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Everything posted by harsharan000

  1. Pen Jee, in our bhakti towards Him, it is our intense love for Him which counts only. He does not see whether we have a good voice or not, or if we are handsome or not, whether we are rich or not. Repeat lovingly Waheguru slowly in your mind and pay attention as if someone is repeating it, and you are listening to it, how it is pronounced. Start with 15 minutes, by His kirpa you may increase the time gradually, but above all do it in a selfless way, without any expectations, just as beggar stands at the door of a king to get some biksha. In a similar way, when we do His bhakti of His simran, means we are nothing, we are smashing our ego, and telling Him, Waheguru, only you are. That is selfless bhakti, nishkam bhakti. Then when we are not, and only He is, ocurrs something most wonderful, we have become one with Him, which is the purpose of our bhakti, of Wahiguru Akal purukh. Stay blessed. Sat Sree Akal.
  2. Guest Gurpreet Jee, please take note, that paath, ardaas, or bhakti, are means only for getting nearer to Him, and be worthy to become one with Him, by His apaar kirpa. Studies, careers, relationships, health, wealth, birth death, are all karmic accounts/settlements of oneself. And as such, whether we like it or not, are our own sown seeds in form of karmas, which shall reap at due time. Nobody can add anything for us, which is not in our destiny, neither take away anything from us, which is meant for us. It is all our own karam. So do not get confused. Let this not dishearten you. His bhakti, is done for Him alone, in order to be one with Him as said before. His bhakti, is not a commercial transaction, where one gives something to Him, in order to get something desired by us in exchange. This is a common human error, and then when things do not work as expected, most blame Him, for their failures, their weaknesses, thier misunderstandings .... But nevertheless, He is so Dayalu, that He even accepts, that our petty imperfect bhakti, and even we not realizing it, He blesses us, so that we may have stronger faith and deeper love in Him, at His Lotus Feet. Take life as it comes, and keep trying your best, that is Rabb da bhaana. Which means, you accept and have full faith, that your destiny is what you have sown, for Wahiguru is not manipulative, He does not change His own desingned Nature, but if we devote ourselves to Him sincerely, He will definetely support us from within, to remain balanced at all times, that is His apaar kirpa and beant wadeeayee. Stay blessed. Sat Sree Akal.
  3. First of all, there is nothing comparable to Sikhee. But then, as per the topic of this present thread, just as it could be any other on a public forum, found this interesting piece of information on Buddhism on the net, and thought of sharing it. The main aim of Buddhism is to realise a very simple fact : “Suffering is not caused by ill-fortune, by social injustice, or by divine whims. Rather, suffering is caused by the behaviour patterns of one's own mind.” No matter what the mind experiences, it usually reacts with craving, and craving always involves dissatisfaction. When the mind experiences something distasteful, it craves to be rid of the irritation. When mind experiences something pleasant, it craves the pleasure will remain and intensify. Therefore, the mind is always dissatisfied and restless. This is very clear when we experience unpleasant things, such as pain. As long as pain continues, we are dissatisfied and do all we can to avoid it. Yet even when we experience pleasant things, we are never content. We either fear that pleasure might disappear, or we hope that it will intensify. People dream for years about finding love but are rarely satisfied when they find it. Some become anxious that their parter will leave; others feel that they settled cheaply and they could have found someone better. Ans we all know people who manage to do both. There is only one way to exit this vicious circle of craving and suffering- “If, when the mind experiences something pleasant or unpleasant, it simply understands things as they are, then there is no suffering. If you experience sadness without craving that sadness go away, you continue to feel sadness but you do not suffer from it. If you experience joy without craving that the joy linger and intensify, you continue to feel joy without losing your peace of mind.” * By Vartul Pandey . Some more valuable thoughts: Pedro Izecksohn : The purpose of Buddhism is to avoid rebirth. Buddha preached that if you have no desire nor will nor wish then you will not reborn. If you are in Mahayana and follow the bodhisattva path, it will give you much joy, as it is a pleasure to help others. Loren Kimsey, American Secular Buddhist : the entire point of Buddhism is the cessation of suffering for all beings. This was The Buddha’s goal from the moment he set out to become enlightened. Safwan Zabalawi : the purpose of Buddhism is to reveal the potential of Enlightenment to the Law of Life, so that one can take responsibility to transform any hardship and to lead a happy meaningful life - helping others do the same. In Nichiren Buddhism, the purpose of Observing the Mind during chanting the Dharma - is to be aware of the powers acting in us. Once we understand the contents of our thoughts - we can lead these thoughts to a direction of creating value and benefit for our life and others.
