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  1. Understand family who made booking withheld groom's name. When Gurdwara found out cancelled. Groom was Somali Muslim. We can not blame Gurdwara if information is withheld.
  2. SIKHS HOPE TO INFLUENCE OVER 300 MPs ON BACK OF SIKH MANIFESTO London 15 April 2015 Following three launch events for the Sikh Manifesto in Southall, Smethwick and in the UK Parliament the Sikh Federation (UK) and Sikh Network has reached out to Gurdwaras and Sikh representatives in different regions. A series of visits and meetings have taken place in the last four weeks in the North East, Wales, South West and North West on the need to register to vote and how best to use the Sikh Manifesto. Next week Sikh Federation (UK) representatives will complete regional events with a meeting in Scotland. In September 2014 the Sikh Federation (UK) announced the Sikh Manifesto would be launched in January and the Sikh Network would be established to develop the Sikh Manifesto and consider strategy and progress over the next five years. Bhai Amrik Singh, the Chair of the Sikh Federation (UK), said: We are in the process of helping establish a regional structure for the network that will cover each of the 12 UK regions. If Sikhs in each region, who have been identified, use the full spread of Sikh activists in each region it will be possible to quickly contact over 300 MPs through constituents after the 7 May General Election. He continued: The initial target was to be able to reach 100-150 politicians, but we have been overwhelmed with support from Gurdwaras and ordinary Sikhs across the country who share our vision and we are now looking at the real possibility of being able to contact and have influence with over 300 MPs. This will improve lobbying led by the Sikh Federation (UK) in both the UK Parliament and UK MEPs in the European Parliament. The network will be developed and supported so pressure can be systematically exerted on the demands set out in the Sikh Manifesto, relevant local issues concerning the Sikh community and any emerging issues over the next five years. The structure that is being developed will make the Sikh Federation (UK) supported by the Sikh Network unrivalled in the Sikh community in terms of political power and influence. Irrespective of the outcome of the 7 May General Election and who forms the next UK Government the Sikh Manifesto has completely changed the dynamics between the Sikh community and politicians. The phase after the General Election will be to engage with the next UK Government regarding the issues set out in the Sikh Manifesto. The All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for UK Sikhs will be established and promises to be one of the largest groups with up to 200 MPs and also one of the most influential. The APPG will be directly supported by the Sikh Federation (UK) and Sikh Network. In a separate move a tough line will be taken with the main political parties over the next five years so we see several more Sikh Lords at the earliest opportunity and many more Sikhs who are proud to associate themselves with Sikh community issues having the opportunity to enter the House of Commons by securing winnable seats. A small number of MPs, mainly in safe Labour seats have to date shown limited interest in fully committing to the Sikh Manifesto. A Sikh Federation (UK) spokesman said: We will monitor the performance of around a dozen Labour MPs with respect to the Sikh Manifesto over the next two years and if they fail to deliver we will encourage Sikhs to join the local Labour Party in large numbers and we will work with others to de-select some of these MPs and put in place better candidates. Gurjeet Singh National Press Secretary Sikh Federation (UK) www.sikhfeduk.com |sikhfederationuk@yahoo.co.uk | facebook.com/Sikh Federation UK | twitter @Sikhfeduk
  3. Gaffe of the day Spotted on a train — Red Ed pouncing on a Sikh passenger, saying: ‘Are you going to ensure that the Sikh vote turns out for us?’ Sadly the Sikh was Amandeep Singh Bhogal, Tory candidate for Upper Bann in Northern Ireland. He replied: ‘I’m going to make sure the Sikh vote turns out — but not for you.’ Daily Mail - 16 April 2016
  4. Sikh Manifesto Hustings at Wolverhampton University on Thursday16 April from 6-8pm Please register and attend if you live in and around Wolverhampton. Listen to what your Prospective Parliamentary Candidates have to say on the Sikh Manifesto. Local and national media will be covering the event.
