men folk from the localcommunity looking at the women. BE CAREFULWHERE YOU DO YOUR FUNCTIONS
  16. @ sarabha punjab What was the outcome of the scotland yard investigations ? and why the media still calling the pedos asain, when its just pakistanis. just asking as you seem clued up on this.
  17. ^^^^^^^^^^ This is just typical of Pakistani men. We are fighting two battles, not only the Pakistani Pedos, but the left wingers who hide their crimes, this includes The Establishment, left wing media, and organisations like uaf who will stand up for them . Ok I accept the uaf and others like that are loony nut jobs, however it’s the job of the Establishment to combat this problem and the Medias to highlight it. Its true bout freshy families too, I saw a faujje Singh in part of England where I haven’t sceen a Singh for ages, its a right Tournda Ghetto
  18. The real turban campiagn Basically Sunny hundal and his 4 or 5 dimwits found a financial loophole while Labour were handing our grants left right and center. These grants were aimed at highlighting and combating any social upheavals within ethnic groups to maintain social harmony which played with their "multicultural Britain" ideology. They developed "think tanks" for individual religious groups. Basically Sunny/Ranna and co. would grossly exaggerate any view points that could be interpreted as extremist and tarnish the whole community with it. So ONE Sikh stands on stage and says he believes young Sikh women are at threat from pedophile grooming gangs, who target victims by race- they would take this back to Government HQ and say HORDES of Sikhs are going mental, and will kill muslims, only a matter of time before all Sikhs lose their ability to think for themselves and we will have partition style war on the streets of Britain. Please give us £££££'s and we will combat this for you, by going into the liberal media and portraying these Sikhs as extremists before they get a chance to influence more people. The dumb government paid out. These people used their liberal media outlets to lie, exaggerate and defame people just so they could go back to HQ and show what they have done. Making non-issues into media spectacles, and continuously tarnishing the Sikh community. Right now they are saying 1000's of sikhs are joining up to EDL and it's going to become a threat to national security unless something is done. And again using their liberal media to defame characters. I dont care for them stealing money from the government, but they step the mark with this Shri Akal Thakt Sahib Publicity Stunt. These individuals will now have to be addressed formally by the Panth for bringing the faith and our institutions into disrepute.
  19. I’m surprised there has not been more support for Gurmit, from Sikh leaders and uk organizations. Hasn’t been anything mentioned on any Sikh channels either On there other side of the coin there should be open condemnation of bogus Turban Campaign; they need to be openly challenged. Why call themselves Turban Campaign then have nothing to say on what happened in India over week ago. Turban Campaigns real agenda is £££ and have been exposed by a barji on here
  20. This is absolute pathetic headed by so called "Turban Campaign" who have said nothing about the turban knocking of in India recently. Just because Gurmmet has different views to the other does that mean he is not part of community?? Of course he is part of our community. Theres 100s and thousand of worse Sikhs than him are they excommunicated NO. Turban Campaign and sub group Sikhs against edl, are funded by communist groups left and trade unisons. By the why Muslims with all there bad lot don't throw any one out. Absolute Joke. http://www.bbc.co.uk...hursday/console
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