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  1. I personally think that if we are not in the age of marriage we shouldnt even think about it. It is because it is a vikaar to think about it and kind of makes our thinking go in those type of things. But yes, it is a procedure like parents talking and deciding. Being marriage definately has to do way more than being cool. It is more about where one is spiritually, understanding and similar goals.
  2. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsaa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh! This path, on which we all are on, has many many different and beautiful experiences. We do abheyaas not only to remember him, but to connect with him. This path is very long and as you know we progress through stages. Maharaj ji says eventually calling out Guru Guru, we become like him. But that, is obviously a higher awastha. First is rehet, then comes abheyaas. Abheyaas is when we can progress on this path in connecting with him. In the very beginning it is hard to control our minds, but with Guru ji's Kirpa it is possible. Then, when our mind quites the worldlly thoughts, the voice of our soul is heard. Maharaj ji says only when the mind is silenced, the voice of our soul (soul, which is already Guru roop and wants to experience Waheguru) is heard. With Guru ji's Kirpa, we are able to forget our bodies when we are connecting with him. It is the soul which connects with him, and when it does connects, no thought of worldly things(including body) is there. The reason why you breath quickly is because you are nervous. Many people experience this in the beginning. When you start to get nervous, remind yourself to let your soul go wherever it wants (to Waheguru). Nothing will happen to you, you are save in Guru ji's hands. Guru Sahib ji says if you want to play the game of love, step on this path with your head in your hand (don't try to use your common sense or opinon - give your head to Guru ji instead). And there is no need to stop simran and try to observe it. If you do this, obviously your dheyan on simran would stop. If Guru Sahib ji wants you to sit back and see something, he will himself make you see. Just continue to do simran and let go of worry of what is happening to u Keep on doing abheyaas, and ardaas. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!
  3. The definitions are what Guru ji provides. Gursikh, who gets up at amritvela, has rehet, does nitnem.
  4. Waheguru Ji Ka Khalsa Waheguru Ji Ki Fateh!! I had a question I have been thinking about from long. I am just trying to figure out how should you really view people. Like if a person is a manmukh, are you suppose to give the same respect, love that you would give to a Gursikh? Guru Sahib ji says that Sab Gobind Hai, which means each and everything is God. So it makes sense that you have unconditional love for everything (not attachment), even for people who are not amritdharis. But on the other hand, there are so many times written in Dhan Dhan Sri Guru Granth Sahib ji that "Consider a person to be a corpse who does not remember God" or "Don't even look at the faces of people who don't have a Guru". This would mean there is high and low. But how does Guru ji really would want us to see? Sometimes, I would find myself thinking how wrong this person is because they do kurehet or wrong things and feel they are so off path (not in the way of looking down at them, just thinking generally). But sometimes, I think even manmukhs are manmukhs because they are walking of His Will. But how does Guru ji really wants us to see?
  5. You truly can't control anyone. If there are small things like his habits you don't like or his small small actions, you will have to accept them. No man can like if he is controlled. He accepts you with your good and bad and so should you! People who tell you to control your husband are wrong - don't listen to them. True relations aren't made by controlling and forcing. They are made by love and acceptance. But if there are more complex things about big decisions, then proper communication is very very important. You address your concerns and he will express his... then you both try to understand each other and each other's perspectives. And respect the differences! If it is about sikhi values... even then you can't control him. It's all Guru Sahib's play! If you want him to be a better sikhi... best thing you can do is to become a better sikh yourself so he can look up to you and see. Honestly, it truly works! Play Gurbani in your house.. do simran everyday including nitnem. Do ardaas every single day to ask for gursikhi in your house. Do seva! That is all you need to do. You inspire others with love, you can't control.
  6. I just know this site http://www.sikhnet.com/hukam
  7. Wow! Thank you for sharing! This is so awesome!
  8. These are really nice shabads with translations! I love them
  9. GurujisDaughter


    Bhenji, take a Hukamnama Sahib. Guru Sahib ji is the Biggest judge. And let him decide for you too. you are safe in His hands.
  10. Jaspreet, It is the time you should really think about yourself my dear I know you have been through alot and yaa you cann get trapped with this kind of liking. But really, now you have to understand that he can't give you anything. He is not meant for you. Say this to yourself and began to believe this. Because... you have 2 options - keep on thinking about him and live in sorrow or .. SEE THE TRUTH - he is NOT for you! Guru ji is for you! This is the truth. If you choose second option... wht you will gain is... your happiness , Guru ji's khushiya. I know it can be hard to move on and you have tried. But... you have to START TO accept this truth first. Only then you will be able to move on... Step back and see... Jaspreet, do you really think this should be a life death situation? (Althought I know you feel this way because you love him) . There are bigger things going on in life. Look at Devinder Singh ji's case or Balwant Singh Rajowana. THAT is a life- death situation. So.. know that even though this looks a BIG thing to you right now.. it actually is not going to be big once you ACCEPT it which would lead you to forget everything. By the guy's text message, it really looks like that he doesnt want to be what you want him to be. He is a Gursikh and wants to continue living that way, getting involved with such things will cause him a MAJOR distraction. So just let him do what he wants to do. Just forget it.
  11. Kiran Kaur, why dont you just take Amrit on next Amrit Sanchar! Just be strong and go to your grandpa and say.. this is what i want to do, and i am very serious about it. Don't just joke abou it, seriously talk to your family and then they might let you do! And tie a dastaar! Ask a Gursikh to teach you to tie it! There are many vedios on youtube too - type how to tie a dastaar. Do more and more naam simran and Ardaas. Dont worry about waxing LOL it does not bring you pleasure... it is all maya
  12. It is a true that if an Amritdhari does FULL nitnem, no black magic can ever effect them. It is truth. Start doing seva at Gurdwara, do Ardaas to Guru ji for protection, do full nitnem and start doing simran every single day (start from 5 min) Drugs and kaam is bad, you dont want to get near them. Know that these things are wrong and dont let them get near you
  13. I can understand how you might feel. All I can say is... it is really your choice. Who do YOU want to please? God or society. I know its easy saying then doing. Here in the west is worse. People say worse things and don't even recognize you are a sikh, but muslim. But.... Sikhs who have high love for Waheguru, God has also given them high power to deal with these. I am not saying tolerate it... Educate them, ignore them because you know what you are doing is actually right, not wrong. People who are strong in Sikhi have a REASONS to keep their hair. The reasons are Hukam of our Father Guru Gobind Singh ji, Dasam Dwaar, power of Hair in spiritually. We spend soo many lives pleasing people, but when will we start pleasing God who gives us love, food, family, clothing and everything! And one thing I can garunteeee you! A person, who is Amritdhari, does full Nitnem... dark maggic and NEVER approach him/her. It is a fact! I have seen many many incidents! Because the person has power of Gurbani, power of Waheguru... and no magic is abover then His power. This also tells you how much Gurbani has power, and how much power hair has... Gurbani says to keep our hair in many many places! You know Guru Sahib ji always says that in God's Court, the true and the false are separated out, while true Gursikhs go to Sanchkhand, false go to hell. Isnt it true in this world too? Even in this word... kaliyug.. only true once remain intact in sikhi, weak once go off path easily. Choice is yours brother You are from a very good family where Sikhi was blessed to you by birth, here we have to FIND it. Waheguru Ang Sang
  14. But you can get Rehet Mariyaada (things Panj Peyare say in Amrit Sanchaar) in english too. And there are many many english translations on net aswell. http://www.damdamitaksaal.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=80&Itemid=68 Try reading this. You can jump to next page by right hand side index
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