  4. Enough about jokes on wives. Now somethng for husband...? A new metal is added to chemistry: • Name - Husband • Symbol - Hb • Atomic weight: - Light when found first - Tends to get heavier over the years with time • Physical properties: - Boils at any time with inlaws - Can freeze in front of his own family - Melts if sees other women - Very bitter if questioned • Chemical properties: - Very reactive - Highly unstable - Possesses strong resistance to gold, silver, diamond, platinum, credit cards and cheque books - Money saving agent • Occurrence: - Mostly found in front of TV, Laptop & Mobile. ???. ✒...if we lose a pen, we can buy new one; but if we lose a pen cap, we cannot buy it...so love your husband, because all Dhakkans are important ???? Always keep your husbands picture as mobile screen saver. Whenever you face a problem, see the picture & say: if I can handle this, I can handle anything!... ? ?? ? Finally -Living with husband is a part of living.........but living with the same husband for years is 'art of living'!!!!!!! ?????? Cheers to all women.????
  5. A Tribute to Mothers I am just a Mother... I teach a child to read at school, I'm called a Teacher. But if I teach my child to read Stories and tales at home, then I'm just a Mother. If I plan lessons for a class, I'm called a Curriculum Coordinator. But if educate my child at home, then I'm just a mother. If I sit and talk to children an hour each, a week, addressing their needs, I'm a Speech Therapist. But if I engage and help my child with patience every minute of every day, instill proper values, then I'm just a Mother. If I look after a patient in the hospital,I'm called a Nurse. But, if I nurse my child when they're ill, awake all night, none able to replace my reassuring presence, then I'm just a Mother. If I manage my boss's office, I'm called a Secretary, But, if I organise my children's lives and my home, a place for everything and everything in its place, then I'm just a Mother. If I prepare a meal in a restaurant, I'm called a Chef. But, if I cook nutritious meals daily, made with love, remembered forever, then I'm just a Mother. If I work late worrying about a deal for clients, how to make them as much money as I can, I'm a Career Woman. But, if I stay up worrying and planning my children's bright future, the bright future of our world, then I'm just a Mother. If I sing on a stage, I'm an Artist. If I sing a lullaby every night, then I'm just a Mother. But we often tend to forget and realise that being a mother and bringing up our children with the values is the hardest profession of all. May God make it easy for all the mums-to-be n all those who are already mothers. “If a beautiful woman is a jewel...a Mother is a TREASURE.”
