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Everything posted by khalsaman1

  1. khalsaman1

    Need Advice

    Um, walk away now. This entire life is false. The only truth is Waheguru. Attachments are hard to destroy but you can beat this.
  2. Almost anything by Bhai Randhir Singh or Bhai Ranbir Singh Bir tends to be good.
  3. Coming from the guy who is labelling message board posters as agents? Hypocrisy is sweet as sugar.
  4. But it is not overlooking. It is trust. By this accord we could state that Dhan Dasmesh Pita was deceived by the Mughals and Hill Rajas when they promised not to attack the Khalsa forces if they left Anandpur Sahib. Dasmesh Pita obviously knew they would not keep their word but they still moved out. You are an angry man. I hope you find some closure in your next birth. You have been blessed to have been born into a Sikh family; The highest such honor on our mukht jeevani. Yet you trash this very race. Bigotry of your own people is the lowest form of human life. You can slander me Singho but don't you ever slander our entire race. God bless.
  5. But gurbani states that everything happens in Waheguru's will. Sant Ji was a brahm gyani and could have crippled Hindustan if he wanted but it was not Gods will. Just as it was not God's will that the 5th or 9th Guru's martyrdom was going to be stopped. By this logic we cannot state that Sant Ji was deceived. However, this does not rule out the possibility that there was an informant (Harminder Singh or otherwise) and Sant Ji knew about it but could not stop it as it was Wahegurus will.
  6. Singh sahb, much respect for providing this response. These are fair comments on your part and you have written this with elegance and grace. Where can I find more information on Dr. Sohan Singh and these others? Thanks.
  7. Please explain what typical Indian means? Are you not of Indian descent? Discrimination of your own people is still discrimination. No, you did not respond previously. However, you have responded now. I have not labelled Harminder Singh a traitor in this thread. I called him a coward. By your own definition that makes you illiterate as well? I did not bring Harminder Singh into this thread. This was a discussion on Jasbir Rode. YOU brought Harminder Singh into this. In fact, doing a quick search of Harminder Singh on this website and your username shows up everywhere. It appears you have a close connection to this individual. Was he a relative of yours? Are you stating that Sikh24 is a poor source? Do you have other evidence showing improper reporting on their behalf? Oh what great sacrifice has Jasbir Rode given to the Sikh panth? Was it the time he hid weapons in Darbar Sahib to kill innocent Singhs? Or how about that time he used his relationship with Soorbir Sant Jarnail Singh to further himself politically? Or how about that time he joined hands with the butcher of the Sikhs, dog Badal before Punjab elections? What great sacrifice has Harnam Dhumma given to the Sikh panth? Was it the time he was living in America as a CBI agent and infiltrating the Damdami Taksal? Was it the time he boarded a flight from Seattle to Punjab to self proclaim himself as Mukhi of Damdami Taksal when Baba Thakur Singh had made it clear that the interim leader of the Taksal would be Ram Singh? Was it the multiple times he has bowed at the feet of Badal? God bless you.
  8. There you have it folks. Now I'm an Indian agent, a murder and illiterate. Continue to resort to personal attacks Singh. When a Sikh hits another Sikh in the face, Waheguru asks us to turn the other cheek. Slander me some more. Please. Gur pyario, you have failed to address the following quote: But when the army actually attacked the Golden Temple Complex in June 1984 the impostors and cowards like Surjit Singh Barnala, Ravi Inder Singh, Balwant Singh and others had confined themselves in their air-conditioned homes. Longowal. Tohra, Ramuwalia and some others, who were present in the Complex, huddled themselves in the office of Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee to save their lives and surrendered to the Army by raising their hands above the heads Even Harminder Singh Sandhu, Gen. Secretary of AISSF meekly surrendered. The quote states that Harminder Singh Sandhu surrendered yet you have ignored this detail. You have also failed to answer why Harminder Singh let his wife and fellow mates attain martyrdom while he himself surrendered. Here is a link to Dhumma pushing for Rode: https://www.sikh24.com/2015/10/29/baba-dhumma-and-sant-samaj-leaders-hold-exclusive-meeting-with-badal/#.Vowk9LYrKUk Pyario, you cannot silence the truth by bullying other posters with slander. As I've stated, please continue to slander me.