  5. Full text of David Cameron's 2015 Vaisakhi message I send my best wishes to everyone in India, Britain and around the world celebrating Vaisakhi. I know this is an incredibly important time for the Sikh community as families and friends come together to commemorate the birth of the Khalsa and give thanks. From Southall to Sunderland, from Ottawa to Amritsar, Sikhs around the world will be marking Vaisakhi with vibrant parades and celebrations with homes, Gurdwaras and entire neighbourhoods bursting into life with decorations and colour. Vaisakhi also gives us a chance to celebrate the immense contribution of British Sikhs, who have enriched our country for over 160 years. Whether it is in the fields of enterprise or business, education, public service or civil society Britain’s Sikhs are a success story and model community. And I see this contribution every day, all around. Like at the magnificent Gurdwara Sahib Leamington, where I saw for myself the values of Sikhism – of compassion, peace and equality – in practice. And across the country I see how Sikh and Asian businessmen and women are boosting the economy by creating jobs and opportunities. But this contribution is not just a recent thing it goes back many, many years and was never more starkly demonstrated than 100 years ago during the First World War. Just last month we commemorated the Indian soldiers, many of whom were Sikh, who fought bravely alongside the Allies in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle in Northern France. I pay tribute to those men who travelled far from home and who fought and died with their comrades in the fight for freedom. We will never let their sacrifice be forgotten. So at this important time, let us commemorate the birth of a great religion, let us give thanks for everything the Sikh community does for Britain and let us celebrate the successful multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy country that we are. Wherever you are, I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Vaisakhi.
  6. 'The 2015 Vaisakhi message from David Cameron is excellent. This sort of message at Vaisakhi from the British Prime Minister would have been unheard of a few years ago.' 'British politicians are now talking about the Birth of the Khalsa and the Sikh community alone. This is down to the hard work of many organisations, including the Sikh Federation (UK) and many individuals working behind the scenes that are finally getting British politicians to appreciate what the Sikh Nation has to offer not just Britain, but the world.' 'No doubt the impending election on 7 May and the importance of the Sikh vote has focused the minds of leading politicians.' 'We look forward to an equally impressive Vaisakhi video message from Ed Miliband, especially if he hopes to become the next British Prime Minister.' Bhai Amrik Singh, the Chair of the Sikh Federation (UK) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HLll4XFgNVo
  7. Ed accused of racism over 'secret' visit to a Sikh Gurdwara - Daily Mail (10 April) Just to clarify on behalf of the Sikh Federation (UK). Ed Miliband was not accused of racism, but some members of his team were rude in the way they handled the whole event and their offensive behaviour touched of racism. Also no comment was made about Ed Miliband's head covering. http://www.dailymail.co.uk//Ed-accused-racism-secret-visit… We know when David Cameron will next be in a Gurdwara during the lead up to the General Election. Will he do the same thing or will he give an interview to the Sikh Federation (UK) responding to the issues set out in the Sikh Manifesto. The media should ask Ed to prove his credentials and give an interview to the Sikh Federation (UK) responding to the issues set out in the Sikh Manifesto. Gurjeet Singh London
  8. Headlines from Ed Milibands visit to Leamington Gurdwara yesterday ITV Central and Sky News told in the morning the event at the Gurdwara was private. Why do Labour not want Sikh events to receive national mainstream media coverage? Whole event carefully stage managed by the Labour Party and Gurdwara Management Committee to stop proper interaction with the Sangat (congregation) and to try and avoid awkward questions. No filming or photographs allowed inside the Gurdwara other than those taken officially by the Labour Party these will be released today. Sky News still obtained footage of Ed Miliband in the Gurdwara that was privately recorded and this has been televised. Labour Party criticised for the way the event was handled. Watch last 20 seconds of news item on Sky News critical of Labour keeping out cameras from Ed Miliband's visit to Leamington Gurdwara http://news.sky.com//labour-would-abolish-non-dom-tax-stat Three Sikh TV Channels allowed to ask one pre-agreed question each in exclusive interviews at the end on Labours battle bus. Sikh Channel went first and focused on free schools and Sikh ethos schools (Section 5 of the Sikh Manifesto). Akaal Channel went next and to his credit Gurnam Singh did not stick to the script and specifically mentioned the Sikh Manifesto and managed to get Ed to say they would look into the need for an independent public inquiry into UK involvement into the 1984 Sikh Genocide if they get into power (Section 8 of the Sikh Manifesto). Not quite the same as backing an independent public inquiry, but Ed Miliband has gone further than before. Vice Chair for Sikh for Labour (Gurinder Singh Josan) tried to get Sangat TV thrown out of the battle bus. Sangat TV presenter stood his ground and managed to get Ed to make commitment to site in central London for monument for Sikh sacrifices in First World War (Section 6 of the Sikh Manifesto) and get to him to make partial commitment on Statutory Code of Practice for the 5Ks and Sikh turban (Section 3 of the Sikh Manifesto)