  6. Some Light on Bhakti ... The whole world is engaged in some type of devotions. Many think reciting scriptures, fasting, pilgrimages, idol worship, etc . are real forms of worship, and then, the blind fight and quarrel among themselves, as each think, their path, their method, is the only correct one, thus they try to impose on others, for that, they go to the extent on inflicting pain and torture on our fellow human beings. We tend to forget, that there is only one Truth, creative force, namely Nam or Shabad as per Bani. And this Supreme Consciouss power has created everything, whether seen or invisible, all creatures, all beings, whether of different caste, creed, gender or nationality Different people in different dharams, are born accordingly to their past own karam, as per laws of Nature, of which they are not consciouss at all. Different thing is, if anyone misbehaves or acts as beasts, they should be punished as per constitutional laws, not fanatical laws. In the Bani, it is stated clearly, some are deluded, and some are put on the right path of devotion, but all per His Hukum. So have we ever asked ourselves, how can we ever blame anyone, for being born in a particular dharam, caste or nation? What is their fault? Should we not feel pity for them, instead of hatred ? Should we not pray to Wahiguru, to bless us to remain in His hukum, instead of trying to impose our judgements, and aslo sincerely pray for them, so that one day, they too get blessed and have the chance of being on the right path, not to the label of any particular religion, but that path of devotion, which can reunite us with that our origin, as said before, Nam or Shabad, which we all popularly call also Wahiguru Akal Purukh. So as per the title of this post, have we ever asked ourselves, which is that real devotion, which is effective and accepted at His Court, and turns us from manmukhs to gurmukhs? To this our question or doubt, Dhan Dhan Satguru Arjun Dev Maharaj tells us in His Bani of Raag Dhanaasree: ਜਾਪ ਤਾਪ ਭਗਤਿ ਸਾ ਪੂਰੀ ਜੋ ਪ੍ਰਭ ਕੈ ਮਨਿ ਭਾਈ ॥ Jaap Thaap Bhagath Saa Pooree Jo Prabh Kai Man Bhaaee || That alone is perfect chanting, meditation, penance and devotional worship service, which is pleasing to God's Mind. * He says, that practice is perfect devotion, which pleases Him. So then a question once again arises in our mind, which is that perfect fruitful devotion? To that, He also answers in the following next verse: ਨਾਮੁ ਜਪਤ ਤ੍ਰਿਸਨਾ ਸਭ ਬੁਝੀ ਹੈ ਨਾਨਕ ਤ੍ਰਿਪਤਿ ਅਘਾਈ Naam Japath Thrisanaa Sabh Bujhee Hai Naanak Thripath Aghaaee Chanting the Naam, all thirst and desire is satisfied; Nanak is satisfied and fulfilled. * He says, that by chanting the Nam or Nam japna, all our thirst and sincere desire to realize Him and merge in Him, is fulfilled. That is why also as seen in the following verse, He says that if ever we have to ask Him of anything in our prayers or Ardaas, that is to have mercy upon us, so that we can meditate upon Him. ਤੁਮ੍ਹ੍ਹ ਕਰਹੁ ਦਇਆ ਮੇਰੇ ਸਾਈ ॥ Thumh Karahu Dhaeiaa Maerae Saaee || Have pity on me, O my Lord and Master. ਐਸੀ ਮਤਿ ਦੀਜੈ ਮੇਰੇ ਠਾਕੁਰ ਸਦਾ ਸਦਾ ਤੁਧੁ ਧਿਆਈ ॥੧॥ ਰਹਾਉ ॥ Aisee Math Dheejai Maerae Thaakur Sadhaa Sadhaa Thudhh Dhhiaaee ||1|| Rehaao || Bless me with such understanding, O my Lord and Master, that I may forever and ever meditate on You. After going through these pearls of wisdom from Guru Jee, it is quite clear, there where we manmukhs, divide and put limitations, or boundaries as per our own agyanta, they, Guru Sahiban, expand the horizons of their vision and blessings on all, and by distributing equally, all their spiritual wisdom or wealth, among all beings, because there is only one permanent eternal reality, which is : Nam/Shabad, and no multiple gods, goddesses, devis, devtays, prophets, nor incarnations, as many proclaim it to be. For that Truth Of Nam and Shabad, is :Sabna jeea ka Iko Daata. Sat Sree Akal.
  7. harsharan000


    Guest Satnaam Jee, i salute you, and I am proud of you, for being faithful to sikhee and and being an example, an inspiration, to the rest of us. ??? Stay blessed. Sat Sree Akal.