  9. Now back to the actual topic of the thread. It was documented in October that Harnam Dhumma was pushing for Jasbir Rode to become the next Jathedar of Akal Takhat. The same Dhumma that was never appointed mukhi of Damdami Taksal by Baba Thakur Singh but instead chosen as a the puppet Mukhi to destroy the foundation of the sacred Damdami Taksal. The same Harnam Dhumma that bows to the feet of Dog Badal. The same Harnam Dhumma that has alleged ties to the CBI and Radha Swami clan. Anyone going to defend Rode on this message board?
  10. So first I was an Indian agent and now I'm a murderer? You sidetracked this thread by bringing up the name of known traitor Harminder Gill. I produced quotes from a published book regarding this traitor and you've yet to respond to that. Instead you have resorted to personal attacks on a message board. This is the surest sign of losing an argument. But continue to slander me Singh. I shall continue to speak the truth.
  11. Confused on one thing. If Harminder Singh was not with traitors Longowal and Tohra, who had locked themselves into the offices of the SGPC, where was he? If he did not surrender how did he make it out alive unless the army was given strict orders not to shoot him....because we know the army shot and martyred every other being in the vicinity of Darbar Sahib.
  12. This is from the Gallant Defender: And this was boastful claim of Longowal that he had presided the organisation of the martyrs. Humiliated by the taunts of Sant Bhindranwale, Longowal thought upon a plan to raise an "Army of Marjiwarhe" (those who were ready to lay down their lives) during the Akali Morcha. Even then Sant Bhindranwale was the first who took the oath at Manji Sahib near the Akal Takht. Longowal, Balwant Singh, Barnala and other Akali leaders and more than one lakh workers took similar oath there from 13th April 1983 to May 1983. They pledged and vowed to sacrifice their lives for the cause of Sikh Panth and to defend the Golden Temple Complex if it was attacked by the army. It is pertinent to note that Longowal, Surjit Singh Barnala, Balwant Singh Ex Minister, Balwant Singh Ramuwalia and others repeatedly declared from the stage of Manji Sahib that if the Centre ever sent army to attack the Golden Temple Complex the army shall have to walk over their dead bodies, "tanks would roll over our dead bodies." They took this oath at Manji Sahib before Guru Granth Sahib in the precincts of Golden Temple and Akal Takht. The book also states: But when the army actually attacked the Golden Temple Complex in June 1984 the impostors and cowards like Surjit Singh Barnala, Ravi Inder Singh, Balwant Singh and others had confined themselves in their air-conditioned homes. Longowal. Tohra, Ramuwalia and some others, who were present in the Complex, huddled themselves in the office of Shiromani Gurdwara Prabandhak Committee to save their lives and surrendered to the Army by raising their hands above the heads Even Harminder Singh Sandhu, Gen. Secretary of AISSF meekly surrendered. But let me guess....you're going to discredit the book and call me an agent of the government again? Please do. The more shittar I eat from the hand of a sikh, the more God blesses me. Post this gentleman's address. Thanks in advance.
  13. When I was spying on you picking up groceries yesterday, it seems you have all the necessary ingredients at hand. You just need to maintain focus and it will feed you for days.
  14. How about responding to my other point? Picking and choosing your battles in life will never lead to prosperity.
  15. Badal, Longowal, Barnala and others were in constant communication with Indira's government and it is alleged (we all suspect it's true) that these so called "Akali" leaders orchestrated the attack so Dhan Baba Jarnail Singh would be out of the picture. These fake akali's feared Bhindranwale and wanted him gone so they could run the state into the ground.
