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Gupt daasan daas

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Everything posted by Gupt daasan daas

  1. haooy bday man congrats :umm: guru je kirp karn :lol: bhula chuka maf
  2. vahegur there kurbanee will never be forgotten it will not be in vain either we must learn to not let these kurbanee just go to vain we gottawake up and free ourselves even if it means u start doin ure nitnem do ure bhagtjee too but the time wil come when sikhs will get up and take there rights dhan dhan baba manochal singh je bhla chuka maf
  3. see khalsa fauj je look at ure post and consider baba nand singh je, who did so much bhagthee i am amazed and we all kno bhagthee leads to anwers sant gurbachan singh jea( taksal bak in the dayz was one of greatest place to get an education on dharm, like u knew more than one language, sanskirith, everything, they wre the greats vidvvaans out there, thas y so many great scholars who wrote great things have come from taksal, taksal taught a lot of wordly pariaee as well bak int he dayz it was SIKK) bhai sahib randheer singh je, who inspired many with his wonderful jeevan and introdcced a beautfiul way of doin kirtan soooo just keep these type of peopple inmind when u write stuff like they were pendus who went to skool for 4 yrs etc. :lol: bhula chuka maf bhai randheer singh je
  4. its not even about the next world he jus missed his opuuritniy in this world to expience naam the greatest of all pleasures :lol: bhula chuka maf
  5. i see wa ure sayin but the maryadas that eac jatha practice are were started by gurmukh, and some who claim are purtaan w/e thas diff topic aii thas safe u aint bashin cause i kno soemtimes things get heated riye? and left gettin into tha stuff:) all im sayin is rsepct everyone sepcially ure fellow gursikhs bros and sis and during the walk out it wa because no one agreed sgpc said either follow this or thas it no comprimise chalo koi na sgpc has alsos aid all the jathai maryadas are also panthic maryads well telk truth i cant speak for all but i can say taksal for sure and if takal, im sure akj and nanaksar are recongized also akal takht recoginzes these groups they wernt started by drugiies but by gurmukhs like babba nand singh je who saw things we did nto see, knew things we did not kno the MIND and reading, scholary activites, wil not get u brahm gian but rather, prema bhagthee like baba nand singh je jwill :lol: bhula chuka maf
  6. veer je sgpc made its own maryada too and not the entire panth agreed, so it is not a only follow this maryada or get the hell out of the panth maryada the panth did NOT agree on tha only a couple of indiuduvlas did jus like any jatha i dunt got beef wit u sayin yo this is wat i belive but if u gonna start goin yooo either follow this maryada or u aint part of the panth or yoo its only us or notin were the TRU KHALSA then i got beef wit tha when u get into dissin other jathai so dont let tha happen i respect ure beliefs but resepct others too bhula chuka maf
  7. there is no differnce between halalo and halaal... im not getting into meat arugment, because i think we shunt eat chatka for other reasons, ie bhagthee but the kurieght is halaal according to dasam granth bhula chuka maf
  8. lol hahahaha i had to look tha word up hahaha and now tha i kno wat it means HAHAHAHAHA god cannot be comphrended by our MINDS, ourind is nothing compared to the glory of god which is never ending how can our poor mind understand a being that cannot be understood? how can u find the ends and begiinings of something that has none? haha but god CAN be expirenced all u have to do it be strong enough to travel the path theres no need to wait till u die u can expience god in this world b ut u must give the love too for tapping the essence of naam is the greatest feeling in the universe which makes maya loose all its attraction :lol: bhula chuka maf
  9. there is only one main maryada for nanaksar, butthere are many diff jathedars for the jatha andmyabe the differ on some small thiings bhula chuka maf
  10. thi wudnt make sence the repetition of the tounge is a low avastha at higher avasthas u dont even move ure tounghe, ir done in ure mind... bhula chuka maf
  11. after baba ishar singh je nanaksar split into manyfractions bhula chuka maf
  12. lol hahahha at jas and matha hahahaha bhula chuka maf
  13. i agree with khalsa fauj je the kruehgt listed in dasam granth is HAALAL WHICH is muslim way of killing an aniimal but theres no poin on elebaroting n this this is a topic about something else :)to kno bout 4 bujjar kureight go to ikirtan.coom and listen to sant kartaar singh jes katha on 4 bujjar kureights bhula chuka maf
  14. princess bhenjee is defintley one of the best mathas outt here :lol: craz news to hear tha shes khalsa now too hope guuru je watches over u forever :umm: bhula chuka maf
  15. lol canada runs uk an u kno it small little box... all bout canada GO LEAFS lol bhula chuka maf
  16. guru granth sahib je is not a science text book just because they ddint include evolution in it doesnt mean sikhi is agsisbnt it guru granth sahib je all about the almighty, not storeis aboutt he past like the bible, not a sceinece text book, just prayer and praise of god and sikhia of guru je it is PRAISE of god praisng god has nothing to do with evolution so i dunt see y guru je wud include stuff like that in gurbanee bhula chuka maf
  17. thnxs eveeryone and ya m 16, and ma id oin this site used to be khalistani i dunt kno, i must have made a mistak and put 1984 instead of 1989maybe somethin changed lol when i changed the name haha:D thnks vaheguru bhula chuka maf
  18. sceinceis great im not sayin tha bu a lot of stuff is just theroirs, and not proven a lot fo scienie is great to help mankind bhula chuka maf
  19. as for taksal story this is written in sant kartaar singh jes biography chitta chola and many respected taksalis around the world admit to this many akj jathai member do not belive tha bhula chuka maf
  20. ya ivr seeen tha too mad electricty problem down thee and it shudnthave tha problem int he first place bhula chuka maf
  21. punjaab shud be runnnin on hydro power but i guess the fact tha punjaab, the lan dof five RIVERS, has no water makes tha a problem bhula chuka maf
  22. im studying this right now sceince is lost its full of incompelte half proven theroies it can also be called a faith, sceintists just belive in that they cannot prove anything im not sayuing sikhi is agasint evolution perhaps vaheguru used evolution as a means of creating life sure y not BUT sceince is no way near complete it changes theories al the time ive said this before man cannot easily comphrehend these type of things we cann only ASSUME WE CANNOT yet PROVE anything at all and all life did eventually begin with water, all LIFE without water life wud not have been possible thus y so far earth is the only planet we have identified to have life because so far its the only planet we have identified that has large sources of watr bhula chuka maf
  23. ya wa man kaaum laee qurbaan je said we are not one with vaheguru, even thought the joth may be in us because of someo of us also contain the panj dooths in our minds, and we have not been able to overcome the mind some people have said how can vaheguru je live in sucvh a dirty place, our bodies, where we have such kamee thoughts? just like the lotus flower can survive in the worst condtiotons, vahegurus joth is in us as wellm even with panj dooths at the same tme once we eradicate the panj dooths, and conquer the mind, then the joth inside us, as said by maan... je, is like a drop of water put bak into the ocean it merges like sun light with sun light water with wate rwe meerge into him compeltly bhula chuka maf
  24. if there is a tree the tree produces fruit the fruit contains the seeds of that tree the seeds in essence is the tree when given water, nutreints, etc. vaheguru je is the tree his creation is his fruit his joth is in all his creation, w/e he himself creates his joth is in it if we do bhagthee of naam, then that joth blends into vaheguru and we become one vaheguru je truly inside of us not onyl metaphor :lol: bhula chuka maf
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