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Everything posted by mrggg123

  1. kenyan sikhsafrican sikhsNWFP tribal sikhsiranian sikhs sikhs in tehran, iran
  2. I thought I would start a thread for people to share pictures of different sikhs across the world. This has nothing to do with caste, so dont show pictures of people from different castes. This is just to show the beauty of our faith and the different colours and cultures who follow it from a variety of regions. :biggrin2:
  3. UPDATE: http://www.channel4.com/news/tilbury-docks-afghan-sikh-migrants-arrest-survivor-container
  4. http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/images/sikh_tirah300ua.jpg https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3275/5707100107_fabee37118.jpg https://c1.staticflickr.com/7/6127/5939447006_94acd3de94.jpg http://www.tolonews.com/TOLOnews_photo/afghanistan/sikhs-afghan-31-july-13.jpg http://bharatpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/6460D31BE9167B3C67EDFAFB20DD44.jpg http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/58681000/jpg/_58681194_afghansikhs.jpg Now even im confused. Above are images of pathan sikhs, but those afghan sikhs on the market in southall dont exactly look like this... So whats the difference between arora and pathan sikhs?
  5. did not know they marry 1st cousins... not goood
  6. i agree with parts of what you say but to be better we need to eradicate the drinking, eating meat and greed.
  7. I dont know any.. and its a genuine question.
  8. Has there been any marriages between the two? I think afghan sikh girls are good looking :excited:
  9. what about punjabis who say they are sikh, but they dont follow it?
  10. What about the caste issues in our kaum? What about inter-faith marriages? What about gender selection in punjab? We are the ones dieing out right now !
  11. Try to stop racists, it wont happen. You even have sikhs cussing other sikhs who wear pagh....
  12. Welll you can fight but then that will make you look stupid... Would be much better to counter the bullies by this method then they cant say anything because they know it wont affect you :D Make a twitter trend Imaragheadandwhat lol
  13. yeh but why not turn it into a positive. Be like " yeh I am and what? What you gona do about it? "
  14. Maybe we should say we are proud to be ragheads similar to how pakistanis are proud to be paki? Just a thought rather than complaining...
  15. You know whats really weird... When this happen I thought pakistan might somehow blame India for this attack they always do. After reading this I was shocked, they actually done it again. India is no saint but you cant blame them for every one of your problems, i.e flooding from kashmir and now this; what is wrong with these people? They wanted their own country in 47, they got it and they still blame india for all their problems...
  16. I want to see the reaction from moderate muslims. We need to compare the Sydney situation with the Pakistani one, where is there more outcry. Why dont moderates kill taliban? Is it because they cant kill muslims or something?
  17. some sikhs have arab or indo scythians blood (watever its called) so maybe they used to be jews
  18. ok i dont really know much about them, but I do have cousins etc who believe in it and I dont want to cause arguments with them, they genuinely seem happy they dont eat meat or drink so it does some good...
  19. Look how many of them are sikh! http://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/named-32-motorists-charged-drink-driving-8246150
  20. Look everyone has a story. How do we know if they are going to fall into a hole? How do you know its temporary? What if they have followed something for years and its worked for them? What if they looked at loads of faiths and found happiness in the one they chose?
  21. How do you know if radha soamis, nirankaris etc are wrong, what facts do you have? I have some in my family live and let live, if people are happy to follow it what can you do apart from parchar?
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