  9. Exchanges on the Sikh News Discussion forum between 17-19 March that are relevant to the grooming/conversion issue are below. Hate attacks targeting Sikhs and our institutions (possibly through mistaken identity) were discussed at the first roundtable meeting with the UK. Government. The facts surrounding the attack in Tescos in Mould, Wales were fairly clear cut. There was a Sikh victim in hospital and someone arrested. If you are serious and want action to be taken a 30 second video and media publicity mainly by the tabloids without establishing the facts is just not sufficient. The circumstances and timing of the attack on the Sikh man in Birmingham are far from clear. The victim has not come forward, the perpetrators of the attack have not been arrested and the circumstances surrounding the attack are still unclear. Post by the Sikh Federation (UK) on 17 March 2015 Sikh Manifesto causing a stir in India as well as the UK On 16 March the Times of India carried another article on the Sikh Manifesto. So-called liberal Sikhs have questioned the need for the manifesto to touch upon grooming and forced conversions. Prof Pritam Singh, Dilbagh Singh Chana, Mahender Singh Dhaliwal and even Lord Indarjit Singh who should know much better, appear not to have a clue what is happening in the real world. They need to read the June 2013 Home Affairs Select Committee Report: ‘Child sexual exploitation and the response to localised grooming’ and follow the news in the last 5 years on localised grooming. The Home Affairs Select Committee report commenting on the 'scale and prevalence' of child sexual exploitation stated 'the growth of the internet, and in particular social media which are popular among children, has created a new form of 'stranger danger', in the form of on-line grooming, and awareness has been raised about the need to keep children safe online.' Localised grooming, the subject of the Home Affairs Select Committee report, has been recognised only very recently, in the wake of the Operation Retriever case. This took place in Derby in 2010 and involved 13 defendants who had worked together. They were jailed in total for up to 22 years for 70 offences. These were the first prosecutions for Child Sexual Exploitation. The Times of India should find more reliable academics that Prof Pritam Singh who said that this 'may have been an issue a decade ago' and this 'did not deserve to be on the community's agenda'. They should talk to younger Sikhs, younger academics and those on the front line tackling grooming and forced conversions and not a group of out of touch old men with an average age that may be in the 80s. Last Monday the UK Government held its first roundtable meeting with Sikh representatives where child sexual exploitation/grooming was one of three items featured on the agenda. They have asked for a further meeting later this week or early next week specifically on this issue suggesting those who have produced the Sikh Manifesto (the Sikh Federation (UK) and Sikh Network) are more in touch with the issues that matter today to the Sikh community and UK Government. Also before the Times of India incorrectly suggest the 1984 Sikh Genocide may be of less importance they should also report on the one-hour meeting last Thursday with Hugo Swire, the UK Foreign Minister who deals with India where the only subject on the agenda was 1984. Similarly Sikhs belonging to the Sikh Network met with the Rt. Hon. Sajid Javid, Secretary of State for the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) last Friday and raised the issue of the permanent monument in Central London to recognise Sikh sacrifices in the First World War. Others were raising issues with Ed Milband, the Labour Party leader, the next day at the conference in Birmingham. The Sikh Federation (UK) supported by the Sikh Network is showing it has the resources, skills and people on the ground to actively engage with politicians across the UK. Jasvir Kaur Sikh Federation (UK) Press Officer Post by Dr Amarjit Singh on 17 March 2015 The writings of the Press Secretary of the Sikh Fededration UK should be sent to the Editor of The Times of India. I see this is an excellent response to the article published in his paper. I do not agree with Pritam' comments. Dr Amarjit Singh UK Post by Gurmukh Singh on 17 March 2015 Dear Jasvir ji Recently, I was told at a "high level" forum that if you remove all traces of "Sikh Federation UK" from the Sikh Manifesto, then most "moderate" UK Sikhs would support it after actually reading it ! Can I please ask SF UK to do nishkam gupt seva next time, like most "moderate" Sikhs. Gurmukh Singh gupt Sewa UK Post by Lord Singh on 18 March 2015 It is good that the Sikh Federation have become aware of the problems of child grooming. But their Federation’s tortured logic is faulty in concluding that that others including Lord Singh don’t ‘have a clue about the problem’. To put the record straight I would like to mention a few initiatives that I and the NSO, sometimes in joint action with the Sikh Media Monitoring Group, the Sikh Awareness Society and the Hindu