  16. I wasn't born at the time so I can't say for sure but I've heard stories of groups of thousands of men and women in arms attempting to get to Amritsar but stopped by the military as Punjab was under lock down. These people were ready to defend our sacred shrine. Now for facts that I can verify....Harminder Singh Sandhu's wife was martyred in the attack. Harminder Singh Sandhu surrendered. In english there's a word for a man who leaves his fellow mates and wife to die and surrenders himself: a coward.
  17. Are you stating that bhai sahib was not present at Manji Sahib when tens of thousands of Singhs vowed to defend Darbar Sahib with their life? Please confirm this.
  18. Yep. I'd love for the poster chatanga to justify why Sandhu surrendered to the army after he had solemnly sworn to give his life if Darbar Sahib was ever attacked.
  19. Oh lost one, may god bless your soul. Sorry but it is rather difficult to link you to my television from yesterday. Perhaps this will come soon after hoverboards are being used in the pinds. If a link of it goes up on youtube, I'll be glad to post it.
  20. What exactly are you looking for? The book Open Secrets: India's Intelligence Unveiled by Maloy Krishna Dhar confirms the beliefs of many Sikhs that Jasbir Rode was a fraud. Recall that Rode was declared Akal Takhat Jatehdar at the 1986 Sarbat Khalsa. He was prisonsed up until 1988. The book states that as part of a deal struck between the government and Rode, he was released and smuggled weapons into the Darbar Sahib complex to assist in the killing of Sikh's who were fighting against the reign of terror under Dog Surjit Barnala. This was orchestrated in the lead up to Operation Black Thunder. Harnam Dhumma was an Indian agent living in America when Brahm Gyani Baba Thakur Singh left this earth. He was hand picked by the government to be the new leader of the Taksal to defame and embarrass the history of the Taksal. Badal played a charade with Sikhs by making us look like moorakhs again. Dhumma started off as very anti-Badal to garner support from followers of the Taksal but slowly started revealing his true colors. Dhumma is a known supporter of RSS and is in bed with the Badal family. Just do a google image search of his name and you'll see an embarrassing picture of him sitting at the feet of Dog Badal.
  21. This a couple of weeks after disgraced anti-Sikh Harnam Dhumma was invited to Bangala Sahib to perform katha. Sikh sangat needs to be aware that these are anti-Sikh men that are trying to embarrass the sacredness of Damdami Taksal.
  22. Until we are ready to accept Waheguru's will and escape the cycle of life and death, there will never be Khalistan. Khalistan will come when everyone is ready to be Khalsa. 90% of "sikhs" are an absolute joke and I think I'm being generous with that number. There are very few genuine sikhs in this world. Until that changes, nothing will change.
  23. Don't like commenting on individual circumstances as the posters tend to get defensive but I'm going to throw in my $0.02 anyway. Please take time to read about Bhai Taru Singh and his sacrifice to the panth. Bhai Taru Singh chose to have his scalp removed rather than his hair. This is how important hair is to Sikhs. Cutting your hair will ensure you never leave the cycle of life and death. Think about this very carefully.
  24. Also, there are many ragi singhs that do vyakhya on stage and no different than a katha vachak. Then there are kirtanis like Harjinder Singh Sri Nagar Wale who bow at the feet of dog Badal and claim his dead wife was the 2nd coming of Mata Khivi Ji. In the end, you can't win. False gursikhs will remain false gursikhs whether they do katha or kirtan.
  25. Seems to mostly be a missionary issue. These folks go out of their way to talk about their personal interpretation of bani and try to break the sharda of sikh sangat. Example: Dog parcharak Harjinder Shabra making a joke on stage that it is stupid for anyone to think that ishnaan in sarovar can cure the body. A lot of gurdwara committees in the west have done good work in ensuring thugs like Shabra and Sarabjit Dhunda aren't allowed to speak on stage. However, the problem is that a large portion of committees in the west are anti-Sikh like these missionaries.
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