  8. Hi to everyone, I believe each member is valuable here, as each one tries his/her best. It is amazing to see how most friendly ask and answer, and behave, as this forum is about to be with good spirits: Sikh Sangat. The only thing which I dislike to see, or it pains, is when I see that because of disagreement, some abuse mercilessly each other. We have to understand that, not all have that same mental capacity of assimilating things, but that does not mean, we should hate them or bully them, we could respectfully talk with them, and leave it if the disagreement persists. So what, that is not the end of the world. There is still something better to look at, Bani and Wahiguru. To those who provoke, or want to drag us to their grounds of ego and agyanta, we should sincerely forgive them, and pray for them, as they are the most who need it. Anyhow, if ever I have conscioussly or uncosciouslly, been rude with anyone, I ask for forgivenes with both my hands folded. Loves and blessings for all. Sat Sree Akal.
  9. THE POWER IN BLESSING... Do you Bless or Curse? When something goes wrong do you bless it or curse it? Our natural reactions often lead us towards the negative, but that will only breeds more negativity. Catherine Ponder in her book, _'The Prosperity Secrets of the Ages', talks about blessing people and the situation. It is a very powerful tool and brings instant success manifold. It is a very simple way to say a positive prayer for someone or something. One of Catherine Ponder’s favourites is “I bless you, and bless you for the goodness of God that is within you.” You can create your own blessings. When you are sending positive thoughts and vibrations towards a person they are much more likely to respond in kind. It always has much better results than cursing them. When to use blessings? 1. Anytime when you are angry at someone or can’t seem to settle a disagreement with them. In Catherine’s book, she sites several examples of people being paid debts owed to them once they blessed the debtor and saw them as prosperous and able to pay. 2. Any part of your body that experiences pain or illness can be blessed. You can bless yourself and your own emotions too. 3. A boss or co-worker who makes work life difficult may stop harassing you, once you have blessed them and the situation. 4. Always bless your bills and your creditors and thank them for the service they provide. Once you start doing that, you will always have the money to pay them on time. 5. Bless your travel plans and see them going smoothly. 6. Bless your taxes and politicians. Politicians need to be blessed with the wisdom to make the best decisions for all who they serve. Blessing them will help much more than complaining about them. 7. Bless strangers you meet in the store. You can do this inside your head often as you shop. 8. Bless your relationships with your family, friends and significant others. Bless them when you feel they’ve hurt you. Relationships heal quickly after you stop worrying about the “wrong” someone had committed against you and begin blessing them. You can bless any situation and if the act of blessing shifts how you feel about it, the changes it creates can seem magical. The Forgiving State of Mind is a magnetic power for attractive good. Emmet Fox said: “Bless a thing and it will bless you. Curse a thing and it will curse you. If you put your condemnation upon anything in life, it will hit back at you and hurt you. If you bless a situation, it has no power to hurt you and even if it is troublesome for sometime, it will gradually fade out, if you sincerely bless it.” Always remember that happy people are not mean or rude, so send your blessings to those who treat others cruelly. If they turn happy, they will change their behavior and everyone benefit. Even if things don’t suddenly shift with the person or situation being blessed, you will surely feel better once you have blessed them. If you could only love enough, you could be the most powerful person in the world. - Emmet Fox Have A Blessed Day !!!
  10. "WONDERFUL MESSAGE" Who is your life partner ? Mom / Dad Husband /wife Son / Daughter Your real life partner is Your Body Once your body stops responding no one is with you. You and your body stay together from Birth till Death. What you do to your body is your responsibility and that will come back to You. The more you care for your body, the more your body will care for You. What you eat, What you do for being Fit, How u deal with stress How much rest you give to it.. Will decide how your body gonna respond. Remember your body is the only permanent address where You live. Your body is your asset / liabilty, which no one else can share. Your body is your responsibility. Because... You are Your real life partner. Be Fit forever??
  11. Of course, Wahiguru came as Guru Nanak, there is no doubt about it. Science is limited to the mind, so one has to trascend these realms, and enter the plane of pure spirituality with love and Bhakti, where, with the aid of His apaar Kirpa, one can see by oneself this fact. There is no way to convince anybody, if one is blessed by His kirpa, or one has the impressions of good past karam, then one believes in the Truth of the Bani, otherwise that same Truth is placed before us, yet we may fail to recognize as such. Stay blessed. Sat Sree Akal.
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