community, have taken over the last 15 years. · Special meetings with the Interfaith Network UK · Presentation to the Children’s Commissioner · Addressing a seminar organised by the police in Hounslow Singh Sabha Gurdwara · Convening special meetings with the DCLG · Broadcast on the issue on BBC Thought for the Day listened to by millions including most politicians · Drafting a lead letter in the Times) a couple of weeks ago co-signed by the Sikh Media Monitoring Group, the Sikh Awareness Society and the Hindu community which resulted in positive editorial comment · Appearing on the BBC Sunday Programme to debate issues with a Muslim I would like to see a comparable list of Federation initiatives in this area. The Federation should grow up and instead at sneering at sister organisations, learn to cooperate and emulate. Lord Indarjit Singh Director NSO Post by the Sikh Federation (UK) on 18 March 2015 Thank you for responding. Firstly, in my reaction I did not ‘sneer’ at any sister organisation, presumably you are referring to the NSO. If you look no organisation was mentioned only the individuals quoted in the Times of India titled: ‘Love jihad appears on UK Sikh manifesto, raises murmurs of protest’ dated 16 March. The Times of India article also made no reference to the NSO. Secondly, you were quoted in the Times of India article as stating it was "a bit of exaggeration to bring it (grooming and forced conversions) to the manifesto." Why have you chosen to downplay the grooming and forced conversions issue as you appear to have recognised its significance and have clearly done much with others over the last 15 years, including the letter in The Times a couple of weeks ago or were you misquoted by the Times of India? The Sikh Federation (UK) wrote to you on 5 March 2015 expressing disappointment that someone of your experience and stature was making disgraceful accusations about fellow Sikhs and Sikh organisations in the latest Autumn/Winter 2014 edition of The Sikh Messenger quarterly magazine on page 6 under the heading "Leadership in the Sikh Community". It would be great for ‘sister organisations’ to cooperate, but you make it difficult by making it a bit of a habit of ‘sneering’ at rather than appreciating other Sikh organisations. I do need to grow up as I am at least 60 years younger than you. It would also be cheeky for me to tell you to grow up, but blatantly attacking sister organisations damages all the good work you have done over the years! Jasvir Kaur Post by Lord Singh on 19 March 2015 Dear Jasbir Kaur You take my reference personally. I wrote 'the Federation needs to grow up' and I was clearly referring to political and emotional maturity, not chronological age. Also, I would rather you quote what I say and write than what you think others with their own agendas claim that I say or don't say. More importantly, I listed 7 specific initiatives taken by the NSO to counter the scourge of child grooming (incidentally I also referred to this in my Thought for the Day yesterday). I and others would like to see a similar list of specific initiatives taken by the Federation. We want specifics not generalities from the Federation. Denegation of others is not enough. Emulate. Lord Singh of Wimbledon. Director NSO. Post by the Sikh Federation (UK) on 19 March 2015 Dear Indarjit Singh In the press note that I issued as a Press Officer the Sikh Federation (UK) was defending that grooming and forced conversions was a valid issue to include in the 10-point Sikh Manifesto. This was one of the key issues raised in the six regional consultation meetings before the Sikh Manifesto was drafted. Your quote in the Times of India suggested this issue was not important enough to include in the manifesto. I think you are suggesting you have been misquoted by the Times of India. The Sikh Federation (UK) has not claimed it is taking forward all 10 points in the Sikh Manifesto, instead on grooming and forced conversions those making up the Sikh Network that have drafted the Sikh Manifesto have specifically pointed to Sikh organisations supporting victims and their families ie. Sikh Awareness Society, Sikh Helpline etc. If anyone wants to learn about the work of the Sikh Federation (UK) since it was established in September 2003 in areas where it specialises they can read the annual 40-50 page highlights booklets at the following link or the 10-year summary: http://www.sikhfeduk.com/about-us/Reports Jasvir Kaur
  10. The important point is the Sikh Manifesto and the initial meetings before the General Election have created the opportunity for Sikhs collectively working on this issue to come up with areas where the government can assist to tackle this issue. The Sikh Federation (UK) suggested the Sikh Council UK invite the leading organisations involved in this issue to roundtable discussions this month and come up with the submission to government by 30 April. We can extend this deadline, but will want to have something ready by mid-may at the latest for the incoming administration. The Sikh Federation (UK) would expect the Sikh Awareness Society, Sikh Helpline etc. to be at the forefront of the suggestions and proposal. The Federation is merely facilitating and has been challenging the likes of Lord Singh who has been quoted in the press to say this issue is not important enough to be in the Sikh Manifesto. The exchanges between the Sikh Federation (UK) and Lord Singh on another forum will be reproduced here.
  11. Press Release was by Sikh Press Association, the Sikh Federation (UK) was asked for a quote.
  12. Most public statements are put on the Sikh Facebook Page - Please follow. Around 20 -25 posts a week Every year an annual highlights booklet (40-50 pages) is published and also put on the Sikh Federation (UK) web site. Please see previous reports for statements on grooming. Roundtable meeting with Sikh organisations was on 9/3/15 - Sikh Federation (UK), Sikh Council UK, Federation of Sikh Organisations (FSO), British Sikh Consultative Forum (BSCF) and City Sikhs Network (CSN) were represented. Network of Sikh Organisations and Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha failed to attend. Three topics discussed - hate crime targeting Sikhs (following latest attack on Sikh in Tescos in Mould, Wales, matters raised with the Foreign Office by the Sikh Federation (UK) - recognition of events of 1984 as Genocide, Sikh political prisoners etc. and Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and grooming. Sikh Council (UK) & Sikh Federation UK were at meeting on 24/3/15 to discuss CSE and grooming. Others invited were NSO, BSCF, FSO, GNNSJ and CSN. Five Sikhs were at the meeting and the agreed action was as follows:
  13. A few statements by the Sikh Federation (UK) on grooming:http://www.sikhsangat.com/index.php?/topic/72641-sikh-federation-uk-welcomes-bbc-one-tv-programme-exposing-the-sexual-exploitation-and-grooming-of-sikh-girls/ http://www.sikh24.com/2014/08/28/oped-sikh-federation-uk-condemns-misuse-of-term-asian/#.VRzbF2K9KSM http://gla.cc/2014/09/finally-sikh-outrage-over-despicable-politically-correct-habit-the-british-media-have-of-calling-muslims-asians-instead-of-what-they-are-muslims/ Sometimes we forget organisations like the Sikh Federation (UK) do issue statements on grooming and do not mix their words. Very few other organisations that have a range of activities take up the issue in the media and politically. Perhaps we allow ourselves to forget such matters as the Sikh Federation (UK) is so vocal on many other issues or we dislike them for some reason. The issue is also tackled head on in the Sikh Manifesto and two meetings have taken place with the UK Govt in the last few weeks.
  14. Could also add November 1984 Sikh Genocide, justice for Chattisinghpora massacre, Article 25 of the Indian Constitution etc.
  15. No such thing as umbrella bodies for Sikhs In the UK - Sikh Federation (UK) Responding to an article in the Times of India earlier this week on whether the Sikh Federation (UK) is an umbrella Sikh body. The following press release has been issued and is being sent to several newspapers. Umbrella bodies for Sikhs and other faith communities in the UK are a thing of the past. These bodies were traditionally encouraged by the UK Government and officials for representational purposes as they liked to deal with one or two community leaders in return for official patronage. The membership/leadership of these organisations has become elitist, often controlled by one or two individuals since being established and often lacking mass support. Rather than have umbrella Sikh bodies what you currently have is a number of active Sikh organisations with specialist areas of activity e.g. humanitarian aid, heritage, human rights, sexual grooming, raising awareness, political lobbying etc. In addition, you have national organisations with a local and national structure and mass support who regularly organise events and not just hold meetings. This is where the Sikh Federation (UK) stands alone as far as political activity and mass support is concerned. There is little doubt the Sikh Federation (UK) is one of the most prominent Sikh organisations in the UK. Ask ordinary Sikhs in the UK and abroad, the UK Government, UK Members of Parliament, the mainstream media or even the Indian High Commission in London and they will all confirm the Federation's credentials. The Sikh Federation (UK) is the only Sikh organisation that has been active in UK and European politics since being established in September 2003, but also regularly hold national programmes in Gurdwaras (monthly) and are capable of attracting thousands if not tens of thousands to events. No other Sikh organisation is comparable and that is why there is often jealousy. The Sikh Federation (UK) publish an annual highlights booklet and have done this since September 2003 setting out work under three headings These are all on the website: (http://www.sikhfeduk.com/about-us/Reports): - Building a stronger political voice in the UK and abroad - Defending and promoting the Sikh identity; and - Raising awareness and campaigning for human rights These are consistent with the organisations aims and objectives. No other organisation provides such transparency about its work. The latest initiative of the Sikh Manifesto, supported by a Sikh Network has many worried. Sikh organisations that have failed to realise the significance of the Sikh Manifesto and Sikh Network, UK politicians and political parties who realise Sikhs mean business and no doubt the Indian government and its supporters. The feedback from ordinary Sikhs and non-Sikhs in the UK and abroad is this is an excellent initiative that others are trying to copy. Another area where the Sikh Federation (UK) stands out is on social media. Some so-called 'umbrella' Sikh organisations have no Facebook accounts and no twitter accounts. Highlighting they are elitist in structure and showing they lack engagement and support. Gurjeet Singh National Press Secretary Sikh Federation (UK)
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